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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6787882 No.6787882[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw obvious CDC damage control

inb4idiots with faith in health officials

>> No.6787891

>Center for Damage Control

>> No.6787895
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LOL, but but Western healthcare infrastructure is perfectly capable of dealing with an Ebola outbreak.

>> No.6787896

>It's all under control!
>Don't worry!
>Go back to /x/!!!

The hospitals are literally letting people with ebola leave the fucking hospital even when they know they're infected.

>> No.6787897
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This must become a meme.

>> No.6787905
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>> No.6787912
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9000 hours in paint

>> No.6787916

Fuckin saved.

>> No.6788777
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>> No.6788950
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>> No.6788976

Just a note. The guy from liberia lied about something on paperwork. Nurse that took care of him was still retarded but he's also at fault.

Currently the entire area he lived in is under lockdown. His family and anyone he knew are basically surrounded buy police and must be quarantined for at least 21 days. Schools in the area have seen a massive decrease in attendance.

Now compare this situation to Africa. It's pretty clear ebola won't be getting too far in America if proper precautions are taken. Everyone ragging on the CDC must not realize how difficult it is to prevent the spread of a disease.

>> No.6788980

CDC shill pls go

>> No.6788983

>if proper precautions are taken
Murphy's Law. They already sent home that same guy the first time he checked in.

>must not realize how difficult it is to prevent the spread of a disease.
It would be much easier if all international flights from affected and surrounding regions were grounded. Or lock-down those borders entirely.

>> No.6788989

>It's pretty clear ebola won't be getting too far in America if proper precautions are taken.
No, it's not clear at all. All the guy from liberia had to do was lie and he got by. What if he didn't go back to the hospital and went around coughing on people thinking he just has the flu or something. Seriously this unfounded faith in people that already fucked up is stupid. They need to be held accountable. And having the area on lockdown now doesn't change the fact that they prove their ineptitude. This is just damage control. There is no reason to trust anything they say unless they publish their findings not just spew obvious damage control speeches.

>> No.6788993

>implying we're playing on brutal

nice try anon, this is either normal or casual and we're just 1 transmission upgrade away from a disaster

>> No.6788995

>1 transmission
What about all the people who were in contact with him? You see your 1 transmission can actually be several. And then several and then several more.

Why not do the logical thing and not play with fire at all? Ground those planes and sleep at night.

>> No.6789000


is the key word. Proper precautions were not taken obviously. No one is debating that ebola will spread, but anyone who thinks it's going to ravage the US is a fucking retard with no knowledge of basic epidemiology. Go back to /pol/ with your baseless fear mongering

>> No.6789003

It's on you to prove that it won't spread. You made the claim. Back it up. I just think there's no reason to believe it cannot spread as they already fucked up. Who's to say they won't fuck up again and then again. Fuck off with your baseless normalcy bias idiocy.

>> No.6789010

So what happens when, inevitably, ebola starts fucking over third world countries around the globe? Because that is going to happen. There are no travel restrictions, and those countries do not have the education, infrastructure, finances, or discipline to combat this kind of thing.

And then, when that happens, what is going to happen to America when there are infected people travelling in from around the world on a daily basis?

Sure, eventually the world will shut down all air and sea traffic until they get a lid on this thing, but until then... the window is wide open, and by then, it will probably be too late.

Its not fear mongering. Its an honest assessment.

>> No.6789018

The 2014 has killed roughly 7000 people in Africa. Africa is literal fucking shit hole where people think western medicine is voodoo magic trying to kill them.

Also I said no one is debating the virus will spread. It will. But anyone who thinks this is going to be some spanish flu type shit are retarded. Once again in case you missed, it will spread. But it's not the end of the fucking world

>> No.6789021

Number of infections double every 20 days so far. That is exponential growth, dipshit. And it has already begun spreading to other countries.

Sorry if I dont share your head-in-your-ass baseless assuredness that its all going to be just fine. My whole problem has been that I can actually do math.

