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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6846198 No.6846198[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ what are your majors/minors/fields of study (and school if you're comfortable)

I go to Minnesota (twin cities) and I'm doing econ, accounting and math/computation with minors in chem and architecture

>> No.6846211

I'm a sophomore math major, and I'm heavily considering graduate school. Can't decide on minor. I've done a lil bit of CS, a lil bit of physics and chemistry, and I keep bouncing between those three for a minor. However, I just found out that my shitty state school doesn't offer Complex Analysis, Topology, or Real Analysis for undergrads. So I might just not do a minor and see if I can start taking graduate classes ASAP, however I'm only in Calc3 and intro to proofs at the moment. I have no idea what I want to study in grad school, I assume I'll find something I like more than usual (I've enjoyed all my maths thus far.)

>> No.6846225

Physics major at a community college in NY

Hoping I'll be able to transfer to Brown University next year

>> No.6846229

Do you have a specialization in physics?

>> No.6846232

McMaster University
BSc Math

>> No.6846236

UMN master race!
Chemistry and ChemE major, compsci minor

>> No.6846238

>However, I just found out that my shitty state school doesn't offer Complex Analysis, Topology, or Real Analysis for undergrads
Is this honestly even possible? You must be taking math at a community college because I can't imagine a state school such as University of Michigan not offering real and complex analysis for math majors.

>> No.6846241

I haven't actually taken any Physics classes yet but I will next semester. I'd like to study Acoustics though.

>> No.6846250

Nuclear engineering at Purdue. Really hoping to land an internship at NIF over the summer to work with either materials science, radiation detector design/testing, or laser-plasma physics.

>> No.6846251

Well, I didn't think about it prior to coming here. I'm actually not supposed to be at this school for more than just a semester. I spent my freshman year at a nice prestigious-ish university, then came home due to family issues. I would consider transferring, but I like my professors. Them and family are the only reason I'm here. I hate my classmates, they do nothing but bitch about how hard calc3 is (its not.)

>> No.6846257

I know nothing of Acoustics, but it sounds interesting. Where are you math-wise? For most Physics I courses I'd recommend being in at least multivariate calculus.

>> No.6846265

Just started on the path towards software engineering. Near Canada. I'm worried about the mathematics involved, but far too intrigued to just say "eh I can't do It"

>> No.6846268

Math / Physics
I just wanna do math research.

>> No.6846270

Any particular interests?

>> No.6846273

A music professor got me really interested in it while I was doing an essay for him. And no calc yet, I'm taking pre-cal and trig this semester. I looked around online a bit and it doesn't seem too uncommon for people to take Phys 1 at the same time with Calc 1 so I'm not too worried.

>> No.6846275

I'm taking real analysis right now and I'm having a blast with point set topology, but I think that's probably considered 'babby math' so I'm waiting until I take more upper division classes to declare anything. Real Analysis in general is cool.

>> No.6846276

third year Astrophysics at kent

>> No.6846278

I study geology at a pretty highly ranked state school. I'm doing research in marginal marine sedimentology but I won't stick with it after I graduate.

>> No.6846291

studying Chemistry with a minor in legal/pre-law studies at a state university.

just got into a US medical school. fuck.

>> No.6846298

What would you like to study in acoustics? I currently have a pretty kick ass job for an acoustics company but I'm about to quit so I can focus more on school and get a shit tier academic job, like tutoring.

>> No.6846303

Where do you go to school? That doesn't make sense at all. They don't have like "Advanced Calculus" or something? Also you can probably very easily take grad level classes if they don't offer them in undergrad.

>> No.6846311

They do have an advanced calculus course called "Intro to Analysis", which is just calculus with rigorous proofs. I'm in the two pre-reqs for it right now, so I'll take it during my Junior year, hopefully.

>> No.6846312

BSc Biomedical Science

I want to be a doctor so its off to medical school after this...hopefully.

>> No.6846314

Don't believe in yourself. Believe in the 4chan that believes in you.

>> No.6846317
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Queen's U, math major, no minor.

We don't have enough high level pure math courses

>> No.6846324

Yeah, that will be good. At my uni we of course have that, and then Real 1 and Real 2 for undergrad, but the courses are really not that much easier than the grad Real 1 and 2 courses. Just take grad courses once you get to that level (or of course, transfer)

>> No.6846326

Hello my Canadian brother. Why'd you pick Queen's to do math, just curious?
What year are you in?

