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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6978184 No.6978184 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me how double majoring is at all a bad idea if you can handle it.


>> No.6978196

A lot of people who think they can handle it are wrong, so it's still a pretty good idea to try to dissuade people from double majoring even if they think they can handle it.

Obviously, if you can handle it, it's not a bad idea; that borders on tautological.

>> No.6978214

It isn't. I'm doing it. And even if you drop it, you will probably at least wind up with a minor.

>> No.6978229

Depends on what you're majoring it. If it's two relatively easy majors, it's easy as fuck.

>> No.6978231

>Explain to me how double majoring is at all a bad idea if you can handle it.

Why would anyone suggest that this is a bad idea (if you can handle it)?

>> No.6978232

The smarter you get, the better. If majoring in two subjects makes you feel better about yourself, then you should do it and don't give a damn about other's opinion.

>> No.6978235
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What is the best combination of a STEM major and a business major?

>> No.6978238

tourism and hospitality studies x toxicology

>> No.6978240


>> No.6978248

Any engineering major plus business or CS plus business.

Personally, I'd go for CS, Comp.E, or EE. Electronics, computers, and software are still hot industries and shows no sign of slowing down in the near future.

>> No.6978262

Some classes conflict with each other and the workload is brutal if it's math + any other subject

>> No.6978264

Whatever STEM interests you + whatever aspect of business interests you

>> No.6978266

I dunno what you're talking about, math has a really low workload compared to a lot of majors, engineering, physics, chem, anything like that, honestly, even compared to liberal arts, it might be a similar amount of work but is probably less time consuming than most because you don't have to write papers.

I did math+econ and had like 4 hours of homework a week.

>> No.6978476

It's uni by uni, friend. Econ majors at my school are constantly grinding away at papers and problem sets etc.

>> No.6978482


>> No.6978486

Torn between CS/EE and CS/Finance

idk man the idea of working on embedded devices is pretty awesome but so is modelling and quantitative analysis.

Convince me, /sci/

>> No.6978490

you're a lot better off doing an internship or academic on-campus work than double majoring

>> No.6978499

Instead of CS/EE why not just do CE?

>> No.6978501


You want to elevate yourself, not stick around. Part of getting a degree is to learn how to think at a certain level. At the end of a degree, you should know how to teach yourself stuff.

Get an internship, or better yet take graduate classes! I took 4 grad classes during my bachelors and it was the best choice I made academically. They elevate you to a new level of thinking. You want to think deeper, not learn more.

>> No.6978506

Strongly considering it so I'll have time for internships and side projects.

>> No.6978549

joint major masterace

>> No.6978691

How difficult would double majoring in Maths and Physics be? I still would like to major in Maths but I wanna grad school for physics, so I'm not sure of what to do

>> No.6978711
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>tfw chem/neuro double major
>tfw must associate with fucking retarded psychology students

i thought i escaped the normalfags

>> No.6978718

If your math dept. will let you double dip for some of your math credits, then it might only take a couple of extra classes than a phys major + math minor would.

>> No.6978748

can't max out grades with two majors, what can bite your ass if you have plans for graduate school.

gives you bonus points with the hr department and owners, but lower management gonna hate your guts if you outclass them in any aspect.

>> No.6978767

Major in something and minor in something else. Don't double major, m8. That would stress you to death (If you took anything of worth) and you won't understand the material very well.

Protip for Physfags: Major in Physics and minor in Mathematics (Take some shit on your own if you're aiming for mathematical/theoretical physics)

>> No.6978774

>Whatever STEM interests you
Mathematical/Theoretical/Particle/Condensed Matter Physics works?

>> No.6978784
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This worries me greatly. What if your two majors are closely related? Will I still inevitably drop the ball on my grades?

>> No.6978817

you're competing with guys from the top 5% of population for 10% places. shit is wicked, yo.

>> No.6979638

Where do you go that you can double in CS/EE? In California none of the UC schools let you do that. I do not think most of the CSU schools let you.

>> No.6979736

plus you can check dem dubs erry day