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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6818795 No.6818795[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


What are the top 5 most based majors you can take in college?

>> No.6818797

nuclear engineering

>> No.6818806

computer science

>> No.6818839


>> No.6818999

Mathematical Physics

>> No.6819499


>> No.6819509

pure math
any liberal arts subject
applied math
mathematical physics
theoretical physics

>> No.6819519

Theoretical physics
Mathematical physics
Physical chemistry
Computational physics

>> No.6819725

Basically everyone is going to say math and physics. But it depends what your life goals are OP. So?

>> No.6819726


i would liek to add economical sciences

>> No.6819736


>> No.6819737

Engineering Geology

>> No.6819744

Actually physics is a pretty meh major especially if done alone without a math or engineering double

>> No.6819747

Yeah but most of sci are just ass burgers they don't go to uni but they fantasize about how cool a phys and math degree would be if they got up and did something ever

>> No.6819766


>> No.6819772


Based in terms of what? Money? Happiness? Easiness?

>> No.6819773

In no particular order:

Electrical engineering
Computer science
Molecular biology/biochemistry

>> No.6819774

Social science.
It's based on everything else.

>> No.6819775


Edit: I couldn't decide between computer science and biochemistry/molecular biology, but I'm set on the first four.

>> No.6819790

You obviously have not gotten past the first two years. If you think Variational mechanics is meh, then you don't understand it.

Also I agree in some sense though, I'm a double math and physics and they both interplay boring and cool classes. Like rn I'm in analysis which I think is pretty boring, but I'm in variational rn which is awesome. Last semester I was in an intro to modern physics class which I thought was pretty dull, but then I had complex analysis and linear algebra which were both awesome.

So actually I guess you're right. Half the physics classes are not fun, so buffer it with a different major.

>> No.6819831


>> No.6819837

Chemical Engineering
Theoretical Physics
Aero Engineering
Electrical Engineering

>> No.6819838

>What are the top 5 most based majors you can take in college?

Despite what /sci/ tells you, the top spot is probably business. Your class work is easy as shit, everyone in your major is social and parties a lot, and you have the highest future POTENTIAL (not starting) salary out of any other major. Just coast through college and network and you're set for life.

Too bad it's boring as shit and teaches you almost nothing. Also despite being social your classmates will be dumb as bricks and not be able to hold a conversation beyond small talk.

>> No.6819843

I would say that Aero Engineering and Mechanical Engineering are pretty similar

>> No.6819863

Mech Eng/EE

>> No.6820116
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>walk into this thread being all about chemistry
>did I mention chemistry
>pic related

>> No.6820175

Without the math background you're handicapped going into theory and without engineering you're screwed when it comes to work

>> No.6820199

If you want to make money:
Applied Math

Or instead major in something useful, work a few years with a high starting salary, get an MBA, and move up management track.

>> No.6820214
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Chemical physics master race reporting in. Feels good, man.

>> No.6820233


Nuclear engineering phd here.

No. It's a stupid undergrad major. Take fucking mechanical engineering. If you really want to do nuclear, then switch to nuclear in grad school.

>> No.6820236


Wow, you must be a pretty smart guy! I hope to be as smart as you some day!


That's not a real major.

>> No.6820243

why? ME's dont take any neutronics courses, radiation detection courses, or materials courses or labs. where did you go to uni btw and what did you do your undergrad in? I have a nuke grad student in one of my classes that had to drop his neutronics course because he couldn't follow because he did ME in undergrad and had no exposure to neutronics or reactor kinetics

>> No.6820255


Because mechanical engineering is versatile and nuclear engineering isn't. Mechanical engineering programs generally have more room for electives than other engineerings, and so if you really want to take the 2-3 courses you'd miss out on, you can take them as electives, and you won't be stuck with a stupid college degree.

My undergrad degree was chemical engineering.

>> No.6820261

If he get past neutronics or reactor kinetics then he was hardly going to get far.

