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File: 176 KB, 540x315, dreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6880521 No.6880521 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine you could live for free, and have robots to do repetivive, unskilled, unwanted tasks (cleaning, cooking, building, controlling, ... anything) for you.
Imagine you could do (study, practice, be lazy and/or simply live life) whatever you want, at any time. Imagine we, as a society, could have real equality of opportunities even before being born. Imagine each one of us could develop his/her skills to favor our society as a whole, if one wanted. Imagine you could have voice and vote over any ruling taken in your community. Imagine we could really take care of the environment.
I'm not saying we would solve every single human problem, but, OTOH, we could really have a better society.

We already have things like these:
(some of these videos were taken randomly from youtube, I've watched a few)

Why in the fucking hell do we still need to have workers suffering, money and authorities (politicians, cops, military, ...)? That's right: power and greed.

Imagine we could overtake (and destroy at a later stage) governments (almost) peacefully and build this utopic society, all through said robots.
When will we build our robotic communist/anarchist utopia? Would you become part of it?

>> No.6880624

No one?
Then what are your interests for humanity, /sci/?

>> No.6880641

>When will we build our
you will never do anything by "we" you mean other people that are smarter, more talented, and more handsome

>> No.6880648

>you will never do anything by "we" you mean other people that are smarter, more talented, and more handsome
I'm smart, kinda talented and handsome.

Here is my short plan to overtake govts: build LOTS of double-purpose (combat and construction) robots, sell to govts., then "suddenly" bots threaten govts. Discuss.

>> No.6880656

Lol wow. Seriously though, if any kids reading this can see where things are heading, please contribute. You can have fun creating things and moving us forward at the same time.

It's not like you have anything else to do while you wait, right? You'll get bored of contant drugs and sex pretty quickly.

>> No.6880672

dammit why do people keep posting Hod's stupid cubes when they discuss self replicating machines? He wasn't even the first to make one and what he did wasn't all that impressive.

>>yfw no one will fund self-replicating robots or even modular robots because of stupid humanoid robots

>> No.6880699

>It's not like you have anything else to do while you wait, right? You'll get bored of contant drugs and sex pretty quickly.
well, if anything, I'd have fun imagining this new society

>dammit why do people keep posting Hod's stupid cubes when they discuss self replicating machines? He wasn't even the first to make one and what he did wasn't all that impressive.
I know almost nothing about robots, so please go on, you could be helpful for the project

>> No.6880710

or work could evolve into amazon mechanical turk style work.

Tag some pictures, recognize some patterns, answer some questions. Do a stupid simple task any human can do. Your work is meaningless and unfulfilling, but it's the only job there is. You don't make much and have no chance of ever advancing to the upper half of the population that owns your work.

And the thing is you won't care when it happens, you'll make just enough to scrape by and purchase the latest VR tech, but on a large scale you're much worse off than the upper half of the population. You can't afford to have a team of 30,000 people design drugs tailored just for you. You can't afford to undergo immortality treatment. You can't afford have your braincells slowly replaced with computer circuitry to turn you into a god. You are left behind, and you won't give a shit about it.

>> No.6880722

>Imagine you could live for free, and have robots to do repetivive, unskilled, unwanted tasks
And where are you getting the power to run these robots? Who is making these robots for you? Are you 12?

>> No.6880728

isn't that kinda how things work now?

>> No.6880740

>or work could evolve into amazon mechanical turk style work.
can you explain what makes you believe this? am I wrong if I think you don't trust humans to have similar potential abilities under similar socio-economic conditions?
IMO, a society in which programmed/trained robots would do everything for us would become intellectual (and even autist), and since I'm thinking of a society where resources would become really abundant, one could really do what one wished to do. Which would mean, we would have lots of research and scientists, lots of engineers and medics, lots of Interprofessional colaboration, lots of art, and so on.

well, that's a major problem, we need funding, and obviously powerful people dislike not having a govt. (except for those so-called "libertarians", but I wouldn't trust them)...
consider this thread a daydream, just to make people think about it.

>> No.6880745

Puerile utopian fantasies are so last century.

>> No.6880748
File: 22 KB, 644x470, Incarceration_rates_worldwide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, fuck ideology, we, instead, can have these things.

>> No.6880760
File: 26 KB, 580x319, GIMP-Total-Wealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot video:

>> No.6880761

One has nothing to with the other. Seriously, are you 12?

>> No.6880768

yes and no. Overall things stay pretty much the same, but the nature of work is different. As in no more manual labor, no more jobs where you have to think or be creative.

Your job is to provide training data for machines that do these things.

>> No.6880849

you didn't even reply my questions:
>can you explain what makes you believe this? am I wrong if I think you don't trust humans to have similar potential abilities under similar socio-economic conditions?

As an answer to
>Puerile utopian fantasies are so last century.
I can say: if you think "utopian fantasies from the past" don't exist anymore, you should learn about politics and ideologies, to understand which ideology has dominated for a while, and to see why things are like they currently are.

>One has nothing to with the other. Seriously, are you 12?
protip: power and abuses go hand in hand. also, read what I wrote in the previous paragraph.

