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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 138 KB, 579x570, 45630462g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6941197 No.6941197 [Reply] [Original]

>"So you study science too?"
>"What field ?"
>"Oh..." *run away slowly*

>> No.6941213
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>"What do you study, anon?"
>"So you are like Sheldon from BBT? Bazinga!"

>> No.6941234
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"What do you study anon?"


"Oh, I took that in middle school"


>> No.6941243
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>What do you study anon?
>What is 215439 x 32593275 ?

>> No.6941247
File: 38 KB, 467x504, schizoautist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What do you study, anon?"
>"That's nice! Me too."
>Walks away from the mirror

>> No.6941248

>run away slowly
>run away slowly
>run away slowly
>run away slowly
>run away slowly
>run away slowly
>run away slowly

>> No.6941252
File: 13 KB, 633x758, 1345606456713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Stop studying son, get a job"

tfw born in a proletarian family

>> No.6941256
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"What do you study?"
"Good talking! I got to go!"

>> No.6941262

>tfw my parents never had the chance to study because of the Soviet Union
>forever a 9-5 worker
>they're pushing me to study like fuck and do what I like

>> No.6941281

These are so true

>what do you study anon
>oh! Can you come fix my computer? I think it has a virus.
>aren't you good with computers?
>can you fix my car?
>... I can tell you how an engine works

>> No.6941282

>What do you study?
>Let n be prime
>But I did not even buy that
>Well you should have considered that in advance

>> No.6941317

>what do you study, anon?
>so you're like Walt from BB? You gonna make meth?
>uh haha yea good one...

>> No.6941325
File: 35 KB, 400x462, 1412431436206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your major anon?
>Oh, you must like numbers huh :DDDD

>> No.6941326


Your whole career will revolve around calculating pipe diameters and pressure ratings for containers. That's it. Really.

>> No.6941329

>"What do you study?"


>"Oh ok ... so do you have some meth?"

>"haha no ..."

>> No.6941335

>what do you study anon?
>i always hated chemistry!
>y-you too

>> No.6941339


You would be a pretty shitty physicist if you weren't "good with computers."

>> No.6941342


>> No.6941344

>what do you study anon?
>oh so you want to be unemployed when you graduate
>[autism intensifies]

>> No.6941362

>4 years ago
>be with ugly semi-retarded classmate
>extremely cute 10/10 girl approaches
>turns out she's his sis
>she asks what I do
>study CS
>"how can anyone study CS?"
>"umm.." awkward feels

didn't even get what exactly she meant. whatever, i married her last year and can't complain at all

>> No.6941368

>didn't even get what exactly she meant. whatever, i married her last year

So in 4 years, you never talked about you met your wife? Seems legit.

>> No.6941370

because you can't study CS the same way you study real STEM degrees

>> No.6941374

Truly the love story everyone here strives for

>> No.6941375

>what do you study anon?
>oh, why aren't you doing medicine?
because I'm a dumbass who likes insects

>> No.6941376

Same situation, but my parents forcing me to complete engineering where I am right now instead of apply to science which I'm intrested in.

>> No.6941384

they are doing you a favor. that engineering credential is something you can take anywhere in the world and make a good living off of. its a tool you will always have in your back pocket that can be used to advance your real interests.

>> No.6941390

>asked her before posting as this thread reminded me
>she doesn't remember that moment
t-thanks, anon..

>> No.6941397

>implying she'd know that kind of stuff as a jailbait high-schooler

>> No.6941399

My brother does this to me. I don't even study math :(

>> No.6941404
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This happened to me few weeks ago...

>Be me, CS/math major
>4th and final year
>did an internship at Apple, have a job offer
>feel like motherfucking Superman!
>taking an elective humanities course I need to graduate
>class is filled with hot chicks
>talk to some 8/10 girl for few weeks
> she's single
>finally decide to ask her out
>"I think I'll pass, you're too logical for me."
>"ooooo kay"
>I don't sit beside her in class anymore and now I'm chatting with some other girl in the same class.

>> No.6941406

Yeah, they said something similar. And I'm agreed, but still fear, what if I couldn't apply to other fields because of unrelated degree and low gpa? I just want to begin all over again, even knowing that this is irrational.

>> No.6941408


>> No.6941412

>"What do you study, anon?"
>"Mathematical Physics"
>"Oh, what's that?"
>"Well, it's a mmm complicated to explain; it's kinda like a mathematician doing physics"
>"Mmm okay, but Anon you're so bright, why don't you study something useful like medecine?"

Why is medecine so fucking overrated?

>> No.6941419

>Why is medecine (sp?) so fucking overrated?

Once you graduate and have to live off your parents or government dole and you start contemplating suicide, you might connect the dots and reconsider that statement.

>> No.6941436

>implying we're all working class losers like you

>> No.6941443 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 900x590, cucumbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, we have a millionaire in here... he's shitposting all day on /sci/ and studying physical mathematics at Harvard.

>> No.6941445

From where I come from, suicides rates are actually much higher in medical science than in any other field.

>> No.6941459
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>From where I come from
And what shithole would that be?

>> No.6941483

two of my friends kept telling me to switch from Physics to Biotech one day

>> No.6941495

>shitloads of money
>caring about what company you work for

>> No.6941496

anywhere in the world

>> No.6941505


I love geology u_u

>> No.6941509


oh and he's edgy too!

>> No.6941570

You don't learn shit about software in a physics class, same with math.

>> No.6941576


>> No.6941577

No, you don't, that also has absolutely nothing to do with his point, at all.