>> No.6789022 [DELETED] 

Who aside from you is to say it won't become like the Spanish Flu? Why do you have such unwavering faith when we're dealing with unknown outcomes? This is unlike the previous Ebola epidemics? This is a new strain and we clearly have idiots working in hospitals. I'm sorry but believing this cannot get out of control is retarded when the CDC have already proven their ineptitude.

>> No.6789024

It's fucking nothing!.jpg


>> No.6789026

Who aside from you is to say it won't become like the Spanish Flu? Why do you have such unwavering faith when we're dealing with unknown outcomes? This is unlike the previous Ebola epidemics. This is a new strain and we clearly have idiots working in hospitals. I'm sorry but believing this cannot get out of control is retarded when the CDC have already proven their ineptitude.

>> No.6789033

Oh my god, it's like you just learned what the word exponential means! Do you realize that just because something is growing exponentially does not mean it will continue to grow exponentially? Most transmittable diseases follows a sigmoidal pattern. That means exponential growth in the beginning.

Why do you have such an unwavering faith that the sky is falling? You're the one making ridiculous claims. Stop projecting, faggot. Now go back to /pol/ where your shitposting is on topic.

>> No.6789039

Yeah, most exponential growth stops when it approaches some natural limit. Like all the food is eaten, or ALL THE PEOPLE ARE INFECTED.

We are nowhere near to any limiting factors on this yet, faggot.

>> No.6789040

>That means exponential growth in the beginning.
>Thinks this is a cause for calm in the present situation.

Do you understand the words coming out of your own mouth?

>> No.6789048

thank god i live in canada. we already have a cure for ebola anyway.

>> No.6789051

>Most transmittable diseases follows a sigmoidal pattern.
But when this lag phase starts is the question, sometimes it happens when the population dies off. So the US can contribute to the exponential phase and it will only die off when we start to die off.

>Why do you have such an unwavering faith that the sky is falling?
I don't I just know shit can happen. You on the other hand have a sense of false security. And you hold onto it so strongly that any criticism of your house of cards is unacceptable, that is why you're lashing out.

> You're the one making ridiculous claims.
What that shit can go terribly wrong? How is that a ridiculous claim? I'm not saying it will but it can and it can. You still haven't proved to me that it cannot happen. That western health official won't fuck up again when they employ imbeciles to work in their hospitals.

C'mon bro. Prove that this epidemic from this new strain cannot turn pandemic? How will you account for their likely future fuckups? Sorry your faith in them doesn't count.

>> No.6789054

>Yeah, most exponential growth stops when it approaches some natural limit. Like all the food is eaten, or ALL THE PEOPLE ARE INFECTED.
That's wrong. You should take a Bioinformatics course. Any system with feedback loops, like a hunter and prey scenario, is self regulating. It only goes to the extreme of mutual extinction in rare cases. There is no reason to believe that this is one of them.

>Do you understand the words coming out of your own mouth?
Again you're projecting, you shitty /pol/tard. Just because you don't understand simple sentences doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. The reason I am calm is because unlike you I do not think that every single thing I see on the news is a sign of TEH HAPPENING. This is /sci/ not /pol/, pick up an epidemiology textbook and learn something about diseases.

>> No.6789063

>But when this lag phase starts is the question, sometimes it happens when the population dies off.
Except that has never happened. Not even the Black Plague, which was far more transmittable than Ebola and existed in a far more favorable medical environment didn't eliminate entire populations. This is infinitely less dangerous than the Black Plague, yet every year you faggots are doomsdaying about the trendy new disease. Bird flu, SARS, Ebola.

>> No.6789064

We literally watched this exact video in my medical microbiology class today.

Being from Texas (but not the DFW area), and a student of biology and medicine, I've been following this issue with some concern.
I find it odd that they didn't mention that the plane he took back actually stopped in Brussels and I believe another city on the east coast for a changeover. I wonder if people there are checking out who he may have had contact with.

