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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6918630 No.6918630 [Reply] [Original]

>love science
>hate math
>no science is done without math

>> No.6918631

Stop being a fag and hating math just because some nerds bullied you at school.

>> No.6918650

>love science
>hate math


>love pop-science
>hate thinking

Go back to your Cosmos

>> No.6918666


You don't actually love science.

You read or watched some things when you were younger that were meant to inspire you to work, and you interpreted them as the promise of an easy path to easy living.

>> No.6918667

Computer Programming doesn't require anything beyond basic arithmetic.

>> No.6918669

Go get a sci grad, I promise you will eventually start to like math, maybe even more than sci itself.

>> No.6918670

Please kill yourself

>> No.6918685

Who keeps repeating this retardation

>> No.6918688

She's right though.

Anyone who knows their shit.

>> No.6918690

Why? It doesn't. It only requires advanced mathematics if you're programming something related to advanced mathematics. If you're just writing Java programs for some corporation, you're money.

>> No.6918694

Do you know what basic arithmetic covers?

>> No.6918697

More than a CS curriculum.

>> No.6918698

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. That is literally all you need to know to learn to program.

>> No.6918699

Bit muh modulo

>> No.6918701

That'll get you through CS101 and 102, sure.

Good luck writing anything useful without knowing more, though.

>> No.6918702

You need to work on your reading comprehension friend.

Computer Programming != Computer Science.

>> No.6918708

It won't even get you through that...
> no arrays
> no sorting
> no searching
> no loops
> no if statements
> no functions
> no assignments
you basically have a calculator

>> No.6918714


> no arrays
No math required.

> no sorting
All languages have them built in, you don't need to roll your own. If you do, a lot of sort algorithms use little or no math.

> no searching

> no loops
Literally arithmetic.

> no if statements

> no functions

> no assignments

>> No.6918715

How do you know the person is a girl

>> No.6918719


Work on your own, since that post was about computer programming (which is what those courses nearly always cover).

I was granting him those since they follow almost instantly from arithmetic. He'd hit a brick wall not long after that if he didn't pick up some combinatorics, linear algebra, and calculus, though.

>> No.6918724

Most follow from algebra.
Arithmetic is really, really early math.

>> No.6918730

I thought arithmetic wasn't math.
But then I did pick this up from the famous "Isaac Asimov on woman lawyers" anecdote.

>> No.6918737
File: 56 KB, 480x762, tumblr_n3nmz62Oen1scnonpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, youre bad at math. I was in your shoes. in all seriousness get really high on weed or LSD or shrooms and give math another shot. Pic related is me, this is literally what happened to my brain after shrooms. Went from a retard in high school to getting As majoring in ECE

>> No.6918738

>"hello world!"
>"get a numerical solution to differential eq"
>dont know what a dif. eq is
>"get a numerical solution to the integral?
>dont know what integral is
I think you have misinterpreted what "programming" means. I think you agree with me it is more than reproducing lines, if you really want to approach a problem yourself.

>> No.6918740

> Bernoulli's principle

>> No.6918742

Because she doesn't know what she's talking about.

>> No.6918745

From a physics perspective, mathematics is like coding is to computer science.

Its not the point of it, but its a tool that you need in order to comprehend the reality. You can't profess knowledge of advanced quantum mechanical theories without first learning Dirac notation and abstract spaces.

Can't comment on chemistry, I find it dismal as fuck, and bio is a whole other ballpark imho.

>> No.6918747

But anon, how can you use calculus with computers if they can't into real numbers?

>> No.6918760

He means in an autistic way that formally speaking it is not arithmetic.

>> No.6918762

Program a for loop using only numbers and operators

>> No.6918768

If anyone's wondering, this is the main reason that CS undergrads take numerical analysis.

>> No.6918787

But anon, numerical analysis is just arithmetic.

>> No.6918790

this thread is a great place to post that cyanide and happiness comic about liking science's ass as it walks by.

>> No.6918822

while(1) {}


>> No.6918846

You mean
#include <rekt>

>> No.6918849

>implying mastery of these 4 things won't get you through all undergrad mathematics.

nerds try to church it up to scare normies out of their sekrit club.

>> No.6918851

All you need in life and computer science is beta reduction.

>> No.6918861

> while
that's not included in the arithmetic package

>> No.6918867

>what's summation

>> No.6918868

I used to hate math too OP. So much so that I majored in Poli Sci in college.

