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6932687 No.6932687 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to die /sci/.... please tell me that someone will create a cure for death, so we don't have to die soon?

>> No.6932697

You're going to die, get over it pussy.

>> No.6932702

no. i don't want to. fuck you.

>> No.6932706

People want and don't want a lot of things. The universe doesn't seem to care too much. The sooner you get over it the more happy you'll be.

>> No.6932708
File: 80 KB, 688x547, tumblr_ktuyglB7ND1qzma4ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, you're telling me you're on /sci/ and implying happiness isn't a lie?

>> No.6932709

Remember the time before you were born? Of course not. You didn't exist then.
Same thing with death. When you're dead, it won't be like "oh shucks, I'm dead, this isn't fun."
It's not like being trapped in a dark room where you can't see or hear anything.
You don't exist anymore.
When you're dead, you can't even be aware of the fact that you're dead.
When you're dead, you won't care that you're dead.

>> No.6932713

what if you're wrong though.

I don't want to be ded ;_;

>> No.6932714

You're not the same person you were when you were born. Only neurons and a few cardiac cells are the same, the rest of the cells in your body get renewed completely every 10 years or so. Life is an illusion.

>> No.6932716
File: 19 KB, 396x385, happy_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw published in a journal and immortalized in science forever

>> No.6932719

Nothing is immortal. Even the universe itself will die.

>> No.6932721

>tied the noose today
>stared at it for an hour

I still wish I was dead. Every day of my life is suffering. I know what the problems are but I cant take any steps to resolve it. Its been 4 years now, I cannot see myself living much longer.

Suicide is my answer

>> No.6932730

That's why I said immortalized IN SCIENCE.

>> No.6932731

>immortalized in mortality

>> No.6932735

From your point of view, you will never die. g:Quantum immortality.

>> No.6932738

quantum immortality only works assuming that the universe is infinite

>> No.6932740

So when someone says "immortalized in stone" or whatever, you think that entails a paradox? Or are you just autistic.

>> No.6932741

look where you are, faggot

>> No.6932751

There's always that one faggot that starts to talk about heat death at your office christmas party

>> No.6932752

because his wife is going through menopause

>> No.6932755

>infinity in finite
there is nothing wrong there

>> No.6932761

>please tell me that someone will create a cure for death

I can't tell you that. Obviously it's never going to happen in any foreseeable future. After all, the people with the greatest access to "liberated technical resources" to address the problem are PRECISELY the same sort of people who only spend their time chasing money. In other words, as each billionaire dies just like we healthy middle class dies, then OBVIOUSLY there's a huge absence of rational investment in that rarefied upper class.

I mean, what sort of mentally-ill fuck-gasket spends all his time accumulating money, just to give him more ability to accumulate more money, so that he dies in 70-90 years anyway? What's the fucking point?

The core of the problem is that people who accumulate the most resources are the least visionary of our merry band of simians. It's shit and it's stupid, but Humans are shit and Humans are dreadfully stupid.

There's obviously no real hope for what the Human race will become... OTHER THAN EXTINCT.

>> No.6932772

you're drunk dude. GO TO BED.

>> No.6932905


>> No.6932913

You have 2 options:
1. Get lucky enough to ride the tide of medical advancement, just barely prolonging your life long enough to reach the next medical advancement until either the death of man or the transhuman singularity
2. Stop being a pleb babby and at least once a day sit and consider the fact that death is completely inevitable and unavoidable and that you will in fact no longer exist until you transcend the fear of death and move on with life.

>> No.6932942

>I mean, what sort of mentally-ill fuck-gasket spends all his time accumulating money, just to give him more ability to accumulate more money, so that he dies in 70-90 years anyway? What's the fucking point?
Power doesn't come from having money. Power is taking money away from other people.
If everyone was rich, no one would be rich.

>> No.6932967

try to live another 40-50 years, by that time we should have some minor life extension method: use it, live other 10-15 years, then sign up for cryonics/suspended animation which will be hopefully way more advanced than today.

>> No.6932971

lol why do u care?

Everyone has been dead for billions of years.