>> No.6846327

Right now the things that interest me most are architectural and musical acoustics. What do you do at your job?

>> No.6846330

Are you as bad off as this ( >>6846211 ) guy?

>> No.6846341

Queen's is a top 10 Canadian university so while I don't go to Queen's, I can guarantee it has tons of fourth year or advanced math courses... advanced real analysis, galois theory, etc

>> No.6846345

U of M? My friend's dad is a professor there. I don't go there though, I go to a community college for programming classes. If I wasn't a lazy fuck I'd just be programming on my own but I don't have the work ethic to do it often.

>> No.6846348
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I'm in shit. After switching majors around I ended up in bio-medical engineering and its pretty shitty. Not to mention there isn't as many jobs in this field. I would switch majors again to something like electrical engineer but I'm already behind a year and I won't graduate till after 5 years in college. With the ways classes are structured it probably will take yet another year even with summer classes. I'm pretty much fucked

>> No.6846350

Actually I just remembered my friend's dad AND mom are professors there

>> No.6846352
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I picked Queen's mostly because you have a general first year program before deciding what you want to specialize in so I could put off picking a major for a bit longer (wasn't sure what I wanted to do at the end of high school). I picked math after going through first year honours calc, it was the first time I was both very interested and very challenged by a course (my high school was a joke). I'm in fourth year now.

We have complex and two real analysis courses but the only topology I've ever learned was in the real analysis classes, we have no coures devoted to point-set or algebraic topology even for graduate students. I basically ran out of pure math courses to take for my final year now and had to resort to taking graduate courses. Professors are accomodating though, especially for creating reading courses.

>> No.6846358

Queen's seems to have a decent selection of courses. I don't think any school in Canada has algebraic topology or algebraic geometry courses unless they're taken as reading courses.
Third year at Mac and real analysis is pretty hard.
Have you gotten research experience? Are you thinking about graduate school? If so, where?

>> No.6846360


What exactly are these "reading courses"?

>> No.6846367

A reading course is a course where you essentially study on your own. You have interest in a subject that isn't offered, so you talk to a prof who is an expert in that field. He teaches you some stuff privately, you do a directed reading, agree on assignments/exams and how it'll be marked, and you basically self study a subject on your own... meeting with him of course to teach you things.

You can also take graduate level courses as reading courses if there are no more undergraduate courses in a particular subject area for you to take.

>> No.6846368
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Just for reference, this was the selection of upper year courses this year.

I did an NSERC summer research project in data analysis after second year and worked on a project on elliptic curves with a post-doc the next summer, so decent research experience. As for graduate school I got too swamped this semester to find time to write the GRE so I'm thinking of applying to places in Europe (debating maybe Cambridge/Oxford, not optimistic on acceptance though).

A reading course is typically a course where the student learns/self-teaches independently and meets every so often with a professor to discuss (some kind of grading system is required). The ones I had were lecture courses where students lectured to the class.

>> No.6846370

Theoretical physics major (although I'm planning on changing to maths and physics) at Durham University first year. At this time there's no difference to normal physics, but at least I get to choose Real analysis at first year level, and Complex analysis and Multivariable analysis in second year.

>> No.6846371

University of Michigan has the number 9 math program in the country. Of course they offer complex analysis, retard. There are smaller, less prestigious state universities (e.g. Central Michigan University, Bowling Green State University) that have math departments with only a handful of professors who can't teach 15 different courses at a time. In these schools courses generally get triaged, and classes like Analysis 2 or Rings and Modules would get taught only every couple of years.

Junior math-pure math major, minor in econ or chemistry (not sure which yet), University of Michigan.
Formerly, Bowling Green State University.

>> No.6846372

Chem major, University of Oregon

currently getting raped by general chemistry. it's the good rape though, makes me stronger

>> No.6846374

Why bother going overseas or even to the USA? Toronto and McGill are top 15 schools for math. They also don't need GREs.
There are very few schools that can compete with them.

The courses you have to choose from there are mostly overlapping with ours but a lot of them do seem like shit.

Did you ever write the putnam? What's your favorite branch of math so far?