>> No.6941578

>You don't learn shit about software in a physics class

Right, you learn physics in physics class. You learn coding in other classes or on your own, because you need it for physics.

>> No.6941592

>Hey anon what are you studying?
>Nothing, just doing this until my parents die off
>But anon, you're 26 years old
>walk away *internally: I'm gonna kill myself once my parents die*

>> No.6941596
File: 56 KB, 595x471, ahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell why she passed you up for being too logical.

>> No.6941626

What she meant was that you're no fun. A debbie downer. A buzzkill.

>> No.6941640

>tfw I'm not a "CS type" but I'm majoring in it because I like writing programs, I'm good at it, and it'll make me the money I need to accomplish my real goals.

>> No.6941641

I don't really get what his point had to do with my initial post. That's my point.

>> No.6941672

are you me ._.

>> No.6941697

>Hey anon, what do you study?
>Oh, so what is that tree over there?
>A green one?

Fuck me man. I'm a computational biologist/microbiologist, but when you actually try to explain in babbies first science terms what it is you do they're like: "So you work with computers" or "but how is that helping us stop cancer?"

>> No.6941703

>Anon, what are you studying?
>Can you tell me my horoscope? I'm a capricorn.

>> No.6941733

Whats wrong with geology exactly?

>> No.6941739

>says the biology fag

>> No.6941749

>>get a master's and make BANK working for refinery companies. buddy just got in grad school for it

>> No.6941954

>what's that star?

>> No.6941972

>... I can tell you how an engine works
no you can't

>> No.6941982

>what is thermodynamics

>> No.6941994


Seconded. But they might be able to tell how rainbows work, which is a way better lead in?

>> No.6942033
File: 2.33 MB, 275x248, 1417580060295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What do you study, anon?"
>"So are we gonna fuck or what?"

>> No.6942050

I can tell you how a theoretical idealised reversible Carnot engine works...

>> No.6942058
File: 69 KB, 480x364, ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EE major
>getting laid

>> No.6942076

That's J A C K S H I T , son

>> No.6942106 [DELETED] 

as can anyone in freshman physics

>> No.6942120
File: 73 KB, 540x720, 1796460_10203208470559823_2130527465_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"so what do you do now anon, didnt see u since highscool"
>"im studying"
>"haha werent u smoking joints all the time? what do u study?"
>"didnt u make art and such stuff in highschool?"
>"why did u choose that field instead of arts?"
>"because i wanted to study maths.."

because i still want to study mathematics as a degree, but got a shitty grade on my highschool of arts. call me a retard. cant time travel and slap my face

>> No.6942128


what the fuck is telecommunications and what does it have to do with math

>> No.6942141

>"what do you study anon?

>> No.6942148

laughed too hard when i read this

>> No.6942149


>> No.6942151

>"So what do you study anon?"
>"Oh, so you want to be a teacher?"

>mfw I only studied math for the 300k starting working in finance

>> No.6942158

Networks and Services
Numeric Calculation and Methods
Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Digital Logic and Computers
Object-Oriented Programming
Probability and Stochastic Processes
Network and Services Protocols
Security Strategies in Networks and Services
Distributed Protocols
Security Strategies in Networks and Services
Cognitive Neuroscience
Evolutionary Algorithms

some of the subjects

>> No.6942163

>"What do you study, anon?"
>"Materials Science, it's .."
>"That's, uh ... interesting ... "

>> No.6942174


Okay, so, I'm hearing "engineering to do with phones and stuff." Sounds cool!

>> No.6942191

>What do you study, anon?
>Chemistry and dramatic art

Every single fucking time. No one ever asks me why I'm paring those two together or they chime in saying I should double major in two "useful" subjects instead of one "useful" major and another "not useful" one.

Fuck you people. I liked theatre way before I knew I liked chemistry so I'm studying both. Also, I'm trying to go to med school so my majors don't even matter. And theatre actually is fucking useful if you legitimately involved with it.

>> No.6942192

>what do you do for work anon
>me and dad are roof plumbers for our own company
>thats so cool anon! Being a tradie and a homemaker is such a good quality in a man
>t-thanks... So uh I gotta run ill see you around

Every fucking time

>> No.6942196

> What are you studying anon
> E-engineering
> I guess you give a wicked blowjob then ahaha
> haha y-yeah

>> No.6942201

> basic thermo
> explaining how an internal combustion engine works
I put muh Q in and W comes out and there's a efficiency eta you'll give me right?

>> No.6942203
File: 2.38 MB, 3500x4000, _cloud_strife__by_chinchikurin-d6bvzmh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon as myself knows nothing. Anon as the leader will know everything. Engineering is a ploy to cover my hidden agendas. I am always watching.. everyone, all of the time. Even when you least know that I am.

>> No.6942246

>so anon what do you study
>lol you gonna cook up some meth like walt
>n-no....(secretly I'm working on MDMA synthesis tho)

>> No.6943735

Coding... people he was referring to install shitty toolbars for IE and infest their station with everything there is. They don't give a fuck about coding.

>> No.6943770
File: 283 KB, 653x704, 1393197200494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so anon you study physics right
>so what's the deal with the higgs boson? it was going really fast right?

>> No.6943796
File: 16 KB, 267x200, Rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So anon what do you study?
>Can you fix my computer?