*tips fedora*

>> No.6932976

>The core of the problem is that people who accumulate the most resources are the least visionary of our merry band of simians
Those grapes are EXTREMELY SOUR mate

>> No.6932984

Yeah, I know quite a few rich people (friends of parents) and only one is unhappy, and that is because her husband died a few years ago and she isn't over it. So she bought another ~200+ houses to keep herself busy (I heard she just bought a row of shops worth 1.2m a week ago).

>> No.6933029

>Those grapes are EXTREMELY SOUR mate

AND YET, they still die in about the same lifespan as a healthy middle-class person.

The facts speak for themselves. The billionaires find it better to die with the highest score, and yet they have the most resources for putting an end to death itself. That makes them dumber than some ghetto ape. There's nothing dumber than a highly educated person who insists on doing exactly the worst thing.

>> No.6933033

>everyone else's goals in life are inferior to mine
bitter much?

>> No.6933047


can you please stop, this time VSG argument is an established fact.

>everyone else's goals in life are inferior to mine

watch the thing from an external perspective. We are talking about the most logical thing to do, subjective goals are irrelevant.

>> No.6933098

Quantum immortality is scary

>> No.6933101

>The billionaires find it better to die with the highest score

Maybe they have kids and want to leave them a legacy? I don't even like children but you are an autist of the highest calibre

>> No.6933106

I like this guy, he sees it clearly. A bit rough but this is what the majority needs to realize. Funny enough only an extreme minority can think this way calmly and constructivly. The rest just suicide cases.

But yeah OP, I've wished for a thousand year lifespan. Lately I see that it would be better to have a mass near extinction of us all since we'll only wreck up the place(earth) before we grow enough to take care of it.

>> No.6933107

better being an autist then...

>> No.6933157

>someone says "immortalized in stone" or whatever, you think that entails autism

>> No.6933164

Regenerating telomeres= immortality

Problem is when you manipulate the genes in a cell to cause the telomeres to regenerate, said cell tends to become cancerous and kill the organism.

>> No.6933176

Aubrey pls leave
your a janitor

wicked beard though

>> No.6933184

>I am a shitposter who does not know how Hayflick limits work

>> No.6933190

Not a good idea for now, unless it is limited to a few people. Otherwise starvation and war.
I have a question, wouldn't immortality require a bigger brain? Doesn't our brain have a limit for information storage and shit?

>> No.6933197

>ride the tide of medical advancement
>Regenerating telomeres

singularityfags that will believe far-fetched shit because fear of death.

No, we are not on the verge of immortality. Stop lying to yourselves and to each other. As you get older, an infinity of small factors add up on top of each other to contribute to the inevitability of death. Every single part of your organism has evolved from the very beginning to last no longer than it needs to sustain the race. Telomere shortening is one factor among a forest of factors, everything that composes you contributes to your aging.

Fear of death is a great drive for ambition. Some people bury it as they get older, but don't make that mistake, OP. Keep that feeling close and do not go gently into this good night. Rage. Rage against the dying of the light.

>> No.6933223

there's no known limit.

The guess is that we'd probably start forgetting things to make room for new things after 200 years or so

>> No.6933236

>quoting me
>I said that in a century we could have hope for reviving methods
>"we are on the verge of immortality"

sure you are butthurt

>blah blah...you're gonna die

I know, but you should have the intellectual honesty to admit that one day somebody won't die anymore for age related diseases. Stop lying to yourself too.

>> No.6933237

also, Interstellar was shit.

>> No.6933241

But OP... you're already dead.

>> No.6933242

>do not go gently into this good night. Rage. Rage against the dying of the light.

That's a fantatic poem. Interstellar sucked though.

>> No.6933252

your post that i quoted was a burlesque phantasm driven by fear of death and ignoring any realistic projection of future medical advancement.

>> No.6933258

your post that i quoted was a bunch of common known facts. Aging has various causes. Ok.

If you want to hide behind the "you have fear of death" barrier to avoid further discussion, just say it already.

>> No.6933270

>huge absence of rational investment in that rarefied upper class.
Well selling immortality would be nice business. On the other hand such business would be nationalized in the blink of the eye and all investments would be vain. Its too good like nuclear weapons.

>> No.6933293

Same here. Published in a maths journal before even starting my dissertation. 8)

>> No.6933294

>Not adhering to the many-worlds interpretation of qm

>> No.6933296

your brain is finite, if you were immortal you would be aware of but the tiniest fraction of it. there is simply not enough memory.