>> No.6846376

This thread does not apply to me

>> No.6846379

Boiler the fuck up

>> No.6846383

lol this guy is mad

>> No.6846391

I wasn't really ever planning on going to the USA but I've only ever lived in Ontario and wouldn't mind a change of scenery (I didn't enjoy the feel of Toronto when I visited), plus there's obviously excellent schools overseas. I wrote the Putnam exam after second year but I was pretty inept at the time and never even bothered checking my score, only handed in one solution the whole day.

I'm a lot more into the algebra side than analysis. I loved learning group theory (they've managed to show up in nearly every class I've taken since), enjoying modules a lot in this semester's algebra class, and linear algebra is something I've always seemed to enjoy quite a bit more than my classmates.

>> No.6846394

Mechanical Engineering Masters Student
Might be switching to EE. Current field of study is applied mechanics.
I study at UTK.

>> No.6846434

>/sci/ what are your majors/minors/fields of study

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, and CS with a Japanese minor

>> No.6846435

Same as me. Real analysis is really hard currently... but I do like number theory, algebra, group theory, cryptography, linear algebra, etc

>> No.6846442

I'm a physical therapy major with a minor in business. I want to, at some point, open my own gym.

>> No.6846453

Mechanical Engineering and Studio Art, not technically a double major since they are at two different schools.

>> No.6846454

English and Maths at Russell Group UK uni (top 12)

>> No.6846478

>Russell Group UK
>having to justify that your uni is top something
>not being a multiple of ten

your uni sucks
being a top 12 uk uni means you're a top 1000 at best world uni

>> No.6846487

It's between 100 and 150. UK unis are good, the best in Europe (which is why they're not free).

>> No.6846488

Can you ask Carothers to write more books pls?

>> No.6846493

Math major/English minor at a large public state school. For grad school I'm looking to do something in PDEs.

>> No.6846511

>English minor
I thought about doing an English minor (or double major) because I actually got accepted into the honors writing program at my university. I turned down the program however, because I didn't want to do all the reading and having to go to performances and shit. I could probably still minor, I have something like 12 hours in writing courses

>> No.6846523
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I wasn't able to mix departments and I'm in the UK system, so no minors. I Got pushed towards English and I'm doing that. I love it but I want to study science too.

My Bro did English and works on a scientific journal, but there's no way I'll be that lucky.

>> No.6846530

Math major/computational science minor at an Australian university

>> No.6846543

Do you mind giving their names? Or departments?

>> No.6846545

(engineering) physics major, sophomore
german minor


>> No.6846546

Multiple major thread?

Geophysics/Applied Mathematics with a minor in computer science and physics. I live in Canada.

>> No.6846547

His dad is in biomedical engineering, it looks like his mom is in mathematics but I thought my friend said she taught english. You could probably find them since they have the same last name.

>> No.6846548


So basically, you're a moron who is about to get in over his head. Good luck, kiddo.

>> No.6846550

I'm at Winona State, doing Composite Materials Engineering. Good to see some fellow MNfags on this board

>> No.6846555

First year physics grad student. Kind of already regret it.

>> No.6846562
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Currently studying biology at a community college.
I honestly don't know where I plan on transferring to or what exact field I'd like to go into. I don't really have any interest in aiming for med school but sometimes it seems like the only viable option. If I could just do research, that would be nice.

>> No.6846563


Ball State University
Working on an undergrad in Biology w/ concentration in Zoology and Biotechnology.

Hoping to get a Ph.D in Entomology eventually.

>> No.6846564

I know it's not something that's going to be easy, I was never expecting it to be. But thanks.

>> No.6846570

Cool, might have a class with his dad sometime.

>> No.6846583

Wish you did engineering?
Not insinuating that engineers are better (I personally don't care for that type of work), but that's a common complaint.

>> No.6846584

Stop right fucking now. Ball State?


You that stoner white kid with dreads?

You better be who I hope you are.

>> No.6846585

Cool. His dad is a pretty nice guy. My friend and I were in science olympiad in high school and his dad let us work on our project where he worked since he had special tools and stuff

>> No.6846586

I'm a freshman in math. Still trying to decide whether to do pure, or focus in financial. I go to NCSU.

>> No.6846591

I go to a state school and I believe there's fewer pure math students than those with finance minors/double majors. I myself am pure math.

>> No.6846595

More or less. I guess it's a little early to be saying that, but I don't want to go into academia and I'm afraid my degree will be useless in industry.

