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6934089 No.6934089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else get profoundly depressed during finals week? I always start the semester off really strong but about two weeks before finals I get really lethargic and sad and cant find the motivation to study. I dont know how to fix this, anyone have any related feels?

Also ITT post your strategies/tips for studying for the finals, experiences, horror stories, etc.

>> No.6934240

I do, and it's comforting to know that I'm not alone. I have behaved like this for the last 6 of my 7 semesters in university. I start very optimistically, I love learning things but when deadlines and pressure of any kind are on the horizon, I stop performing, I become depressed or apathetic and I take poor care of myself. My results suffer, I have lied to my parents about my progress, I'm redoing year two twice instead of being in year four, I'm on the verge of losing my right to keep studying and I have already lost my right to student loans (I'm in Norway). One month ago my father died and two weeks ago when pressure started building I broke down and told everything to my mom.

>> No.6934253

Sorry for the block of text but I usually never write posts on my tiny phone like I do now.

It seems I break under any sort of pressure. I become nervous, go to bed later, eat worse, bite my nails and the skin around, I masturbate way more and I'm just a nervewreck. I also become addicted to video games during that period, anything to procrastinate. I feel worthless and I lose all motivation for my study and the whole field. I have to remind myself that I'm not a bad person, that at least I'm not harming or bothering anyone...

>> No.6934258

depression thread? Depression thread

I have a final tomorrow morning, I've studied teh material but sometimes it's just too much and when doing problems from the book it ends up with me copying half the solution manual. I then proceed to think of my situation as a whole.

Too low GPA to get into research labs, hope I will get it high enough to continue to a Masters.
No Masters? What am I supposed to do then? Find a private company where if I'm lucky I'll be pipeting for 8hours a day. What else? Maybe set up a clandestine drug lab, that's about it.

It's fucking stupid how worthless bachelors of science is. Sometimes I just want to induce myself into a coma for years and the only thing that keeps me together is that I have people that love me and depend on me. Ohh, and I work while I go to school so I guess the silver lining is that at least I don't have mountains of debt.

Sorry about the /blog.

>> No.6934267

Try starting with taking extensive notes on the reading, thinking about the next step in a proof or derivation before just looking at it and copying it down, if you don't understand it completely think about it longer and use other resources that word things differently because maybe those will sink in. Only when you understand where conclusions come from and why will you be able to competently do problems. When you're doing problems really think about it. You may write down irrelevant things or wrong things, doesn't mean you're stupid, don't immediately resort to the solutions, just use them to check yourself when you think you've done something right

>> No.6934302


It fucking sucks.

>> No.6934317

Happens to me, too. I'm not entirely sure why. I suspect it might be due to exhaustion and accumulated stress caused by bad working and living habits.

OP, come next semester you and me are gonna go sleep early enough to get 8h every night and do the work on time from the start instead of dicking around on the internet. Get a routine going with regular eating and even a little exercise tucked in there.

If this board had spoilers I'd spoiler something about this having zero chance of actually happening but I gotta work with what I get.

>> No.6934320

>exam worth 30% in 4 days
>know maybe 10% of the material
>set aside 6 hours today to study
>end up working for 1-2

Something is wrong with me.

>> No.6934332

At least your exam isn't tomorrow.

>fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

>> No.6934341

at least it's only 30%

>> No.6934353
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>tfw walking to your car after the exam and realizing all the mistakes you made.

>> No.6934359

You think its possible to wire my brain to become hard working? i seem to derive immense pleasure/ satisfaction from procrastinating/ doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.6934367


Yeah, just take the third neuron from the prefrontal cortex and cross-link that with your amygdala and prostate.

>> No.6934368

I know that feel. If you have extra time and dont feel like triple-checking or something, it's best to just sit there starting at the wall because that sort of shit will pop into your memory. Might be even better than double-checking. The guys who leave early are the biggest faggots.

>> No.6934396

This. Worked wonders for me

>> No.6934408

>tfw in Uni
>tfw GPA will drop terribly if I don't ace every exam
Am I gonna make it brehs?

>> No.6934411


>that moment after an exam when you realize "Ah of course! That's what the question wanted me to do!"
>Took random stabs in the dark
>plz god of partial marking grace me

>> No.6934422
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Exam tomorrow, shitposting on 4chan today

>> No.6934453

No. Kill yourself.

>> No.6934466

The same thing has happened to me, but I haven''t associate it with finals. Now that I think about it it might be.

>> No.6934473

That feel when I have a spanish oral presentation tomorrow. It's part 2 of a 3 part final exam and if I fail any one of them I fail the course even though I have an A. Can professors really do this? I go to a CC.

>> No.6934888

>first exam is the 15th in calculus
>did relatively well on a practice exam i did over the weekend

how to prepare for discrete math test? anybody got any good resources on proofs by induction?

>> No.6934894

I only have one exam in a few weeks, but I'm taking the GRE's thursday.

Is it even worth studying? I've ran through all the sections and sample problems on the GRE site and the general test seems trivial.

>> No.6934925

Opposite. Depressed the whole term, and only get excited during finals because it is nearly all over... For a couple of weeks...

>> No.6934937

just plan on failing it. fuck discrete math. fuck it right in its cunt hole

>> No.6934941
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im going through that right now. it sucks, i know.

>> No.6934943

I used to get super stressed about exams but then in highschool I learned that you are generally stressed because you havent studied for the exam. Now a days I study my ass off, making sure I know everything in and out, then when the exam comes I'm so tired of the subject that I really dont care and just want it over with. That way I dont stress and also get a good final grade.

>> No.6934944

Don't over stress your mind guys. you'll end up killing your abstract-logic thinking and favouring your focus into memory, content vomiting while working on your finals.

Just relax.

>> No.6934955

I just took a pre-final exam today. Sat there and forgot everything about the simplest shit, like fucking parabolas. Even wrote a future note to myself on the test. I was so angry when I turned in my incomplete exam. I believe it's over stressing that does it. I wake up more tired then I was when I went to bed and can't focus for shit.

Finals week is going to kill me

>> No.6935005

I know those feels, anon. I miss high school where I could do my homework the class before and get an A and everyone thought I was a genius. Now I'm in college with a 3.2 watching idiots I went to high school with get the dean's list every semester. I just don't want to put in what they do.

At least I take solace knowing that I'm an exceptionally hard working employee. Idk what it is about schoolwork that makes me so incredibly lazy.

>> No.6935216

welp, if this is a depression thread i guess ill ask here.
Does anyone here take SSRI medication? What are your experiences with it?

>> No.6935219

basically this

>> No.6935247

I hypothesize that many of us are suffering from learned helplessness. A common factor seems to be that we reached an overwhelming pressure to succeed and then failed at doing so. From that point on, every time the pressure builds to that level, we tend to resign ourselves from it and aren't able to continue forward. This has the effect of making repeated tries harder and harder as the threshold for our pressure limit is reached quicker and quicker regardless of the material. I know for myself that I get an urge to want to give up when the pressure starts coming on, and since its a behavior that's been repeated, it makes it even harder to go against it. It becomes a learned behavior that gets reinforced every time we withdrawal from the pressure and it's why we start our semester out strong but run out of steam by the end.

>> No.6935249

Keep in mind kids, once you have your first job nothing you did in school is going to matter at all.

