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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 70 KB, 800x500, Antares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6841159 No.6841159 [Reply] [Original]

T-20 minutes for the Antares launch of Cygnus supply craft to the ISS

coverage on NASA TV

>> No.6841182

I'm gonna head outside and see if I can get a video of it

>> No.6841186

The hype is real Hampton Roads bros ww@?

>> No.6841188

virginia beach reportan, heading outside now.

>> No.6841191

readiness poll complete, T-10 m

should be able to see the second stage solid burn very clearly from the entire eastern seaboard

>> No.6841202

Here we go!

>> No.6841210

oh shit

>> No.6841211

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6841212


>> No.6841215


>> No.6841216


>> No.6841218


>> No.6841217

holy shit dat nigga ded

>> No.6841219

Fucking fireball at T+5s

This is a bad day for US cargo...

>> No.6841220

I can't believe I just saw that live.

>> No.6841222

were there people on it?

>> No.6841223

did that really just happen? i'm seeing this correctly?

>> No.6841225

anyone got a live text feed that is explaining what the fuck is going on?

>> No.6841227
File: 246 KB, 1919x1109, holy fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just tell me, if there was anyone inside? Or was this automated?

>> No.6841228

I fucking walk away for 5 minutes and this is what happens

>> No.6841229

My local news people did not know how to handle that

>> No.6841230

>neighbor tells me to go outside because we can see it from our house
>waiting 5 minutes
>"Wait, it just blew up"
Thanks for the fresh air

>> No.6841234

it was unmanned >>6841227

>> No.6841235
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Was not expecting that...

>mfw dat mushroom cloud

>> No.6841236

ah thank god

>> No.6841237

Everyone lived. Nothing to see here.

>> No.6841238

Thank you.

>> No.6841240

Look at the writer of this article
Holy shit
He does it again!

>> No.6841241

Even worse, it basically landed back on the pad, which is almost utterly destroyed, everything is burning!

>> No.6841244
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>> No.6841245

is he jewish

>> No.6841248

Someone link me to some video. I missed it.

Captcha: 404

>> No.6841249

that flight director spilling spaghetti

>> No.6841252

US integrator, Italian cargo module, Ukranian tanks, and Soviet moon rocket engines. What could possibly go wrong?

Thankfully, we still have the entirely American SpaceX Falcon as a backup.

>> No.6841256

rip rocket
rip everyone on the ISS

>> No.6841257


>> No.6841261

so were there any pilots?

>> No.6841262 [DELETED] 

Are you Hank?

>> No.6841267
File: 289 KB, 757x424, OHFUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to go out and film the launch, didn't see shit, came back and my feed was at pic related


>> No.6841268

It exploded after 6 seconds.

>> No.6841269


>> No.6841270

Shit blew up. It looked, as if it failed at lifting, and suddenly, after reaching the height of the crane, it started falling back and exploded right away after leaning left-screen.

>> No.6841271


>> No.6841272


it dead

they opened the nightly news with it being blown the fuck out

>> No.6841274

that beach looks like a scene out of hell

no official report, but it looked like an engine explosion to me

>> No.6841275

lol what's going to happen to the people on the ISS?

they going to starve?

emergency mission back to earth for dinnertime?

>> No.6841276


thanks bro

>> No.6841277


Pretty sure they always have enough supplies to make it for at least another few supply flights.

>> No.6841278

better quality


>> No.6841282

is space kill

>> No.6841281

better yet, they have a tried and true Soyuz Progress resupply launch later this evening!

>> No.6841287

Total Cargo: 4,883 pounds

Science investigations: 1,602.8 pounds
Crew supplies: 1,649 pounds

Flight crew equipment: 273.4 pounds
Food: 1,360.3 pounds
Flight procedures books: 15.4 pounds

Vehicle hardware: 1,404.3 pounds
Spacewalk equipment: 145.5 pounds
Computer resources: 81.6 pounds

>> No.6841288

no. but Orbital Sciences is now in a world of hurt. This is their second lemon launcher, after Taurus had two fairing failures in a row. (Ironically, Antares was originally named Taurus-II.)

>> No.6841289


>> No.6841293

My brother fucking jinxed it. He was trying to get me to watch it but I was doing something else. I hear him in his room going, "C'moooon elxplosion, come oooon explosion."

Then after a few minutes, "Holy shit! Holy shit I ruined it!"