>> No.6933315

Technically yes, although the human brain has so much storage space that this most likely would not be an issue

We know how to manipulate genes so that telomeres regenerate, we just don't know how to keep the manipulated cells from becoming cancerous. Lengthening of telomeres addresses the brick wall that is the Hayflick limit, thereby allowing for "immortality". Actually staying alive is a whole other story

>> No.6933341

Life comes with death, absolutely free, at not cost to you, guaranteed.

>> No.6933346

>being a pop-sci kid


>> No.6933385

jokes on you, the cure is already there, but hidden from the mundane!

of course im jesting, you will just fucking die and have to deal with it and the fact that you, me and everyone else currently living on earth will miss ALL THE FUCKING CRAZY SHIT MANKIND WILL COME UP WITH

like, holy shit, think about it
why not kill self anyway?

>tfw will never spacewalk

>> No.6933394

Then kill yourself stupid faggot. People who want to unironically kill themselves are literally worse than furries.

>> No.6933436

You need to experience a simulated death to get over your fear of death. By this, I mean ego death. Take a large dose of a psychedelic of some sort, and experience what it is like to have your identity temporarily erased. Dissociatives are pretty good tools for this. One of them you can find at any grocery store (Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide). Everyone should have a psychedelic experience at least once in their lifetime.

>> No.6933465

>tfw LSD sounds like an amazing experience
>tfw I'd never be able to handle the effects because of anxiety and panic disorder
I just read about the theory of heat death of the universe and infinite cold nothingness and am currently in the middle of a full blown panic attack
when the peak hit me it was like getting hit by a truck, felt like I was getting sucked up into space, my eyes whited out completely
I don't even want to think about the panic I'd experience under a trip

>> No.6933479


>> No.6933480

You sound like a lovely person.

>> No.6933488

It's finally happened, that word has finally been rendered meaningless.

>> No.6933490

are you le new here or something?

>> No.6933587

Please don't annoy, I had a suicidal ideation episode this morning and a few hours ago I realized there are solutions to my problems.

>> No.6934132

lets assume someone does create a cure for death, you will still die when the sun turns into a red giant, ok lets say you escape on a ship and you bounce from planet to planet for millions of years, you will still die before the universe, its just the laws of thermo, and living a billion years or 1 year is the same shit in infinite time

>> No.6934137

>and living a billion years or 1 year is the same shit in infinite time

we should set some kind of intelligence requirement for people to post here

>> No.6934145

>time is not relative
fucking retard, i have an iq of 146, pretty sure im smarter than you cunt, also do you hwo time works, when your dead you dont feel a billion years pass, the guy with a long life will always be greedy for more time

>> No.6934153
File: 9 KB, 197x198, 1414950748690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that whole post

>> No.6934163

i think what he meant to say was a billion years=1 year when the scale is infinite.

and i would agree.

>> No.6934164

It doesn't really matter if you want to or not because you are going to die anyway. Either do something to prevent it or shut up and accept your fate.

>> No.6934166

>everything I said was not right
im tired of this fucking shit, ive been browsing this board for 4 years, but this is too much , you crossed the fucking line fucker, you fucking shitposters are the reason /sci/ is a low quality board, always thinking your right on every subject because of muh math, fucking arrogant piece of shit, you probably wear a fedora too, DIE FUCKING FAGGOT DIEEE

>> No.6934195

>I was born of nothing once.
Everyone accepts this.

>I will be born of nothing twice.
Everyone thinks this is impossible for some reason?

>> No.6934211

Speak for yourself m8 i have a mom

>> No.6934246

>a cure for death
life is a disease, death is the cure

>> No.6934265

There are two mistakes here
1. Thinking that fear of death is an incentive to avoid it completely and not your body just telling you to do something with your life.
2. Holding the paradoxical belief that consciousness is both constant and not-constant.

>> No.6934660

I'm not a robot. I am not immortal

>> No.6934845
File: 46 KB, 331x500, Read, repent, and be baptized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please tell me that someone will create a cure for death

Already happened.

See >>>/lit/theology

>> No.6935442

>nothing found
I laughed pretty hard.