>> No.6846597

>Geophysics with a minor in physics


>> No.6846605


>> No.6846609

If you want to work in the financial industry, focus in financial, and just do extracurricular projects as time goes on (like undergrad research). Go into mathematics if you think you might eventually switch to sciences, in a scientific industry, or if you want to work in academia.

>> No.6846623


Nope. Not a stoner and no dreads. I am white though.

>> No.6846624
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Geology major and History minor over at Montana State
Enjoying the fuck out of it.
Geology is really fucking gneiss and the history department has excellent bro tier professors that know their shit. Almost makes me want to double major.

Pic related is second only to stromatolites in sexiness

>> No.6846641

Clemson University

>> No.6846651

>tfw no from University Of Toronto posted yet
On a scale of 1 - 10 just how busy are the students in the STEM department of UofT?

>> No.6846671
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Have an art history degree and minor in graphic design from USC. Worked for three years but back in school studying mechanical engineering with a focus in nuclear systems. I think I'm becoming a Renaissance man.

>> No.6846673

Other than the few general physics courses, from elementary mechanics to introductory E&M, there is very little overlap between the two programs.

>> No.6846682

ie unemployable master of nothing

>> No.6846686
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I am transferring to Oregon Tech next year for renewable energy engineering, physics is gonna rape me. Are you a first year? Im at a community college and general chem hasnt been too bad so far

Pic unrelated

>> No.6846687

>electrical engineering

where the fuck are you people getting the idea that any of the three big engineering disciplines has a hard time getting a job?

do you people think that engineering technology is the same thing as engineering?

>> No.6846690

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up there, sonny.

What do you mean by, "you people?"

>> No.6846693

Well, this is my third year technically, but my first trimester as a chemistry major. I'm in honors gen chem and I never really developed any study skills so I'm mostly getting raped by my lack of discipline. There are an awful lot of resources for help in most classes so if you have good discipline and practice the material a lot, you'll be alright.

>> No.6846700

I slacked off in high school but have been getting my shit together and have all A's so far. Im super stoked to transfer, and get in state tuition (muahahahha cheating the system)

>> No.6846701

McGill, electrical engineering.No minor.

>> No.6846706

>and get in state tuition
Where are you coming from?

>> No.6846710

Idaho, I am going to CC now which has no out of state tuition and by next fall I will be a resident (I got my drivers license and car registered right as I got here)

>> No.6846712

lol touchy touchy

a job is easy to come by. a good job is not. you will be a master of nothing, your time and energies are spread too thin, across too many subjects.

>> No.6846713

Ah, good. I'm sick of all these califaggots coming up to Oregon and ruining everything.

>> No.6846798


fuck both of y'all Macalester college ride or die

>tfw getting a BA in geology

>> No.6846821

>implying you are a master anything at the undergrad level

The best time to spread out your knowledge IS during your undergraduate studies.

>> No.6847073

I go to Michigan State and they offer all of that, Michigan should do the same. I mean I can see smaller overpriced private schools not offering that shit but serious research institutions like the two above, no way. I am taking both ( there is not enough undergrad interest in the Gen Topology class each fall so they usually have to cancel it, my advisor says he would let me take the grad version, this would depend on your record though ).

For me answering the question

Math Major
Comp Sci minor

>> No.6847074

Caltech, maths.

>> No.6847102

English (I don't know how about Wales and NI) are paid only because the English are retarded conservatives.

>> No.6847114

>retarded conservatives
>hurr let's just give away everything for free, that's how businesses work right?

>> No.6847116

>I'm afraid my degree will be useless in industry.

It will be.

You should apply for graduate school in the engineering department (or material science depending on how your uni faculties are structured), the graduate students there usually have a private company sponsoring the research. If you do a good job you get hired, this is virtually the only way to get into the R&D game.

If you do a graduates degree with an academic scholarship I guarantee you that 3 years from now you'll be complaining of PF about sending out 100 CVs a day and still being unemployed.

>> No.6847119

University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
>tfw walking down North Terrace every morning before uni.
Based Gov't House.
Based Hub Central.

>> No.6847122

Neuroscience major 2nd year at Ohio state University.

>> No.6847135

implying your rosy view of the world is valid. Some people are in college for pragmatic reasons.