>> No.6880986

I work in design automation, my work is eliminating the need for engineers. However, we're also taking aim at industrial designers, artists, and scientists. And what makes you think that robots can't do a medic's job?

The thing about design automation is if we look down the road to see where it's going, you realize you still need people, but you don't need them to do much.

Humans aren't designed to do engineering or other complex tasks, but they're great at things like pattern recognition and providing input on human experience.

These are tasks which are not that valuable, because pretty much any human can do them. We don't need someone to be an engineer to operate an automated engineering system. If we structure the task correctly, we don't even need to tell them that they are operating an automated engineering system. So in place one highly paid engineer, we can use a bunch of turkers we hire out only when we need them.

The other big thing we need from humans is input on stuff and this is something anyone can do. Does this vase look good? How does this feel on your hands? What word would you use to describe this?

>> No.6881207

fine, then, we don't need specialized knowledge for that kind of stuff, and we prefectly could tell people to work for a few hours and rotate jobs.
I mean, in this imaginary society, people would understand that you have to do stuff sometimes.
my point is, even if you don't need humans for some jobs, you would still need the knowledge, and seriously, people ENJOY learning stuff, so why not have a lot of educated (in general and specialized/in multiple fields) people just for the fun of it?

>> No.6881291

>real equality of opportunities even before being born
What? Before being born? What's the difference?

>> No.6881349

it's an idiom.

>> No.6881983


>> No.6883474

OP here, last bump

>> No.6883486
File: 14 KB, 175x220, gs507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans are only happy when they're miserable.

relevant captcha: tozants Stoicism

>> No.6883488

Imagine if you hit the lottery and could shitpost on 4chan for the rest of your life while living off interest

>> No.6883499

I remember being a 12-year-old idealistic anarchist child

>> No.6883504

>Humans are only happy when they're miserable.

So, you are saying that humans can only be happy, when they are not happy?


What kind of intellectually deprived bullshit did you pick this one up from?

>> No.6883517

I think he meant humans love to suffer. which I don't agree, sure some people enjoy suffering, but not everyone
he's just projecting, IMO...

>> No.6883520

Excuse me for the silly koan.

Think of it this way: human minds do not work very well when they have nothing difficult or challenging to process. This thought pattern is so ingrained in us that we would rather find problems where none exist than be content. We will never be free of suffering because we need suffering to function.

>> No.6883542

> We will never be free of suffering because we need suffering to function.

You should punch yourself in the face, repeatedly, until you start making sense, and thinking for yourself, instead of echoing the words of agent smith from the matrix.

>> No.6883556

He's right though. Things like pain and sadness are just as essential to getting intelligence to work as love and joy.

>> No.6883559

stop projecting, faglord

>> No.6883560

>Things like pain and sadness are just as essential to getting intelligence to work as love and joy.

No it's not, you fool... that's just an excuse they use to get you to be okay with being shit on all of your life.

>> No.6883562

Why do trust-fund kids from good families who will never have to worry about being unattractive, alone, unemployed, and unhealthy still sometimes end up depressed and anxious? Because humans are really good at finding problems in their lives. It's a survival tactic. Better to be on-edge than contented and distracted.

>> No.6883563

I think the Star Trek utopia is will eventually come. But anarchy it is not.
Of course there would still be plenty of work, arts, anything requiring creativity. The nice thing is that you wouldn't be forced into doing just something, to keep food on your table.

The robot revolution will not start in the United States. You guys have it too ingrained that socialism is bad, and 9-15 job is the only life worth living.

>> No.6883569

OP here. I'm not USian, but I can notice what you say simply by judging by the number of posts in this thread. No one really cares in this board...

>> No.6883579

I am with you OP

>> No.6883583

>and unhealthy still sometimes end up depressed and anxious?

You got a sample size indicator for this claim?

Data perhaps?

Statistics on occurrence?

Or are we merely taking your word for it?

>> No.6883599

Sounds neat.

It will probably never happen.

>> No.6883610



Here are some papers on the subject. Obviously, low income is more correlated with mental issues than high income (because they do, in fact, have more to be depressed about) but depression and anxiety occur even in the top echelons.

Also - while I don't like appealing to anecdote, I think we all know someone who has a relatively easy life but still ends up with complaints and/or mental illnesses.

>> No.6883616

>Also - while I don't like appealing to anecdote, I think we all know someone who has a relatively easy life but still ends up with complaints and/or mental illnesses.
Richard Cory.

>> No.6883620

Socialism IS bad, socialism is for lazy children,

>> No.6883624

you sure know a lot anon, you sure do...

>> No.6883653


>> No.6883695

OP here.
so, this guy is basically telling us that we should "just do it"?. that's kinda what i would want, BUT... without the money and power, you can't do much. I would really love to join or form a group and say "let's do it! we don't really have to wait to have a big ass army of robots to do stuff!", but I doubt anyone would even care or have the time, or the balls, for that.

anyway, thank you for posting this, I didn't know about him, sounds interesting.

>> No.6883700

(btw, sorry, that's not what you can get from the video, I'm reading wikipedia and still trying to understand his ideas...)

>> No.6884644