>Didn't beleive him
>come on here and see this

>> No.6841294

rip space

>> No.6841295

Source (with more cargo data): https://blogs.nasa.gov/orbital/2014/10/28/crs-3s-cargo/

>> No.6841296

That saddens me, that the backup plan is always connected to russians. Sure, I love the Soyuz, sure I love the joint space program. But after what russia had been doing lately, I really root for US space program (being an Eurofag) and this is what I get.

It's painfull to watch. Fuck.

>> No.6841297

good job fat fucks

>> No.6841299

thats what i thought when watching it live...like a fuel pump broke and dumped all the RP1 into the line

>> No.6841302
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>> No.6841301

$472 million burned in 10 seconds

>> No.6841303

Somebody webm that shit.

>> No.6841306
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>> No.6841308

Time for space technology to get delayed another 50 years!

>> No.6841309


Maybe if you stopped spending money on sending shit to space and feeding the poor idiot scientists wouldn't be getting BTFO

>> No.6841311

Shit I missed this, what happened pls give cliffs. Was it unmanned?

>> No.6841314

>Classified crypto equipment on board


>> No.6841315

What kind of classified crypto devices would be on that device?

>> No.6841317

Wait classified Crypto Equipment? What's that all about?

>> No.6841319

Did it blow up on the pad or did it actually fly?

>> No.6841320

So, of course, there was secret military shit going on.

>> No.6841321

anyone else think that the failure could be connected to the guy saying "main engines at 108%"?

>> No.6841322
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>> No.6841324

quantum encrypt/decrypt testing equipment to test range communication using quantum spins

>> No.6841325

It "flew"
It got a few hundred feet max, caught fire, then hit the launch pad and blew up

>> No.6841326

When was the last time something got btfo? Disregarding test flights by private actors

>> No.6841327


>> No.6841330

>a south african builds better rockets than NASA

>> No.6841332

I have a feeling that shit was why it blew up

>> No.6841333

Lol, North Korea's rockets had better flight time.

>> No.6841334

And again, not NASA, Orbital Sciences Limited

>> No.6841336



>> No.6841337
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NASA is fucking done. Bring on Space-X and get these government funded amateurs the fuck out

>> No.6841339

Good time to start shortselling that company, lel.

>> No.6841340

I still stand correct

>> No.6841341

I believe India got a few spinning rockets crash into the ground. Or maybe it was China.

>> No.6841343


oy vey

>> No.6841344
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my sides

>> No.6841345

Orbital Science is a private company, you're just being stupid saying let them do it instead of NASA, because then this shit happens.

>> No.6841346

Man, this is exactly what I didn't need to end my day. Don't know why this made me so sad.

>> No.6841347

Good bye Orbital Sciences, you at least tried.

>> No.6841348
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it's so pretty

>> No.6841352
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>> No.6841354

Does anyone know if NASA or ORBCOMM have any insurance for this kind of situation? I wonder how much it will cost to repair the launch pad, for all the equipment/science that has been lost... I hope there wont be any budget cut in other project.

>> No.6841357

>no 'outsourcing be like'
C'mon anon

>> No.6841359

how many millions of dollars were wasted on this?

>> No.6841360
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You will not go to space today.

>> No.6841362

Not NASA you pleb

>> No.6841363

340 trillion dollars

>> No.6841364

About half a billion
I mean $3.50

>> No.6841365

Oh you, that's the U.S. Military in one day, not NASA in one year

>> No.6841367

Who do you think is founding SpaceX genius. Without NASA budget there is no SpaceX or any commercial spaceflight (in the US).

>> No.6841369

Of course, all commercial launches include insurance as part of the cost of the launch. It runs about $10 million for every $100 million of launch cost

>> No.6841372

>Reentry Breakup Recorder-W (REBR)
>REBR uses the flight-verified REBR data collection and transmission system to record data during the reentry and breakup of a vehicle from wireless sensors placed throughout the host vehicle, and return the data for analysis to validate reentry hazard prediction models.


>> No.6841374
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>still using fossil fuels to propel your spacecraft

>> No.6841375

The classified crypto equipment will be blamed for the fail by the insurance company and they won't pay a single penny

>> No.6841376

No. The shuttle used to go over 100%. That has to do with exceeding original design specs through progressive upgrades.

Was that an abort or a crash? They have auto-destruct so you don't get an uncontrolled explosion downrange.

>> No.6841378

That's not true.
I'd agree that without NASA infrastructure (which was developed over decades) it would be harder, but NASA isn't funding SpaceX or any commercial flight

>> No.6841381
File: 1007 KB, 350x228, ProtonCrash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That spectacular Proton failure back in April.

I think the last US failure was a Taurus (also Orbital Sciences) fairing failing to separate.

