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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6799724 No.6799724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was sci's major and wjat are they doing with their lives?

>> No.6799741

philosophy and mathematics. reading your post on /sci/ right before going to a lecture

>> No.6799743

Work at ISS.

>> No.6799745


>> No.6799765


>> No.6799767

Specialty in anesthesiology, subspecialty in pain management.

>> No.6799776

Work in social care

>> No.6799779

Manager at walmart

>> No.6799792

Math Magician
Traveling Magician

>> No.6799820


>> No.6799824

Chem Engineering

>> No.6799835

Examining uranus

>> No.6799837

Physics and Neuroscience.
Boring easy office work.

>> No.6799842

theoretical physics
Electrical engineering

>> No.6799855

Aerospace Engineering
Bar Tender @ The Cock

>> No.6799876

Theortical physics
Practical physics

>> No.6799905

Mechanical engineering

>> No.6799907

Can someone explain the American education system to me? I always wondered what all this is.

>> No.6799915

Auto mechanic

>> No.6799925


I'm... now...


But not for the money. Not *only* for the money. I discovered that 1, I'm naturally good at sql and programming, and 2, I really enjoy sql and programming. Not "naturally good enough" for it to be worth anything without certification, but good enough that I'm outperforming people that've been doing this since highschool. *Really* wish I had found the field sooner, but still really glad I found it at all. I'm wasted doing anything else.

>> No.6799928
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hopeful physics major applying to universities for spring term..

>> No.6799943

Electrical engineering
working in solar energy industry

>> No.6799972

Still in school

But I'm a lifegaurd in the summer.

>> No.6799997


>> No.6800003

Still in school

>> No.6800006

working on upper level E&M homework
>Legendre Polynomials. what the fuck is going on
>fuck me dude

>> No.6800031
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Major 1: Art
Major 2: Science
Job: Genetics
No compromises anywhere. BA/BS for the win!

>> No.6800035


I now do computational linguistics.

I've also built models of customer behaviour in supermarkets, analysed capital reserves in finance, done stats for medical research and played in a band.

>> No.6800037

Math major with a specialization in comp sci.

currently reviewing for midterm at 3:30

>> No.6800052

Nuclear engineering hoping to work with plasma facing materials or material modification via irradiation. Or maybe something in health/medical physics

>> No.6800611

major: civil engineering
current interest: aerospace

>> No.6800612

Major: Data science
Life plans: Work as a data scientist.

>> No.6800631

ITT: Engineering students that think they're engineers before even graduating.

>> No.6800634
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Electrical Engineering
Apple tech support

>> No.6800643


>> No.6800648

i graduated. i sort of want to come back, but i get money right now

>> No.6800651

>there's a problem with having goals

>> No.6800657

> What was sci's major and what are they doing with their lives?
> what was

Anybody can be any engineering major. It only takes a walk to the registrar's office to change it. Not everybody can be an actual engineer.

>> No.6800661

biology-geology double major
working part time in a stockroom, applying to graduate school

feels discouraging, man.

>> No.6800700

>OP literally asks what's /sci/'s major is
>"you're not an engineer yet like me hyuck hyuck"
you're so smart yet you can't read good enough to know what the thread is about

>> No.6800757

Biochemical Engineering
Studying platelet clotting behaviors

>> No.6800760


>> No.6800765

Is going to be physics
Going down the toilet

>> No.6800835

>biology-geology double major

you're basically doubling up on the unemployment. none of that shit will give you skills to get a real job after you graduate. it's Subway or MickeyDees 4 life.

>> No.6800841

Finance/comp Sci major.
Unemployed student

>> No.6800855

postdoc in barnett converging triple integrals

>> No.6800857

get the fuck off you ISIS!!

>> No.6800896

Mechanical Engineer
It's a secret.

>> No.6800898

>inb4 killdozer 2.0

>> No.6800901

Physics dropout, NEET for almost a year now

>> No.6800928


>> No.6800933

computer science master race

>> No.6800950

How's that working out for you? I'm a physics major considering leaving school and just working and writing and studying in my own time.

>> No.6800967

Grad student in biophysics

>> No.6800981

It's not working. Didn't want to make it a blogpost, but I actually was kicked out. Here where I live, we usually go to public universities if we want to study science (no private incentive at all). Universities have a limit of classes you can fail by lack of attendance. At some point, I'd sign up for classes at the beginning of the semester and then stop going. I hit the limit and got kicked out. Since it was a public university, I didn't have to pay for anything, so I have no debts.