Still, I'm not at all concerned because Texas has some of the best hospitals and infrastructure in place to handle these things in the nation, maybe even the world.
That said, if he infected very many people honestly the damage is probably already done. We'll find out after 21 days.
Plus even if it does infect a large number of people, their odds at survival are pretty good as long as they get good medical care. I'm young and relatively healthy so this is another reason I'm not concerned.

>> No.6789066

>like a hunter and prey scenario, is self regulating.
Lotka–Volterra applies to living things where one feeds off the other to survive, viruses aren't living they latch on to the hosts and multiply and transmit between the host's species (sometimes other species too). You proved you're an idiot. You clearly barely passed your bioinformatics course if you even taken it. Probaly just watched some popsci video on it. Gb2popscinews.com, faggot.

>> No.6789069



>> No.6789070

reading is hard

>> No.6789072

lol, bioinformatics. try computational biology and virology if you want to get serious at least, dont throw your babby tier protein coding course shit around. and this is a virus, it doesnt have hunters, seriously what the fuck are you on about even?

in the case of ebola, you are either a) unexposed, b) immune (in all likelihood thru exposure), or c) dead. And with a fifty percent fatality rate, that means the disease will only be limited if A) transmission is limitted thru severe global travel restrictions or B) the vast majority of people living on the planet are immune. Since it is unlikely they will vaccinate the entire planet in time, B) implies that up to half the earths population is dead.

>> No.6789074

>Lotka–Volterra applies to living things where one feeds off the other to survive, viruses aren't living they latch on to the hosts and multiply and transmit between the host's species (sometimes other species too).
Actually the model applies very well to diseases. Viruses aren't considered living but they act very much like living things, especially in terms of the hunter-prey relationship. You're the idiot.

>> No.6789080

>Except that has never happened.
>Infectious disease, especially virulent infectious disease, is commonly regarded as a cause of fluctuation or decline in biological populations. However, it is not generally considered as a primary factor in causing the actual endangerment or extinction of species. We review here the known historical examples in which disease has, or has been assumed to have had, a major deleterious impact on animal species, including extinction, and highlight some recent cases in which disease is the chief suspect in causing the outright endangerment of particular species. We conclude that the role of disease in historical extinctions at the population or species level may have been underestimated. Recent methodological breakthroughs may lead to a better understanding of the past and present roles of infectious disease in influencing population fitness and other parameters.
LOL. It has happened, idiot.

inb4 but humans are different, they aren't like other animals

>> No.6789085

>lol, bioinformatics. try computational biology
lol computational biology is bioinformatics you ignorant shithead.

>Since it is unlikely they will vaccinate the entire planet in time, B) implies that up to half the earths population is dead.
I can see now that nothing I say can possibly change the mind of someone as deluded as you, so we will just have to wait and see who is right.

Now go back to >>>/pol/ already

>> No.6789087

humans are different, they aren't like other animals

See, even you know you're wrong.

>> No.6789091

So tell the truth, did you think Bird flu and SARS were also going HABBENINGS?

>> No.6789097

In my country, bioinformatics is a programming course on gene and protein databases. Since the book on my shelf 'bioinformatics', is an American issue, I can only assume its the same thing over there as well.

Computational biology on the other hand is applied linear algebra and differential equations in order to model, thru various approximative methods, biological systems.

Also, you have yet to convince me (or any others it would seem) of your stance. Shouting repeatedly that everybody is an idiot and should return to /pol/ is hardly winning the debate, or even contributing much to the discussion, which is why the rest of us are here. On /sci/. So please. Fuck off back to school for a few more years yourself.

>> No.6789103

>any system with feedback loops, like a hunter and prey scenario, is self regulating

you mean, when ebola hunts down and kills a significant number of humans around the world,, the survivors will be either less likely to come into contact with the disease, or will have developed immunity from previous exposure? what exactly is your argument here again??

>> No.6789109

not that guy, but it was already stated that it's gonna follow a sigmoidal progression yet you said >half the population will die due to not enough vaccinations
the only person who hasn't convinced anyone is YOU. support your claims.