>> No.6820267

Computer Science
Aerospace Eng
Electrical Eng

Honorable mention(s): Economics, Quantitative Finance, Math

>> No.6820273

my nuke program is more versatile than any ME program i've seen. i've never met an ME that takes courses in neutronics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, materials science, and radiation detection/measurement. also our program requires a few more credits than most engr programs, and you have room for 3 tech electives

it was because the course assumes a prior knowledge of reactor theory, which nuke undergrads have, but he's never been exposed to

>> No.6820275

What's /sci/entists take on Nanoscience?

>> No.6820284

Chemical Engineering
Literature: I think English and Lit make you a more intelligent and interesting person overall, just make sure you're taking it alongside something employable.

>> No.6820289


>> No.6820299


Literally every MechE program in the entire country does fluids, heat transfer, and materials science.

Based on the undergraduates I've seen here, the courses unique to nuke are reactor physics, detectors, radiation physics, and sources and apps.

I'd say that aside from reactor physics, none of those courses are even particularly interesting, let alone necessary for a major to be based.

>> No.6820311

our we have a subcritical pile and small reactor that we get to mess about with in our radiation detection/measurement labs which is pretty cool, and in our materials lab we did stuff with surface modification of materials and thin film deposition that you wouldn't get to do in an ME materials course/lab. i can't really think of any ME job a nuke wouldn't be able to do just as well

>> No.6820629

I would imagine most physics-only majors are planning on getting a phd

>> No.6820680

What you enjoy.

>> No.6820697

It won't fix your insecurity

>> No.6820698
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Chemical Engineering (includes petroleum if you want to do that later/specialize)
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (includes nuclear if you want to do that later/specialize)
Physics (especially to PhD)
Chemistry (especially to PhD)

Computer Science would be the very close 6 if I can add it. This is all opinion.

Maths only if you're going to double major (or minor) in another subject that would benefit such as Physics or Computer Science.

Every major is pointless these days unless you get about 1.5 - 2 years of internships/research under your belt and job offers before you graduate.

all of these with some sort of English double major will make you a generally more intelligent, better person. All of the kids getting English degrees because they want to become a writer makes no sense. English majors are for becoming more refined in your writing/general communication. Learning how to use words to describe an idea more accurately because you were an English major really helps and I think that we can all agree that people we think are intelligent by conversation know how to describe their ideas/points etc accurately, using more than the daily vocabulary that everyone is used to.

>> No.6820706


>> No.6820809

1. Dropping out and making some stupid app or website

>> No.6820872

good luck not dieing in graduate school without a math bs/ms

>> No.6820880
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retards belong in >>>/g/

>> No.6820906
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this this fucking this.

>> No.6820942

Next year I'm supposed to pick a narrower field in EE, can't decide between electronics, robotics and energetics. Well maybe robotics is a bit too complex for me.

What would you guys pick?

>> No.6820945

>Well maybe robotics is a bit too complex for me
don't be a little bitch nigga. did you go to college to challenge yourself and test your intellectual mettle or did you just want to coast on talent like you did with high school?

>> No.6820953

It's just that it requires a LOT more time and work which I don't think I'm prepared to spare. I'm just an average student so far, usually only the very best go to robotics at my uni.

>> No.6820954
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Engineering Physics
Physical Chemistry
Fine Arts

>> No.6820960

would you rather know for certain that you could or could not hack it, or do you want that "maybe i could have" floating in your head for the rest of your life?

>> No.6820977

I don't know man, it's not like I love robotics most of all. Perhaps I could hack it, but lose few years of my life due to stress, I don't need any more of that. I don't know. I'll think about it this year some more.

>> No.6820982
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I very much agree with this anon and i'm saving his post.

>> No.6821010
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>This is all opinion.
Your opinion is basically the fact. I wish you were my father.

>> No.6821025

> mfw nobody mentioned medicine
> mfw I get to cut people open
> mfw I have no face

>> No.6821030
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but that's not a major

>> No.6821031

I'm not American I don't know anything about majors

>> No.6821033
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>I'm not American
and disregarded

>> No.6821050
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>posts in a thread about majors
>"I don't know anything about majors" after criticizing everyone that knows about them
You're a faggot.