If you're not happy with Physics, then go do something else. But if you want to keep doing Science, don't leave. Put up with the hardships and, more importantly, talk to people about shit. That helps a lot.

I'll be here for a while so ask me anything you like

>> No.6801055

No, but my name begins with a K. I cannot say my name because it's unique.

>> No.6801059

Physics isn't my passion, astronomy is, which incorporates a lot of physics. While physics can be fascinating, it's not my end goal.

The reason I want to leave is because I suffer from clinical depression; I feel like it makes an already difficult major nearly impossible. Was considering leaving and coming back later, if and when I feel better, but I don't know what else I would do.

>> No.6801063

Can you study Astronomy at university where you live? If yes, why don't you switch over?

Also, do you do therapy?

>> No.6801068

Some universities here offer an Astronomy/Astrophysics major, some only do Physics. In either case, the course sequence is essentially the same, since the schools with Astronomy require the physics courses anyway.

I see my school's therapist as well as an academic counselor. No medication.

>> No.6801155

Molecular Biology
Contemplating suicide

>> No.6801207


Automation Engineering consultant for Big Pharma.

>> No.6801210

Yeah, depression is a bitch. I still get anxious periods but therapy has helped a lot.

>> No.6801221

Physics and Compsci double major.

Self employed app dev. Good money, though not very stimulating. Need to set some new goals in life.

>> No.6801224

Still studying.

>> No.6801238

MSc EE, will finish a research project. then don't know.

Wow how to do that. That is like my dream career!

>> No.6801266


BSc Statistics.

Reading 4chan and neglecting getting ready to leave for lectures in 25 minutes.

>> No.6801269

Electrical Engineering.
Studying, intend to apply for M.Sc. in Math/Physics/CS. Or kill myself if I'll fail.

>> No.6801690


>> No.6801693

wtf does that have to do with science?

>> No.6801716


What in the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.6801722

Math Physics double major.
Watching algebraic topology lectures on YouTube because muh homeomorphisms are interesting.

>> No.6801723
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>> No.6802088

I'm in vet school.

>> No.6802218

Computer "Science"
Wasting every waking moment on the internet

>> No.6802296

This image would be better if the science panel was simply a drawing

>> No.6802368

Molecular Biology
Mostly masturbating but also studying.

>> No.6802439

computer science

dropped it, starting a chemistry degree this semester.
hope it's not as much of a clusterfuck as CS.

>> No.6802445

Computer Science.

I just want an honest job, it doesn't have to pay a lot and just do enjoy life.

>> No.6802450

Being sexy

>> No.6802460

Finishing a physics/theoretical electronics PhD right now

/sci/, it's your last chance to convince me to not go into the industry and take the R&D -> executive track
Why should I get into a research center, start at 30k and get stuck at 50/60k max at the end of my career when I could get so much more as an executive?

>inb4 but muh technology advancement
Researchers don't make the decisions, execs do.

>> No.6802483

Working on a degree in fluid mechanics. Also working as a teacher in lower-level classes at the uni.

>> No.6802503

Economics PhD
I'm doing well, thanks for asking

>> No.6802513

He asked what are you doing

>> No.6802519

Computer Science

Currently a student but interning part time

>> No.6802544

>last chance to convince me to not go into the industry and take the R&D -> executive track
I struggle with this every day.

>> No.6802593
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>ITT: People doing nothing related to their majors

I'm scared for post undergrad man

>> No.6802618

still in school cus I don't know wjat I'm doing with my life, but I don't think anyone knows wjat they are doing with their lives either.

>> No.6802633
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Materials science and engineering. I work as an project manager at a steel factory.

I still fucking love those big ass machines, they really bring out my inner child.

>> No.6802642

>What is Forensics

>> No.6802665

Computer Science

Currently doing Java/Trig homework

>> No.6802764


>> No.6802786

also a big procrastinator

>> No.6802799

Fine Arts
Dumpster Diving

>> No.6802984

Just think of Legendre functions as a black box with some simple properties, like having a few zeros and being related by differentiation (and being solutions to Legendre's equation of course).