>> No.6841383

i think what we need is a space elevator

>> No.6841384

No one knows yet, all I can say is that it flew for 5 seconds, then a huge fireball came out from the engine, and a few pieces blew off. Then the Cygnus went up for another second before it fell straight down.

>> No.6841385

Yeah. Hydrogen and oxygen are fossil fuels.
I thought it was a crash... but I guess I could be wrong

>> No.6841386

It did not look like they managed to trigger the auto destruct before the rocket impacted the ground again

>> No.6841389

are you laughing at the smoke plume? or Onancock?

>> No.6841392

Cygnus used RP1 Kerosene

>> No.6841394

Shame, but to be expected.

>> No.6841395


Deuterium is not a fossil fuel you fucking autist

>> No.6841397

Not the Anon who posted that, but Onancock kind of made my day.

>> No.6841398
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>> No.6841399

They might call themselves Orbital Sciences, but that sure as hell wasn't no orbit

>> No.6841400
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For some reason this just reminded me of The Martian. Anyone else read it?

>> No.6841401

An explosion downrange wouldn't be their main problem here since the rocket turns over the sea

>> No.6841402

I know. I was being sarcastic because they other guy said they used fossil fuels and I was ironically agreeing.

>> No.6841403

Has /pol/ started blaming Obama/ the government or Jews yet?

>> No.6841404

Obvious sarcasm is obvious
Although they did use Kerosene

>> No.6841405

what's this crypto equipment they have? hidden stuff?

>> No.6841407


>> No.6841408

Also they don't use deuterium specifically, do they? I just don't see why they would. It's heavier and there aren't any energy gains
I'm an ass... oops

>> No.6841409

It's a russian virus. They want their Soyuz / Angara to shine through and get those milions of sheckels for each outsourced launch.

>> No.6841411

6 threads about it lol

>> No.6841413

apology for poor english

when were you when antares dies?
I was sat at home pus cheese when Zain ring

'Antares is kill'

>> No.6841414
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>> No.6841415

>Putin's new USSR
> Schekels
Seems legit

>> No.6841417

They wouldn't have it set to do so this early in the trajectory (no need, as it's out of range of anything, also reduces explosion risk in pad aborts).

Not sure why the RSO didn't press the button, though.

>> No.6841418

I can't say much but it's not as exciting as you think it is. If you really wanna know, go to the National Cryptologic Museum, they have an exhibit about this kind of stuff there.

>> No.6841419
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Though it isn't a test flight, this is by a "private actor".

Orbital's as private as SpaceX is. This Antares/Cygnus launch was the same type of commercial resupply mission for NASA as SpaceX does with the Falcon/Dragon. (only more, you know... explodey) Cygnus has about twice as much pressurized volume as Dragon, so this is a big loss of supplies for the ISS.

Bit of trivia: the Pressurized Cargo Module of each Cygnus is named after a dead astronaut.

We dedicate this massive fuckup to his memory.

>> No.6841421

yup, just read it about a week ago

>> No.6841424


apology for poor english

where were u when antares was kill?

i was at mcdonalds eating a triple cheeseburger when tyrone yelled over the counter

'ay yo, sum space shit blowin up on television'
'more mayonnaise'

>> No.6841425

No, they use normal liquid hydrogen for fuel and liquid oxygen as oxidizer, at least in the space shuttles

>> No.6841426 [DELETED] 
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>rustling intensifies

>> No.6841429

That's what I thought. Idk why the other guy was talking about deuterium

>> No.6841432

Not quite the right image, since it was a Soviet engine that probably failed today.

>> No.6841433

I actually laughed

>> No.6841434

Call it superstition or whatever, but that's a pretty bad idea, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to be on Deck Titanic on a cruise ship

>> No.6841436
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So how much did that explosion just cost?

>> No.6841435

Posting a dick on /sci/

>> No.6841437
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Tip toppest kek

>> No.6841439

For anatomical purposes.

>> No.6841440

Less than 1 day of running the U.S. military, that's for sure

>> No.6841443

That's just fucking sad. It's almost like beating a dying horse.

>> No.6841444

The thing is without the resupply contract from NASA I don't thing SpaceX could have been successful.
Just recently, SpaceX and Boeing got funding from NASA to develop system to fly crew from earth to the space station.

>> No.6841445


>> No.6841446

We can only pray for Elon to save it now. Or maybe Skylon.

>> No.6841448


Yes, it was almost certainly the engine.

They actually had one blow up during a static firing a few months ago. Guess they didn't fix it.