Then I realized that I only hated math because I was bad at it. I then decided to get off my ass and stop being bad at it, by actually studying it. After studying it, I grew to appreciate its nuances, and subtle beauty.

I'm now 2 semesters away from a second bachelor's degree in Physics, and loving every second of it.

9/10 people who "love science but hate math" only hate math because they're bad at it, and are only bad at it because they are either lazy or unmotivated.

Just get off your ass and learn your maths. Then you can pursue any science you want.

>> No.6918869

outside the domain of 'basic arithmetic'

>> No.6918874

Please post this.

>> No.6918876

The moment you include multiplication is the moment you include summation.

As that is the definition of multiplication.

>> No.6918878

only in kindergarten

>> No.6918879

>officially never took group theory or ring theory

>> No.6918882

>writing Java for company

>> No.6918884

only place I see repeated addition is the informal definitions.

>> No.6918885

but that's now how multiplication is defined on a computer so it doesn't matter.

>> No.6918906

To get the basic gist of how to program, no you don't. If you want to program simple things like basic sorting programs to execute in better than n^2 time, then you need a bit more than basic math.

>> No.6918913
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Nope, it's defined recursively.

>> No.6918914
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>don't care for pure science
>like math
>just want to do a combination of working with my hands, thinking critically, and my work not being the same mundane shit all the time

What career is for me?

>> No.6918919

Your definition assumes that multiplication is defined.

>> No.6918924

Only + needs to be defined.

>> No.6918925

>don't care for pure science
>my work not being the same mundane shit all the time
I'm not sure that is even possible.

>> No.6918930

Or rather only the operation of the group needs to be defined.

Then you simply use n*g or g^n to signify g+...+g ntimes or g*...*g n times.

>> No.6918941

Is it okay to love science but not have an interest in math? I don't even think those 2 have anything in common?

>> No.6918947
File: 66 KB, 720x585, scienceButt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Popsci mongering niggers.

>> No.6918951

this. watching vsauce and scishow doesn't make you a scientist

>> No.6918954

>tfw have multiple talents but no passion for anything

Not even video games or anything. Eh, I guess I'm still depressed.

>> No.6918958 [DELETED] 

If someone held a gun to your head and ask you what to do love more, science or math? What would you say?

>> No.6918978

If you really "loved" science, then you'd quite being a pussy and become proficient at math, even though you don't like it, for no reason other than you really wanted to understand science that badly.

>> No.6919078


>> No.6919705

I got As in my college math classes. Still not a fan.

>> No.6919718
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 1407705062502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to love math

>> No.6919724

Choose something that is more important for you. Focus on it.

>> No.6919726

Its helpful, but Einstein once said math in some way limits your way of thinking. So he let his woman do the math part of his work, becasuse he was to bad.

>> No.6919733

It is not hard man, just read a textbok and do the exercises. Look at the /sci/ wiki.

>> No.6919761 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 853x480, shinji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh great I can't wait to study how electronics work
>enjoy all courses related to electrical engineering despite having a lot of math
>math courses
>have to prove some random shit
>stuff like why is a+a=2a
>the proof is over a page long
>have to find limits and shit like that
>have to transform terms and equations in some ridiculous ways to get the answer
>am expected to remember like over 100 rules

Fuck math. I think I will drop out and just study electronics on my own in my free time. If you truly enjoy this then I am jealous of you.

>> No.6919789

dayum nigga thats ballin as fuck got anymore bruw?

>> No.6919832

You've got to learn to ignore the abstract algebra trolls on /sci/.

>> No.6919845

I wonder why did you delete it, Anon. Are you so ashamed of your own lack of discipline that you delete anonymouus posts from japanesse image boards?

>> No.6919861

>not appreciating best math
you disgust me

>> No.6919880

I love abstract algebra. I hate the abstract algebra
"ackshully I know better then u wat multiplication do" trolls that infest /sci/ every time the topic comes up.

>> No.6919887

Something that requires coding.
Possibly a systems analyst.

>> No.6919939

>Bad at math
>Love space exploration
>Realize space exploration requires math
>Love math
>Strive to be good at it
Quit being a pussy bitch. Math is the language of science.

>> No.6919964

this go die hippie OP

>> No.6920030

>Love Math
>Love doing rigorous work

>> No.6920053

I don'T hate math, just have problems understanding the problems.
So what they want.

As an example the power steries for exp(z), z € complex Numbers shows, that for x € real numbers the following equation is valid:

exp(ix) = e^ix= cos(x) + sin(x)

you can derivate a many nice relations:

a) show that cos(x) = 1/2(e^ix + e^(-ix) and sin(x) = 1/2i(e^ixe^(-ix))


>> No.6920076 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6921595

It's the most irritating part of doing any math. Literally what are they asking you to do?

