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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6863412 No.6863412[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the political leanings of /sci/? I am curious because I have the impression young STEM people tend to differ from other young people in this regard. So if you would please:

>career (or major)
>brief descriptions of political ideals
>other comments

>> No.6863414

>anything to do with /sci/

>> No.6863415

>.999... = 1
>anything to do with /sci/

>> No.6863418

I'll start:

>materials engineer (PhD)
>Libertarianish, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, though I recognize a legitimate role for government

>> No.6863419

Mathematics and Physics
Democratic Socialist with a boner for Hobbes and Spinoza. Not a fan of extreme multiculturalism.

>> No.6863421

>nuclear engineering
>right wing conservative
it's more of a function of how you were raised, not what field you chose.

>> No.6863422

>not science and math
>just science

>> No.6863423

I specifically wanted the response of /sci/ people, but if this is still deemed misplaced, so be it, my mistake

>> No.6863426

.999... = 1 threads aren't math, it's a collection of a bunch of dickheads endlessly arguing about something that they could figure out with a single google search

>> No.6863429

>electrical engineer
I don't actually give a fuck about politics but I listen to conservative talk radio

>> No.6863449

>it's more of a function of how you were raised, not what field you chose.

Sociology isn't a science, bruv.

>> No.6863458

>Maths Professor (tenured)
>Small-Government "Republican"

>> No.6863459

>implying politicians don't decide your future as a scientists

>> No.6863464

>Far left from anything Americans would even consider. Although I'm not really that interested in politics at all.

>> No.6863466

It seems most of my classmates at a a sci and eng university were conservative or libertarian, so does this mean mostly conservative parents encourage their children into STEM? Perhaps I am biased, but I tend to think of most conservative/libertarian positions to be the most logical, which is why I have them. So I assume similarly minded technical people would also share them.

>> No.6863468

Conservatives tend to be pragmatic, so they tend towards business, economics, and engineering degrees.

>> No.6863469

I think it's the notion that highly achieving students that take technically difficult courses and succeed, understand the value of hard work, and that individual achievement shouldn't be stunted by programs aimed at "levelling the playing field," by ensuring those less competent get the same reward.

>> No.6863471

Applied Math
Kinda libertarian I guess, but I haven't really explored politics deep enough.

>> No.6863474

Way to go Obama, you've made all of these kids ITT hate Democrats. :/

>> No.6863475

Al of these leftist faggots and kikes need to get the Fuck off of /sci/.

>> No.6863476

stem fields require logic and objectivity.
if you observe the world and draw conclusions from your observations based on logic and objectivity, you end up with right-wing views.

arts and social fields don't emphasize logic and objectivity, but rely on emptions and feelings.
if you base your worldview on emotions and feelings you end up with left-leaning views.

that's my take on it. seems to describe most of the people i know pretty well.

>> No.6863477

If you were a true leftist you'd dislike most of the Democrats too. Capitalist shills the lot of them.

>> No.6863481

>Physics and Math
>left libertarian
I do absolutely despise what most people perceive as left wing and the most outspoken retards who identify as the left.

>> No.6863484

>left/socialist views but respect for culture entangled with other views (minus the religious backbone)


>right wing

>> No.6863487

>left libertarian

how does that even make sense
libertarian is pretty much the essence of true capitalism and economic freedom
leftists despise capitalism and economic freedom

it's like calling yourself an "authoritarian anarchist" or shit like that
it doesnt make sense

>> No.6863488

Math major here. Most of the people in my classes are pretty leftist. I think when you're able to deeply analyze political and economic systems you end up with more leftist views, but conservative ideology is primarily a pragmatic one, so it's based not so much on looking beneath the surface, but more so "What works for me?", and being an ideology resistant to change, "What keeps me things relatively the same for me".

>> No.6863490

Protip: The first libertarians were left wing and anti-capitalists. The first guy to call himself a libertarian was an anarcho-communist.

>> No.6863491

>being a scientism retard

>> No.6863492

>Math major
>able to deeply analyze political and economic systems


>> No.6863495

Undergrad, nothing STEM
More of a liberal socialist

>> No.6863496

Libertarianism, or classical liberalism, is ideology based primarily on social freedom and economic freedom, so to be left libertarian is to want to throw off not just the "shackles" of government, but the "shackles" of capitalism, so something like anarcho syndicalism. Be careful not to conflate 21st century corporatism with the classical ideal of capitalism that's all but a dream at this point in time.

>> No.6863497

>generally left leaning. I'm not some liberalism-for-liberalism's-sake hippie but I have compassion for other human beings and an appreciation for the public good, which in the US makes me a liberal.

>> No.6863503


i know very well what libertarianism stands for.
property rights, free trade, absense of state regulations, personal liberty, economic liberty.

"left libertarians" are as much libertarian as "national socialists" were socialist.

>> No.6863504

>property rights, free trade, absense of state regulations, personal liberty, economic liberty.
Left libertarians support all of those things too.

>> No.6863511

>property rights, free trade, absense of state regulations, personal liberty, economic liberty.
Left libertarians generally believe that the present state of capitalism prevents some of these from being achievable by all.