>> No.6841449

It's not like he died during a mission.

>> No.6841450

Actually these engines were modified by Aerojet so we don't know who is to blame.

>> No.6841451

We're going to have this figured out before the specialists. Go /sci/

>> No.6841452


RIP rest in pieces

>> No.6841453
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>pls guys the next rocket will work pls

>> No.6841454

>The Antares launch vehicle’s main engine is the Aerojet produced AJ-26 – a rebuilt version of Soviet NK-33, originally intended for the massive N-1 launch vehicle.

>Buying 2nd hand Russian shit
>Expecting it not to explode

>> No.6841455

Antares is built using surplus engines from the failed Soviet N1 moon rocket.

It was also remarkably explodey:

Orbital had one of these engines blow up on a test stand, too. This doesn't surprise me at all.

>> No.6841457

From earlier:

Spaceflight Now @SpaceflightNow 2h2 hours ago

Super-cold liquid oxygen and kerosene propellants are being loaded into the #Antares #Orb3 rocket's first stage.

>> No.6841458
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>taking a space company public

nigga you fucked up

>> No.6841459

did that guy on the nasa stream just say "and definitely do not talk to the press"?

>> No.6841460

"Definitely do not talk to the press..." mic cuts out

>> No.6841462

LOL anyone heard some slip of a guy saying "definitely don't talk to the press"?

>> No.6841463

I think the guy you're replying to was talking about shuttles using oxygen and hydrogen

>> No.6841465

wait what

>> No.6841466

Comsec fail

>> No.6841467

India sent a fucking probe to Mars with scraps metal and a box of matches for about $35. How could this go wrong? It seemed incredibly routine for a launch.

>> No.6841468

This is the kinda shit that happens when we're still using rocket based technology from 50 years ago. Someone get Elon Musk in here.

>> No.6841469

Man, the N1 is hella funky looking. At least they tried to make not it look like an ICBM, unlike NASA.

>> No.6841470

IAD pls go

>> No.6841471

>definitely keep this within our family
the fuck

>> No.6841472

Why is launching rockets still so risky? It's been done for 60 years for fuck sakes.

>> No.6841474
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>mfw the internet heard me

>> No.6841475

Orbital Sciences: the Sitcom
This launch is getting more hilarious by the moment.
>crash in record time
>crypto equipment on board
>don't talk to the press

>> No.6841478

American mechanical knowhow RIP.

>> No.6841479


I can't wait till Gauss technology is mastered. Just shoot that shit in to space in a giant rail gun.

>> No.6841482
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It was a great explosion.

>> No.6841483

>Putting a bunch of highly explosive chemicals inside a pressurized tube
>Spray said chemicals out the bottom of the tube
>Light said chemicals on fire

>> No.6841484

Oh, OK. Thanks.

>> No.6841485


>> No.6841486

>Not spaceplanes
Good luck sending living people in a railgun

>> No.6841487

Hopefully they release the 4K version

>> No.6841488
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Because we still use the same fucking engines from 60 years ago. The industry is in a fucked up situation which basically goes like this

>"it worked once, I'm pretty sure it'll work again... Oh? You say we could build a much safer rocket for a fraction of the cost? Has it been tested? No? Oh... we'll just stick to what we know kinda works".

The only person pursuing something different is Elon Musk.

>> No.6841489

>local news reporting this as a NASA rocket

>> No.6841490
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>> No.6841491

Didn't they just say earlier that they didn't want anyone talking to the press until they have an official press conference? That seems pretty logical. Figure out what happened first, then tell the press, so you don't get false info floating around.

>> No.6841492

>Payload: Fireworks

God dammit Wikipedia fiends

>> No.6841493
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The need for low dry masses and high exhaust velocities requires stressed components with fine structural margins to be placed in proximity to high temperatures and explosive propellants.

Rockets explode.

>> No.6841494
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Imagine spending several years building experiments for the ISS, only to see them go up in flames in a matter of seconds

>> No.6841495

>It used a Russian engine
>Footage shows the engine exploding
Russia please.

>> No.6841496

A rocket is basically just a controlled, continuous explosion.

>> No.6841499

Because people aren't going to jump to the conclusion of "LOL NASA FAILED MOAR BUDGET CUTS" anyway

>> No.6841500

Same with a car and an airplane.

>> No.6841501

>after what russia had been doing lately

>> No.6841502

Imagine being an astronaut on the ISS watching your food shipment blow up.
I'd presume they have enough to make it until somebody can launch a rocket that doesn't explode?