>> No.6789110


>Also, you have yet to convince me (or any others it would seem) of your stance.
And I have yet to convince Ken Ham that the Earth isn't 6000 years old. That doesn't make him right.

>Shouting repeatedly that everybody is an idiot and should return to /pol/ is hardly winning the debate, or even contributing much to the discussion, which is why the rest of us are here.
Shouting repeatedly that the sky is falling and we're all going to die is hardly winning the debate, because there is no debate. No epidemiologist believes Ebola is going to threaten humanity. That's all there is to say on the matter. So yes, do go back to /pol/ already where scientific facts don't matter.

>> No.6789111

The model only goes as far as to show that viral numbers are tied to population numbers but you're forgetting the dependencies. Obviously the virus will not exist if there aren't any prey and there being more infected the number decrease. But viruses don't need to survive they just need to be transmitted so in theory if everyone in the population wasn't immune and transmitted the virus the model would show the same if every predator ate every of the prey. And that is why this model is only so useful. Doesn't tell me anything bout how this epidemic will go down just that there is oscillating population numbers between people and virus. But that oscillation is not guaranteed, if all the prey die so does the virus.

But nothing you've said has any logic or reason, it's just that you believe with all your heart that this cannot get out of control. Why do you expect to convert people with logic using faith? Doesn't work, bro.

>> No.6789112

The odds are 50%

That is not good

>> No.6789115

No, Ebola is not even easily transmittable. It has natural limits that make it a particularly weak virus. If you bothered to understand what you're screeching about, you might learn something.

>> No.6789116

lol changing the subject cause u lost

>> No.6789120

Actually I said that up to half the population could die, IF severe travel restrictions were not imposed. And I backed it up by pointing out that there arent really any other limiting factors.

If you know of any, feel free to point them out. But if you think the world is going to suddenly develop and mobilize a working ebola vaccination campaign in time? Ha. Hahahaha..

At least half the world's population live in overcrowded third world nations. Seems unlikely to me, that they will get their medicine in time, and more than likely, that they are ripe for a pandemic.

>> No.6789122

>But viruses don't need to survive they just need to be transmitted so in theory if everyone in the population wasn't immune and transmitted the virus the model would show the same if every predator ate every of the prey.
This is pure nonsense. The only sign that the hunter population is living is that it exists and is reproducing. That's exactly what viruses do. They "eat" and then they reproduce. And Ebola especially is not infinitely transmittable, it actually has very weak transmittance even for a virus.

>> No.6789124

No, but I realized there was potential for danger.

>Shouting repeatedly we're all fine is hardly winning the debate
FTFY, so what evidence do you have that this cannot get out of control? All we've been saying is that there is potential for real danger and you've been the asshole asserting that the holy CDC is infallible. Sorry but dogma and science don't mix. Back up your claims that there is no chance for this to become pandemic.

>> No.6789126

>Seems unlikely to me, that they will get their medicine in time,
that's because you have no understanding of NATO/UN relief efforts? or how nonhomogenous every nation is on the planet that there will always be relief efforts outside NATO/UN relations?

>> No.6789127

Its doubling every twenty days in Africa. Low transmissibility just means the doubling rate is low, it doesnt mean that disease wont spread exponentially (it already is).

Do the math. Restrict it to Africa, if you like, tho that is a bad approximation given modern travel modes. How long again for ebola to hit even half the continent? Not that long.

>> No.6789128

/sci/ you are going to regret not believing in E B O L A

>> No.6789132


>> No.6789133

>But nothing you've said has any logic or reason, it's just that you believe with all your heart that this cannot get out of control. Why do you expect to convert people with logic using faith? Doesn't work, bro.
Again, I DON'T expect to convert you, just as I don't expect to convert a fundamental Christian. You are the one with the belief unsupported by science. No one in Epidemiology shares your views. Why? Because they understand how viruses work, they have logic, experience, and science. And you don't.

>> No.6789134


>> No.6789135


CDC confirmed for religion

>> No.6789140

>thinks NATO is a limiting factor

jesus dude... nato cant even handle the ukraine..