>> No.6943826
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it happened to me , fucking raged internally

>> No.6943836

>vague description
>mad when someone misinterprets what you meant

I guess a math major really is the same thing as an autism diagnosis

>> No.6943847
File: 682 KB, 960x720, Smug life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you study anon?
>Medicine :^)

>> No.6943949

>knows how to code
>doesn't know how to install an IE toolbar

>> No.6944014
File: 17 KB, 290x350, 4950_CLAUSIUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Santa Clausius ?

>> No.6944128

You can't even tell me why the Carnot engine was invented in the first place.

>> No.6944136

>What do you study?
>Environmental Science
>Oh man I love trees

>> No.6944143

>be a physicist
>can't fix basic computers problems
>can't fix basic car problems

You aren't a very good physicist.

>> No.6944151


a-are you me ?

>> No.6944435

>>vague description
Algebra is a field of mathematics you fucking faggot. I guess a neurotypical wouldn't know that though.

>> No.6944556

or you know somebody who doesn't study the sameshit as you do wouldn't know

>> No.6944590

"What's your major?"
Chemical Engineering
"Oh wow you must be smart"
What's element number 200?
>Turn around 270 degrees and crabwalk away

>> No.6944593

>"My little johnny is an engineer. But one thing he can't engineer is a girlfriend"
Thanks mom.

>> No.6944598


>> No.6944601

> what do you study
> uhh pharmacy
> wow you must really like drugs!

Or better yet

> are you going to be a street pharmacist *laughs like it's the best joke ever*

>> No.6944610


The street pharmacist thing I hear all the time...
And also, "So, you'll get me/us free drugs right?"
Fucking degenerates. Get a script and then we'll talk.

>> No.6944611

Better tell her you like cocks soon, bro.

>> No.6944619

>implying you can write scripts

>> No.6944703

>what are you studying?
>Oh cool. So what exactly IS philosophy?

Every fucking time

>> No.6944716 [DELETED] 

I need to learn math so that I can teach myself science. Is paul's math notes + patrickJMT enough to get myself to a precalculus level, or should I be using textbooks?

Going back to high school is not an option at my age. I really hate khan academy, and I'd rather not use it.

>> No.6944731

>Oh you're studying molecular biology

>So are you going to cure cancer when you graduate?

>> No.6944759

>studying physics

>> No.6944762

>My mommy told me to be myself.

>> No.6944939

> theatre actually is fucking useful if you legitimately involved with it.
How so? Not that I'm disagreeing, I've gotten into improv earlier this semester and love it

>> No.6944945

>I study biochemistry
>Do you like Breaking Bad?

>> No.6944948
File: 58 KB, 604x590, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in a pre med program for my parents but really want to study mathematics or physics

>> No.6944979

killing m00t off the computer will stop cancer
godspeed anon

>> No.6944997

One of the physics profs at my uni asked a student the same thing
>what are you studying
>trying to be a pharmacist
>why?! That's stupid. Just be a doctor
He was Indian and funny since he didn't give a shit. The kid was Indian too

>> No.6945007

>what do you study, anon?
>civil engineering
>cool, so you're going to be a politician
>no, I'm going to work with buildings
>but don't you need a construction engineering degree for that?

I had this one comming to me 2 times

>> No.6945012

did you know EE majors are the heaviest per in all of STEM degrees?

>> No.6945018
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>What do you study anon?

>> No.6945019


>> No.6945022

I have a cousin who studied dentistry until the 2nd last year and then switched out to biotech, i was like wut

>> No.6945023

>i study finance
>why not accounting
>...... (because im not a robot or calculator)

>> No.6945027

>"What's your major anon?"
>"Criminal justice"
>"Oh! I study Women's studies! It's like the same because we both deal with justice!"

It's an applied science degree and nobody cares at all ever.

>> No.6945029
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>Studying languages
>There is some girl in the class taking to someone else
>"...It's like lightning, it happens so fast we can hardly see it, so it looks like they come from the sky, but they actually come from the Earth"
>"Because the Earth is charged with energy, and the ions and protons in the clouds attract the energy, so it goes upwards, since Earth is kind of like a giant magnet you see"
>"My physics teacher told me"

>> No.6945042
File: 14 KB, 400x300, 1382661361249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What do you study?"
>Just say"ECE" to avoid saying the whole thing
>"What's that?"
>say the whole thing

>> No.6945043


Try not getting your degree at ITT Tech

>> No.6945056

I'm actually attending my community college.

>> No.6945057

jesus christ, just punch her face already

>> No.6945069

One time I was talking to some graphic design chick, she told me about some mapping project she was doing.

I told her we have something in common, math majors deal with mapping a lot.

Went over well.

Math has actually gone over well in a lot of conversations with non-math majors, actually. I'm surprised at what I've seen in this thread.

>> No.6945071

he could have explained to her that it was likely a prank so no one would have to listen to the explanation again

>> No.6945086

>oh what's that?
>oh you like bugs? ...that's the bug one, right?

>> No.6945201

>"you study biology? Let me assume I know everything you do because I took it in high school.

>> No.6945331

>Just say"EECS" to avoid saying the whole thing
>say the whole thing

>> No.6945335

Sometimes, I wonder if people think that. The most common comment I get is "I loved Biology in highschool. I made all A's".
I think they're just being nice.

>> No.6945352

>What's element number 200?
>not knowing watermelonium's element number

>> No.6945354


I'd instinctively try to hit you in the face for equating geology with science

>> No.6945358
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>what do you study?
>Making some of that meth, eh Walter White? xD

erry time.

it's LSD

>> No.6945380
File: 72 KB, 500x375, geologist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does geology get so much hate on /sci/? Isn't it the most autistic science?

