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File: 35 KB, 400x306, Homosapian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6975739 No.6975739[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There has been a lot of talk lately about resurrecting extinct species like the mastodon.

I suggest some of our extinct cousins might be a better use of the technology.
Modern humans are an admixture of archaic varieties. of course this combinations of traits survived because it was the best out there.
However, in evolution diversity is not just a catch phrase. things with a really wide gene pool like rats can adapt to any niche they find themselves in. Ours is already pretty good but we could make it even better with older DNA from our genus.
Better immune system is one highly probable result.
Also, even if we have the best brain (we probably do) an admixture with the right genes will always have a better (fill in the blank) than either parent stock. It's why hybrid corn is better than either group it was bred from.

>> No.6975741
File: 146 KB, 1044x614, homospecies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a list of all the species we have found so far in our genus

>> No.6975764

The problem with your idea is that no real institution would agree to do it. Why? Because you'd need human mothers willing to give birth to half Homo Erectus babies.

For things like the Woolly Mammoth, we can use Elephants to carry the baby and eventually breed them so we get a ~100% woolly mammoth. We'd need to do that with humans too, and I don't think anyone would go along with it.

>> No.6975788

Why not make an artificial womb?

>> No.6975801

Easier said than done I imagine

>> No.6975806


>> No.6975833

I don't think hiring surrogates would be all that hard. With the state of the third world economy it would be depressingly easy and cheap to find women willing to do it.

I think an artificial womb would be very difficult.
You know you don't even need a womb. If a fertilized ovum ends up outside the womb it can latch onto something (like the outside of a bowel) and grow. it makes the placenta and everything. the womb is just the easiest place for it to grow. That's why tubal pregnancies happen.

>> No.6975862

Wow 6 of those have been added in the last 15 years. How many more are out there?

I think we should stick to things that have a reasonable chance of being able to reproduce naturally with modern humans. not just for ethical reasons either.
A small batch of Homo Ergaster or whatever would teach us a lot; psychology, medicine, anthropology.
I'm sure we would find tons of weird shit like 90% ambidextrous or they prefer sign language to spoken or other shit like that.

>> No.6975869

Look at the natives in Australia, they truly are a different species.

>> No.6975980

There ARE women out there who would be willing to do it.

The problem is that the UN decided to ban human cloning, and this could fall under it. As monumentally idiotic as such a ban would seem, at a time where we can't even clone a sheep without killing many of them.

>> No.6976056

>As monumentally idiotic as such a ban would seem
They probably have the same fear I do; organ farming. That could be really ugly.

>> No.6976086

Although Homo erectus survived in the East up until very recently (100kya), all humans present today are of the same species. Homo sapien has not existed long enough to undergo any drastic evolutionary change. Secondly, so far as we can all breed successfully, we are of the same species.

Leave your bigotry on /pol/.

>> No.6976099

Is there anything for which that doesn't apply?

>> No.6976104

I mean it's not that hard to say but it's really easy to do.

>> No.6976109

>ban any and all research and attempts to develop a technology because you are afraid of one theoretical application of the technology that might become possible at some point in time!
Monumentally idiotic no matter what retarded feelings are behind it.

>> No.6976144
File: 40 KB, 366x444, mandela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anthropology is sadly influenced by politics. Africans used to be divided into "Congoid" and "Capoid" races. Those terms are not used any more because people were offended and argued that the terminology was "devicive".
So despite the cold hard fact that the two groups are not even related, just look kind of alike because they are adapted to the same climate.
Pic related. He was a Capoid. note the skin is more bronze than dark brown, the texture of the hair is different and epithelial folds like Asians and Sami have.
The two groups are totally unrelated but politics forced science to pretend otherwise so people didn't have hurt feelings.
Being objective about humanity is hard enough. We can't let people stop us because they find it rude.

>> No.6976151

You say that now but when some rich old man literally cuts your heart out to replace his you might think differently.

>> No.6976172

No one is arguing there are no subordinate groups within various species (and by subordinate, I only mean more exclusive). What I was arguing was that the races are not distinct species. If they were, they would not be able to inter-breed successfully. Furthermore, the amount of time Homo sapien has existed is no where near enough for substantial evolution to be carried out such that different groups of the same species are vastly different. There is no politics involved here.

>> No.6976272


I think anon was simply exaggerating when he said the Australians were a separate species. His statement didn't even imply they were inferior. And the do look VERY different.
Of course there is only one extant species of Homo.
>he amount of time Homo sapiens has existed is no where near enough for substantial evolution to be carried out such that different groups of the same species are vastly different.
The difference between a Russian wolfhound and a teacup poodle can't possibly be more than 10,000 generations and is probably a lot less.
Yes, "race" is a matter of frequency of genes Nigerians and Swedes have almost the same gene pool with a different bias. However you would be hard pressed to find a member of one of those groups that could pass for the other.I personally suspect there are real differences is the temperament and intellectual capacity of difference races but believe no just government would allow discrimination based on statistical generalizations.