>> No.6789141

>Its doubling every twenty days in Africa. Low transmissibility just means the doubling rate is low, it doesnt mean that disease wont spread exponentially (it already is).
Who exactly said it isn't spreading exponentially? Tell me when you want to respond to what I said and not the adversary in your imagination.

>Do the math. Restrict it to Africa, if you like, tho that is a bad approximation given modern travel modes. How long again for ebola to hit even half the continent? Not that long.
Bahahaha, OK show me the math. Show me your degree in epidemiology. I can't wait.

>> No.6789142

Wrong. It can be transmitted through saliva (like coughs) and can survive outside for hours.
>In another study, Ebolavirus dried onto glass, polymeric silicone rubber, or painted aluminum alloy is able to survive in the dark for several hours under ambient conditions (between 20 and 250C and 30–40% relative humidity) (amount of virus reduced to 37% after 15.4 hours), but is less stable than some other viral hemorrhagic fevers (Lassa) Footnote 53. When dried in tissue culture media onto glass and stored at 4 °C, Zaire ebolavirus survived for over 50 days Footnote 61.

>They "eat" and then they reproduce.
Inside the host, the host only needs to walk up to their friends and then wham more infection. It isn't the same as a predator eating a prey then needing to chase down more prey.

No wonder you believe there is no danger, you've been getting the wrong information.

>> No.6789144

then how did that guy from Liberia infect 3 other people?

Are you implying they had a scat fetish or something?

Ebola might be airborne and you can still get it from a dirty person spreading their germs everywhere.

>> No.6789147

>believing this

youmadbro? its airborn, at least under limited circumstances. why do all the heallth workers die in such large numbers, even tho they go to incredible lengths to avoid contact with fluids? this includes western doctors who have gotten infected.

>> No.6789149

You're an idiot. The person was replying to used the word "convert" first.

confirmed for delusional /pol/tard who screams shill when confronted by a dissenting opinion.

>> No.6789152

Africa has it bad because of a nonexistent sewer infrastructure. if you bothered to look at the places that had been hit the worst you would notice this. ebola is going nowhere near any developed country, and even if it did, it has no capability of spreading due to our sanitation standards, sewer standards, salivation standards, and medical standards. it would be snuffed out before a functional spread could occur, and that's assuming they could even get passed all the screening processes that are being enforced on anyone that was near quarantine zones.

>> No.6789153

All you've been doing in this thread is making appeals to authority, ad hominem, waving your ignorance everywhere, then asking if other people have Epidemiology degrees. Not even from /pol/. /sci/ has been my main board for 3 years now, but please shill harder.

>> No.6789155

>No one in Epidemiology shares your views.
I'm pretty sure that's not true. They just haven't been vocal about it because they don't want to lose their jobs or funding, etc. You seem to have never worked in a lab, you should know how politics play a role by now if you did.

All I ask is for you to show me some proof that this won't go pandemic and you've been attacking me for it. You then have the gaul to say I'm like a christard when you can't come up with any evidence for your assertions. And no this isn't like a creationtard looking at fossil and saying "nope these aint real", you haven't even provided me with anything but your unwavering faith.

>> No.6789156
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>people are dying so it's airborne

>> No.6789157

>Wrong. It can be transmitted through saliva (like coughs) and can survive outside for hours.
Once again, who said that it doesn't? You really need to learn how to read.

>Inside the host, the host only needs to walk up to their friends and then wham more infection. It isn't the same as a predator eating a prey then needing to chase down more prey.
That has nothing to do with whether or not Ebola follows a Lotka–Volterra model.

>No wonder you believe there is no danger, you've been getting the wrong information.
Says the guy who obviously is getting his information from /pol/

This is hilarious.

>> No.6789158

>ebola is going nowhere near any developed country,
It's already in the U.S. Rest of your post disregarded

>> No.6789159

>All I ask is for you to show me some proof that this won't go pandemic
the burden of proof is on you.you haven't shown proof that it could and you made the claim.