>> No.6802988

Hydraulic/Hydrologic Engineering
Trying to keep my shit together.

>> No.6802994

medical laboratory science, thinkan about getting a masters in it too, but ionno

>> No.6802995

Developmental Psychology

Welding engineer
dont ask me how

>> No.6803024


TL;DR version: Students go into college underprepared while their HS teachers think they've successfully prepped them for college, public schools are fairly shit and their degree of shittiness can be directly correlated to their regional location, grills have been outperforming boys for several decades, sex ed is a mess, textbooks are now tailored to states because of Texans claiming that certain history/economics books were "too leftist", and college graduation rates aren't great.

That'll get you started. Also read up on the Prussian education system, since the US system has some basis in that IIRC.

>> No.6803029

How come then the US has some of the *best* universities in the planet?

>> No.6803035
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My suicidal bros. Please observe this gif, it may momentarily make you feel better before you remember how you feel your life is worthless.

It'll get better someday. Maybe. I'm still trying to get there.

>> No.6803037

english and classics
medical school

>> No.6803055


>> No.6803075

Let's take this line by line.
>Students go into college underprepared
There's a big gap between smart kids and dumb kids, and a lot of money gets thrown at trying to fix that. In the early 2000s we tried to make dumb kids smarter. That didn't work, so now we make smart kids dumber.
>public schools are fairly shit and their degree of shittiness can be directly correlated to their regional location
Because niggers are taught from birth to hate learning and keep other niggers in like by viciously attacking any black who shows any interest in school, or aspires to be anything other than a pimp, drug dealer, rapper, or basketball player.
>grills have been outperforming boys for several decades
Because we tailor everything, and I mean EVERYTHING for girls. Girls are given special attention for anything, and boys are medicated into a coma if they ask questions in class.
>sex ed is a mess
Because actually educating children is not a priority, only pushing the agenda of whatever group is currently in power.
>college graduation rates aren't great
Because we tell every high schooler to go to college no matter what, regardless of whether or not they should.

>> No.6803093

A number of factors can be linked to this, exclusivity up the asshole and high cost being some of them. Those internationally renowned colleges aren't taking in Joe Schmoes from Iowa. The quality of education provided by the average public school is grossly insufficient to prepare students to perform at the level that's demanded. Due to this, most of those top notch unis draw their students from a pool of students who went to private universities, which typically provide a higher quality of education for their students in exchange for high education costs. These costs are prohibitively high for most Americans, causing them to instead rely on public school, which is essentially free. Essentially, you get what you pay for. Of course, there are retards who can get into Ivy Leagues and such if their family is sufficiently connected, but they usually get by with gentlemen's Fs (AKA Cs across the board).

If I recall, the top 10 internationally ranked unis are primarily American universities with a few UK schools sprinkled in.

>> No.6803178

>dumb kids/smart kids
NCLB is pretty garbage, yeah. Common Core is supposed to be the hot new thing, isn't it? I need to read up on that.

Everything else factors into sociocultural bullshit. Girls have been pushed to succeed in school because of changing family/household structures and eight decades of feminist shit. The ADHD/ADD diagnosing has been out of control for ages, though maybe they're dialing it back nowadays. Sex ed (at least in my HS region, a lobster red Midwestern city) is abstinence based because of the beliefs of the surrounding people. I'm sure things are different in major cities. Ethnic minorities and the poor tend to underperform because valuing education is not part of their culture at large. So on and so forth.

As far as graduation rates, there's definitely a perception that going to college is an instant ticket to a better future and loadsamoney. There are, after all, numerous studies that indicate that receiving at least an undergraduate degree greatly increases your chances of having a larger income. I feel like students aren't fully aware of or do not fully understand their available options. You can get a CDL at your local community college for like $3.5k and make like $40k-50k/year as long as you don't get too many points and pass the random drug tests. There's also demand for high risk jobs like logging or working on oil rigs in Alaska or shit like that, if you don't mind the thought of possibly not making it back home alive. People always need plumbers and electricians and other tradesmen. The median age of farmers is going up every year since their kids are leaving the family business behind. But there's been a shift away from those types of positions because they're not desirable or profitable enough. So you've got a bunch of people going into college not because they want to learn, but because they're expected to, like they're checking off a box on their list of "Shit I Need to do to be Successful".