>> No.6945406

International and European Studies masterrace reporting in. Bow to the house of political sciences, fremen.

>> No.6945415

How is political science a science

>> No.6945422
File: 59 KB, 500x750, aubreyplaza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how do antennas work
>how does the internet work
>how does a computer work
>what is an algorithm
>how do telephones work
>how do radars work
>how fast does sound, light, electricity travel

>> No.6945425

Honestly, it just isn't as important as other sciences for humans and a lot of it isn't science-y enough.

Name 3 great geology theorems.

>> No.6945428
File: 50 KB, 320x240, walter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does a satellite work
>what is programming
>how do cable connections work

it's like you never wanted to be a hacka

>> No.6945437

dude, regardless of what people say for FUN and for LELS in 4chan, one needs to have appreciation for science or none at all. But then again, science is deployed throughout history to accomodate rule of the powers that be, so it's only natural that people like you make good scientists. In an era where said powers praise and award the mathematics part of logic, without which the domination of economy over all aspects of life wouldn't be possible, it's only natural for other sciences to fall back on appreciation. Geology is important because without it we wouldn't be able to excavate anything (from precious stones to ancient artifacts) nor make steps towrads predicting earthquakes. So you see it helps the ruling class as well.
Furthermore, I answered this>>6945415

>> No.6945438

Because they can graduate and get a job.
Same with engineers.

>> No.6945449

which are?

>> No.6945451

It's very hard to be a good physicist if you aren't learned with computers in this day and age

>> No.6945492

I think they were implying that they simply didn't want to deal with stupid ass computer issues. People assume that because you are studying anything that requires rigor you automatically see any issue as one to conquer and figure out.

>> No.6946999

This is true.

>> No.6947005


>> No.6947112

Chem Eng's tend to become project managers. Only the ones who had perfect grades and never talked to anyone will be doing calcs their whole career.

>> No.6947156

I'm a neet but some dudes thought I was studying engineering because I said the word theorem.

>> No.6947165

Wow, never heard that before. You should just say your studying to be an Engineer. Most people will default to what a Civil or Mechanical Engineer does.

>> No.6947172

Geology is a science. A broad science which encompasses all of the natural sciences.

>> No.6947205

Is there a point to a philosophy besides justifying getting a philosophy degree?

>> No.6947210

philosophy degree* besides

>> No.6947220

Where can I get a geology textbook

>> No.6947252

>"So, what do you study, anon?"
>"Do you want to make video games."

>"While I would like that, right now I sacrifice children to the gods of Capitalism for the everlasting glory of America's Military-Industrial Complex."

>> No.6947309
File: 5 KB, 189x237, dave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What do you study anon?"
>"Oh my fuck are you going to work on Ebola, that would be so scary"

>> No.6947317
File: 749 KB, 400x315, 1395099690654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you study, anon?
>oh hey did you like Cosmos
I liked the original by Carl Sagan, I didn't really enjoy the new one
>there's an original one?

>> No.6947345


>> No.6947389

is a good answer. somewhat respectable and doesn't require going full autism to explain

>> No.6947394

>In a room with some guy I just met
>Somewhat awkward atmosphere
>Decide to ask what he studies
>He studies some field of science I' m not familiar with
>Show some interest in what in his study
>Get back some short sarcastic reply
>Awkwardness intensifies

No wonder people say that /sci/ is full of autism.

>Sally Anne Test

>> No.6947398

you go to harvey mudd?

>> No.6947576

I dunno, from reading Ratman, I know that it sets you up for a life of being a comic artist who can't make characters for shit but who's very funny.

>> No.6947586

I never realized until I graduated earlier today how many qts are math majors

>> No.6947632

Stupid Comment.

>> No.6947638
File: 245 KB, 1022x1080, 1329518324053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang in there lads
We are the master race

>> No.6947823

>mention breaking bad one more time motherfuckers

>> No.6947871

>What do you study
>Computational Physics
>Physics was hard, also can you fix my computer?
>Can you fix my virginity and the fact that I have no friends?

>> No.6947887

I can, engineer fag here. Nevertheless, how an engine works is selftaught. It's super simple...

I can explain two/four stroke, rotary, turbojet, turboprop, turbofan, turboshaft, (SC)RAM jet, pulsejet. That's it I guess.

>> No.6947888

people just mimic bbt

>> No.6947892
File: 52 KB, 500x373, 1397724066950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your major?
>Hm, it really suits you, hope you do well!

Nothing really special but always nice to hear people say it.

>> No.6947897
File: 98 KB, 253x230, 1400918658659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6947900

Haha, never thaught of it that way.

>> No.6947913

It's ok if you don't like the newer version, but do you have a reason for it? I'm just curious.

>> No.6947923
File: 35 KB, 460x642, 1418500710520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey anon what do you study?
>Financial Engineering
>uh..what does that mean
>you use mathematical analysis to model risk
>switches subject

>> No.6947928
File: 89 KB, 634x326, 1417851626963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my algorithmization professor described an algorithm as an algorithm that uses algorithmic language to execute an algorithm

>> No.6947930

is your professor xzibit?

>> No.6947937

>"What do you study?"
>"I study Econ, that's applied maths!"
>run away slowly

>> No.6947947

>isn't as important as other sciences
Some of the most profitable industries in the world rely on it: mining and petroleum extraction.

>name three theorems
1. Plate tectonics
2. Sedimentary deposition
3. The Rock Cycle (sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic)

>> No.6947968

>mining and petroleum extraction
you mean planet raping and planet killing

>> No.6947970

have fun sending your stupid toys to mars without petroleum, faggot.

