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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6931394 No.6931394 [Reply] [Original]

is computer science the most alpha field to study?

>> No.6931413

Hospitality Management

>> No.6931415

only if you really do computer science and not shitty monkey coding / systems

>> No.6931416


>> No.6931423

No. I've always found it extremely stupid to major in CS because almost anyone with a technical background can become a programmer. It's better to major in something like EE or CE so that when the tech bubble bursts you have something to fall back on.

>> No.6931424

CS guy here

no it is not; I deeply regret that I didn't go EE with a minor in CS

>> No.6931444

Even if you're alpha, there are no girls in CS to acknowledge it.
That's like decoherence, you're alpha and beta at the same time.

>> No.6931447

Actually it is the most omega.

((λ(x) (x x)) (λ(x) (x x)))

>> No.6931468

You dont know what computer science is and that's why you assume it's technical programming. See >>6931415

>> No.6931469

The most alpha field to study is gender/women's studies. Shows you are comfortable with your sexuality, and you want to understand stuff about women and shit.

>> No.6931518
File: 125 KB, 948x543, CS student, 5 years later.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6931540

Yes, but the real alphas (Gabe Newell for instance) drop out, because they're so alpha, they don't need no teaches to tell them how to be alpha.

>> No.6931550

>going to university for 4 years to figure out how a computer works

>> No.6931551

These threads are really interesting because the people who are baiting attract real retards who actually believe it and parrot it, and you don't know who's who.

>> No.6931595

would you say that these threads pass the 'Turing Test?'

>> No.6931600

Computer science is so alpha, no one knows what it actually is.

>> No.6931602

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots pretending to be the real thing.

>> No.6931614

Way to fuck that one up

>> No.6931691

that describes me well

also add a fat bank account

>> No.6931697

Idiot, I know what computer science is. My point is that almost every comp sci major ends up taking a programming job, whether it's at a big 4 tech company or some shitty web design. If you major in computer science then your only career prospects are in programming, and when the bubble bursts you'll either be out of a job or get paid extremely little. Majoring in EE/CE will provide a just-in-case option.

>> No.6931701

No, I only see nerdy nerds and gooky gooks in that field.

>> No.6931714

>Turing Test
They fail.
As does anybody who majors in CS and not CE or EE.

>> No.6931728

These faggots know what's up.

>tfw transferring into EE master race next year and minoring in CS.

>> No.6931735

>implying CS majors actually know how computers work

>> No.6931748

There's a bubble in Silicon Valley "apps", not programming.

>> No.6931847
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>My point is that almost every comp sci major ends up taking a programming job

pic related

most people go to computer science without having any idea what it really is about

>> No.6931860


You are aware that the foundation of computer science is not programming, correct?

>> No.6931873


Another major area of employment for CS majors is software engineering, which is not the same as programming.

For example, there are entire fields of academia within computer science devoted to the theory behind testing and optimizing software, as well as analyzing security qualities of cryptosystems, networks, and distributed software systems alike. There is also an area of computer science focused with optimization within the storage, organization, and manipulation of data.

If you believe that all it takes to create a proper, durable, and useful software system is, "lol sit down and be a code monkey," you're sorely mistaken. Just as there is hardware architecture, there is also software architecture. The efficiency in the implementation of a database will be the difference between waiting a week for the result of a query versus a minute. Hardware can help, but if you're an EE/CE major, you're also aware of the upper limit that hardware faces with respect to heat and thermal qualities of materials used within CPUs.

>> No.6931877

don't worry people
the reason CS fags dickwave so much is they know that it's not as great as they claim so they have to overcompensate

eventually 9+/10 CS fags will get BTFO but when that happens they won't come here crying and telling us we were right and CS is for fags, they'll try to hide it

unfortunately we just have to watch CS fags wave their dicks around and try to ignore them as best we can

>> No.6931889

>I'm literally incapable of differentiating a bubble from a demand that's integral in the modern economy.
Everything good about post-90's life in America requires a programmer. You need systems analysts to even exist as a fucking company in today's world.
Calling it a "tech bubble" is the equivalent of calling the demand for plumbers a "plumbing bubble."

>> No.6931941

I'm a phd student in theoretical computer science and CS is amazing and you are a faggot

>> No.6931962
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>In computer science
It's like you're not even trying

>> No.6931990

decent programming will never have an economic bubble, programming will always be a demanding job especially as we progress more and more into the future with innovations in robotics for example

>> No.6931992

a field in demand*

>> No.6932076

Being a code monkey is for Curry-Niggers. What Wetbacks are to construction Indians are to coding.

>Majoring in EE/CE will provide a just-in-case option

False, some people have no interest in hardware. If you like to web stuff then learning hardware is worthless. Might as well tell people to learn Russian because one day they my need it.

>> No.6932080

White people are better at programming though

>> No.6932082

>Idiot I know what computer science is
>Goes on to talk about a bubble of programming apps and web and shit

lol, you don't know what computer science is

>> No.6932098

Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.

>> No.6932102


Stupid question. Is learning computer programming the same as learning to program for CNC machines? What is the job title of someone who writes programs for CNC machines

>> No.6932104

I'm putting a vote out there for mathematics being the best degree in terms of total job prospects.
And also because it's a god-tier subject.

>> No.6932105


>> No.6932154

A machinist. There's typically two types of machinist -- those who program CNC and those who operate old school tools like lathes, mills and drills

>> No.6932161

In a machinist apprenticeship, typically you'll learn both in school but most guys tend to specialize in one or another. Obviously the CNC side is a lot more futureproof.

>> No.6932181
File: 146 KB, 542x462, If you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Computer science is no more about mathematics than astronomy is about telescopes.


>> No.6932205

>White people are better at programming though

Indians will do it for less money, and in the end that is all that matters.

>> No.6932223

When you tell people you do CS: Oh! He is one of those computer nerd people, he's probably a virgin aswell.

EE or ME reaction: OMG, he is handy, and also smart as fuck. He actually makes something, compared to the CS faggot typing numbers on a screen.

>> No.6932329

When I was 14 I liked cs very much, but for one reason like that I decided to study chemical engineer instead, although it's better than something that anyone can do, I mean anyone can download a program and watch some tutorials for make web pages or algorithms, it's very easy.

>> No.6933149

But most indians study computer engineering instead

Most go to programming to design games and know fuck all.