>> No.6936014

You ARE going to die, BUT rage hard against it. Workout daily, do one hour of hard cardio each day and 20 -30 minutes of resistance training daily. You can be a VERY fit senior citizen... enjoy all the free time you will have in retirement WITH a great body, spend quality time with the grand kids, travel the world, you will be old enough to truly appreciate the wonders of the world.

>> No.6936145

>being scared of death

Nigger, death is eternal peace and nonexistence. You didn't exist for billions of years before you were born.

Embrace deaths for the somber release it really is.

What you should worry about is how you die. Will it be quick and painless, or slow and agonizing?

>> No.6936442

How many of you faggots think that just because we're "death" before we were born that makes it a valid argument?

No, it doesn't. I'm the self, I want to be the self. I don't want to become one with the universe again and lose my selfness. I want to be me forever.

>> No.6936474

>2. Holding the paradoxical belief that consciousness is both constant and not-constant.

>> No.6937357

>I want to be me forever

Too fucking bad then. Face the music and make the trip like everyone has before you.

>> No.6937454

4700 years ago Gilgamesh said the same thing.

You're fucked.

I don't like it, you don't like it, the universe is impartial. All we can do is our best with the time we're given.

>> No.6937467

this is retarded. things which are constant become not constant all the time

>> No.6937513 [DELETED] 

Personally, I find the lack of existence much worse than the trapped in a dark room thing.

>> No.6937514
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>tfw you likely won't live long enough to watch the entire human race get vaporized by extraterrestrials

>> No.6937518
File: 443 KB, 2106x2826, 2633737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worrying more about not dying than achieving immortality while you're still alive

>> No.6937541

That's an asinine scenario. The extraterrestrials would gain nothing from vaporizing humans. If you travelled light-years to a foreign planet, why would you choose to kill all of its inhabitants?

>> No.6937550 [DELETED] 

(not OP)
>grand kids
Personally, I don't want children.
Then again, I'm 18 and barely passed geometry (it's more because of shitty circumstances rather than lack of intelligence). Maybe it's too late to increase my intelligence enough by the time I'm around 25 and acquire enough knowledge to make a meaningful contribution to humanity. Maybe I should have kids and make sure to raise them to have an IQ of at least 200 and quite high ambitions.
If I'm going to die, maybe I should contribute my genes to the pool.

>> No.6937556


because we're a bunch of raging shitheads who shove plastic phalluses up our rectums and poison literally everything we touch

Imagine the aliens as an unbelievably noble race of creature (like the Romans X 100) coming upon this barbaric race. They'd probably gas us purely out of pity for the less intelligent life we are destroying for no reason, and to keep our cancerous existence from spreading into the cosmos.

>> No.6937564
File: 35 KB, 308x416, 114-dali-flowers..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first man to achieve biological immortality will immediately be assassinated.

--Salvador Dali

>> No.6937567

Is that assuming humans are generally the same by that point?

>> No.6937568

I don't know this is sarcasm but what the hell


>> No.6937576


the noblest, without doubt.

In general a line of nobility can be traced through antiquity

Egyptians, Medes, Persians, Greeks, Romans

Romans were the culmination. Only thing we've had since were Italians during the Renaissance.

>> No.6937577


does it matter? bullets work either way.

>> No.6937582



>> No.6937583

But if humanity were to become more noble (preferably before the first man to achieve biological immortality), perhaps we won't have any use for bullets.

>> No.6937587

The spartans were the noblest, the romans were the last manifestation before it was infected by a nihilistic meme.

>> No.6937588


on the contrary, we would have more need for them than ever! how else could we be rid of all these people? the world is out of room as it is at present

>> No.6937591


>> No.6937592


>muh military discipline

Spartan society went to shit because they handed over too much power to their women.

>> No.6937593


dude if the average lifespan of a human being were increased even by 25 years we'd all be rice crispy fucked inside two decades

>> No.6937594

Nobility must be refreshed with the blood of the meek from time to time.

>> No.6937598

They flew higher but fell faster.

>> No.6937599

If humanity were more noble, the lesser of us who reproduce too much wouldn't reproduce. So, that may not be a problem.

Perhaps, to an extent.