>> No.6947972

>you mean planet raping and planet killing

It's called supported modern life and society. Stop the "planet raping and killing" and you'll soon have human raping and killing instead. And unlike the planet those are actually real living beings.

Stop masturbating to greenpeace propaganda.

>> No.6947973

Rockets dont use petroleum...

>> No.6947979
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>have fun sending your stupid toys to mars without petroleum, faggot
>not hydrogen + oxygen fuel

>> No.6947984

lold at engine

>oh sorry, i only know otto, stirling and carnot cycles, i can't fix this

>> No.6947986

The liquid hydrogen is derived from petrochemical industry.

>> No.6947991

>energy comes out of nowhere
>hydrogen and oxygen are abundant in uncombined form
>this is what physicists actually believe

>> No.6947994
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>> No.6948004

Is something used in molecular biology and medical labs.

>> No.6948012

plate tectonics i will give you, and maybe rock cycle if you were to explain more in depth.

But sedimentary deposition? really?

I can't even quickly find a link calling that a theory at all.

>> No.6948014

>energy comes out of nowhere
Nobody claims this.

>hydrogen and oxygen are abundant in uncombined form

>> No.6948048

well I'm stupid, I meant electrolysis

>> No.6948080
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>"What do you study anon?"
>"mechanical engineering followed by aerospace eng"
>"oh, so you want to build rockets and stuff for nasa?"
>"no, I want to build missiles that skullfuck things from beyond visual range"

>> No.6948083
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>> No.6948122

>"so what do you study? "
>"computer science "
>"oh what do you wanna do when you finish uni? "
>"I.. I don't know "
I don't really know yet what to do afterwards.. There are a bunch of possible specializations I could do.. Software stuff like Software engineering and databank systems, mathematical stuff like I don't even know or care, physical stuff like building hardware, at my uni we can specialize on medical informatics, that might be interesting but I'm not sure. And bioinformatics which I don't care about.
What do normal people with a cs degree do?

>> No.6948123

>I meant electrolysis
Is inefficient and not well suited for making the amounts required to fuel a rocket.

>> No.6948130

stream on twitch

>> No.6948143

It boils down to the way everything is presented.

Sagan talked about concepts in a tone and a way that made you think you were his buddy and his equal, that anyone could understand the concepts he was talking about, and that he was letting you in on this big secret knowledge for no other reason than that he was a nice guy. He talked about the history behind a discovery, the historical ramifications, what it led to, and how it changed humanity's understanding of its place within the universe. He was always quick to distinguish between fact, hypothesis, distant possibility, and his pet ideas. He didn't let his own personal politics permeate the show, except when he dealt with the possibility of nuclear war. He taught the viewer the concepts, allowed them to ponder further on what was taught, and accepted differing opinions.

NDT Cosmos tends to state everything as fact, making no distinction between hypothesis, possibility, and hard fact. The tone of the show is such that it tells you everything and expects you to accept it at face value, never acknowledging that it could possibly be wrong, treating you like someone who can't grasp any of these concepts fully without a complete scientific education, so you'd better listen because they're doing you a goddamn favour, you pleb. They don't really go into the history of discoveries or what they led to, and when they do they don't miss an opportunity to shit on on of their pet hatreds, be it religion, government, or anyone who doubted their holy truth of science. NDT is also a miserably bad actor and his presentation is horrendously bland most of the time. He tells you everything and expects you to just accept it without thinking, with a tone and a theme that makes it clear that he'll brook no dissension.

tl;dr Sagan teaches the viewer concepts and history, NDT just tells the viewer to accept everything he says.

>> No.6948153

>like chemistry
>suck at math

>still do better in my math courses than my chem courses (except for the useless shit like memorizing elements on the periodic table.)

I ain't even that good at math either and nobody asks me these stupid questions at school because I go to a community college and don't talk to anyone there.

>> No.6948154
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>what do you study anon ?
>like what ?
-oh a lot of things , mechanics , astrophysics , thermodynamics , aerodynamics , quanti...
>wait can you fix my car ?

>> No.6948163


Seconded. Personally, I'm also pretty turned off by NDT's attitude a lot of the time.

>> No.6948722

>memorizing elements on the periodic table
They don't give you a periodic table?
I memorised the first 20 elements in order and various other elements for fun, not because I had to. They always provide us with a periodic table.

>> No.6948821
File: 55 KB, 445x600, Rat-Man05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh nigga

anche se non vedo come qualcun altro possa capire la cosa

>> No.6948845

You know, in arabia during the abbasside périod, the astronomist were considerate as same as astrologist because of the ignorance of the califat for the news sciences they (persians scientist, mawali) created with times

>> No.6948908

He has a point. The rate at which we are extracting finite resources could be looked at as 'raping' the planet. But we definitely need those resources to keep everything moderately civil going forward. Our species could be using less though, if we stopped worrying so much about progress.

>> No.6948925

Not directly. Indirectly, through creation of materials and transportation, they do.

>> No.6948943

I should remember it.

>> No.6948946

Economical forms of Hydrogen are needed though. Electrolysis requires too much energy input. Steam reforming of certain hydrocarbons and catalytic reforming of naptha are a couple of ways Hydrogen is produced on large scale.