>> No.6821120
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>> No.6821210

Certainly not engineering of any kind. As a mathematician, I'd say

Visual Art

Are the most interesting, deepest, and challenging majors.

>> No.6821214

>Certainly not engineering of any kind
sperglord detected

>> No.6821218


>> No.6821225

Enjoy your nojobs

>> No.6821665


its a trick question,
there is only 4

>> No.6821703

you're missing philosophy. that's #5.

>> No.6822086


>> No.6822113

Is Mech Eng a good degree for someone who wants to generally know how things work and have a certification of their intelligence but doesn't really want to work in that field?

>> No.6822130

Why has no one mentioned Medical School as a graduate route?

>> No.6822144

International Relations
Classical Art

>> No.6822150

where does chemical biology fit in

>> No.6822176


I'd say more with chemistry than biology, it's treated as a subdiscipline of chemistry. I don't know of any schools which would offer a bachelor's in chemical biology. Most have a "chemical biology" track within the chemistry major for undergrads. And, for what it's worth, the majority of chemical biology PhD programs are within chemistry departments.

>> No.6822181


Continued from >>6822150

I was a chemistry major at a liberal arts school, but my concentration was "chemical biology." My electives were in biological and organic chemistry, and cell biology, and I did my thesis in a biochemistry/chemical biology lab.

>> No.6822190


Don't forget geology.

>> No.6822206


I want to major in math, but I also want to have the most flexible degree for higher technical jobs possible. I really am undecided, and barely know what I'm doing when it come to getting my major.


But to my question, what do you guys think of this video? This guy has confused and made me very discouraged when it comes to getting a math degree. He's kind of a faggot judging from his other videos but I really wouldn't know honestly.

>> No.6822208



Fellow geofag. I respect the people in applied disciplines like engineering for their problem solving abilities. Geology is pretty broad and combines the disciplines of physics and chemistry, analytical techniques, crystallography, field work, GIS and programming.

>> No.6822241

Question, does computer engineering cover the basics of EE? Is there a lot of overlap or do you have to choose between one or the other?

>> No.6822267
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see >>6820698

Don't go CE. It's harder(supposedly) than EE and there are less jobs. GO FOR THE BROAD SHIT. DO NOT GO FOR A SPECIALIZATION FOR YOUR FUCKING BACHELOR.

god damn idiots.

>> No.6822271
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Don't watch that kids videos. He's one of those smart, nobel prize winners(sarcasm) that QUIT his job in engineering to do Youtube full time. In general though, he's just some fuck that reads shit on google and tries to act like he knows what he's talking about. How the fuck would he actually know anything about these majors? He was a fucking Civil(?) engineer after getting a moronic Psychology degree.

Do NOT listen to this shit stain. ONLY ask people about the majors that are IN the fucking majors or have close friends that are in them and can compare them.

>> No.6822289

Thank you, that chink is a fucking retard.

>> No.6822290

what do you do with a chemistry major?

>> No.6822310


Alright, thanks. I just watched his video in the spur of the moment and it really freaked me out. So, a B.S. in math is definitely not bad idea? How flexible is it? I have no intention of being a professor.

>> No.6822437


not true at my uni. Coe covers a broad spectrum of EE and CS coursework, there is significant overlap of both majors, and at least at my uni there is an option for specialization if you plan your time accordingly.

It is more difficult but that difficulty is what turns your lazy ass into a decent engineer. Most pros I've worked with through internships and research say the same thing, they've advanced more quickly because they are able to learn new things quickly and thoroughly.

>> No.6822451

I was thinking of majoring in Software Engineering or Computer Engineering.

But I'm getting a real Computer Science vibe here. I really like tech and building computers and programming and such, could I probably pick up most of that stuff if I took CS?

>> No.6822540

CS will always be more worthwhile than CE...

more jobs
more money involved
also totally easier imo

>> No.6822541

Electrical engineering flavored with CS
Business Administration flavored with CS
Frequently misunderstood because shit universities teach programming and nothing else.