>> No.6803248

petroleum engineering, I also bought the dip in 2009, so yeah... 4chan I... I am a huge shill and corporate drone, if you saw me you wouldn't think I used to spend a lot of time being a cringeworthy faggot on /b/ in 2006 through 2007, I still come back here occasionally though.

but it's just not the same anymore

>> No.6803252


>> No.6803255

god i wish i was at whatever school you are at

im doing data structures/discrete structures hw right now

>> No.6803257


Considering suicide or making the army pay for my graduate school.

Does being a microbiologist for the army or navy suck really big dick?
>might have to live in Jakarta

>> No.6803271

Im a molecular bio major. sophomore ATM.
Okay, how hard is it to get a job? all I ask for career that can support me while I pursue my art on the side. I love both art and science so the plan I currently have is working well for me but I am fearful of not being able to find any work out of college.

>> No.6803284

Psychology, and it's shit. I'm more of a creative person. I want to do architecture.

>> No.6803293

>Majoring in art.
Just wanted to drop in and let you know you're wasting your time. There's nothing to be learned in an art class (barring some at a few very good, very expensive art schools) that can't be learned better and in a shorter amount of time at home with a couple dozen books and maybe some videos.

You do get access to someone who can review your work, which is an iffy perk at best. You could almost certainly get the professor to take a look at your work even if you're just a hobbyist, and there's always /ic/.

>> No.6803294

I'm >>6803257

It really, really fucking sucks. Do internships and get in really good with as many professors as you can. It's hard to get a job without an in with a company.

Also, just go ahead and plan on going to get a masters at least.

I only have a B.S. have been applying to literally hundreds of jobs in NYC without a single callback. My resume and cover letter are solid, it's just a shitty market.

>> No.6803301

>and boys are medicated into a coma if they ask questions in class
This was me. I was never interested in school. Too boring, never challenging. So my parents pumped me full of ADHD medication for years.

>> No.6803306

lel. I'm in Math/CS with a physics minor and am planning to apply into a grad EE program. Should have started with master race EE in the first place. Oh well.

>> No.6803309

fuck it I don't know what to do with my life. 2 dumb 4 STEM

>> No.6803316

Dual Biotech/Software engineer all i do is fap

>> No.6803318

Hoping to get into petroleum

>> No.6803348

I should have stated that my mom is currently in the field and could help me out by telling me which companies are hiring etc. she says molecular biology is really in demand atm (or at least where I live)

I just don't understand why it would be so ridiculous to land at least a $15/hour job with a good STEM degree. it must be disheartning to work very hard for four years and then not see it pay off. best of luck to you though man

>> No.6803369
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>There's nothing to be learned in an art class (barring some at a few very good, very expensive art schools) that can't be learned better and in a shorter amount of time at home with a couple dozen books and maybe some videos.

this is a good point. from what I read it seems the cost of art school vastly outweighs the value of the education itself. Self teaching is very common and there has been plenty of successful artist who have done so. Its probably a little more gratifying aswell.

I have been self teaching for a good number of months and it is nice because I can choose what to learn and have ENDLESS sources online to absorb from. Id recomend starting with the basic basics and then after 6 months sign online for Watts atlier school and you will learn some great info.

pic related. my shart

>> No.6803584

Im studying Computer Engineering with a major in embedded systems and minor in high performance computing.

>successful artist
What do you mean?

>> No.6803590

- Biochemistry (Pre-med)
- In 4th year atm. Had noose around my neck last night, ready to jump and break my neck in a parking garage at 3 am. Don't know why I didn't do it. I'm so empty and I hate my classes, Iseriouslycan'tdothisanymorefuckitI'mnotgoingtomyexamstomorrow. May give it another go in January at a slower pace.

>> No.6803604

2nd year chem
1st gen with no fuckin clue

>> No.6804129

Not him and i just want a honest answer from anyone. When did you guys, that already got their degree, start to really doing physics. I mean, it is the one thing i am interested in, but after the 3rd term i started to really feel burned out and just feel like it is something i have to finish and not something i like to do.

>> No.6804141

>What do you mean?
somebody who gets paid for their work.

>> No.6804168

Double majored in chemistry and applied math. After a year with no job except part time tutoring, I have decided to go to a masters in chem.

Hopefully I get accepted.