>> No.6948959

srs /sci/ is full of apes now

you talk shit because you study physics/math/chemistry/faggotry but look down on others who study something else

you think you're all high and mighty but as soon as you hear about another field you start grunting and hurling your feces at them

bunch of gorillas

go back to your caves faggots

fuck you op


>> No.6948975

>So what are you studying?
>Environmental Engineering
>Oh, how exactly does that work?
>We fuck with other Engineering disciplines.

>> No.6948984
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>> No.6949059

oh look, a liberal arts faggot

>> No.6949080

Which engineering gets you laid the most?
Has to be aerospace right? Grills think astronauts are sexy

>> No.6949085

aerospace engineering? like working for virgin galactic? yeah... you'll still be a virgin m8

>> No.6949094

"What's your major?"

"Double major in math and computer science"

"Wow anon I am incapable of following instructions and therefore mathematics are beyond the scope of my pathetic mind, allow me to brag to you about how bad I am at math"

>> No.6949106

there is a difference between solving navier stokes and being in space

>> No.6949108

Sedimentary deposition:


It may seem like an obvious thing, but the principle is fundamental, as it makes sense of why rock layers are the way they are.

>> No.6949109

>Oh man anon you're a bacteriologist

>Do you ever get scared when you're working with ebola?
>How long until you guys cure the cold?

>> No.6949110
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dumb girls don't know that :^)

>> No.6949136

kek, just give them a vial of MRSA and say goodluck

>> No.6949165

Fundamental yes, but I don't know if this really fits what we would call a scientific theory.

>> No.6949186

>I'm surprised at what I've seen in this thread.
It's not the math, it's just the people who post on 4chan

>> No.6949269

>Why is medecine so fucking overrated?
Your mortality careens at you like a rocket-propelled trolley and here you are sitting on the floor playing with numbers.

>> No.6949288

To be fair, most /sci/tards have those really comfortable desk chairs from which to waste their lives away.

>> No.6949431
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>criminal justice
kek have fun with a degree thats about as useless as women's studies.

>> No.6949441

It's a precursor degree to be a cop.

At least that's something. Women's Studies is useless in every angle that there is.

>> No.6949506

>implying police agencies dont just accept any bachelors degree
>implying you dont learn anything at the police academy
>implying you cant just get a useful degree and score well on a civil service exam and fitness test

>> No.6949511

No it's not. You don't need a degree to be a cop.

Let me guess, you started off aiming for law school, but then your GPA went in the shitter, so now you'll settle for cop?

>> No.6949524

>Some of the most profitable industries in the world rely on it: mining and petroleum extraction.

Well, they were profitable six months ago :^)

>> No.6949537

be glad /sci/ that you'll never be this mad.

>> No.6949540


>not memorizing all of the chemical elements from the song

There's antimony arsenic aluminum selenium
And Hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium
And nickel neodymium neptunium germanium
And iron americium ruthenium uranium!

Europium zirconium lutetium vanadium
And lanthanum and osmium and astatine and radium
Gold and protactinium and indium and gallium
And iodine and thorium and thulium and thallium...

>> No.6949541

>How long until you guys cure the cold?

what's the answer to this?

>> No.6949548

So how are you doing now anon? Did you achieve anything?

>> No.6949550

>What is RP-1?

>> No.6949565

I started at a community college.
I am about to receive AAS.

The computer science degree at my university will probably take me 3 years but is ABET accredited.
Opposed to the applied computer science degree that will only take me <2 (not abet).

The applied has less genED and eased math/theory requirements.

Convince me the extra year is worth the money/experience.

>> No.6950316

>look at me
>i studied liberal arts
>my mommy and nanny teachers told me ill become as great as davinci
>now i roam a science and mathematics board asking for attention by being edgy and butthurt over my life choices
/sci/ doesn't look down on non-STEM subjects. /sci/ looks down on bullshit STEM and non-STEM subjects. I've never seen someone on /sci/ shit on Economy, Finance, Business, Music (Theory and what have you), Literature and such. Yet, I constantly see /sci/ shitting on Sociology, Psychology, Biology and some CS.

It all depends on whether your field of study is a Tumblr tier, hipster shit (Women's Studies and Liberal Arts) or if it's a god tier, mathematically rigorous shit (Pure Mathematics, Theoretical/Mathematical Physics).

>> No.6950318

Im in tears, it hurts o god why!

>> No.6950329

now tell me, did you memorise their atomic numbers respectively as well? don't think so tim

>> No.6950331

Im new to /Sci/. Wh-whats wrong with computer science? It involves a lot of math and a bit of electrical engineering and gives you good job chances. R-right?

>> No.6950341


you can find much just from Wiki, about the field of geology
it evolved, developed quite closely over the centuries with the related field of paleontology (ancient history of earth organisms via study of fossils)

read some of Stephen Jay Gould's books

Uniformitarianism - James Hutton's 18th century theory of natural changes in Earth processes over geologic time, later given wider exposure in 'Principles of Geology' by (Darwin contemporary) Charles Lyell

Continental Drift proposed by Alfred Wegener in the early 20th century brought us to modern plate tectonics theory

modern seismology emerged from study of elastic waves, using principles of physics, and also informed geophysicists and geologists about structure of the Earth's mantle and core

Geology is fundamental to the oil/gas exploration and extraction industries
many geologists work in environmental and/or groundwater remediation

one hybrid field of geology (with civil engineering) is geotechnics, share much in common with engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers. Evaluating earth materials/subsurface for building construction, as well as geologic hazards such as landslides

typically the same first year math/physics as engineering students
avoid "BA" programs in geology, obtain a BS degree
if you enjoy working/being outdoors (rather than inside a building-office) then geology might be a preferred field for you

>> No.6950348

It's less rigorous than mathematics and less theoretical than physics and chemistry. It attracts dweebs.