>> No.6921607
File: 87 KB, 1920x1200, pop fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>love science
>>hate math

You mean you love POPSCI and retarded scientism.

Leave and never return here.

>> No.6921627

I find that if I troll properly, I can learn something that day.

>> No.6921636

Merge sort isn't complicated nor mathematical dumb ass

>> No.6921643


they're asking you to do something that isn't number crunching and holding your hard

think for yourself

>> No.6921650

This is a senseless statement and that's why it induces so much confusion and rage. It's like saying "writing things doesn't require anything beside basic penmanship"

Of course it doesn't. The problem isn't writing, but WHAT you write. Programming is a trivial tool to solve trivial, corporate to eluding, scientific problems.

>> No.6921661
File: 187 KB, 816x713, you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>love science

Let me guess, you use that love to justify your shitty world view and new atheism

>> No.6921709

Knuth would like to have a word with you.

>> No.6921712

IIRC multiplication on a computer is implemented similar to an adder or via some adders.

>> No.6921730

>love math
>hate reality
>can do all the math I want without experimental verification

>> No.6921766

literally it is the first definition on standard number systems

what's wrong with you

>> No.6921772

hmmm you're right.
I saw recursive and what looked similar to the definition via successors.
Looking closer I was mistaken. That'd be the one for addition not multiplication
my bad

>> No.6921992

My biggest difficulty is how complicated the most simple concepts are presented in a book. I see a long term full with variables and I don't get it. Then I search for other explanations on the web with sample calculations and find out that it's actually pretty simple.

Also is there a tutorial that teaches you higher mathematics with examples of practical application of the concepts? I can appreciate math and enjoy it a lot more when I see how real life problems can be solved with it. It bores me when I have to do math for the math's sake.

>> No.6921997


>> No.6922001

The interweb math pages are usually run by autists. Wikipedia in particular has had a massive drop in quality since they took over.

>> No.6922002

Requires chemistry, which involves lots of maths at the university level.

>> No.6922010

>> be me, like what I do.
>> want to try bioinformatics, since it's cool.
>> get into study.
>> forgot all math in two years of working prior
>> ok, I can do it!
>> Download a bunch of Algebra and Trigonometry books to prepare my anus.
>> First book tells me to take my time in learning it.
>> take your time
>> your time
>> time
>> I have no time.
>> fight through it like a mad man
>> still fighting in college.

I hate my life. And god, and society and parents, for giving me not more time to learn it like a real human bean.

>> No.6922011

no, they asked and I did this:

cos(x)= 1/2([e^ix]+[e^(-ix)])
cos(x)= 1/2([cos(x)+isin(x)]+[cos(x)-isin(x)])
cos(x)= 1/2(2cos(x))
cos(x)= 2cos(x)/2
cos(x)= cos(x)

Why couldn't they say, find out the definitions of the following numbers and solve the inequality?
Because fuck you with a chainsword, that is why.

>> No.6922025

>tfw like science
>tfw too dumb to science


>> No.6923642

But wikipedia can still barely into higher mathematics. Also proofwiki, mathwiki, and all the others are worse than Wikipedia.

>> No.6923648

it is when you analyse it retard

tell me how you'd solve the recursive equation T(n) = 2*T(n/2) + n when you don't even know what a function is.

>> No.6923661

Everything is done with math. You can go shit up a field with like-minded idiots such as biology or get a shitty computer science degree without math like web designing. Face it OP, you want to do something significant you need to master math.

>> No.6924679

Cazzo allora sei figo porco Dio

>> No.6924799


came in to write something about pop science. gj mane. destroy all plebs

>> No.6924805


what's wrong with bernoulli's principal

>> No.6924810

> assumes inviscid flow
flows are almost never inviscid

>> No.6924817


You can't do shit with ideal gas equations either but they still served their purpose in history.

bernoulli and his law were real niggas

>> No.6925505

You can do great things in many areas of modern biology without being proficient in mathematics. Most areas of molecular biology, immunology, genetics, microbiology, virology require little math. Even in structural biology, the bulk of the math is hidden away in canned computer packages.

>> No.6925511

Forgot to add that a good synthetic organic chemist, who will make a pretty decent buck, will use very little to no mathematics during their career.