>> No.6935251

speaking of which, I have an exam in 6 hours. time to get back to studying

>> No.6935255

I hate myself

>> No.6935259

>tfw stay up way too late every fucking night
>tfw its ruining so mayn aspects of your life
>tfw self-loathing sets in
>tfw depression
>tfw vicious circle
>fuck man

>> No.6935260

Why is everybody so sad? If don't want to do something or if you can't bare doing something just don't do it, if you have the balls to face to consequences

>> No.6935267

I don't study because it's so fucking boring, also I noticed that even though I'm not studying, I can still get an OK results.

but if I really need to, I can just force myself to read the entire book, memorizing each word and definition in 1 day. And get a really good results.

>> No.6935268

Physics teacher here. The first sign of math or problems, students will stop in their place and sit there with a frown like it's my fault I'm not babying them them the material. Sorry kids, we have this thing called standards in education. I can only lower the work required to reach that standards by so much.

>> No.6935283
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>sleep deprivation and stress are the two worst things you can do for your body

>> No.6935298

>still being in school

top kek

>> No.6935302

This. You don't really have to do anything if you don't want to.

Watched a great video on this not too long ago.

If you don't enjoy studying, why are you in university?

>> No.6935304

I'm always starting to get really interested in other things than what I'm supposed to right before finals. Suddenly I get really creative, pick up drawing and painting and music and start all these projects. Then, in the vacation time when I think I got lots of times for the creative stuff, I suddenly lose all interest again and stick with procrastinating 24/7. So I never finish anything, like ever.

My life is shit, actually. I have these weird impulses lately and I fear I'm losing it. Man, I really want to stay sane.

>> No.6935309

four years of being payed to fuck sluts

>> No.6935312

It's not like I don't enjoy what I'm studying or studying itself.

It's just that for some reason, when I have to study, I seem to turn into procrastination itself.

>> No.6935320

what would you do with your life if you weren't studying?

>> No.6935325

I don't think I can actually imagine that.

>> No.6935327
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Anyone else hate doing practice problems? I always try to understand the concepts/fundamentals of the material so that it is very clear in my mind, and I just think I will be able to derive everything from these fundamentals, but damn those curveballs... teachers love making you memorize that one obscure problem at the end of the section because they know half their class will fail if they try to actually derive problems themselves instead of just memorizing a problem worth 20% of the grade just so you can forget it overnight.

>> No.6935772
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if your students frown and are not prepared it is partly your fault for not educating them properly. Remember that kids only remember the good teachers and forget about the shitty ones. I had a great physics teacher in my highschool. He would use real world examples, and presentations. He also used the simpsons on our tests which i always liked.

>> No.6935828

>Enormous project half done
>Five days late now
>Ten hour shift at the fucking gas station in two hours.

Kill me.

>> No.6935871

You gone have to take that incomplete grade and pray she'll change it later.

>> No.6935875

>The guys who leave early are the biggest faggots.
Their grades are usually punishment enough.

>> No.6935887
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I get pumped the fuck up.
I spent the past few nights studying for my calc II final. Everything that was a blur during the semester is crystal clear to me now.

Infinite series will not kick my ass a second time.

>> No.6935893

This isn't directly to do with final exams, but I did honours at a neuroscience research lab and really hated it, and research as a whole.

I have been rejected from doing a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and I don't want to travel very far to go to school somewhere.

I'm not sure what to do with my life next. I really, REALLY grew to hate research (and had an absolute cunt as a supervisor), and I am thinking of going into physiotherapy, medicine or clinical psychology as a back-up.

But the anxiety of getting my applications rejected has made me put it off. I'm so scared of it that it eats away at me.

>> No.6935897

>It's not my job. Someone else was supposed to teach you that.
>Every fucking teacher in American public education.
I can't wait for them to revamp the system and leave all of you fucking leeches sucking dick for crack behind Taco Bell.

>> No.6935898

And I can totally sympathise with you. Bachelor of Science is fucking useless. You need something else; the problem is, this something else is often notoriously difficult to get into.

This has cost me my self-esteem, it's made me anxious, and I really hate what I've become.


>> No.6935899

I shit you not, I just studied for 30 hours nonstop for my animal physiology class. I hadn't done jack shit all year, but Jesus Christ, that took a lot out of me. Got a 68 on the first exam and I don't know what on the second (it was a make-up and I winged it).

The class average so far out of 1,000+ kids is a 47. If I get a 65ish overall, I'll be in the B+/A range.

I really need to get my shit together.

>> No.6935902


>> No.6935931

Depends on how fucked I am.
If I'm in A-mid B range, no...I've been paying attention/dealing with the profs bullshit properly.
Straddling a B?
Yes, so fucking stressed-panicking if asshole professor who wouldn't bump a 79.5

>> No.6935944

I always do some weird reverse psychology shit, like telling myself I don't really need to be in university, I can always drop out and do other things for money.

Sounds absurd but it works and I chill out and do well.

>> No.6936004

Same thing for me - I've already got my BS and I've got enough connections in my hometown I could land a teaching or industry job with very little effort if I grad school doesn't go well.

Having a safety net makes you so so much less stressed out

>> No.6936007


What kind of grad degree are you going for, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.6936251


>> No.6936263
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Aced my E&M final.

Next up is statics.

>> No.6936323

So what grades do you guys need to pass? I need about an 80 something in precalc to pass the fucking class. Shit sucks. I studied all the homework and what not, but I think maybe I just don't understand the material on a deeper level. If I pass I don't know how I'll survive in Calculus.

>> No.6936400

I got a 40% on my algebraic topology test and my professor still wrote
>This is excellent work!
On it. Shit was fucking hard for an 18 year old.
Get on my level.

>> No.6936449

>Have a programming test tomorrow
>Realise that we didn't even cover some of the material that is almost guaranteed to come out on the test and that the way the questions are structured are just awful
>No way to accustom myself to the question structure because the teachers gave us one single test to study from without the correction criteria

I hate everything

>> No.6936481

It fucking sucks. I've had a feeling of impending doom hanging over my head for about a month and it's just gotten worse, my procrastination has only gotten worse and worse as time goes on but now that it's finals week I can't even enjoy it and play vidya or smoke weed or whatever I'm just on 4chan avoiding my work and studying. I kinda just stopped really giving a fuck after telling myself all semester I was going to start giving a fuck for the final and now I don't even know what I'm gonna do.

I have a numerical analysis final tomorrow afternoon and final project due tomorrow night, I've done most of the coding and have an idea what to do for the rest but just can't get myself to work and I keep slacking off and not reading the notes and studying for the exam because they are so fucking boring. I got the 2nd highest score on the first 2 exams but have been failing most of the projects, if I fail this last one or get an A it wont make much difference, if I do really well on the final I will get an A- either way even if I fuck it up I still have a B.

And real analysis is on Friday and I've just kind of completely given up on that and accepted I'm not going to get any points on it and I'll put maybe 10 hours studying into it Thursday and Friday but I'm not even gonna think about it.

>> No.6936496

Happened to me in HS, i had one of the lowest scores on SAT in senior year...

>> No.6936563
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>Have Meth Methods exam in the morning
>Been working a few problems here and there
>Kicking back gettin' ready to watch Flash and shit, maybe play some TF2
>tfw this is the chillest I've been all semester and not the least bit stressed

>> No.6936595

Holy shit why does everyone act like finals are such a big fucking deal?
You've had tests in college, you've had finals in high school. Finals are just another test. One or two hours of studying should be enough for you to get a decent grade, if not you probably dont belong in college in the first place.

>> No.6936608

On the bright side, I've heard tons of people (on this board other forums) say that Calc 1 is incredibly easy compared to pre-cal.

I just had my pre-calc final today so I can't really give an opinion on that statement.

>> No.6936677

No, I make it through finals with a giddy sort of high.