>> No.6804188

I have a Bachelor's in Biology. Unfortunately, the requirements for being a Wildlife Officer changed during my first undergraduate experience. I should have my wildlife degree in May. If the puzzle pieces fit together just so, by next fall I'll be making real job money and working on my master's degree.

>> No.6804363

both of those fields are not too promising anon

>> No.6804367

>I want to do architecture.
Hope you have connections.

>> No.6804412

Yeah it's a fucking nightmare. Being truNEET is not fun. I'm sure it's easier in other cities but I can't move from here.

I've applied to hundreds of lab tech jobs that I'm more than qualified for and zero callbacks. I came from a good college too (Ga Tech).

My advice is to get your mom to get you a job and after 2 years you're golden.

>> No.6804468

2 year electrical technology diploma
80,000 at power utility

>> No.6804473

>hi im good at programming a language that was designed to have a ezpz learning curve

>> No.6804476

Biochem undergrad here, how's finding a job after you graduate? Is a MSc/PhD a must or just helpful?

Army sucks (I say from experience as enlisted), but if you're going to be an officer and in pretty good shape it should be alright for you. I know that the microbiologist MOS generally requires you to either be done with graduate school or closing in on finishing it when you contract in.

All things considered though, it's not a bad gig, but don't expect a bajillion dollars a year while drowning in pussy. You do get free medical/dental benefits, which is nice, and if you get sent to the ass end of nowhere, they may or may not give you separation pay and BAH depending on if you have any dependents that come with you.

>> No.6804496
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Writing and linguistics, graduated a year ago, now working for porsche HQ. pretty based

>> No.6804503
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Studying to become a teacher.
But mostly writing to myself.

>> No.6804504

Still in school planing on going into petroleum geology

>> No.6804515

I became an energy technologist/engineer this summer and now I'm on the bachelor study. Product development and integrated technology for 1½ year.

>> No.6804553

>>Majoring in art.
>Just wanted to drop in and let you know you're wasting your time. There's nothing to be learned in an art class (barring some at a few very good, very expensive art schools) that can't be learned better and in a shorter amount of time at home with a couple dozen books and maybe some videos.

Going to college was great and I don't regret it. Art school was what it was. It was something I wanted at the time and could get because my education was free. Later I went back and got the science degree. I work in science now but I know I can quit or transition into an art career. There is no such thing as a worthless degree, unless the person really didn't value the knowledge. For myself, I don't draw or paint or make music so much anymore. But the experience helps me do a lot of things in my job in the sciences. For example, the scientists I work with can't write well, and we are making a grant proposal. Coming up with creative ways to experiment or making new tools, or conceptualizing things are all artistic endeavors in my opinion.

In short, I didn't see much difference between science and art when it came right down to it. Neither are worth anything without philosophy. Ultimately you can't go wrong with whatever education you pursue. If I looked at it as strictly return on investment, I'd say science was the more valuable investment, but, I'd be leaving out that the artistic process or creativity doesn't help my science.

>> No.6804683

A free education is a luxury few people have.

>> No.6804699


I humbly suggest no.

>> No.6804701

>uncle is construction entrepreneur
>cousin is good at math like me
>but after high school she starts an art cursus
>uncle is losing sleep over it, thinking it will be worthless
>now she's a fucking hotshot fashion designer in NYC while I still live in a closet finishing the PhD
Follow your dreams I guess.

>> No.6804710

>Studying biology
>realise i want nothing to do with this shit anymore

how viable is it to be employed as a self-taught computer programmer

>> No.6804794

I understand that feeling.
>Love Biology as a kid
>Take a Biology class as part of prereqs in uni
>Most boring shit I ever did see, never really want to touch the field again
>Actively avoided Chemistry in high school and took engineering classes instead
>Start taking Chemistry in uni
>Chemistry is one of my favorite subjects now

Well that was an unexpected reversal.

>> No.6804800
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Degree: Math, physics, chem triple major.
Career: Walmart greeter.
True Story. sigh...

>> No.6804804

>doing math physics chem
>not going to grad school

>> No.6804809

i didnt apply for grad school because i assumed i would just be given a job on graduation. My p chem professor told me the employers would come to me so i didn't do anything and waited. Now im fucked for life because employers will wonder why i worked at wlamart after graduation rather than something related to my field

>> No.6804816

Not easy. You are competing with people who will work for a tenth of what you need to live off. Your best bet is to see if you can find something locally.