>> No.6841504

I might try alcohol if that ever happened.

>> No.6841507
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Soon my friend

>> No.6841510

NASA validated and funded this design. It wouldn't have been built without their approval and money.

>> No.6841511
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>> No.6841512


What does orbital space corp have to do with nasa?

>> No.6841514

Except cars and airplanes use those explosions to propel mechanical parts, not the entire vehicle itself.

>> No.6841515
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Orbital Sciences also got a Ukranian firm to design the tanks.

>> No.6841516

>tfw all the rockets have some sort of malfunction and you see your food shipments blow up one after the other while you slowly run out of supplies

>> No.6841517
File: 44 KB, 417x627, 6b70865b6e41cf693e84329979b1ccaac30b473a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So .. why the United States has used Russian engines? Useful domestic engines do not? That's it. suck and swallow.

>> No.6841518

The very first tech demonstrator for an asteroid mining company was also on board.


>> No.6841519



10/10 would watch.


>> No.6841520

That's so fake it hurts.

>> No.6841521


>> No.6841522

Dunno but it sound like a kerbal name.

>> No.6841523

It wasn't NASAs rocket it was Orbital Sciences, NASA just funded it.

>> No.6841525


6 crew members of Expedition 41 currently onboard the International Space Station.

well shit. is the crew ISS crew gonna be running low on supplies now? half rations until next re-supply ship?

>> No.6841526

No. Since when did your car engine's cylinders have a safety factor of 1.3 and breathe liquid oxygen?

>> No.6841527

That's the start of a good horror movie where the astronauts and cosmonauts start cannibalizing each other. Small gang from between the different nation over the battle of food.

>> No.6841528

So is orbital sciences kind of like space X then? It seems like a nice thing of NASA to do.

>> No.6841530

Anyone know if they rebuild the experiments to send up at some point?

>> No.6841531

No, I'm pretty sure they still have plenty up there. They wouldn't be so careless.

>> No.6841532

They really ought to have some sort of sustainable hydroponics setup up there. Really, what if the next one blows up too? It could happen.

>> No.6841533

not in the US, amigo. NASA just "downselected" the Dream Chaser spaceplane, in favor of two capsules from SpaceX and Boeing.

>> No.6841534

How I met your wreckage

>> No.6841535

God damn this sucks.
At least no one is hurt, hopefully this will help the rockets better.

RIP in pieces, Antares/Cygnus

>> No.6841538
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>But after what russia had been doing lately
And what, exactly? What you have now against Russia?

>> No.6841539

The only thing Musk is doing different is engineering for cost reduction. Rocket engines don't really have much room for improvement, technically. They are about the most efficient engine we know how to make.

>> No.6841540

A Dragon undocked just last week. They'll be fine for a while.

>> No.6841542

Like SpaceX, but public, tied up in corrupt defense contracts, have stupidly high costs and they don't design their own hardware.

So nothing like SpaceX.

>> No.6841544
File: 34 KB, 598x399, B1C6B1_IEAAxY92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in Kazakstan Soyuz 2-1A ready for its Progress launch debut tomorrow

>> No.6841546

>Gravity 2: The Hungering

>> No.6841547

I'm sure that's fake, but Musk has been know to make the occasional political gaffe like this.

>> No.6841548

>using a cold war era rocket

Russia pls

>> No.6841550

Thread music:

>> No.6841552


Watched it once but it looked more like it split up one side.

Fuel tanks? >>6841515

Hardly a russian engine, soviet motor from the sixties modified by aerojet in cali

>> No.6841553

yep, same factory that does the Zenit rockets for SeaLaunch. That's why the tanks are the same diameter, 3.9 meters.

>> No.6841554

Yeah, quit using stuff that works, ya steenkin' Russkies

>> No.6841555
File: 20 KB, 317x291, Its+all+about+being+funny.+Also+drawing+butts+is+a+_31d4489421e7d91db334a6a51eef7e45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6841556

Turns out it was a better idea to stick a capsule on top of an ICBM on steroids.

>> No.6841557
File: 454 KB, 590x331, about a week ago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about a week ago

>> No.6841558

>orbital dynamics
>NASA rocket

>> No.6841559
File: 11 KB, 406x422, 1413599219138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try faggots.

>> No.6841560

Of course, nothing beats military technology

>> No.6841561

That's not true. There are dozens of engines from many countries which were are new.
SpaceX is absolutely not the only one doing different things because Tom Mueller the real brains of spaceX was working on low cost engines with another company before spaceX existed.
Merlin shares the design philosophy of fastrac.