It's the day after my last final when I break down and start considering dropping my major, switching schools, dying

>> No.6936710
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>Just took a final
>The average for the final last year was a 36

>> No.6936713

If you're not striving for 90s you're not trying.

>> No.6936811

>in physics class
oh i guess i need to teach you math too, then

but I only have 50 minutes 5 times per week.. and I have a curriculum that needs covered...

see life isn't always rainbows and ponies, faggot

>> No.6936838


I completely agree. I work as a research intern and I have such intense motivation, never procrastinate, and really stay on top of things.

Just this term after barely passing my classes last year have I begun to start grinding down problems, studying, and going to office hours. Unfortunately it still seems the case that I only manage to get to working maybe a week before exams, instead of all throughout.

>> No.6936893
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3.46 overall GPA, like 3.8 math/science GPA
3 As 1 B this semester and it was just physics ii and orgo ii...
I probably won't get into the undergrad school I want
I'm just not good enough
Can I still work in the engineering field with this GPA? I just am in a constant state of feeling like I've lost before I've even gotten started

Why can't I stop hating myself and feeling like i'm not doing good enough. I'm trying my best.

how do you acknowledge your own mediocrity

>> No.6936901

pretty rarely is your undergrad gpa higher than your high school GPA. Mine was, but the enormous fire beneath my ass didn't light until halfway through junior year.

anything > 3.2 gpa is fine for engineering if you just want a job

grad schools, the higher the better

>> No.6936911

Really? I feel like I'm surrounded by people with like fucking 4.0s wondering how the fuck I can compete... But you put my mind a little at ease. I'll keep working hard though, hopefully by the time I apply I'll have overall 3.6

>> No.6936917

I competed and crushed plenty of valedictorians in undergrad, I wasn't even top 10% of my high school

there's so much variation between high schools, worrying about your grades is pointless. Just do your best, nobody can expect anything more.

>> No.6936920

all those grammar mistakes
>tfw haven't slept in two days

>> No.6936924

>anything > 2.5 gpa (I'd go as low as 2) is fine for engineering if you just want a job


>> No.6936925
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Don't worry lol I feel you. fucking exam week. I'm doing alright but I still can't sleep because of stress. I'm literally done with all my exams, got my grades, and STILL can't calm down.

This is a /sci/ not /lit/ we're not looking to get paid for pretty words

>> No.6936928

idk man, my roommate has a 2.8 and companies literally trash his resume as soon as they see the first digit < 3.0

>> No.6936941

Pre-cal is just what it says on the tin. Pre-Calculus. When you get into Calculus 1, you'll be expected to think a lot more.

>> No.6936963

Does he smoke crack?

Projects are more important at least in my case.
Rockin a 3.0 and I got into grad school pretty easily.
Had two jobs since undergrad.
Got them from having lots of experience building robots.

>> No.6936975

Pre-calc is also a giant waste of time.
Algebra>Trig>Calc I. If you don't get that Trig course (which usually takes pre calc's place as a calc 1 prerequisite), you're going to be stuck in the same situation my friend from Calculus class is in.

Bitching about trig identities and losing a lot of points to them.

>> No.6937063

My CC is weird. They have it as Algebra->Pre-cal->Trig + Calc 1 (although you can take Trig with Pre-calc which is what I did). No idea why they did it like that. But apparently trig identities aren't used much here until Calc II. I hope I'm not getting some gimped experience.

>> No.6937138

I need a 59.5 in microbiology for the minimum grade I need. I'm afraid. The professor has some of the worst tests I've ever had. Having to remember and draw her stupid diagrams for 40% of the test. At least her questions won't have 10 different answers so I can guess better.

Really though I think I'll do fine.

>> No.6937832

Im doing it again, for the last 5 years of education i've been telling myself i wont procatsinate.

I have an exam in 4 days and know not even half the material

How do i combat this? I've come to admit im powerless to it. Like a drug addict.

>> No.6937914

>this something else is often notoriously difficult to get into.
Depends, it doesn't have to be med school if that's what you're thinking of. There's always Pharmacy, Dentistry, Optometry, .etc which are much easier to get into. Grad school is a joke to get into since it's not like they are concerned about the job market the same way the professional degree schools restrict enrollment.

Doctors don't exactly have an exciting job either, everything is very procedural, so don't ever push yourself to become one if you're not really sure you'll like it. Residency is hell, though the hours have probably been reduced nowadays for better or worse (your sanity is intact but you might miss those few interesting patients to learn from which is the entire point of the residency).

>> No.6937931

What program are you in? If you stuck in easy mode Life Sciences or something, then it's all your fault. You could get a degree from that even if you skipped everyday so you've never been pushed to work hard like that feeling when it's the day before a deadline, except you're forced to keep that feeling every day because your workload is just too damn heavy.

>> No.6938360
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attn i just completely bombed my chemistry final maybe i should just major in music

>> No.6938567

sometimes I wish I'd fail
have had the motivation and work ethic of a rock and still made it through almost two degrees, I haven't learned anything about how to work

>> No.6938569

>have a paper that's worth 50% of my grade due next weds
>draft I submitted for correction needs to be overhauled for organization and an entire section re-written
>have no motivation what so ever to fix it because I know it'll still be bad and I'll bomb the thing

>> No.6938642

I told myself I'll start studying for my cumulative final tomorrow after lunch.

Now its almost dinner time and I've done absolutely nothing. Where did all that time go? It felt like this semester just started a few weeks ago--I still remember the first day too

>> No.6938868

I've a multivariable calculus final on Friday. Does anyone have any tips? More specifically, is there a video that explains surface integrals well? There are so many formulae in my textbook, and it doesn't do a good job explaining when to use them or even if they're different in the first place.

>> No.6938885

>vector calc final today at 7:30
>already failing
>retaking next term to replace grade
>gonna show up, hastily scribble nonsense equations, and hand it in 40 minutes early to freak everyone else out

>> No.6938925

Or education. Have fun with that.

>> No.6938929

>not being prepared enough to be the first one finished and >=100%

>> No.6938937

got a real analysis final on friday

havent studied one bit since sunday, barely studied before that, dont really know anything from the class, dont remember any of the theorems, dont have the faintest idea how to even go about solving the homework problems let alone the qualifier-tier final problems

just need to finish this bullshit programming assignment that ive been putting off all week tonight and force myself to start studying

getting off 4chan is the first step i guess, thank god moot picked this week to break /pol/ or id be fucked

>> No.6938954

The worst thing about procrastinating is that I don't even fill the procrastinated time with enjoyable shit, like vidya, books or series. I just browse *chans and other shit websites, always telling myself "I'll start studying in 30 minutes/an hour/2 hours, let me just look at this minor thing before".
At the end of the day I have studied little, didn't enjoy my actual hobbies, but wasted all my time on the fucking internet.

>> No.6938957

and now I have a shitload of work due tomorrow, friday, and monday, and then finals

>> No.6939050

I don't even feel anything remotely pleasurable when I'm lurking this site out of procrastination. MAYBE a chuckle or two but that's rare.

>> No.6939051
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Semi long post about today:

>diff equations class
>last week professor emails us list of what problems from our previous exams we need to study for the final and not to worry about anything else
>highlighted all of those from my previous exams and studied all of them perfectly
>felt confident that I can possibly ace the final

>today we took the final
>got every single problem right except one
>I don't remember studying that type of problem and I was stuck on it forever
> it was from the beginning of the semester so I forgot how to do it
>mad as hell during and after test thinking our professor didn't tell us to study that problem
>ask him after class if he forgot to tell us about that problem
>"it's problem #9 from your first exam, anon, it was on the email."
>immediately check email on phone
>damn, he's right
>went from mad to upset thinking I must have not studied it enough to remember

>get home and look at my first exam to see if I forgot to highlight it
>I did highlight #9 but it's not even related to the one from the final
>suddenly realize that there were two problem #9's
>it was a typo in numbering that I never noticed
>turns out I highlighted the "wrong" #9
>went from upset to mad as hell again

Should I point out to my professor about the typo and ask for some scoring forgiveness?
I know that I should have known how to do that problem and shame on me, but I felt like I was misled (obviously unintentionally) on what to focus my study efforts on.

