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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 485x429, math_moron1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6940935 No.6940935 [Reply] [Original]

im tired of people saying math sucks when will i be using this irl , any good argument to shut them up /sci/ ?

>> No.6940936

Just talk about something else.

>> No.6940940

its really irritating , fkn plebs

>> No.6940941

Actually math does suck. Once you get past basic undergrad material, the more math you learn the more you realize how much it sucks. Just look at people like Perelman and Grothendieck who basically gave up math because it made them batshit insane.

>> No.6940948


Pure math is only for autists and schizophrenics. A normal person could never handle such tremendous amounts of abstraction with no fucking applications whatsoever. Applied math on the other hand is true master race.

>> No.6940962

>any good argument to shut them up /sci/

Just carry bear spray with you at all times and mace them on sight. You could follow it up and say condescendingly "sorry, me no good at maths so spray may be too strong"

>> No.6940963

im talking abt the ' when will i use math irl ' fgt

>> No.6940966

Tell them that they won't ever need it because they are poor fags working a low wage job. Then mention the 300k starting in your financial math career. Too many people think math is only autists solving puzzles. This might be true for pure math, but remember than our whole fucking economy is based on math.

>> No.6941029

Memorize the following:

"You think math sucks because math is hard and you did not put forth enough effort to learn it. Math is the most powerful tool for understanding how the world works available to people today. Outside of the truly advanced sciences, economists and stock brokers predict market changes, marketers predict what you will buy, politicans predict how you will vote, and bankers predict how much money you will have. Math is a wonderful tool if you know how to use it, and if you do not understand it you are a puppet to the whims of people who do."

You can then quote stories of the guy who wrote a program for target which predicts pregnancies based on what people are buying, and how it has been correct before people even knew they were pregnant. Google that shit.

>> No.6941053

Why do we forced people to learn material they don't want to do. People who are forced to do things end up not caring or hating the subject. So much for educating people.

>> No.6941070

It's not math that sucks it's the way it's being tought sucks. I find math a lot more enjoyable when I learn it to solve a practical task. It's hard to find the motivation to learn a lot of rules without having any idea how to apply them.

>> No.6941071

Because then no one would ever learn or be exposed to anything.

English paper? Fug dat I speek gud enuf
Math? I CAN ADD UP TO 10, gud enuf
Art? who cares bout dem drawins, less talk bout dat rap musik, gud enuf

>Why learn math if I'll never use it?
Why read shakespear? You'll never need to know why Romeo fucked some 13 year old and killed himself
Why learn proper grammer and spelling? You'll never need it if the only time you actually write is to post on your facebook wall
Why participate in gym class? You'll never need to know how to play dodgeball, you fat fuck

>> No.6941079

Just whip out a piece of paper and then derive something easy but cool like Euler's formula.

>> No.6941089
File: 12 KB, 200x156, math it out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your opinion on Art?
Do you think it is useless or that modern art sucks?
If you do, you are the exact type of person you are complaining about.

>> No.6941095
File: 91 KB, 450x1500, stupid math tricks arn't deep and edgy just stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't under stand why people say math sucks

these people understand why people say math sucks

>> No.6941096

And why do you think they'd give a fuck, you fucking autist? They'd just punch your face and call you a nerd.

>> No.6941101

Our society works fine without art. But without math it would collapse immediately. Go be unemployed on >>>/lit/

>> No.6941103

Math is the universal language. When aliens land, they will know the same math as us. Math can be used to understand even the most complex things in the world. Math predicted the existence of black holes before they were "observed." Math is baller as fuck

>> No.6941110

Yeah, but then a war would break out over the notational differences.

>> No.6941113
File: 52 KB, 720x275, artbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our society works fine without art
you are a fucking moron

>> No.6941123


Perelman didn't give up because of the math. He gave up because of the corruption in the mathematically community.

>> No.6941126

More realistically, the average person would be amazed even though what you're doing is pretty fucking simple in the example I gave.

>you don't under stand why people say math sucks
It's because all they know is boring arithmetic and in a society with calculators, they don't see the point.

>> No.6941129

>aliens show up
>they use tau instead of pi


>> No.6941130

Art is outdated and useless. Stay buttmad, /lit/. You know it's true, and you are envious of us STEM fags' employability and higher cognitive skills.