>> No.6847236

Scotland don't pay and their Unis are declining. Germany introduced free tuition because their Unis don't even compete. UK unis only get better, internationally, in regards to research -- every metric they improve upon.

>> No.6847241

belgrade university, astronomy and astrophysics

>> No.6847268
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>hoping to transfer to Ivy League/Public Ivy/other top 30 in the world university

This is what every CC transfer student says because they think a 4.0 at their community college is the same as a 4.0 at a respected 4 year university.

Good luck, though. Nothing is stopping you(other than the university not taking CC transfers etc..)

>> No.6847270

>McGill, electrical engineering.No minor.
|What is McGill like? What is living in Montreal like?

>> No.6847275

Vilnius university, comp sci.

>> No.6847287

Mathematics / economics / German major, looking to do grad. school in either math or econ, currently enrolled at WashU.

>> No.6847291

Neuroscience, Princeton, 2 more sems to go

>> No.6847400

M.Sc. Chemistry
Université Catholique de Louvain - Belgium

>> No.6847491

Yes, we should all major in filling out spreadsheets with a minor in office gossip.

College isn't job train but an education. Most of what you learn in any major won't be used in your future job.

>> No.6847596 [DELETED] 

Do you think there's anything a CC student could do to make their transfer application stand out or am I better off just waiting and trying for grad school?

Although I'm probably already shit out of luck regardless since I've seen some say they don't want to except older students, and I'll be 24.

>> No.6847601

Do you think there's anything a CC student could do to make their transfer application stand out or am I better off just waiting and trying for grad school?

Although I'm probably already shit out of luck regardless since I've seen some say they don't want to accept older students, and I'll be 24.

>> No.6847612

I really wouldn't consider 24 to be old for university. Whatever you want to go into, maybe try to do some research etc.. unless you're from some random country in the middle of nowhere aka minority(~diversity~) then you should really just look at the good universities that don't mind transfers. Look at the trans acceptance rates.. go on collegeconfidential and ask about transferring on the university pages.. you should really research this stuff a bit and ask people that already did it.

>> No.6847625

Get involved in some school shit. Go to math club, talk to your professors (esp. any that have a PhD that you could get recommendations from). There's national/regional two year college / cc conferences to present baby research, which would be excellent to have done. Plus not only would that help your application but then you might also be able to do some actual cool shit while doing your undergrad.
Also get fucking good grades because 100 and 200 level classes are pleb fucking easy.

>> No.6847635

I do a ton of different shit. The company is a manufacturer of acoustic products. It's a small company, so none of us have a single specific duty. I do some sales, I write articles, 3D modeling, product design, testing, even get paid to post on some forums, all sorts of different stuff really. It's a pretty cool job, and acoustics is fun to learn. Plus any customers you work with are like, musicians, or sound engineers, or architects, so for the most part it's a really comfortable industry.
I would recommend picking up a few books if you haven't already:
Everest, Master Handbook of Acoustics - this text is not written at a high level at all, and anyone can get almost all the information without knowing much science at all. But there is a LOT of good info in it presented nicely.
Cox and D'Antonio, Acoustic Absorbers and Diffusors: Theory, Design, and Application - this text is much more rigorous, has all the math in it and discussion of theory, but it's still presented extremely clearly, and has nice references with MATLAB code and such.
As far as room acoustics goes, that will give you tons of knowledge, and much of it will be easily transferable to knowledge on large acoustical spaces as well.

>> No.6848374

It's too late now. I'll just take a cashier job and become a neet.

>> No.6848448

Bio major, psych minor

Will probably focus a bit more on molecular stuff with my future classes and grad school if i do that

>> No.6848867

Hey, >>6846493 here. I'm doing pure myself but our financial program is pretty good.

>> No.6849214
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Arts/Women studies

>> No.6849254

computer engineering at unlv

how did i do

>> No.6849257

I major in both EE and microengineering, and I minor in management and entrepreneurship!

>> No.6849341


Mechatronics Engineering, minor in Mathematics

>> No.6849395

What do you want to study with PDEs? My girlfriend is a master's student in applied math and is currently doing research in PDEs. She wants to get her PhD doing analysis of PDEs

>> No.6849426

>Chem major
>Getting raped by general chemistry


>> No.6849427

Undergrad: political science and sociology double-major, highest honors

grad: government (UT Austin) I fucking hate the current program I'm in.

>> No.6849441

Is Clemson as shit as I heard it was?