He's a pretty cool guy who likes me because I as me a good student and participate in discussion when necessary, however, I don't know if he would think that I should have known how to do it anyways. I'm sure my professor would think I'm acting entitled and I would agree with him, but that kind of error can really make or break someone's grade in the class.

How would you guys feel about this? Again, I should've known how to do it but the typo really screwed me up.

>> No.6939078

Yeah talk to him about it. There was a misunderstanding, no biggie. Stop acting like a submissive and scared high school pupil, you and the prof are both adults.

>> No.6939684

I'm in my third year. This is my first semester back after a year long internship and I failed four of my classes this semester.

Fuck me.

>> No.6939690

It will be fine dude, just try your best.

>> No.6939698

No. That was your fault not his.
You don't need to go to your professor for that.
You are acting entitled. If I were him I wouldn't give you a break. Next time pay attention.

>> No.6939700

Why the FUCK would the professor tell you which problems come in the final? What a gigantic fucking joke. You shouldn't fucking know what's going to come, just which topics, you should just learn your theory and how to apply it.

Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.6939703

>being this retarded

>> No.6939711

You just memorized the techniques of how to solve the problems without actually understanding it. You are a dumbass that only passed because your professor gave you the problems before hand. You don't have the math ability to actually solve shit you never seen before which is evident by the fact you couldn't solve the problem you didn't study. Now you want to take it up with the professor? You should be happy he even gave you the problems in advance. Else your fuck face couldn't even math enough to pass the class. Fuck off kid. Study art or something. You are an entitled little pussy & can't do anything original.

>> No.6939712

To be fair, there are certain situations where the professor royally fucks up.

If the question wasn't there then I would be more lenient to frog's scenario. But since it is definitely frog's fault, nothing will be reconsidered.

one time my professor accidently cleared our blackboard folder (it had lecture slides and a review of key topics) a week before our exam and didn't know until two days before our exam, so he ended up apologizing and said he'd be more lenient when grading.

>> No.6939717


Yerp. my life. I hate that theres so much pressure. I like school and pushing myself intellectually but... idk. I think im going to drop out. everyone I know who has a bachelors is working in the factories with all the high school grads or teaching English in a foreign country.

>> No.6939719

On a marginally related note, what are some study techniques for the GRE? I need at least a 70 percentile

>> No.6939725

>To be fair, there are certain situations where the professor royally fucks up.

Yeah and >>6939051
wasn't one such story. He is a dumbass that can't solve problems he's never seen before. He had to have his professor explicitly tell him WHICH problems to study for.

>> No.6939730
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Do any of you guys keep a spreadsheet like this?

Fuck signals was much harder than it had to be but I just wrote the final on Monday and I think I did really good. I had enough time to double check everything. The crappy quiz grades and midterm are the result of having 20 minutes for huge quizzes and 50 minutes for an even bigger midterm. Not a lot of high grades in that course.

Software engineering sucks and I hate the prof. My team was 4 people and only another guy and myself actually did anything. One of them tried and I helped him as much as I could, the other one was some rich arabic 30 year old who didn't give a fuck. I heard he got 2/20 on the lab exam. Was not surprised.

Senior design continues next semester. Slow progress, but I'm only taking four courses next semester so I can really focus on it.

>> No.6939741

best test advice ever was to practice reading without pausing between words or rereading words. It speeds up the process and leaves more time to think about the questions.

>> No.6939768

Pretty sure I bombed my genetics final today which was worth 200 points out of 400 of the class total. Fucking fantastic

I usually start studying during thanksgiving break and increase the material and intensity as it gets closer. Don't know why I didn't this time.

>> No.6939770
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who amphetamine here

>> No.6939775

For my ACS exam,
PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. and flashcards for concepts/rules/etc.

Managed a B on it and an A in the course.

>> No.6939800 [DELETED] 

>not the other guy, but you're as much a part of the problem as anyone.

Physicists suck at proving their concepts at an undergraduate level. Yes, we are competent in calculus. No we don't understand the finer points of applications because we only know the pure math. It's your job to help us connect the two. You want it to sink in? Find problems without a half dozen qualifiers so we can build an intuition. We don't even know where to start if you don't define the dependencies and relationships to follow rigorously. This is what we learned in math - definitions and proofs that follow without question.


>> No.6939812

Phew, I managed to do pretty well on my last mechanics exam that pretty much destroyed most of the class (upper 80s yay for me). I swear that I seem to do better on harder test than easier ones for some mysterious reason. I don't know why this is.

The last of my finals are next week though. I'm not terribly worried about them, but I should definitely crank out some studying for those. Unfortunately, they'll all be long tests that occur one day after each other, so hopefully I don't lose focus.

>> No.6939825

>getting upper 80's in Mechanics
>this is destroying your class
Was your professor literally Hitler, or is there something in the water?
Constant acceleration problems, Energy Conservation, Rotational and Fluid Mechanics, Oscillations and Gravitation. These were the sorts of things you covered, right?

>> No.6939827

Seriously. All of my finals are worth 40-60% of my grade.

>tfw intermediate inorganic chemistry final at 8am
>shitposting on 4chan at 2am

>> No.6939872

Intro circuit analysis final tomorrow.

Have done well on all the exams in this course so far, so I feel oddly peaceful about it.

On the other hand, I really am not as well versed on the material from the final few weeks of the course as I was with the rest of the exams. Taking this one a week early so I can go to a conference, so I'm kinda diving head first into this one. Also have a zero and a fifty in my quiz scores so its still slightly make or break.

Instructor excused me and another kid from the calc 4 final, so don't gave to worry abt that.

Phys 3 final next Friday. First midterm was a b, my online HW score is rubbish, and I have at least one botched written HW, so that's another make or break one.

>> No.6939903

>A's on all exams
>missed a bunch of mini quizzes because lol antisocial and teacher requires a lot of groupwork
>C in class

>> No.6939906

How do I into amphetamines

I can't concentrate worth a shit

>> No.6939912

popped a vyvance at 4

finished my homework at midnight
smoked a bunch of weed, got too stoned to study for final friday

now im lying in bed on 4chan waiting for it to wear off...

>> No.6939921

>tfw working on take-home Neuroscience final currently
>tfw you've been in the library for 9 hours
>tfw the essay is 17 pages long and only halfway done
>tfw the brain can't comprehend itself
It's an abstract kind of feel.

>> No.6939926

>final about calc II in 5 hours
>didn't start studying yet
>didn't show up to the last 4 classes
why do I do this

>> No.6939927

You should start doing that after the semester ends because once it starts you know you aren't going to do that shit.

>> No.6939941

If you get depressed easily, I don't understand why you would want to be a veterinarian.

>> No.6939953

so how much sleep do you guys get when you have an exam the following day?

>> No.6939977

2-3 hours. Wake up, two cups of black coffee, five minute cold shower. Gives the brain a little jump start for the following morning.

>> No.6939998


>> No.6940027

usually either like 6-7 hours or 0 hours

>> No.6940134

I like this post. Sorry, buddy.