>> No.6841563

lol why cant the iss asternots just jump down to earth

>> No.6841564

>supply craft to the ISS

The US can accidentally send supplies to ISIS
But can't intentionally send supplies to ISS?

>> No.6841565



>> No.6841566

>Crash Your Enthusiasm
>The Fresh Debris of NASAir
>How I Crashed Your Rocket

>> No.6841567

Nope. For starters, air breathing engines and resuability would go a long way.

Kerox engines are also way too fuel rich for thermal control, you could make up efficiency there with a closed cycle. Which is ironically what the NK33 that just blew up attemped.

>> No.6841569

Something about ballpoint pens and pencils...

>> No.6841571


>>shots fired. thread. internetz won. burgerland btfo

>> No.6841573


ok yeah. watching the Dragon undocking video now. Good job SpaceX

>> No.6841574


That's what the Space Race was though, build the biggest rocket you can and tell some crazy mother fuckers to sit in it while you get launched in to the great beyond.

>> No.6841576

If you ever watch a Soyuz return, you'd know that's exactly what they do.

>> No.6841577

If I remember right this was the fourth or fifth launch of the Antares so don't be too terribly ignorant about your statements troll-san...

>> No.6841583

There is money for ISS experiments due to the desperate need to make it look busy and worth while. Those experiments will be re-flown in a few years at most.
Spend a decade on a mission not associated with manned spaceflight and see it fail, re-flights almost never happen. When it doesn't it takes about a decade for a similar mission to be selected.

>> No.6841584

yeah, gotta give credit to Musk for the reusability program. He has more balls than any government for being the first to attempt this.

Oxygen-rich closed cycle is great, but you need really advanced metallurgy to withstand the hot oxidizers. That is a Russian state secret, as far as I know.

>> No.6841585


>> No.6841586

> I been selling crack since like the fifth grade
Oh Bobby Shmurda

>> No.6841587

>and /sci/ still believes in the moon landing hoax

>> No.6841594
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I have shares in Orbital.

>> No.6841595
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Breaking from CNN


>Afterward, the launch director said on NASA's feed that all personnel were accounted for and that no injuries were reported.

>He added that the spacecraft contained "classified ... equipment," and that there was a need to maintain the area around the debris field for investigative and potential security reasons given what was on board.

>> No.6841596


>> No.6841597

Orbital science don't have stupidly high cost, that's why they were founded. They use existing hardware to cut overheads and they have done so successfully. They are not tied to the scrutinised DoD deal in any way.

>> No.6841598

Haven't they moved to carbon-carbon yet?

>> No.6841602

> NASA trampoline pilot project ends in fireball.

>> No.6841606

Let them rot. Then watch them grow. This won't be the end. They'll have some success later and stocks will skyrocket

>> No.6841607

Just what you'd expect.

>> No.6841609

>They use existing hardware to cut overheads and they have done so successfully

>> No.6841610

The classified equipment is just crypto stuff that they don't want random yahoos walking off with. Stuff like TDRS codes and special GPS receivers.

>> No.6841611

This presents a buying opportunity.

>> No.6841614

probably dragon dildos

>> No.6841615
File: 8 KB, 455x451, wtf man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US can't even launch a fucking rocket anymore.

>> No.6841619

>stocks will skyrocket
like they did today lmao

>> No.6841621

So should I just sell now and see how low they can go?

>> No.6841623

too bad I don't have any extra money lying around. No idea why people would pull out. Everyone knows how risky rockets are and its not like one failure is a death sentence

>> No.6841626

End of shift. NASA going home.

A second #ISS cargo delivery will launch tomorrow morning. NASA TV coverage of Russian Progress launch starts at 1:45am ET (06:45 CET)

Should be a must-see!

>> No.6841627
File: 50 KB, 600x450, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America can not even this, lol

>> No.6841629
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How the mighty have fallen

>> No.6841631


>> No.6841633
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, 1372270816200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stocks will skyrocket

>> No.6841635

>list of things USA forgot how to do:
[X] hang dictators
[X] launch rockets
[ ] USANumberOne

>> No.6841636


>> No.6841640


>> No.6841642

Aerospace engineer here, you all are fucking retarded and I hate you all.

>> No.6841645

where is that video?

>> No.6841646


>> No.6841647

Literally who?

>> No.6841648

Says the guy who can't even draw a rocket straight.