>> No.6937604

If overpopulation really ever becomes that much of a problem, we could always resort to a one-child policy or something similar, like China. I doubt that Western countries will ever have to do this, though.

But if we are truly concerned about overpopulation due to its effects on human welfare, does it make sense to reduce the population by killing people? Killing people is pretty much the fastest way to decrease human welfare. So killing people is really not a solution.

>> No.6937611


So what, we just sit back and wait for famine and pestilence to whittle our population back down to a sustainable level? I don't see that working. And you're wrong about people dying en masse being a bad thing. Read up on the aftermath of the Black Death:

>The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1347 and 1350 with 30–60 percent of the entire population killed.[1] It reduced world population from an estimated 450 million to between 350 and 375 million in the 14th century. It took 150 and in some areas more than 250 years for Europe's population to recover.

>From the perspective of the survivors, however, the impact was much more benign, for their labor was in higher demand. Hilton has argued that those English peasants who survived found their situation to be much improved. For English peasants the fifteenth century was a golden age of prosperity and new opportunities. Land was plentiful, wages high, and serfdom had all but disappeared. A century later, as population growth resumed, the peasants again faced deprivation and famine.

>> No.6937612

The only way you can have any control over your mortality is this, OP. Don't smoke, don't have a stressful occupation, exercise, eat a rich and balanced diet, drink in moderation, and just hope that you'll live to see some great medical breakthrough.

>> No.6937620 [DELETED] 

I'd like to add
>Don't learn about the problems of humanity or learn how to barricade your mind from it.

>> No.6937624

we aren't in an agrarian society anymore. If 5% of the population randomly died, that will collapse so much of our economy and industry.

>> No.6937638

I'd like to add
>Don't learn about the problems of humanity, or learn how to barricade your mind from it.

>> No.6937690


Does reincarnation matter when memory does not carry between existence? We know that our physical matter is reused and recycled to newer organisms, and that we will in some way, shape or form never literally disappear.

Consciousness is just a function of nature encouraging us to survive and reproduce. We correlate our consciousness with existence, and therefore the matter that makes up our consciousness mechanics and functions have in some way assigned personalities.

Will our recycled matter be reused for the consciousness of another lifeform down the track and therefore give us a renewed existence as another being?

It's all philosophical gibberish that could go on for a lifetime. All we know is that we're powerless to keep a grasp on what we are.

>> No.6937704

You die every second, everything you are is literally just a memory of the past.

Like consider yourself when you were a kid, you are not them, yet were them, and that person is dead and it's all your fault.

Serious replies for serious shit posts.

>> No.6938048

>I'd like to add
>>Don't learn about the problems of humanity, or learn how to barricade your mind from it.

WTF are you trying to say? This makes ZERO sense ... were you high when you wrote this?

>> No.6938067

want to be immortal?

my name is mohd hafiz b mohd noh and im from malaysia.

there. if this info is somehow saved by someone and it gets to be a meme. technically my legacy lasts forever. unlike that other dipshit who mentions his name is written in a scientific journal somewhere and mentioning his name

>> No.6938096

You fear death because you do not understand it.
Approach the entire world as though you do not understand it.
Death is now just a part of the world that you do not understand.
Seek to understand the world and you may seek understand death.
You will never understand all of it, but in seeking to understand you may give your life purpose.

>> No.6938097

Non-existence is a fate worse than hell, a state in which you cannot experience/feel/observe or even have comparative suffering (i.e. this isn't the worst day in hell blah blah/this isn't the worst it could be etc.)

There is no cure for death, time is a bitch that will end all.

There are no time travelers who will interact with you and save you, unless you've been contacted by them.

Even if biological immortality/becoming a cyborg etc. is possible...wear and tear/solar flares/negligence and lack of care will eventually kill you-you will just be guaranteed a more violent death.

>> No.6938299

OK, OP. Hang on tight.

There is a possibility that the infinite multiverse exists.

Think of gravity. Gravity is the curvature of three dimensional space in four dimensions. If there is a fourth dimension there may be a fifth, if there is a fifth there may be a sixth and a seventh and so on and so on, and thus an infinite number of spacial dimensions.

Of these infinite dimensions we know that there is at least a small possibility that you exist, because you do. The odds of your existence, small though they may have been from the start of the universe, came out on top.