>> No.6940464

This particular exam has an inertial tensor problem, kepler orbit, a rotating accelerating frame problem, and then one with lamina motion (a bowling ball initially slipping and then it starts rolling later). The first two were easy, but the last two definitely tripped me up and that's probably what got most people.

>> No.6940499
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Real Analysis final tomorrow

Hyped as hell because I got my dreaded statistics exam out of the way yesterday and now I can focus solely on delicious pure math

>> No.6940528


Your professor may be more fair than mine was, but my Analysis professor destroyed us on the final by giving us problems insanely difficult. I don't believe I got one proof correct on the entire exam. It brought me down an entire letter grade.

>> No.6940533

That's shitty. My professor's approaching senility and gave us a complex analysis question on the second midterm so nobody really knows what to expect.

>> No.6940542

Yeah, it is real (no pun intended) shitty because now I have a C+ n the fucking course when I could have managed to pull off a solid A due to the upswing in my grades. This was almost 3 years ago and I still remember how shitty of a professor he was. I used to make 100%s on all the homework's / quizzes. It's okay, I made A's, A+'s in other math classes that semester. Good luck!

>> No.6940576

Usually it's the whole second half of semesters. It's something about the rise and drop after the first test or two that leaves me an emotional wreck. I've been dealing with manic depression for years now so I figured out how to deal with it. It comes down to taking care of the basic priorities first (Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Hygiene, and then whatever else) when I'm down and not getting carried away when I'm up.

The trick about finals is that if you've been doing it right all term, you shouldn't have to have marathon cram sessions on finals week. I spent an hour a day reviewing before my exam for a couple days, going over the stuff that I missed on the previous tests. I only needed a 68 to keep my grade, and I probably pulled that off, but there's only so much I can do when I'm in the kind of mindset that will play a 18 hour game of Civ 5 in a single sitting rather than spending a few hours working math exercises.

>> No.6940580

I try for a full night, but I haven't slept a full night since October. Insomnia is a bitch.

>> No.6940601
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>have 3 exams in the first 3 days of exam period
>first up is classical mechanics
>pfft, bitch pls, it's all just differential calculus and cross products
>second is calculus
>it's multiple choice since they lump the ~40 physics majors with the 2000 engineering majors
>hell yes I fucking rocked that exam
>linear algebra 3 exam
>professor literally wrote the textbook but he's so bad at teaching and the course is designed for 2nd-year math majors even though no math majors take it
>lube up my anus for the exam
>it's not that bad at all, half the questions were from assignments and there were a bunch of easy questions and potential for partial marks

>my last final is an astrophysics exam in just over a week
>even if I pass it with a 51% I still won't be able to go below an A- in the class at this point

tl;dr everything went better than expected

>> No.6940606


Fuck you. Fuck you. Engineers just lost all of my respect for the rest of time. Grade inflation right here, motherfuckers.

That's bullshit. And I go to Community College.

>> No.6940607

...are you a Cleveland bro???

>> No.6940611

To pipe in, spent the last couple of weeks trying to revise, had my mate telling me i'm gonna fail to push me to revise, i've just been getting de-motivated doing other shit like playing form the depths instead.

Now it's tomorrow, i have no idea what i'm going to i mean the exam is theoretical comp sci so it's only understanding the mathematics and functions in different types of automata and Turing machines and stuff which i find interesting but it just feels so dull to elarn as i always feel like i know nothing to do with it

MY new main fear is waking up on time i mean it's a 10am but still i've been sturggling to sleep before 7am and waking up at 1-2pm.

>> No.6940612

Calc II...forget that shiz. Enjoy the beauty that is Calc III when you get there.

>> No.6940620
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It's amazing. Even though they design first and second year engineering courses to weed out the shitters, the calculus classes have multiple choice exams simply because there's so many engineers and so few math professors/TAs.

Meanwhile the physics/astrophysics majors are clumped into the engineer calculus classes since it'd make no sense making an entirely separate math track for them, the math major calc classes go into way more detail than needed, and the remaining track is too simple for what physics majors need.

Having told you all that, now you'll get madder when I tell you that even then we were curved 10-20% up in the first year and we're expecting a curve of 5-10% for this class. Also consider that 2/3rds of first-year engineering majors and 1/2 of second-year engineering majors fail and drop their classes at my uni.

It's a good time.

>> No.6940622


>> No.6940624


As a math major I NEVER had an exam that was multiple choice. Fuck your shitty classes and grade inflation.

>> No.6940628

As mad as I got a few minutes ago, my relative self-esteem is higher now than it was a few minutes ago.

>> No.6940646

>tfw abstract algebra final was a 100 T/F question test
It was way easier than my other two exams in that class. Didn't bother to see what I made on the test though.

>> No.6940681

holy fuck man
how much are you finals worth

my finals are usually worth 50% of my final grade

>> No.6940686

dude who feels man
keep at it bro, i am you can too

>> No.6940732

Why does your school offer such shit easy math classes? My Abstract Algebra exam was all theorem-proof based. My Real Analysis exam was all theorem-proof based as well. It's the sort of exams where you are given 4 difficult as fuck questions where you are using every fucking thing in your brain you know about the subject to finish the problems. If you can't get started on a proof or fuck up somewhere the best you can get is about a 75% or so.

>> No.6940741

>My Abstract Algebra exam was all theorem-proof based.
Well yeah, that's what the other two exams were like. To be clear though, it was just a junior-level abstract algebra class. There's a more advanced one sometimes offered for seniors. I think my professor just got lazy and couldn't think of any good questions to ask.

>> No.6940750

>Be Aero-Engineer
>Even the career center tells you you're fucked if you get below a 3.5
>Have a 3.6, but grades this year have been shit

Fucking kill me.

>> No.6940752

My Abstract Algebra class was junior-based too. I think the last time I had a multiple choice exam was first semester Physics & the shitty web assign assignments. It just sucks when you skim a problem and think "I have no fucking idea how to start this proof" and then realize you are under a strict time limit and you basically can do no better than a 75%, unless you bullshit your way through it and hope for partial points. But my professor didn't give partial points for attempting a problem / showing your work. His criteria for giving partial points were such that you basically had a complete proof but fucked up one line somewhere. Essentially, in my class, if you were in a position where you didn't know how to prove it, then skipping it would net the same result as actually trying the problem but getting it wrong anyway. Also, my prof would take off -5 points if your proofs missed trivial words that connected one statement to the next when it would be generally understood what you meant. Stuff other professors wouldn't count off on. His grading style was that only very polished proofs received full credit.

>> No.6940757

Shit like that makes me wish I majored in CS + Philosophy and bullshitted my way through college while maintaining a high GPA. Friends of mine in other programs (like CS, Statistics, etc.) would have nearly 4.0s. Math majors would be lucky to have a 3.3.

>> No.6940767

Ouch, that sounds really shitty. I've never actually had a professor/TA that didn't give partial credit. Generally, the idea is to show your work and if what you're doing makes sense, then you get credit for that. So if a slight fuckup on part a makes your answer on part b wrong, you still get full credit if your work is otherwise correct. I don't think I've ever lost points for wording on proofs unless I said something that was wrong. As long as it was right; well, it was right.

Definitely can relate to you on the time limit thing though. It sucks when it takes you like 10-20 minutes to fully understand the problem before you can even make a reasonable approach that makes sense.

>> No.6940782


Yeah, I just happened to have a lot of awful math professors. Really shitty ones. One of the worst professors I've ever had was famous in his field. He couldn't teach shit. One time he was discussing a proof and then froze in his track. He put his fingers around his chin, looked at the floor and said "Oh yes." "Hrm", "yes, yes". "Hrm", "Okay, yes.. yes.. this is trivial." "yes, the next step is trivial" and wouldn't even complete the fucking proof. He would move on to another one and do the same thing. He was the shittiest professor I ever had. I don't know if Russia does things differently, but he couldn't teach shit. Then he gave impossible exams too.

