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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 216 KB, 663x263, geology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6950703 No.6950703 [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci/ consider geology a real science?

Protip: It is

>> No.6950704


>> No.6950711

ofc it is

>> No.6950719

It is, and certain fields of geology make fucking bank

>> No.6950733

Then how does it come that a lot of people don't consider it real science?

>> No.6950735

If even sociology is considered a science, geology shouldn't be excluded.

>> No.6950737

Any good links to intro geology texts?

>> No.6950743

no, geologists are merely a type of rock doctor.

>> No.6950744

a lot of people watch the big bang theory

>> No.6950746

there is nothing wrong with considering sociology a science

>> No.6950751

And that's what I don't get about this show. They let Sheldon make jokes how geology is not a real science, completely ignoring things that actually aren't science (e. g. "womyns studies)

>> No.6950759

>a lot of people
if you refer to the people here at /sci/, I do not think you should pay heed to their opinions, they're a bunch of 15 yo who try to fit in by pretending to know physics and idolising feynman

>> No.6950761

Sociology is a science

>> No.6950764

not on /sci/

>> No.6950769

Yes, and it's almost interesting some times.

>> No.6950773

Seriously, though, there are papers that you read in an intro sociology class, that people say are sociology papers, but are in no way scientific. Link is to example.


Note that it contains:
-No descriptions of experiments
-No proposed experiments to show that white privilege exists
-No real predictions based on the assumption that white privilege exists
-Abundant speculation
-Barely any citations
Yet, the paper has been cited over 2200 times.

>> No.6950778

My point is that when professors pull shit like this, it hurts perspectives on sociology, and it makes it hard for people with little knowledge of the discipline respect it as a field.

>> No.6950786

Can we all agree that today's sociology is to real sociology what /sci/ is to real physics?

Actually, it is possible to do experiments in sociology, the problem is, most of the time it is forbidden.

>> No.6950789

It can almost be a science.
It depends on who does it.
I took a macroeconomics course last year.
Many things are still biased, but the basis, ie clarifying terminology, defining certain values etc, are science. Just not an exact science.
Same goes for psychology, sociology, etc.
The scientific part is documenting and clarifying, not writing your opinion.

>> No.6950793

I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. There is research in social network analysis and other fields of mathematical sociology currently being done that is respectable and is comparable to work in modern economics, but it's just the least visible thing happening there.

>> No.6950837


>> No.6950867

If we agree that science is defined based on adherence to the scientific method (obeserving phenomena, creating hypotheses and models from those observations, making predictions from those models, and then ultimately testing our predictions), then it should become painfully clear that not everything we call "science" is necessarily on the same level.

>> No.6951216

Everything you just said is true for geology and (real) sociology, so what's the point?

>> No.6951476
File: 101 KB, 673x600, Tenham_Meteorite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it make you feelt that the most common mineral on earth has never been seen, except in meteors?

>> No.6951485


>> No.6951491

Biology would be a better comparison

>> No.6951496

noone denies biology being a science

>> No.6951497

I meant that "if biology is a science, geology is too" would be a better point to make.

>> No.6951504

Aren't soil scientists trained in geology? Bc that's a pretty intense bunch. I'd say geology is probably a science?

>> No.6951506

just took a 300 level mineralogy course as an elective, it was neat

>> No.6951511

not only probably

>> No.6951530

Rephrase that sentence so that it makes sense.

>> No.6951538

how does it make you feel that the commonest mineral on earth has never been seen, except in some meteors?

>> No.6951543

I googled the image, and wiki says "Because the Tenham meteorites show evidence of high pressure deformations, they have been used to infer chemical and mineral changes that might occur within Earth's mantle."

So, maybe whatever is beneath the earth's crust makes up most of it, and only that meteor can show it to you? But fuck if I know.

>> No.6951544

Still makes no sense.
If it's the most common mineral, how can no-one have ever seen it?

>> No.6951547

'cause its 660 km below your feet.

>> No.6951554

geology is just playing with rocks.

You're silly OP.

>> No.6951578
File: 65 KB, 499x440, 1400563822901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u got got bud... sry

>> No.6951608

Holy shit you are dumb

>> No.6951611

yeah well physics is just playing with the fundamental laws of reality

you can't throw that shit

>> No.6951633

"An ultra-deep diamond found in Juína, Mato Grosso in western Brazil, contained inclusions of ringwoodite—the only known sample of natural terrestrial origin—thus providing evidence of significant amounts of water as hydroxide in the Earth's mantle.[5][15][16][17] The gemstone, about 5mm long,[17] was blasted up from the depths by a diatreme eruption.[18] The ringwoodite inclusion is too small to see with the eye.[17] The mantle reservoir is found to contain about three times more water, in the form of hydroxide contained within the ringwoodite crystal structure, than the Earth's oceans combined.[6]"

>> No.6951639

cuz geology majors are mostly men who dont bitch and complain. if they make it on women studies, prepare for sjw lawsuit

>> No.6951642

Chemist here.

Sure, why not.

>> No.6952652

Geology undergrad here
It's a fun as hell degree, has a decent bit of chemistry and biology integrated into it

plus the field work is a lot of fun most of the time

got a week long field trip before next semester starts, going to spend that week mapping an area in jamaica with the rest of my class

>> No.6952700
File: 82 KB, 757x564, 1362133536114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard someone complaining about geology, paleontology has to take some shit though.

>> No.6952711

Are you guys trying to copy that awful sitcom?

>> No.6952716

and what exactly is wrong with paleontolgy?

>> No.6952725

I guess it is just people being retarded in america.

>> No.6952735

oh, i sometimes forget that this is actually a serious buisness over there.

But isn't geology also contradictory towards the bible?

>> No.6952743

Believing that the sky isn't a second ocean held in place by the "firmament" and that rain isn't this water escaping is contradictory to the bible.

>> No.6952748

Yeah but they only pick on the most "outrageous" claims of science.