It's still useful and interesting, and without question the best STEM major to pick if you are going to college with hopes of landing a well-laying industry job.

>> No.6950410

Respect anon.

I'm just doing my fun course first and then I'll do a more serious field. I fully plan to study and be poor for the rest of my life because fuck it.

>> No.6950422

I had the same issue with the 'wonders of the []' series.

>> No.6950425

Ask the parasiticologist

>> No.6950553

>dat level of Frenchness
Make yourself not, we are all passéd by there.

>> No.6950563

>what is reading comprehension
>not understanding he meant he'll give them drugs if they have the prescription for it
>because that's how his job works

>not important
>typing this on a machine that requires rare earth metals
>your entire lifestyle relies on our ability to get enough of what we want out of the ground
>implying writing circlejerk papers about bullshit string theory is more sciencey and important

>muh giordano bruno (totally an actual important scientist and not a mere heretic) persecuted for being 2science4 le ebil relegion
>look kids and stoners, the universe is really really much larger than you and really really much older than you. Like, take the oldest thing you can imagine and multiply it by the largest number you can imagine, times 6!!
>praise science!

>> No.6950782


You definitely need a degree to be a cop where I live. Usually a 2 or 3 year degree from the policy academy, but it's something.

>> No.6950784


I can't speak for everyone, but I think most of the people look down on the computer science curriculum, and possibly the people who take it, more than the discipline itself.

That's how I feel, anyway. It's not a bad field, but the way it's taught, and the mindset of a lot of CS students, is bad.

>> No.6951577

Where does Chemistry stack up?

>> No.6951588


Part of it is memetic, and part of it is /sci/ dickwaving. There's nothing wrong with the field of study itself.

But, as the other guy said, undergrad CS programs do tend to generally suck, and they're often completely designed around what "the industry" wants at the time.

>> No.6951636

Drugs actually are really interesting. Pharmacology is a fascinating subject. It sucks to know that most people who go into medicine only do it for the money.

>> No.6951792

it's called a blanket you fuck

>> No.6951822

>hot girls
>harvey mudd
Pick one and only one

>> No.6952020

Get out normalfag

>> No.6952203

>"What do you study anon?"
>"Actually, I have my degree in physics and applied mathematics."
>"Physics? What can you do with that degree? You going to be a coach?"

This person thought physics was Kinesiology. Sad thing is, this wasn't the last time people have made this mistake.

>> No.6952206

Funny I thought kinesiology was physics one time.
Had to ask what it actually meant

>> No.6952214

>I've never seen someone on /sci/ shit on Economy, Finance, Business, Music (Theory and what have you), Literature and such.
clearly you havent spent much time on /sci/

>> No.6952242

"The man who has no tincture of philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from convictions which have grown up in his mind without the co-operation or consent of his deliberate reason. To such a man the world tends to become definite, finite, obvious; common objects rouse no questions, and unfamiliar possibilities are contemptuously rejected. As soon as we begin to philosophize, on the contrary, we find...that even the most everyday things lead to problems to which only very incomplete answers can be given. Philosophy, though unable to tell us with certainty what is the true answer to the doubts which it raises, is able to suggest many possibilities which enlarge our thoughts and free them from the tyranny of custom. Thus, while diminishing our feeling of certainty as to what things are, it greatly increases our knowledge as to what they may be; it removes the somewhat arrogant dogmatism of those who have never travelled into the region of liberating doubt, and it keeps alive our sense of wonder by showing familiar things in an unfamiliar aspect."

>> No.6952289

What in the fresh hell am I reading?

All you need to do is get a year of police academy in and you're considered a certified pig.

>> No.6952299

>not a top-tier science field

Enjoy helping oil and mineral companies strike the earth and make mad dosh.

>> No.6953071

>so anon what do you study?
>lol 420 blaze it
>oh! I have this plant that's dying even though I water it everyday!

>> No.6953136
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>> No.6953149

>"what are you studying anon?"
>"why are you in all of my math classes?"
>"idk lol"

I have been picking up an extra 1-2 math classes every semester I figure if I do this enough they are gonna HAVE to give me a second degree in math

>> No.6953433
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look up the requirements for a math minor or major. You are setting yourself up for some serious problems if you don't know exactly what the degree demands

>> No.6953452

>Sally Anne Test
Why did you think this is relevant?

>> No.6953491
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>what do you study?
>Electrical engineering
>Oh cool, can you tell me what smartphone I should buy?

>> No.6953845

> What do you study, anon ?
> English language and literature
> Oh so you're gonna be a high-school teacher OR oh your gonna be a translator OR *cringes and scuttles*

And that's just because I couldn't get into drama school because there is only one academy in my country that is worth attending which admits like ten students a year, half of which bribed their way in.

Seriously, fuck my life.

>> No.6953859


There's this thing called the internet where you can look up your college website and find out what exactly you need for a Math degree and Engineering degree.

>> No.6953913

Leave this place, never come back.

>> No.6953921

I don't give a shit about the humans, there are far more interesting organism.

>> No.6953961

Where do you live?

>> No.6954077
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This is truly the most retarded board of all

>> No.6954272


>All police in every country have the same requirements

>> No.6954390

You actually think that's all they teach you in a physics class? In my class we learnt all about engines, just to get a more detailed understanding of thermodynamics. It was interesting and that was the point, to make thermodynamics interesting.