I've taken several proof bases courses in CS and found that they taught the material much better. I also found the material more interesting (not talking about shitty software engineering, but theoretical CS). Probably why I'll be getting a PhD in CS and not Math.

>> No.6940790
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>tfw being the first one to finish the final in class and knowing you passed it

>> No.6940867

I don't know why but whenever I have a final exam in the afternoon or evening I always find time to fap.

It started randomly a few years ago but I don't think I can remember having an exam later on in the day and not fapping. If I have an exam in the morning I'll fap the day before.

>> No.6940900

>taking DiffEq exam
>working through the last problem for 20 minutes
>professor: "haha, so those eigenvalues weren't what I thought they were going to be, that's actually going to make things a lot harder. You don't need to do this problem"

>> No.6940908

like 9 hours lol

I could only squeeze in 6 the past two nights though. I need my beauty sleep nigga

>> No.6940934

fucken nerd

>> No.6940951

Damn, I really like my math professors overall. This semester I had some chill french guy for PDE. He once told us a story of how he had a nightmare teaching a photography class and was unable to prove a theorem about taking a good picture on the board. It ended with people walking out of the class with him saying "wait, don't go."

>> No.6941336

That feel when Spanish spanish exam and I completely forgot everything that I learned. Calculus I test on Monday and not motivated to study. At least I can shitpost on /sp/ and /g/.

>> No.6941448

>Genetics Final worth 30%
>60% cumulative
>Mendelian Inheritance
>Nonmendelian Inheritance
>Chromosome structure and rearrangement
>DNA replication and structure
>RNA structure and processing/transcription
>Gene Regulation
>DNA Repair
>Lab methods

Just too many details to remember. Hopefully pulled off a high C, low B on the test.

>> No.6941980

I try to fap as much as I can during finals week...

>> No.6942023

Maybe I'm weird, but I feel like I get on a whole different level when it comes to tests.

First off, I've never studied for one. I always just sort of wing it. The day of my final, I wake up 3-4 hours prior to the exam. First, I get breakfast, and get something with caffeine in me. Make sure to get the caffeine early, so you don't have jittery hand writing. The next step, is basically just metal and quake. I've got a list of songs that get me pumped up, like to the point where I'll feel like I wanna pick a fight with someone when walking into the exam room. Combine that shit with a game like quake and I'll be practically foaming at the mouth prior to an exam. Ace'd every exam I've taken so far in college, in my third semester now of a physics and math double major. Also got 30 credits worth of 4s and 5s on AP exams using this method.

Shit all evens out, though. I got loadsa ADD. Can't focus on homework no matter how many hours I try.

>> No.6942073

My post is not spam!

>> No.6942075

Man you are gonna be so ridiculously fucked when you get to upper level math and physics classes.

>> No.6942078
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Has anybody taken the ACS exam for gen chem before? maybe even this year's?
I'm piss awful in chemistry and my grade is tanking in that class pretty hard as a result. I didn't get much time to study this week either between my math exams + work.

How fucked am I tomorrow? I hear that a lot of professors give the exam a very generous curve because of the national average.

Anybody taken it this week and maybe tell me some hints as I go over the ACS guide as hard as I can?

>> No.6942082
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My study session will continue for the next 40 hours

>> No.6942095

>studied way too much for biology exam
>studied way too little for physics final in turn
>chemistry final is tomorrow


>> No.6942101

So I've posted like 2 or 3 times ITT already but this is it, the final hour, I've got my real analysis final tomorrow at 10am. Didn't study all week until tonight, went over all the theorems and homework solutions, I'm gonna fail, there's no doubt about it, only question is whether I get 0 points or, like, 2 or 3 points for partial credit for pointing out something obvious.

I just can't force myself to study, I suck at it and my textbook is a pdf on my netbook which means I have 4chan available literally all the time I'm trying to study, I'll start working on a problem, get stuck, and waste 15 minutes on 4chan before I even notice and remember I'm supposed to be working.

So, I think at this point, I am going to smoke weed for an hour or two, pass out, get 2-3 hours sleep, wake up around 3AM, pop a vyvanse and study, I just don't care any more, I had all semester to prepare and learn how to do proofs and I didn't and now I'm going to fail and be stuck at this shitty garbage university for another fucking 3 years for my whole PhD because I'll never be able to get into a decent school with a C in measure theory from a shit tier unranked math program, god I hate my life so much.

Studying for math just feels so fruitless, you can spend 40 hours studying and know every single definition and theorem and corollary and be able to prove them backwards and forwards and still get 0 points on the exam, in fact if that's how you study you're probably going to get a 0.

>> No.6942102

Oh man, this is me.
I once actually lost my mind while studying, and I did very well on my exam and papers. I couldn't sleep for more than 4 hours a night, and I felt great apart from some fear from my inability to sleep.
Looking forward to losing my mind again. I have two "easy" classes (numerical analysis, programming) and then two hard ones (group theory and analysis). I just found out that those professors have been inserting graduate-level problems into the homework.
Keep at at it guys! It's just one more week, all you have to do is sprint and love the material unconditionally!

>> No.6942103 [DELETED] 

>dat calculator stand
...what is this sorcery?!?

>> No.6942104

I have a fair amount of confidence that I'll be able to adjust, mostly because I've heard ever since elementary school that I'll be fucked when I get to the next level.

Also, not sure that saying "I don't study" was entirely accurate. I do tons of studying for shit I don't need to learn yet. Got 5s on both physics C sections without taking the class. Taught myself diffy qs and linear algebra as a freshman for my undergrad research project.

I'm just dogshit at focusing on things I already understand. I've been getting progressively better through the years at that shit, so hopefully I can keep that up and do well.

But yeah, I'm not worried in the slightest about upper level courses.

>> No.6942110

This is my fucking life. I spent all evening and all this morning going over my calc notes + book for the second calc exam, and still got my ass grassed as a result today. Calc 2 was the exam, and it was over power series and convergence of infinite series and I got my ass kicked. Now I did the math, I should still come out with an A in the class unless I fucked up something awful, but the fact that I end up with a C on a final doesn't really set well with me.

>> No.6942115

>I have a fair amount of confidence that I'll be able to adjust, mostly because I've heard ever since elementary school that I'll be fucked when I get to the next level.
Lol, I got that too, it didn't really happen til grad school for me, procrastinating and half-assing everything got me through college fine. But even still, zero study is not gonna fly for upper level classes, if you can adapt to do the work I'm sure you'll be fine but it'll probably take one or two exams of going in feeling like hot shit thinking you know everything and not being able to answer a single question at first before you start.

>> No.6942117

I've been in your position. I (still) don't take notes, and I winged every test through high school, and a bit into uni.
But trust me, it's going to be on another level, at least temporarily. My set theory course covered well over 100 theorems and proofs, and that was over just a quarter. You can't wing that.
In fact, when it comes to the abstract math courses, they're either hit or miss for most people. If it's hit, you'll get by with minimal studying. If it's miss, you're going to have to work your ass off.

>> No.6942119
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>tfw when just smoke for 4 hours
>have two exams and plenty of time to study
>study for several hour blocks while high, and learn better (aka makes me thing more abstractly and less concretely)
>win win
yall need to learn

>> No.6942131

It seems like you guys thing abstract math will be the type of stuff that'll break my back? Maybe so. Good thing I don't plan on taking too many. I'm probably going to go into either the applied or computational tracks for my math degree. My main concern will be higher level physics, since I want to go to grad school for it.