>> No.6976349

>but believe no just government would allow discrimination based on statistical generalizations.
Which is most common method to select job applicants anyway lel. Its just some statistics are prohibited to use when others are not.

>> No.6976507

>Of course there is only one extant species of Homo.
yes; OP

>> No.6976542

There are a few "species" which can interbreed successfully

Divisions like species are not as cut and dry as people like to make them out to be, they are just constructions of the human mind used to sort animals in a way which we find useful

>> No.6976575

>The difference between a Russian wolfhound and a teacup poodle can't possibly be more than 10,000 generations and is probably a lot less.
Dog genomes are more variable than human's and dogs have been undergoing thousands of yeas of artificial selection and massive amount of selective inbreeding.

>> No.6976585

This is a meaningless hand-waving platitude.

Rigorously define in what sense dog genomes are "more variable" than humans' and provide evidence. And allow me to point out that humans have been undergoing thousands of years of artificial selection as well, since 'artificial selection' just apparently means 'selection by humans rather than by Nature', and have if anything undergone even more inbreeding as most populations were completely separate from others for thousands of years.

>> No.6977745

>I personally suspect there are real differences is the temperament and intellectual capacity of difference races

On what basis do you suspect this? No credible study has been conducted that finds a difference between the intellectual capacities of the different races. Several tests have been carried out which did find a difference, but they were conducted in with uncontrolled groups (i.e. extraneous variables such as socioeconomic status probably affected the results). These studies are not credible.

Are you arguing that no government or agency would even try to test the differences? In this case, I agree with you. I doubt any group would do so, whether for political reasons or otherwise.

But this doesn't change the fact of the matter. No credible hypothesis has been verified.

>> No.6977757

That's both scary and awesome. Is there complications after ?

>> No.6977765

Not him but they have more chromosome.

>> No.6977768

>Is there complications after ?
Tubal rupture, internal bleeding and death of the mother. Usually detected by ultrasound and terminated safely, occasionally undetected and operated as emergencies.

>That's why tubal pregnancies happen.
It can implant pretty much anywhere. ectopic pregnancies can appear in the abdominal cavity too.
The placenta behaves more like an invasive parasite than some nice cooperative thing.

>> No.6977777

Well humans are scary as fuck. I am glad I don't have to study them.

>> No.6977786
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>> No.6977789


>> No.6977865

Races are pretty interesting because they're humans that evolved in different environments to have different pigment and some facial features. I don't see why we shouldn't examine if other areas are slightly changed. Not in a racist way however, but a strictly objective view on humans.

>> No.6977877
File: 39 KB, 480x600, 1401143933047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, we already live with an archaic species of human. Why have two?

>> No.6977885
File: 189 KB, 356x274, halletpygmies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there's no reason why we should all be condensed to a single perfect group of species. It's nice to have some variation.

I honestly believe there is some variation that we need to pay attention to. Look at some of the tribes out there, they're the best example of human evolution. Pygmy people, for example. Then there's a tribe where they can hold their breath longer, and so forth.

I don't think there's much of a difference in the brain, however.

>> No.6977886

The fact that they didn't surive suggests they weren't fit enough to survive, and that suggests they were a bit dumb. A bit like Swedes today hehe ;^)

>> No.6977897
File: 36 KB, 247x247, 1393847527430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the welfare

>> No.6977924


but seriously the levels of /pol/ in this thread are too damn high

>> No.6979372

Because of ethics. Which prevents us from looking at humans objectively, which prevents us from reaching technological singularity.

>> No.6979382

Caucasoids and Mongoloids are the only variation in Homo Sapiens.The Negroids and Australoids have too much genetic difference to be the same species as us but they are hominids though.

>> No.6979397

I'm pretty sure nobody actually says they're different species. It seems that the primary evidence /pol/ relies on for this is Race: The Reality of Human Differences, which merely suggests that there ARE genetic differences in race as opposed to it being a completely cultural construct.

The mistake /pol/ makes is going "look! There are differences! That means the politically correct sociologists are wrong about everything! Niggers are a different species altogether, and their genetic differences accounts for every gap from the economy to IQ!"

When, in reality, there is no research that actually expresses how these genetic differences impact cognitive abilities. There's no reason to think the differences aren't largely superficial.

Yes. There seems to be legitimate DNA markers which would suggest race is a genetically-defined occurrence. Yes. Most of your anthropological and sociological researchers would shy away from that because it's not PC. But no, that doesn't mean that they're somehow different species entirely.