>> No.6954401

Not the guy you are talking to but theatre courses teach you everything from performing, directing, back stage, sound and lighting, auditioning.

It's like morons who say a music degree is worthless... How do you think people become music composers for movies?

>> No.6954411

I just take that as them saying they like biology, and their grades show they actually know a little about it. I don't think it's them trying to be condescending, but more them hinting they might actually be interest in what you're learnt.

>> No.6954573

>some undergrad shit on a some field in some post on someday
>all of /sci/ hates that particular field of study

>> No.6954620

this fucking experience

>What's your major?
>Oh, are you going into medicine?
>No, I like the research side of it more.
>conversation dies

Actually thinking about switching to Geology if I can get all the prereqs done in a reasonable amount of time.

At least with that degree I won't make shit money AND have nothing to talk about.

>> No.6954631

You'll still make shit money with geology, just with less job security.

The field is already becoming saturated as fuck.

>> No.6954635

How about the inverse of these?

>me: what are you studying?
>Communications, I love it
>what do you like about it?
>I like talking to people
>alright, what are you going to do with it
>I don't know, I just like the classes

>> No.6954838

Everyone shits on everyone here m8.

>> No.6954853

Not him.

Hey, cool. I'm doing it the other way around though. All I have is a point to make, but I'll finally take what I want when I get a job. Probably gonna end up poor still. Ah, well. At least I got a fallback. Hopefully.

>> No.6955202


The cesspool of Serbia

>> No.6955256

>Hey, what are you studying?
>I major in isolationism
>"...oh," *they walk away
>works every time

>> No.6955278

>learning something because they like it and not because of the $$ or other superficial reason

they're doing it right. You're studying to feel better than everyone and I could argue that you're doing it wrong

>> No.6955283

>"What is your major?"
>"Chemical engineering."
>"Wow, you must be really smart. I hated chemistry in high school haha."
>"Yeah, haha..."

>> No.6955739

Hmmm I think you're right. Maybe I should just splurg about the things I find interesting. It'd be so fun for me! I think they'd be weirded out though.

>> No.6955744

That's funny. Chemical engineers are cool people really but the chemistry knowledge is kind of lacking and they know it and don't really care.

>> No.6955913

top kek

>> No.6955933

get the fuck off

>> No.6956764
File: 21 KB, 366x405, 533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"what do you study anon?"
>"oh, so you're like a biologist?"
>[Shame Intensifies]

>> No.6956814

>All you need to do is get a year of police academy in and you're considered a certified pig.

>And Americans wonder why their "Justice" system is so corrupt.

Pro-tip for the americlaps: If you don't want to pay taxes, your cannot afford to hire top-shelf public servants.

>> No.6956834

I felt bad nobody replied to you but I really liked this post anon-kun *^_^*

>> No.6956850


>> No.6956903
File: 447 KB, 1619x1725, laughing_at_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people don't admit they were to mediocre to succeed at medecine school

>> No.6956939

Medschool don't require a brain, it just requires a tiny bit of effort.

>Trust me I'm a doctor
Is about as calming as
>Trust me I'm a pathological liar and conman.

source: I'm in medschool and my confidence in the medical system is pretty much zero.

>> No.6957406
File: 158 KB, 256x302, 1399426585776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What do you study, anon?"
"Cyber Security, minor in Digital Forensics"
"WOW! blah blah blah FBI blah blah CSI is a good show"

>> No.6957433


says the P=MD med student

enjoy psych or peds

>> No.6957434

Getting into a US medschool requires at least half a brain, though.

>> No.6957453

>criminal justice
so what you're trying to become Batman or something??

>> No.6957468
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>"My physics teacher told me"

>> No.6957475

Lol "you're too logical for me"
Sounds like she's basically saying she'd rather live in her delusional, ignorant little world then see real facts.

As for me
>What do you study, anon?
>Neuroscience and Computer Science
>I have absolutely no idea what either of those would mean in practice, but good luck!
>Omg anon is such a nerd! Lol ;)

>> No.6957492

>what do you study
>going to make some meth/LSD/ectasy, haha

Christ, I don't do synthesis, leave me alone.

>> No.6957543
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My sides are in pain

>> No.6957553
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>study engineering
>come home for holidays
>my mom keeps making me put furniture together

>> No.6957568

>tfw geology rocks

>> No.6957579

>What do you study?
>Can you fix my kindle fire? It's really slow
>Y-yeah, I guess.....

>> No.6957677

"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be scientists will eventually be flooded by actual scientists who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."


>> No.6957871

One of my professors has had similar issues. I just say mathematics and people shut up.

>> No.6958496


>mfw MDs don't admit they were too stupid to go into math or physics

(not bothering to post a face 'cause I'm not a faggot weaboo like you :D)

>> No.6958535

>Neuroscience and Computer Science
>Oh wow you're going to build Skynet! Doomsday is coming! HAHAHA!

>> No.6958539

>So what do you study?
>Graduated in Foreign Languages and Cultures, and I'm specializing Modern Languages and Literatures, and Intercultural Translation.
>So are you looking to be an interpreter?
>No, I want to work in localization.
>What's that?
Fucking. No. One. Knows. What. Localization. Is.
I usually go with "it's like translation but with changes made based on the target culture".

>> No.6958660

or a normy trying to be elitist but not knowing what they are talking about?

>> No.6958662

Are you >>6957371?

>> No.6958666

>> so you're going to be a cyber police

>> No.6958669

>>"So you study science too?"
>>"What field ?"
>>"Oh..." *run away slowly*