Now take that extremely small chance that you exist and multiply it by infinity and you discover that you are just one of an infinite number of identical versions of you. Because the very small and unique chance that you exist must be multiplied by infinity in the infinite multiverse you always have existed in an infinite number of copies, you exist now as one of an infinite number of copies and you will exist in an infinite number of copes for all eternity. Not just exactly as you are now but in all of the infinite number of possibilities that your life could have been. Each of those infinite number of possibilities have an infinite number of exact copies.

You may die, but what you are a part of is infinite. It always has been that way and it always will be that way.

>> No.6938305

nonsense post

see >>6936442

there is no trip.

>All we can do is our best with the time we're given.

Like trying to find a cure. We made some progress compared to 4700 years ago.

It's amazing how the 90% of the usual responses are just more advanced formulations of the old "it has always been this way, and so shall be in the future"

>> No.6938308

deepak are you there?

>> No.6938381


Once you get to the point where the lights go out, you're not going to care whether or not you're alive.

>> No.6938658

>"it has always been this way, and so shall be in the future"

I was thinking the same thing, but I can't remember what fallacy this is called. Appeal to nature, maybe? Does anyone know?

>> No.6938665

you'll die eventually, you really dont want to be immortal

that said; i'd really like to live AT LEAST a million years, anything less doesnt seem like enough time to really take in all that reality has to offer

>> No.6938672

At 999,999 years all you would want in another million.

>> No.6938721

'swhy i said "at least"
but again, true immortality would suck eventually

>> No.6938726

>We correlate our consciousness with existence
That's because that's what it actually is. You can not hold consciousness as fake without also invalidating the rest of your perceptions.

>> No.6938763

You are a pussy who is afraid of nonexistence. You are going to die, so get the fuck over it.

There is nothing wrong with ceasing to exist. You are an insignificant being in the grand scheme of things and you will always be.

>> No.6938777

Except non-existence is superior to a life of suffering, retard. Every philosopher would disagree with you.

Do you sleep every night? That's what death is like.

You cannot comprehend nonexistence so you fear it.

>> No.6938782

The will causes suffering, the only answer is to negate will.

>> No.6938822

>being afraid of death

Ayy lmao

Pro tip I do some of the most dangerous things statistically speaking every day

I routinely ride my motorcycle without wearing a helmet. I binge drink and chain smoke. I'm drunk around loaded guns occasionally.

Never once feared doing any of those activities. If death comes to me I will gladly make that one way journey.

>> No.6938833


>> No.6938862


>> No.6938871

>fearing death
>claiming to be an atheist as a scientist where your
>as a REAL scientist is to be skeptical of fucking everything and never accept ANYTHING as an absolute truth
I know one thing: that i know nothing
Stop being a pussy.

>> No.6938880

>not realizing that YOU are actually immortal
>wanting your human meat tool to be immortal
Please, the tool is meant to be recycled and you are meant to go on to the next model, it's the entire fucking purpose of life. The body is merely a tool, a ship if you will. Eventually it voids it's warranty and you have a to trade up, you are a fool if you believe staying in one body permanently is an enviable position.

>> No.6941012

>posting IQ
Did it become 1950 again? When did we start caring about this shit?

>> No.6941022
File: 40 KB, 400x267, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake iq at that... Bitch can't even formulate sentences.

>> No.6941237


>You are a pussy who is afraid of nonexistence.

I have no feelings towards nonexistence; this doesn't make any sense by definition.

>You are going to die, so get the fuck over it.
>There is nothing wrong with ceasing to exist. You are an insignificant being in the grand scheme of things and you will always be.

I thought this phrase worked as inb4
>It's amazing how the 90% of the usual responses are just more advanced formulations of the old "it has always been this way, and so shall be in the future"

oh well, let's just be clear for the next posts
>inb4 you're going to die get over it
>inb4 boredom
>inb4 overpopulation
>inb4 you die every night before sleep
>inb4 entropy
>inb4 inb4s

Congratulations on remaining in your comfort zone. I wish that one day you'll dare to be something more.

>> No.6941356

I have done Salvia
I know what ego death is, I have been outside of reality as you know it. Death and the outside world is something way more complex than you can imagine.

>> No.6941421
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I want to die /sci/