>> No.6849460

Electrical engineering at UC Irvine. Currently trying to transfer the fuck out of here.

>> No.6849581


>> No.6849674

Honestly don't know yet. I'm a 3rd year, going to start talking to professors about it and probably going to take grad level PDE courses next year.

>> No.6849678

For major its easily EE
Minors vary because my interests keep changing all over the place. But I gotta get a job to support those interests, ya know.

>> No.6849681

Freshman (but had enough dual credit hours to be counted as sophomore, will have enough to be a junior by the end of this semester)

Currently majoring in geology and minoring in philosophy and math, might switch my major to math though

going to shitty local school with tiny geology department, want to transfer but living with parents is saving me tons of money so I think I will just stick it out

>> No.6849699

double in math and philosophy if you take interest in both. you'll be a polymath

>> No.6849719

Stick to the local school, it's what I'm doing. Just go to a good grad school.

>> No.6849722

Brazil, hope to get into biomedical sciences

>> No.6849734

>Went to shitty undergrad (libarts college)
>Now going to shitty grad (UNC Chapel Hill)

the ride never ends

>> No.6849767

Biochemistry major at UMass Boston. Haven't decided on a minor yet, but it's between math and psychology (since I want to go into psychopharmacology). I'm hoping to transfer up to a better institution for grad school, but considering how my first year of schooling in Florida went, I'm pretty happy to be taking the steps that I need to in order to reach that point.

>> No.6849777

stop with this elitist circlejerk mindset, seriously. no one fucking cares what university you go to. how about you start focusing on making meaningful contributions to your field instead of venting about which you universities you didn't get into on /sci/

>> No.6849786

UNC CH isn't that bad, I go to NCSU and was considering CH for grad.

>> No.6849791

Pick math. Trust me. Take multivariable calculus/ calc III and as many stats courses as possible. Thank me later.

>> No.6849801

That's the direction I was leaning for, seeing as how it would be more practical for data analysis.

>> No.6849813

Splendid. A strong understanding of stats of useful for both industry and academic pursuits.

>> No.6849817


>> No.6849828

I know that feel, anon. I'm a microbio major who recently realized that the type of "research" typically done at universities isn't the kind of research I want to get in to, which is the entire reason I went to my university in the first place. Now I'm considering sticking around another year to experiment with different classes that I may or may not be interested in. Shit sucks.

>> No.6849838

Lol you guys are failures.

>> No.6849875

man, you drank ALL the koolaid

>> No.6849880


>> No.6849884

>highest honors
>political science/sociology


>> No.6849887

>duel-credit physics/engineering
>no minor, still thinking about it
>physics and engineering
>Eastern Kentucky University, with a transfer to University of Kentucky in 2016

>> No.6849892


>> No.6849966


You illiterate state school retard.

>> No.6849969


>> No.6850014

Going to a CA CC. Majoring in Engineering and minor in Astrophysics. Wanting to go to either Berkeley for Nuclear engineering or USC for petroleum engineering

>> No.6850034

BSc Economics
MSc Finance at a world top 5 uni according to QS world rankings

>> No.6850039

Chemistry (biochemistry concentration) and Dramatic Art double major with a minor in Biology at UNC.

>tfw hardly any STEM and arts double majors
>tfw STEM friends think I'm weird for enjoying theatre and theatre friends think I'm weird for enjoying chemistry

I can never win, man.

>> No.6850041

What are you in grad school for?
Are you TAing any classes? I'm >>6850039

I have a feeling one of my physics TA lurks /sci/.

>> No.6850061

uiuc econ

>> No.6850073

My community College offers a very basic intro to topology and does basic real analysis for second semester calculus along with Calc II stuff. Thinking of doing independent study with a couple professors on Real Analysis. tl;dr his shitty state university is worse than my community college.

>> No.6850075

Pharmacology, so not your TA. Most of the grad students I know browse leddit

>> No.6850080

How's doing Pharmacology here?

I'm thinking med school, but if that doesn't work out I'm actually thinking about doing pharmacology.

>> No.6850081

I am a senior EE at EWU.
I'm focusing in signals processing and hope to go to grad school for control systems. I am largely focused on applications in mechatronics.

>> No.6850198

No argument here.

>> No.6850260

Hey, fellow engineering physics major at uiuc
what dorm are you in?