>> No.6841650
File: 49 KB, 576x700, 38fc391692350d015ad159e4e7e_prev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeeep, enjoy last days of American Empire ,bitch

>> No.6841652

Get back to your desk pencil jockey

>> No.6841653

soooo who's getting shitcanned? you? probably you

>> No.6841655

I live like 3 hours away from the launch site. Shit never even made it above the horizon bruh

>> No.6841657

I-Its obviously white male oppression at work again! Where are all the black rocket scientists?!

>> No.6841658

He reads the newspaper in cyrillic? Holy shimole

>> No.6841659
File: 20 KB, 214x317, fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh oh.

>> No.6841660

try a trampoline next time ;^)

>> No.6841661

No, as the thermal conductivity of reenforced c-c is very high, so you still have a piece of metal behind it subject to failiure.

I've seen nozzles where RCC, phenolic and ali were layered up, but I think it was partially ablative (was a submarine launched solid motor).

>> No.6841662
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>> No.6841663
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>> No.6841664

Kek, I don't work for Orbital. Some of my former classmates do, though.

Eat shit, Russkie.

>> No.6841667

>men rule everything
>US is top dog and in an era of prosperity
>women gain freedom and degenerate acceptance becomes widespread
>US turns into a retarded shithole that can't even launch a rocket

>> No.6841670

but.. but... it's u eat shit right now...

>> No.6841676

>stocks will skyrocket

you keep using that but i don-

>> No.6841679

We're rocket engineers, you don't say 'aeroplane scientists'.

>> No.6841680

Thanks for the info. I've been out of the materials biz for a while.

>> No.6841684

>rocket engineers

>> No.6841686


>> No.6841693

>click video
>wish that stupid nasheed that is always played doesn't come out
>it comes out


>> No.6841694
File: 9 KB, 182x182, von_wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NASA what have you done now?

>> No.6841695


>> No.6841696

>who design overly large phalus shaped machines to spew overly hot fluids overly fast

Astronomically gay.

>> No.6841698

exactly nothing except filming

>> No.6841700

That dude blew up so many rockets, he wouldn't even look up from his desk.

Like, three quarters of this shit was under his management:

>> No.6841704

Wow talk about news.

>> No.6841705

get back to /pol/ with your transparent propaganda

>> No.6841706
File: 739 KB, 500x248, thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6841716
File: 48 KB, 600x455, Arthur-C-Clarke-and-Wernher-von-Braun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so did we even get our moneys worth out this paper clip?

>> No.6841717

>It's Always Exploding in Cape Canaveral

>> No.6841718


>ISS Commercial Resupply Services Mission (Orb-3)
>Orbital Sciences Corporation confirms that today’s Antares rocket launch from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility was not successful. Shortly after lift-off from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport Pad 0A at 6:22 p.m. (EDT), the vehicle suffered a catastrophic failure. According to NASA’s emergency operations officials, there were no casualties and property damage was limited to the south end of Wallops Island. Orbital has formed an anomaly investigation board, which will work in close coordination with all appropriate government agencies, to determine the cause of today’s mishap.
>“Today our rocket blew the fuck up.” said Mr. Frank Culbertson, Orbital’s Executive Vice President and General Manager of its Advanced Programs Group.“It just blew up. It just fucking blew up. We spent so much money on that shit. Oh God, I'm going to lose my job, my wife is going to leave me. It even blew the launchpad up. They don't tell you this shit, but the launchpad is even more expensive than the rocket. It has all kinds of expensive shit in it, that got blown up today. Oh my God. Oh my fucking God. How are we going to pay for this shit?”
>Orbital will provide more information as it becomes available and is verified.

>> No.6841721

Nah, only the V2s and the Juno II were von Braun's.

Von Braun was actually renowned for being a very conservative engineer.

>> No.6841722
File: 46 KB, 342x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoopid muricans ahaha faggots russia owns the sky suka blyat

>> No.6841724

Eat your heart out Micheal Bay.

>> No.6841725

Not to mention a very conservative conservative.

>> No.6841728
File: 298 KB, 1920x1080, ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>All that Final Fantasy theme music

>> No.6841730
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>> No.6841732

Press Conference in 5 minutes. Get the fuck in here.


>> No.6841735

"Once they go up, who cares where they come down? That's not my department!" says Werner von Braun

>> No.6841736
File: 386 KB, 1046x756, Antares blew the fuck up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6841742



>> No.6841744


someone wanna get in on this?

>> No.6841745

Dat was the biggest allahuakbar in the whole history of the United States of Allahuakbar

>> No.6841748

This is what you all get for defying God.

Man was not made to walk the heavens.


>> No.6841753

They postponed it, damn.