>> No.6863512

from your own link

>They maintain that natural resources (land, oil, gold, trees) ought to be held in some egalitarian manner, either unowned or owned collectively. Those left-libertarians who support private property do so under the condition that recompense is offered to the local community.

>collective ownership
>property rights conditional on local community's approval


>> No.6863516

That's a perfectly valid interpretation of property rights.

>> No.6863521

>yeah, we acknowledge property rights!
>but only if all the people you know agree with you owning what you own, too!
>else we take it away :^)

you can not be serious

>> No.6863526

You're implying that the system we presently operate is not incredibly similar to that, just replace all the people with some of the people.

>> No.6863528

You're just shitposting at this point. There are multiple views regarding property rights in the left; you're free to look them up and actually understand what they entail. A key concept to understand is that the left distinguishes from private property and personal property.

>> No.6863529

>if you observe the world and draw conclusions from your observations based on logic and objectivity, you end up with right-wing views.
I couldn't disagree more. Lots of conservatives in this country deny evolution and climate change, and vote solely based on religious views.

>> No.6863530

[euphoria intensifies]

>> No.6863533

things you own (that weren't acquired through crime, mind you) are generally protected by the state. taking them away is not permitted.

only the state itself can legally take away your property, and only in very specific cases. taxation is one of them.
actual libertarians promote reducing the states power to take away private property. not increase it.

>> No.6863537

Property rights are conditional on a subset of the community's approval, i.e. the government, a subset that was appointed there by the local community.

>> No.6863539

You clearly don't understand left libertarianism

>> No.6863540

>There are multiple views regarding property rights in the left

irrelevant since none of them have anything to do with what libertarians want.
call yourself a democratic socialist or communist for all i care, just don't try to weasel your ideology into stuff that's diametrically opposed to it.

>> No.6863543

>Physics B.S with minor in engineering
>2nd year Physical Chem PhD student

I guess I would consider myself a semi-socialist Democrat. Socially liberal, believe in a free market society, but understand that the government needs to exercise some influence in the economy to keep things not equal, but at least the American dream achievable for American citizens.
If it weren't for government subsidized housing, education, food availability, health care - I wouldn't have been able to survive my childhood, most likely.

>> No.6863548

>anything I disagree with is not real libertarianism
This is why I hate American libertarianism.

Georgist as well as occupation/use property rights have no conflict with libertarianism.

>> No.6863553

Read your history, dumbass.
The first people to call themselves libertarians were leftists.
If anything, corporatist conservatives in the US have stolen the term from us, not the other way around.

>> No.6863556

This thread just proves left-right spectrum of identifying means jack shit since what it entails is totally different between cultures and even within cultures.

>> No.6863559

Modern American Libertarians are NOT corporatists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtxXcFWrQ3Q

>> No.6863563

No they're not, and I admire them for breaking with the Republicans in that respect, I just don't think the libertarian ideal of the free market dream is achievable due to the current scope and span of corporations. I think globalism and the power corporations hold now have effectively ruined any possibility of a "libertarian utopia".

>> No.6863567

This is one reason why I distance myself from Republicans, even though I share some of their views. As an atheist, I cannot stand the religious aspects of the party, but I still feel closer to them than Democrats.

>> No.6863574

Different guy here, but I would tend to agree with you there on that last statement. Hell, Benjamin Tucker said something similar near his death back in the 1930s.

>> No.6863577

>I believe in anything that helps us progress forward as a species while maintaining our humanity. not really sure what kind of view that would be.

>> No.6863580

You believe in words that mean stuff that you don't know but think are good.

>> No.6863584

>near his death
Okay, it was actually like a decade before he died now that I looked it up.

>The matter of my famous 'Postscript' now sinks into insignificance; the insurmountable obstacle to the realization of Anarchy is no longer the power of the trusts, but the indisputable fact that our civilization is in its death throes. We may last a couple of centuries yet; on the other hand, a decade may precipitate our finish. ... The dark ages sure enough. The Monster, Mechanism, is devouring mankind.

>> No.6863585

>don't give a shit

>> No.6863593

How so?
So you don't think I understand how good advances in sciences are for us?
At the same time, you don't think I know that keeping a sense of humanity and culture is good for us either?
So sorry I don't know a specific term for that type of idealogy.

>> No.6863594
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>> No.6863595

Because "advance" means pretty much "stuff that is good", while "humanity and culture" mean "stuff that I like".

>> No.6863600


>> No.6863604

>libertarian, but sympathetic towards white nationalism

/pol/ is getting to me.

>> No.6863605

Libertarianism is a farce, so embrace national socialism.

>> No.6863607

You should be more ashamed about going to /pol/ than being a white supermacist.

>> No.6863609
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A yeah....

>> No.6863611
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>> No.6863613

This test is awful and biased towards green square.

>> No.6863614

Nah, I'm not a big fan of totalitarian governments.

White nationalist, not white supremacist (although I obviously believe that races differ in average intelligence)

>> No.6863618


>> No.6863620

Yeah, the 3D test is a lot better.

Yeah I know. Nat Soc paradise is just as unachievable as the Libertarian Utopia, but at least we can try.