So, is grad school level physics as much of a major change from undergrad as math is?

>> No.6942133

had to take wood shop ... made calculator stand ftw

>> No.6942136

Uh, I was talking about grad level proofs classes like measure theory where the exam is 3 choose 2 questions from a qualifier exam and each is pretty much proving a theorem you've never seem before but I'm sure calc 2 finals suck too. At least you can practice for calculus, I can't practice for measure theory because since I don't know how to do my homework I have no way of telling if I even did the practice problems right.

>> No.6942188

does any one else have to take a final on machine code and assemblers? what have I gotten myself into, I'm supposed to be an EE major, this shit is for comp. sci. fags.

>> No.6942230

>need to study for exam
>"i'll start studying at 7pm"
>4chan shitposting
>fap session
>end up sleeping
>wake up 1 hour before exam

>> No.6942245

make sure you take drugs before you leave the house so they will kick in by the time you get to school.

>> No.6942302

Girl in OP is so cute. Favorite type of Asian face. Seen some like that around campus.

>> No.6942364

cool story bro

>> No.6942377

Here in NZ, our finals were a few months ago, but I still feel you mang.
I got into the habit of going to sleep at 3pm, waking up at 10pm, studying until 8:30 and then sitting my exams at 9
>tfw exams five days in a row
>five days of 12 hour study and exam, back to back
I wanted nothing more than death.

>> No.6942386

As someone who graduated and got a good job after uni, I remember those feels and am terrified by them.

I wish you all the best of luck and hang in there for just a bit longer.

>> No.6942408

Something occurred to me earlier today when I was explaining that I had actually read an entire fucking linear algebra (Lay's, kek) textbook my first semester because my engineering professor was CS genius but couldn't teach a math class to save his life.

Then I realized how bad physics (and engineering) professors have it when they get students (like me at the time) who had a shitty math background.

>> No.6942409


I'm in pre-med so I'm shooting for As. I need to 100% my Bio final and get a 91% or higher on Chem. Not to mention two papers that need to get done that are mercilessly graded that also need to have As. Fuck this, I feel the pressure and I haven't started studying yet at all. Bio is on Monday and I haven't touched the last four chapters we went over, and I barely understood the four chapters before that and just cheesed the test by cramming the night before to get an A. Likewise in Chem I can barely remember unit two. Fuck this.

>> No.6942415

>one or two hours
>finals are just another test

What the fuck are you on dude, finals are different from most tests in two huge ways:
>they cover an entire semester's worth of material
>they're worth a shitload more

It's not fucking hard to see the difference

>> No.6942420

I'm in almost same boat, except I dropped pre-med earlier in the semester because I hate biology to the fullest extent of my being.

That being said, bio is the type of course that you can cram and do okay in. I actually did better cramming in chemistry, but that's probably because I'm a math major and it seemed more interesting.

>> No.6942436


Used to be zero. Then I started trying a different tactic: I pull the inevitable all-nighter two nights before the exam and pretend that the exam is on the following day. I get all my studying done as if I'm about to take the exam. Then I knock out my classes, go back home, and go to sleep incredibly early (we're talking like 2 or 3 in the afternoon) I sleep for a really fucking long time and get up at about 5 or 6 in the morning the next day, which is the actual day before the exam. I spend 2-3 hours that morning reviewing the material again and making sure I'm prepared. Then I go take the exam.

I highly recommend this method to you guys if it's 2-3 days before the exam and you're freaking out. Going into an exam on a night full of sleep instead of going in on fumes makes a huge difference. Of course this only really works if you can put off everything in other classes for a couple days while you focus on the class you're having an exam in.

>> No.6942443


Damn, you know it's bad when people don't even tiptoe around it and tell you straight up that you're fucked. Pre-Med here and they tell us that we should "probably" get above a 3.5 to be considered competitive, which translated into non-baby language means "get below a 3.5 and you're fucked, and you should probably get a 3.8 if you want to be considered competitive"

>> No.6942444

>Of course this only really works if you can put off everything in other classes for a couple days while you focus on the class you're having an exam in.

I was about to say. I'm at the point in my major where I'm taking all STEM courses, so me putting off work is super-detrimental to my grades.

>> No.6942448

>not doing background checks on your professors before signing up for their classes

I got fucked over once by a prof, never fucking again. Now I only pick highly-rated teachers and if they're not rated or if they're rated poorly, I stay the fuck away. Life is so much better.

>> No.6942452

You don't always have a choice though.

>> No.6942458

This. I took a class with my adviser (didn't know I'd be assigned to him at the time) and his pass rate was like 50%. He even bragged about it. I had an A going into the final (may have gotten rekt, not sure yet). I go to a small school, and about half, maybe more, of my year's students are having to retake the course next semester and put their major classes on hold.

Most of it is their own fault, but the professor is kind of a hard ass on grades too.

>> No.6942464

>I go to a small school

Is going to a small school the reason why, or for the top post, is it just that the class is specific enough that only one faculty member teaches it? I might end up in that situation at some point but right now the only thing that's happened is taking slightly higher-level English courses that basically leave me with a choice between two profs. But all the profs in the English department are fucking boss so it's really not an issue for me.

Btw I'm also pre-med and a Physics major along with English, so I feel your guys' pain. Not pretending that I know how shitty finals is as a an English major, that'd be ridiculous.

>> No.6942468

>that learning goals based grading system in Linear Algebra
>only need to answer one question on the final to get an A because I did well enough on the quizzes
>do my final in blue highlighter to piss off my professor

>> No.6942472
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>only get 3-4 hours of sleep during the entire semester
>try not to vomit from anxiety when wake up
>drop physics and get a c in calc
only took one course this year which was calc, i couldve been ready to transfer to a uni by now

>> No.6942473

It could be either one.

In my case, the university I go to isn't small by any means, but once you get far enough along, you can't just simply choose what class you want to fit your schedule. Certain stuff only gets offered during certain semesters at certain years and you've got to take it now or screw up your graduation plan. It's also worth briefly mentioning that plenty of people commute and it's desirable to limit how often you have to go to class.

>> No.6942475


This guy (>>6942458) here

I think there's one other professor who teaches the course, and I've heard he's easier. However, I don't see how the class could be easier without losing content. I'm kinda pissed that we didn't finish everything as is. I think my fellow classmates are just pathetic students.

Also, good on you for doing English. I got accepted into the honors writing program at my university when I applied, but neglected to do it because of the reading involved. I still write tho.

>> No.6942478
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Had my Classical Mech exam this afternoon. Spent an hour and eight pages working through a long, tedious problem where you had to solve for the equations of motion using Lagrangian method, Hamiltonian method, canonical transformation method, and harmonic oscillator method...

... only to realize I'd fucked up the potential and that all my work was wrong.

Attached all the crap work anyways, figure it at least shows I know what the fuck I'm doing.

>> No.6942482

>econ final tomorrow
>didnt study
>shitposting on /sci/ when i should be studying
Kill me

>> No.6942485

My first couple years of college? 2-3 hours.

Eventually I wised up to the fact that getting a good night's sleep and having a nice morning getting ready at a relaxed pace does so so much more for helping you get through a difficult final than any late night cramming session ever will.

Usually try to get in bed around 10 or so the night before. Set alarms for 5:00 am (gives me three or four hours before the exam), wake up, shower, cook myself up a really nice breakfast, have some coffee and read the paper, never rushing.

Usually get into the building about 30-40 minutes before and by that point I'm chill as fuck. I haven't panicked on an exam in years.