>> No.6841754

press conference deayed to 8:45

>> No.6841759

that means the press room will explode, right?

>> No.6841766




>> No.6841774

>one failure is a death sentence

its their second failure

your stocks are worthless. give it to a hobo

>> No.6841775

Capitalism should stay out of science. This is all orbital sciences corporations' fault.

>> No.6841779


>> No.6841784

What exactly is it? If they're live streaming it, what exactly does calling in get you? A chance to ask questions?

>> No.6841790

They've had at least 9 failures. 5 with Pegasus, 3 with Taurus, and now one with Antares.

This one isn't going to kill them. It's actually probably not a bad idea to snap up the stock people are dumping. It should rebound pretty quickly.

>> No.6841792

Yeah, but even then, they'll only take questions from people they know.

>> No.6841798


>> No.6841799
File: 39 KB, 442x640, Путин.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aerospace engineer
I'm not surprised, that the rocket exploded.

>> No.6841805

>Postponing press conference repeatedly

Okay that's just...

>> No.6841809

Every time they're ready to start, something else blows up.

>> No.6841810
File: 48 KB, 520x325, 1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6841811

they are trying to find a calculus text book so they can figure out what went wrong

>> No.6841813

they can't even get press conferences right

>> No.6841817

repeated delays are a natural part of aerospace

>> No.6841835
File: 44 KB, 604x398, xyLqwP-mcM4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space was just Liberated.

>> No.6841851

1st and 2nd world BTFO

>> No.6841858

so how much did it cost?

>> No.6841865

"momentarily", bitches.

>> No.6841880

New, dramatic footage from a private plane


>> No.6841881


>> No.6841889

>That feel when it's possible they can't hold the press conference because they can't keep their composure long enough to stand in front of people and answer questions.

>> No.6841894

They have to come out and read their press release: >>6841889

>> No.6841912

>Oh wow. Holy cow. Holy crap!

>> No.6841915

Great balls of fire.

Mesmerizing, thanks Anon.

>> No.6841951

oooh it's on.

>> No.6841958

almost nazi

>> No.6841974
File: 62 KB, 800x568, Braun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats racist!

>> No.6841986

>we take our jobs very seriously

>> No.6842002

Press conference:

>unscheduled disassembly

understatement of the year!

>> No.6842019

>call dropped


>> No.6842022

>>unscheduled disassembly
Did they really say that?

>> No.6842087

google it, RUD is ancient newspeak.

>> No.6842313



>> No.6842349

This fucking logic of rocket launch.
>put billions of worth of research into cargo
>hopes and dreams of the people who contributed to the researches
>use a surplus engine that's known to be a failure because of earlier rocket launches
>think somehow it's gonna work
>it doesn't
>hopes and dreams up in a ball of fire

Jesus Fucking Christ just fire whoever was in charge of designing that project.

>> No.6842363

you realize this is no where near the first time this engine has been used, right?

>> No.6842374

do you think any nasa rocket has been built by a 100% purebred civil servant work force?

you probably do, because you're fucking retarded.

>> No.6842390

Yeah, and the fucking peeps thought it's still gonna be 'reliable'

>> No.6842398

ITT: nobody knows what ITAR is.

>> No.6842995

capitalism is a fucking failure

>> No.6843390

meanwhile, Russia had a flawless Soyuz Progress launch last night. Docking to the ISS will be later today.

(This was a Russian first, by the way. It was the first Progress launched atop one of the modernized Soyuz-2. They had been using the original Soyuz-U design for Progress before, the last use of this ancient design.)

>> No.6843462
File: 66 KB, 460x594, putin-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2013, Antares launch successful
> RT: Launch of Russian/American Rocket Antares Successful!
> http://russian.rt.com/article/15603

> 2014, Antares launch failed
> RT: Ukrainian/American Rocket Antares Blows Up!
> http://russian.rt.com/article/56738

>> No.6843482

additionally, ULA just had a successful Atlas V launch of a GPS satellite.

Modern Russian RD-180 good
Ancient Soviet NK-33 bad

>> No.6843487

>Cape Canaveral
This launch was at Wallops, retard.
>Antares packs a big wallop

>> No.6843520


>they still haven't changed it for consistency
That fucking sloppy editorial, my sides are igniting.

>> No.6843537

NASA: We initiated the self destruct system

Well done. Next time try doing it BEFORE it crashes onto the beachhead and bursts into flames.

>> No.6843657

Nazis invented these rockets. We just copy / paste them from 1944 cause we have no briliant Aryan mind to tell us about the secrets of technology.

>> No.6843680