>> No.6926001


>> No.6926051

Use science to appreciate math.
I hated math until I took some online courses in physics, before then I really didn't understand the purpose of math.

>> No.6926174
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I was like you when i started studying physics , but i quickly understood that maths are the langage of the universe , you can't do shit in science without it.
As soon as you get to a certain point , it becomes easy because you "speak" it.

>> No.6926918

Cosmos is a good book though :^(

>> No.6926949

[Citation needed]

>> No.6926960
File: 95 KB, 512x416, CyanideHappinessExplosmScience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit learn to google

>> No.6926982

Have you spoken with the universe? What has it said to you?

>> No.6927227

if you get better at math little by little, you'll eventually start liking it. or atleast, not disliking it.

learn simple calculus stuff, and go on from there.

>> No.6927261

>learn simple calculus stuff
>when you're bad at the maths
Lul, no. You need to get Algebra and Trig down until it's second nature before you can not be a fuckup with calc. You end up with so many messy derivatives in early calc , you need to know exactly how you can turn a fraction divided by another fraction and multiplied by a variable with a negative exponent into something that's recognizable.

If you're bad at math, you need to practice trig identities.

>> No.6927270

in life, many things are started at the base
math & calculus is no different

>> No.6927294

study biology or organic chemistry

literally 0 math needed

>> No.6927313

seriously though, all higher math is so much harder if you don't grasp the fundamentals

conversely, struggling through calc made me much better at algebra and trig. Doing long division is much easier compared to finding a fucking taylor series from a differential equation

>> No.6927379

came here to post this

>> No.6927383
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>hate science
>hate math
>on /sci/

>> No.6927565

From a mathematics perspective, physics is like coding is to computer science.

Its not the point of it, but its an application used to comprehend reality. You can't profess knowledge of advanced quantum mechanical theories without first developing a rigorous formulation of Dirac notation and abstract spaces.

>> No.6927577

It's really on the same tier as Maxwell equations?

>> No.6928386

I'd say a step down. The Maxwell equations were the first complete unification of any two fundamental forces, plus they led to the development of special relativity

captcha: 420

>> No.6928389

Ever hear of Graph Theory? Affine Geometry? Group Theory? These are all used.

>> No.6928390

Where do you ever use group theory in programming?

>> No.6928393

Let me guess, you did some babby programs in your CIS101 class, and think you know all there is to know about programming. A big part of Haskell, or shit even lambdas from C++11 use Group Theory.

>> No.6928396

Show me where they use group theory.

>> No.6928398

Choose only one.

>> No.6928405
File: 16 KB, 361x121, obviously..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the obvious example is

but you find abstract algebra in weird places, like backup systems

Also, monads are monoids in the monodial category of endofunctors.

>> No.6928407

Look it up yourself shiggy-boy.
>red herring
>invalid argument

>> No.6928426

There is none. You are just mindlessly repeating buzzword loaded falsehoods you read posted by equally ignorant neckbeards on reddit.

>> No.6928428

But his wife wasn't even on the same level as him mathematically speaking. She failed her entry exams.

>> No.6928431


>> No.6928433

Why would I see an unrelated post? Monads are not group theory. Neither is the RSA algorithm. My suspicions are confirmed. You are truly a reddit fedora with no school education and you don't know anything about abstract algebra. Have fun with your buzzwords. Surely mentioning "haskell" and "group theory" will get you laid some day lol.

>> No.6928484

You're fucking retarded

>> No.6928496

>thinks defining a node set and edge set means he's doing graph theory
>thinks modulo arithmetic means he's doing group theory


>> No.6928581

Yes, yes, yes. You can't even understand science, let alone "love" it without some appreciation for math.

>> No.6928803

The problem with popular science is it's telling people modern science is fun and exciting instead of getting dragged into fucking months of spewing out numbers and graphs while doing work that trained chimpanzees could do.

Pity that classical experimentation where you just cram whatever the hell you feel like into a lab and fuck with it all day is dead.

>> No.6928846

Maths are not the language of the universe. Maths are an idealist approximation to try to understand the universe.

>> No.6928864
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>love math
>love physics

>> No.6928907
File: 43 KB, 450x445, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good one

>> No.6929287


>> No.6930868

Depends on what you are programming. Hence, lack of mathematics limits your programming capabilities.

>> No.6930877

Good luck writing anything related to crypto, kek

>> No.6930887

When doing medical research you'll have a statistician handle all of your math, so do that.

>> No.6931150

>All languages have them built in
>Not writing your own sort

What kind of weaklings are you?