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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 310 KB, 640x864, thoriumInYourHand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6927990 No.6927990 [Reply] [Original]

All this talk of science and yet nobody talking about Molten Salt Nuclear Reactors?

Virtually limitless carbon free energy with waste products beneficial in both medical and scientific applications. Not to mention we could start a moon base more easily if we didn't have to rely on the sun/batteries.

Why aren't you talking about Thorium?



>> No.6927995

fusion > thorium

>> No.6927998

Worlds energy supply in the palm of his hand btw, and we have enough thorium in the states alone to power the earth for a thousand years with no other power source. Reduction of poverty in third world cities with the introduction of clean water (purified with power)

China is already doing it but the tech was invented and developed in the states, where there is no pursuit for it anymore.

Did I mention that thorium is 1950's tech?

>> No.6928002



>> No.6928004

Fusion won't be around for 50+ years where as thorium could be tested and in practice within 10.

Besides, Fusion will power our ability to travel through space, Thorium will allow us to gracefully reach that point without poisoning our enviroment.

>> No.6928005

molten salts are corrosive and pumping them is a massive burden on pumping equipment, not only due to their density, but the MHD effects that must be taken into account when pumping them.

>> No.6928009

Fossil fuels expected to burn out in aprox 30 years how do we expect to fuel those 20 odd years of silence? With batteries? With current nuclear tech? With thousands of solar panels and wind turbines?

>> No.6928010

Because the only people excited for nuclear power are insufferable popsci faggots.

>> No.6928011

It's a waste of time to split funding between thorium and fusion. We chose fusion and we're sticking with it.

>> No.6928013

I bet you think Nuclear energy is scary

>> No.6928015

i was initially for LFTR but now i'm a little cautious because of the breeder potential

but there's an alternate design that runs off MOX and straight up waste rods and while a little dirtier, has the same safety and small size advantages

>> No.6928016

I bet you don't have a degree in Nuclear Engineering

>> No.6928022

Not him but I will soon and fusion is superior.

>> No.6928079

Jesus christ the thorium brigade just never fucking quits.

>> No.6928081

This. idk what armchair scientists and sperglords love about thorium so much but their infographics and repetition of information they saw in a YouTube video is annoying as shit. Especially when there are better reactor designs like HTGRs and based fusion

>> No.6928106
File: 485 KB, 1000x1008, nuscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Why aren't you talking about Thorium?
Because we'll get small nuclear reactors sooner.

For molten salt reactors this is very true.

Honestly, we need to fund fusion more. It's the power of the gods, but we won't even spare pocket change to get it.

>> No.6928107

cool, how much would that amount of thorium cost ?

>> No.6928111

If I remember correctly, didn't the thorium reactor hype begin partially on /sci/? I'm sure I've got all of those infographics saved in some deep dark folder.

>> No.6928442


>popsci faggots!
>fusion is the power of the gods!

>> No.6928462

Fission plants are retarded scary. And retarded expensive

>> No.6928487

Why is he holding that piece of thorium with his bare hands? I mean sure, it probably won't kill him, but it's still reckless.

>> No.6928546
File: 192 KB, 504x376, LFTRisAwesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LFTR threads used to be all over the place. Kirk Sorenson is the big spokesman, but he's gone quiet recently. Probably ran out of funding.

how can something that still isn't developed after 50 years of research be more than something that was developed and put aside in the 1950s?

Remember "Pirates of Silicon Valley", where the Apple engineers descended on Xerox and stole their window+mouse UI tech to make the first Macintosh? That's what China did to the Oak Ridge LFTR research. They'll be pumping out modular thorium reactors to solve their energy and pollution crises within five years.

Corrosion is an issue, but there are solutions, like Hastalloy-N, removing fission products, and sacrificial anodes. Pumping isn't so much of a problem, because the salt fluids move slowly.

I wish people weren't so scared of breeder reactors and the unlikely thread of proliferation.

>> No.6928570

>salt fluids move slowly
they'll move as quickly as you need them to

>> No.6928574

>muh thorium

>> No.6928578

> #energyfromthorium

#le #epic #memes

>> No.6928586

>how can something that still isn't developed after 50 years of research be more than something that was developed and put aside in the 1950s?

according to lockheed, they are able to run fusion, though i somehow doubt they're telling us the whole truth with their dubious PR announcements

>> No.6928596

ITT /sci/ hates on LFTR's because it's butthurt about reddit

>> No.6928644

i don't hate htfrs but i hate that people that know fuck all about nuclear power or anything of the sort spout shit they see on infographics and spew shit about LFTR or bust without a clue about the advantages/disadvantages in reality, or any other newer reactor designs. it's just some shit they saw on the internet that they think other people don't know as much about and try to use it to sound more knowledgeable/intelligent

>> No.6928667

>muh fusion power

It's just around the corner! Just around the corner! Just around the corner! Just around the corner!

By the time fusion power hits, we'll have witnessed the second coming of Christ and be able to run the world on Jesus power.

>> No.6928673

fusion power will be here from a technology standpoint before thorium power is ever here from a licensing standpoint