>> No.6942486

Jesus Christ dude stop playing video games and put some fucking effort into it.

>> No.6942505

I did that on a Calc 3 exam once. I misread the iterated integral and had to pull out two integration-by-parts, then an inverse-trig-sub on a different part of the integral. Only to get my exam back an realize it was a simple u-sub. I can just imagine the professor laughing his ass off at me.

>> No.6942513 [DELETED] 

this. if you don't know it at midnight, you sure as fuck aren't going to know it at 4 am. get some rest, eat some, go for a jog, and take that shit.

>> No.6942522

Pretty much me

Also me

I have a gen chem exam (ACS) tomorrow at 8 AM. I don't really feel that prepared because I'm dogshit at chem, but I'm just mentally exhausted from working my ass off on my calc II exams and getting rekt today (I had two of them) that I really just can't force myself to study anymore. Probably gonna hit the hay at midnight, set my alarm for 6, and just do some quick readthroughs and go in.

Honestly I'm probably gonna jump ship to an engineering major from physics so I really don't give a shit anymore. Fuck chemistry.

>> No.6942528

The fuck? You'd drop physics because of chemistry? Anything that's not EE is going to require chemistry. Think about what you are doing, anon.

>> No.6942535

Oh no I'm not dropping physics because of chemistry I don't mind it and honestly I feel like if my professor didn't make the exams ridiculously impossible I'd be fine.

I just don't really think there is a whole lot I can do with a bachelor's degree in physics. I'd rather pick up a degree in aerospace engineering initially so I can get my foot in the door in doing a bunch of space shit, and return to physics and pursue a phD in it. Depending on how I play my cards, I can just skip the bach in physics with some courses and get into grad school I guess. I mean, if you wanna talk me down from it please do. I just don't want to graduate with this physics bachelor's and be able to do jackshit except go to grad school.

>> No.6942538
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>> No.6942541 [DELETED] 
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>mfw the prof will not shut the fuck up during the exam

"on number 5, idal gas is supposed to be ideal gas"

5 mins later

"on number 10, that should read 1.103e^5 Pascals, not density"

5 mins later

"don't forget to put the class code on the scantron"

>> No.6942550

> Exams end yesterday
> Professor expects me to work on class project until next tuesday
lol grad school

>> No.6942575

I always wanted to be a dentist, but the way how things are turning, I think I'm going to be graduating with a 2.8~2.9. I'm told pharmacist job field is hard to get into in America. I might as well get a masters in biochem and hope for the best.

>> No.6942643

>tfw getting all your notes set up and opened, but you end up sitting there just staring at them for 1-2 hours before realizing you haven't done anything at all

>> No.6942808

Complete bullshit.

I'm sorry, and I realize that everyone is different, but I've had multiple instances where I've known little to no information about the upcoming test, boom all nighter, pull an A.

Honestly, if you know how to study and what to study for, a few hours difference of cramming can mean the difference between a C and an A

>> No.6942847

I have a math final and I'm just depressed because I know that it's most likely that all the time and hard work I put into the class will end up going to waste. As long as I get at least a D on the exam I'll pass the class with a C but it still worries me because I got like a 50 on two out of three of the exams.
It's in two days and I've barely started studying. I should be fine if I spend literally all of tomorrow with a book up my ass though. I really hope calc is easier than precalc.

>> No.6942850

m8 I did all that plus more (maybe 4 times as much) in my year 12 exam a few weeks ago

>> No.6942877

Are you me? I was in the exact same situation except I took my final today. Not really feeling it but im hoping for the best.

>> No.6942931

>tfw finished final exams and have to wait for scores

I've gotten an A in two courses and a lab. Still waiting on 3 more courses.

Hoping for straight A's. As long as I didn't fuck up, it's a high possiblity, but the potential is there. The suspense is the worst part.

>> No.6942940
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>tfw I forgot to attach an image

This applies to both.

>> No.6943002

I think I've earned myself a break. Studying all last night, some today, 3 hour calc exam, then study Russian for 3 or 4 hours or something like that. Руccкий язык очень трудней, но я занимаю многа cегодня :)

Astronomy Monday. Thanking my Russ/Astro professors for study guides and that my finals are spread out.

Anyone else not able to study unless its like 1 am? During the day Im not productive at all. I also find that I study better with headphones on, even if theres no music. Music helps a lot though.

>> No.6943140

Same as >>6935325. When I'm not studying, I'm either shitposting on /sci/ or watching some YouTube. I end up depressed, sour and bored after 4 consecutive days. If I was banned from learning/studying, I'd probably watch animu, read mangoo, listen to some music and play some vidya. After 1 year (min.) to 3 years (max.), I would have committed suicide if I didn't eat myself to death.

>> No.6943141

Pretty much the end of every chapter/section or any block/chapter. I try to create a formula for it or break it up into bits where I can finally understand it completely. It works most of the time even though it takes literally over an hour sometimes, but when it fails I know I'm fucked in the exam. A year later you'll find me crying over those problems that now seem very simple. Sometimes, I think that those problems borrow higher-level concepts/material just to fuck you up and make you beg for marks by helping your profs.

>> No.6943149

Yeah, I am sure you did as much in high school as someone did in a junior level genetics class.

Clearly his would have been more detailed.

>> No.6943159

Calc 3 student here. I went into the final with an A, and I spent all got damn weekend studying for it. I knew it was futile because this professor is a hardass and will pull some wack-a-doo shit on the exam that I can't prepare for. Fuck that, I just want my A. ;_;

>> No.6943169

Well, I went into undergrad as an engineer before I realized I liked pure mathematics much better. However, I fully intend on going into academia, so I can't really help you there.

I know it sounds harsh, but if you want a job, I'd go engineering.

>> No.6943201

Youl be fine
If you really want to be preprd do them example book problems. TI nspire cs cas does all work for me after i do it by hand so i can adequately check the ones the assholes didnt put in the back of the book

>> No.6943221

That's what I meant by studying all weekend. The exam covered the entire textbook, so I did most of the review problems for each chapter.

There was one question I know I fucked up on because I talked to the professor the next day. It was only 3% of the exam, but still.

>> No.6943251

> People complaining about studying a weekend for an exam

Jesus christ I spent 8 weeks studying for my year 12's. Did over 150 past papers.

>> No.6943272

Try taking 4 intensive courses, plus lab, a semester, then get back to us about your high school problems, punk.

>> No.6943289
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>tfw upcoming Real Analysis final
I hope I die in my sleep

>> No.6943298


man i got real lucky on my statics final. 6 written questions in 3 hours, but it didnt have any questions relating to unit vectors or dot/cross products.

>> No.6943306

Are you fucking kidding me? That shit was covered in the first week of my course. My final was same length, except we had questions about statically indeterminate structures, principle of superposition and structure defamation, and some shit like "Given the layout of this highway and the angle of the curve, what's the speed limit?"

>> No.6943356

I have to take the ACS Inorganic Chemistry exam on monday, has anyone here taken it in the past? And if so, how was it?

>> No.6943400
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>engineering exam in 2 hours
>Barely understand the material

Well at least I got an A in my humanities elective

>> No.6943956


>forget about shitty teachers

Fuck no, really the opposite. I had an teacher in High School who was so awful that my marks dropped significantly, although I was immensely motivated and interested in the subject matter. But other than having extremely tedious and boring lessons, she didn't understand that she had to be passionate about it and support the interested students.

>> No.6944142

>year 12
2/10 made me reply

>> No.6944535

FINISHED my Russian final just now. Jesus Christ. Only Astronomy to go on Monday.

/sci/entists, could you calculate the maximum level of drunk I can get tonight?