>> No.6822581

>shit universities

And by shit, you mean EVERY LAST ONE

>> No.6822650

Women Studies

>> No.6822657
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Can I ask for some /adv/
I want to do Nuclear Physics or Engineering but my marks are too shit to get into Engineering. I'm currently doing the first year of my BSc in Physics Compsci double major. I was interested in doing honors or masters. I'm interested in maths as well but I'm not too great at it; I'm better at explaining and understanding things qualitatively than quantitatively.

Is there a 'best' option here? My knowledge of how Masters and Phd degrees work is pretty poor, but I'm lead to believe it's fairly 'free' and open as far as the prerequisites go; one of my professors said he had a masters in philosophy but a phd in Compsci education. One path I considered is doing my Bsc, maybe honors or masters, then coming back in a few years to do an BEng.

>> No.6822693


>> No.6822866

CS will always be trivial compared to CE

less money unless you get a phd (and then, how long is it going to take you to recoup 6 years of lost wages?)
less applicable experience
less internship opportunities means harder to get employed from the start
less thorough education (C'mon, you're really done with math after linear algebra?!?)
and yes, totally easier you complacent fuck.

>> No.6822896

>less money unless you get a phd (and then, how long is it going to take you to recoup 6 years of lost wages?)
less applicable experience
less internship opportunities means harder to get employed from the start
less thorough education (C'mon, you're really done with math after linear algebra?!?)
and yes, totally easier you complacent fuck.

I can't actually tell if you're for CS over CE or vice versa.

If you actually think CE is the better gig, then I know you're a liar because all of my CE friends say they wish they went CS and all of my CS friends say that they're glad they're in CS. You're full of shit.

>> No.6822919


>> No.6822938

CS fag getting BTFO

>> No.6822976


>> No.6823073

Ok anon. Have fun with your 5k salary.

>> No.6823086

w-what about computer engineering?

>> No.6823116

CS majors tend to get overpaid after they've gotten their degrees. Most of my friends who are in CS say that the work is so much easier than their paycheck indicates. From what I hear, CE majors have to actually work for their money.

>> No.6824020

You're a fucking idiot if you think this.

>> No.6824182

Go EE or go home.

>> No.6824184

>Go EE, CHEME, or ME or go home


>> No.6824191

ayy lmao

This, most CS work is trivial. That's the real problem with CS, not dying of boredom after getting a job.

>> No.6824195

I've presumed that this is bait for how stupid it is.

>> No.6824198


Physics and maths for plebs. Prove me wrong

>> No.6824204

literally only ass burgers think that

>> No.6824205

If you're in the US and don't have a scholarship and don't want to be in debt for the next 10+ years, then yes, you're wrong.

>> No.6824939

As someone who is looking for a career as an actuary or quantitative analyst, which of the follow undergrad double majors is best?

Math/Comp Sci
Actuarial Science/Comp Sci

in b4 >>>/biz/

>> No.6825311



in that order

>> No.6825357

posted in ur other thread but tldr Actuarial Science with either finance, stats, math or econ and no comp sci if you want to be an actuary, math/CS if you want to be a quant

>> No.6825387

>totally easier imo
>more jobs
>more money involved

Totally how supply and demand work.....

>> No.6825398


No, CS is truly pathetic. It sounds hyperbolic, but it is really just that bad. And no, I'm not just referring to bad schools, all CS programs are terrible.

>> No.6825635 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6825716

Any ME program that doesn't contain fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and material science is not a real ME program and probably not accredited.

>> No.6825771

That's not a thing

>> No.6825783

higher demand for something easier isn't inconsistent with economics.

>> No.6825812

are there any majors that aren't physics?

>> No.6825866

I understand that this is /sci/, but why is everyone putting math at the top? Job wise, unless it's applied math you better plan on going to grad school. At a good school.

I mean I'd like to be proven wrong. Please tell me what an undergrad general math degree qualifies you for.

>> No.6825874

because /sci/ is autistic and can only understand and connect with the symbols used in math, and think anything else is inferior and whatever the fuck autists on here think. it's autism that loves math, it's not that great, and really shit at an undergrad level.