>> No.6941135
File: 121 KB, 1204x1052, language.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Math is the universal language.
no Math is a human language used to express concepts that are abstractions of processes used to explain real world phenomena

>> No.6941139

>Art is outdated and useless.
thanks for proving my point that you are a fucking moron

>> No.6941140

I can confirm the corruption in the mathematical community. I got expelled and ostracized for questioning the dogma of 0.999 = 1

>> No.6941148

You don't need to read books outside of 9th grade reading level or do basic math. You also don't need to write essay at all. It doesn't take years to go over grammar classes. The way I see the don't needs in the circulatum, school could had probably ended at 14. People could had started training in their career instead of waiting until 20 yet they're stuck taking useless math class they clearly don't want to do.

>> No.6941149

Every moron can make "art". Art has no objective standards and no intellectual merit.

>> No.6941151

1+1 = 2 is a human interpretation of a universal truth. Humans didn't "invent" math. They discovered it.

>> No.6941154
File: 62 KB, 554x390, calculayed risks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's because all they know is boring arithmetic and in a society with calculators, they don't see the point.
exactly, we still teach humans how to be number crunching calculators when what we should be teaching them is how to create formula and input them into calculator machines.

>> No.6941160

anything beyond simple arithmetic is abstracted garbage that will not be communicable outside of human though processes. they are based in truth but unless you can follow the humnn logic train, you will be lost.

>> No.6941163

>we still teach humans how to be number crunching calculators
Yeah what an amazing waste of time. Certainly, this had some serious value not too long ago, but this is a completely useless skill nowadays. I dunno what kids should be learning in elementary school, but something should change.

>> No.6941166
File: 129 KB, 1000x667, how autistic do you have to be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every moron can make "art". Art has no objective standards and no intellectual merit.
you sound like those "I hate math because it is stupid" people.

>> No.6941170

>implying I hate math

Math is awesome.

>> No.6941173

>reading comprehension

>> No.6941174

Has there been any social science saying why making arts class been positive for people? Making art must be useless

>> No.6941175
File: 285 KB, 675x510, yeah well that's just like, your programming man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would suggest basic logic and problem solving, like programming or somthing. It uses the same logic flow as math but without the crunch.

>> No.6941176


I view applied math as just a tools, like a hammer or wrench

>> No.6941191


>> No.6941192

Retard + Retard = /sci/ argument

>> No.6941194
File: 35 KB, 600x399, you are not suppose to have fun in school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says they love math and that art is stupid
>fail at reading
Shouldn't you be in school right now?

>> No.6941199

That's because you're an uneducated high schooler who thinks applied math means hammering numbers into a calculator.

>> No.6941200
File: 134 KB, 2378x650, holy potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the "top minds" an any field and you will see autistic retards everywhere.

>> No.6941209

For the vast majority of people, this is the extent of what they will be doing with math on a day to day basis, anything more is a waste of time and effort.

>> No.6941221

And your point is that the top tier people are the true retards?
Like these guys?:
>hurrr u just literally jelly :))))))

>hurr durr you're argument is invalid because you are a moron REKT xDDDDDDD

>> No.6941229

I think, and this is only my opinion, the reason people think math sucks is because they're not aware of what you can accomplish with it. Teachers often neglect to show how the mathematics they teach you applies to the real world. Most individuals don't understand how these same formulas and algorithms that they learn in class are applied and used in the products and services they use every day.

>People hate programming but love apps
>People hate chemical engineering but love feebreze and shit
>People hate aerospace engineering but love the convenience of flying.

With all those disciplines listed above, the practices are difficult but people tough through the difficulty because the end results are tangible and you can actually see them being used in place. The underlying framework of all of that however is mathematics.

So I guess what I'm trying to convey is that mathematics is the glue that holds everything together but people often don't "see" the way mathematics is implemented. If teachers and professors could start their lectures off with the applications that math provides, I feel it would give incentive and motivation to push past the difficult learning curve because you know what's possible once you learn these disciplines.

>> No.6941230
File: 23 KB, 400x400, missing the point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help you, I am sorry.

>> No.6941269

The music they listen to on their iphones/ipods/whatever would'nt exist without pure abstract algebra and the theory error correcting code.