>> No.6804822
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>> No.6804826
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wow...... just wow

>> No.6804830

>A free education is a luxury few people have.

Yeah. I had people I didn't know who were putting in $50, $100 a month into investment and savings account from the moment I was born. Parents and grandparents. They sacrificed, so I could go to school. I can't imagine not doing this for my kid and can't understand why people don't do this for their own kids.

Especially given the fact that not going to college is so costly. My own education wasn't costly, I went to a state college and community college. But I feel I got a high quality education and graduated with no debt. I know others who went to colleges where a single semester was as much as 2 years where I was going. So the price of the education ("luxury") can really be low, meaning there is no excuse for people to not pay for their kid's education. Its just that they chose to have luxuries for themselves, like pricey cars and homes, and non-essential services. To me, it seems selfish.

>> No.6804832
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not sure if troll, but you could always go the academia (read high school teacher) route.

Pays better than a WalMart greeter at least.

>> No.6804840


but i just feel like being a high school teacher would be below my talents, and i might as well have not tripled majored :/

>> No.6804847

>My p chem professor told me the employers would come to me so i didn't do anything and waited.
Oh my God

>> No.6804853

If you teach for a few years you can get a job writing or editing textbooks in your field.

But if your ego really is getting in the way of that just apply for the jobs you would have as a senior, be honest and tell them you've fucked up, and have grown as a person, and become more humble after working as a greeter
won't hurt to try.

>> No.6804879

How much do you make if you have a job?

>> No.6804881

Hey bruh I want to major in materials science and engineering.

Did you do more chemistry or physics? Metallurgy is also my favorite. Any tips for a HS senior?

>> No.6804916

what's her name?

>> No.6804930

I'm not sure I want to answer that question.

>> No.6804931

how about this. ask me some type of scientific trivia question and if i get it right you tell me

>> No.6804935

no shit you do more chemistry. that's all materials science is

>> No.6804937

lel k then
What's the major issue of graphene used as a semiconductor?

>> No.6804943

opening the band-gap? don't know much about semiconductors

>> No.6804946

Well fuck you got it right.
It's Estelle.

>> No.6804961

lel this is now a science trivia thread.

How can neutrons be used to identify the composition of materials?

>> No.6804962

that's a hot name

>> No.6804968

By throwing some on your sample and measuring the scattering angles?

>> No.6804969

That's good because i lüv chem

>> No.6804974

it involves measuring something, not scattering angles tho

>> No.6804982

Is it about measuring the photons released after excitation of the nucleons by the neutrons you send in?

>> No.6804992

yes. typically referred to as neutron activation analysis

>> No.6804997

more specifically their energy, and the activity of the sample

>> No.6804998

This is fun, let's have more threads like that.

>> No.6805002

If I wanted to take 1 liter of water and raise its temp from 0 to 100 degrees (basically take from freezing to boiling neglecting latent heat of fusion and vaporization) in 10 minutes using only the decay heat from Po-210 alpha decay, how much Po-210 would you need

>> No.6805010

5 grams

>> No.6805022

yeah it's like 4.9 somethin but close enough

If you took 1 liter of seawater and separated out the deuterium to use as fuel in a fusion reactor burning D-D fuel, about how much gasoline would I need to produce the same amount of thermal energy as "burning" the D-D fuel?

>> No.6805069

Anyone with a Chemical Eng/O.Chem degree tell me the pros/cons you're gone through?

>> No.6805071

Physics/bio double here. Plan on joining ISIS and fighting infidels.

>> No.6805077


>> No.6805483 [DELETED] 
File: 575 KB, 762x1008, 1412999319958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey look, another rate my dick thread.

>> No.6805486

I got a bachelors in math.
Now I'm a NEET.

>> No.6805522


I'd like to see you do better

>> No.6805548

Oh I know they're shit for prospects. I can't figure out what the fuck I want to do.

I try suggesting to my parents to let me work hard at doing a STEM degree but they keep telling me it's not my thing. If I can find a field that's "visual" enough (e.g. radiology) that might convince them to let me do it.

>> No.6805555

The science panel should have a bunch of them for a controlled experiment. The math one would just be a drawing showing that, in theory, it could be done.

>> No.6805773


So those faggots who draw yiff they're not even into for a living are successful artists?