>> No.6825880
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>> No.6825884

Yeah, it is. Thanks the demand side of that system. Something that's rare and difficult to master won't get you anything if nobody wants it. Something that's easy, but in higher demand than the current supply, will buy you a house.

>> No.6825885

>all these autistic NEETs not including engineering in the top 5
top lel bunch of slack jawed faggots around here

>> No.6825891 [DELETED] 


also this. Not even an engineer, statistics reporting. (Although I'd figure we're mostly... NETs? I guess?)

>> No.6825893
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also this. Not even an engineer, statistics reporting. (Although I'd figure we're mostly... NETs? I guess?)

>> No.6825895

shut up and build me a fan, faggot

>> No.6825902

>le epic NEET understanding of what engineers do

>> No.6825911
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on a side note, does anyone own one of these?

>> No.6825913

based engineering

>> No.6825922

Applied Math

>> No.6825928

astrophys is fucking useless beyond a government research grant
>muh Mars colony
>so pay me to simulate black hole collisions
I can already feel the economic growth

>> No.6825931

>muh labor theory of value

>> No.6825967

>muh fat people drinking Mountain Dew and buying more shit is a better use of our limited resources than astrophysics

>> No.6826013

At least fat people drinking mountain dew produce chemical energy, which is a measurable return on the investment.

>> No.6826022

this. you can harvest their fat for fuel

>> No.6826119
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Here's the REAL question

Can Physics actually get you a fucking job?

>> No.6826326
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>engineering in the same level that math and "real sci"

>> No.6826389

No, you cannot do that.

>> No.6826392

Says you. I, for one, see a future in fat-based energy. It would solve obesity and rising fuel costs at the same time.

>> No.6826399
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For every time this image is posted, at least 5 physics majors drop out of grad school and become high school teachers

>> No.6826403

>he thinks it's physics majors who shit on CS

It's not, it's engineering majors, notice how engineering is lumped with science and maths? No one who's studying science or maths would do that.

>> No.6826404
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Less efficient than wood

>> No.6826406

Went to a state school and I was in more theory classes than programming classes by junior year

>> No.6826407

pharmaceutical sciences

>> No.6826417
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engineer please go

>> No.6826421
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>not studying engineering
stay basic

>> No.6826423

Why are engineers so insecure?

>> No.6826433

we're not, it's just annoying when NEETS that don't know what it is bash it to shit and act like theyre superior because they're autistic and like math more than their parents or other people

>> No.6826495


no one said it's a bad major you retard

But it is definitely easier than pure math or physics

>> No.6826509

>no one said it's a bad major you retard
it's probably one of the biggest /sci/ maymays behind .999... = 1, IQ, and metaphysics shitposting
>But it is definitely easier than pure math or physics
just one of the many opinions from someone that isn't in engineering

>> No.6826514

Why does something as arbitrary and subjective as "difficulty" mean anything in this context?

>> No.6826522

Christ I was just asking so I could make an informed decision, I don't understand how that makes me an idiot jeezo peezo

>> No.6826902

chem e

>> No.6826904

What kind of engineer are you? Is it worth it?

>> No.6826920

I have never seen this much crap in one picture

need to clean my screen now

>> No.6826922

We're not comparing studying astrophysics to being a fat fucking slob you retard, we're comparing it to other majors.

>> No.6827406

Biomedical Eng.
Materials Sci/Eng
Religious Studies/Seminary

did Chemistry as an undergrad, now interviewing for medical (allopathic) schools. Everything I did for my major I forgot after busting my ass for the MCAT for 12hr/day, for 5 months. I feel like I wasted some of my efforts on Chemistry, instead of doing Environmental Science (which I enjoy more). To add, most of my research is in physiology, and I never took upper-level formal classes in Biology besides the basic pre-requisites for medical admissions.

>> No.6827437

Genetics or Physics...
One is going to be the forefront of mankinds development, and the other will tell us about the universe. Which one is better? That's a question for you.

>> No.6827440

>Religious Studies/Seminary
You need to leave