The gps they use is base on Relativity, which is just advanced Riemannian geometry.

The algortihm Google uses is based on graph theory and probabilities.

Fucking planes fucking fly because we know fucking partial derivative equations

>> No.6941802

This is not true. The mechanics of the universe are all grounded in math. This is not human logic, this is universal truth.
>what are the for relativity
>what are the equations for quantum mechanics
An alien lifeform may use different symbols but if they were smart enough to spacetravel then they must have utilized the same math to at least some degree

>> No.6941810

>when will i be using this irl
This is the argument I hate the most. You know when math is useful? When you fucking use it. If you can't see how having good background in the most utilitarian of all disciplines could ever be helpful in a future situation, you're oblivious. Sure, you can most jobs without math, just like I can do mine without social skills. But wouldn't using it mean you can do more things and do them more easily?

>> No.6941827
File: 176 KB, 500x667, 4T16PJI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math is useless. It took me a while to admit it. The truth sucks.

The insane effort put into studying advanced math... can be used to learn stuff with a practical use.

Think about it.

>> No.6941836

>im tired of people saying math sucks when will i be using this irl , any good argument to shut them up /sci/ ?

Why the fuck do you care what shitheads think? Let them think math is useless! You'll have more marketable skills.

The more morons there are in the world, he better.

>> No.6941842

Why can't this board just be science and not math?

>> No.6941878

dogma =/= mathematically proven

>> No.6941896

Kaczynski plz leave.

>> No.6941898

this guy gets it. any technologically advanced spacefaring lifeform will certainly understand the concepts of pythagoras theorum, calculus, triganometry and so on, although they would use different notation to express them, the concepts are universal and fundamental to any advanced engineering

>> No.6941935

math doesn't suck, you suck at math

>> No.6941942

I think of math as puzzles. Maybe that's a bad interpretation but most advanced math is just puzzles with definitions that work like 'rules of the game' when you're proving things. That's about it. If you can't see why being really good at problem-solving is useful, then how is anything useful? What else can you really do?

>> No.6942521

Its also super-dependent on who's teaching. I had an awful high school math teacher and swore off maths for a year. I ended up switching to pure maths my sophomore year of university.

>> No.6943113
File: 48 KB, 300x300, MBDTF_ALT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not art

>> No.6943118

life is easy once you understand the logic of maths.

>> No.6943155


>tfw too stupid to understand the logic of maths.

>> No.6943178

I've seen dumb-as-a-fucking-rock bio students be able to use logic when deducting how shit works. If they can do that shit, anyone can. Mathematical logic just puts it down formally.

>> No.6943190

imagine what they could do if they knew induction as well.

>> No.6943194
File: 297 KB, 1280x990, C6qrsEp[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one math class that opens people's eyes is a calc based prob/stats course. The one that ME/Civil guys take is good enough to interest people.

>> No.6943196

>hur, m'tosis is just a divergent series

>> No.6943200

I haven't taken calc-based prob/stats, tho I did take intro stats/prob alongside calc II. I got A's in both, but fucking hated stats. Calc II made me want to be a math major, however.

>> No.6943213
File: 47 KB, 604x384, int.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you plebs all say "Math"?
The full version is not "Mathematic".
It is "Mathematics".
Hence "Maths".

>> No.6943232

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.6943253

>Implying Britbongs say "Econs".

>> No.6943269

i say matematica
cos i'm italian


>> No.6943270

>abbreviation work by abbreviating and THEN apply singular/plural
how about no?

>> No.6943275

I'm American, but I've come to saying "maths" because its shorter than "math classes"

Also, I say DE's, while this one bitchy classmate of mine calls it "DiffQ". What the fuck.

>> No.6943281

DE's what?

>> No.6943284

everyone at my high school called it "diffy Q"

calling it just DEs if you're referring to the elementary ODEs class is just silly though

>> No.6943285

Differential Equations, you fucking pleb

>> No.6943288

I've never heard it called anything except Differential Equations. That's what my friends called it before they took the engineering version of it (which they called EA4).

I've just seen it as DE's online, so thats what I called it. Never heard diffyQ until then.

>> No.6943299
File: 50 KB, 620x387, maths_2344088b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6944456

What are they going to do when the economy goes to shit?