>> No.6789161

that's because USA is not a developed country

>> No.6789162

>outbreak started last December
>low transmission rate
>less than 0.1% of the population infected in Guinea , Sierra Leone , and Liberia
>b-b-but muh habbeding

>> No.6789163

>All you've been doing in this thread is making appeals to authority, ad hominem, waving your ignorance everywhere
LOL, dat projection.

Still can't come up with anything to show shit cannot hit the fan. C'mon, bro.

>> No.6789164

>functional spread
learn how to read.

>> No.6789165

even the UN is saying it's airborne, idiot


>> No.6789167

Burden of proof is on you

>> No.6789168


>> No.6789171

>Once again, who said that it doesn't? You really need to learn how to read.
You said it's hard to contract but saliva is plentiful. Coughs, sneezes, speaking with spit, etc.

>That has nothing to do with whether or not Ebola follows a Lotka–Volterra model.
It definitely doesn't follow the standard one as the response time is greater than with predators that outright kill their prey.

>Says the guy who obviously is getting his information from /pol/
That was Health Canada. I will say this much about /pol/ they atleast have more sense than to trust people who have already fucked up.

>> No.6789172

you didn't even read your link. it's a speculation scenario. Spreading through the air has not been documented in the natural environment.

and here's an ACTUAL source

>> No.6789175


up to 100 PEOPLE in contact with Dallas patient and another in Hawaii

>> No.6789176

>Burden of proof is on you
No it isn't. I said I'm not sure what will happen. You're saying it won't be a pandemic. I'm asking you to prove without any doubt that there won't be a pandemic.

logic 101, why you so mad?

>> No.6789178

>All you've been doing in this thread is making appeals to authority
aka, pointing out that people who actually understand what you're trying to talk about disagree with you. Nice try dumbass.

>I'm pretty sure that's not true. They just haven't been vocal about it because they don't want to lose their jobs or funding, etc.
Riiiiight. It's so convenient that whenever cranks can't find scientific support for their pet crank-theory, "science" suddenly becomes "saying things for money"

>You seem to have never worked in a lab, you should know how politics play a role by now if you did.
I've been working continuously in neuroscience labs for 11 years, since freshman year in college. You're not very good at assuming things.

>> No.6789179

Aerosolization, it's not the same as airborne but pretty close.

>> No.6789180

>All I ask is for you to show me some proof that this won't go pandemic and you've been attacking me for it.
The proof is that there is no evidence that it will. I don't know why you would expect me to prove a negative. The burden of proof is on you.

>> No.6789181

>I said I'm not sure what will happen.
BULLSHIT. you've been shoehorning that this is going to be the "le happening" when several things, sigmoid progressions, the inherent behavior of the transmission method, and the develop nation's infrastructure, all inhibit your idea of this being a pandemic.

logic 101, why you so propaganda?

>> No.6789182

>Airborne transmission has not been documented during EVD outbreaks.[2] They are, however, infectious as breathable 0.8– to 1.2-μm laboratory-generated droplets.[27] The virus has been shown to travel, without contact, from pigs to primates, although the same study failed to demonstrate similar transmission between non-human primates.[28]

Shill harder


>Lethal experimental infections of rhesus monkeys by aerosolized Ebola virus.

>The potential of aerogenic infection by Ebola virus was established by using a head-only exposure aerosol system. Virus-containing droplets of 0.8-1.2 microns were generated and administered into the respiratory tract of rhesus monkeys via inhalation. Inhalation of viral doses as low as 400 plaque-forming units of virus caused a rapidly fatal disease in 4-5 days.
>Demonstration of fatal aerosol transmission of this virus in monkeys reinforces the importance of taking appropriate precautions to prevent its potential aerosol transmission to humans.


>> No.6789184

>up to

wow it's absolutely nothing. and if they know an exact limit that just makes it more invalid.

>> No.6789185

>You're saying it won't be a pandemic.
You're confusing me with another person then because I've been arguing the opposite. You're the one that has the burden of proof.

The evidence shows you're wrong.

>> No.6789189

>pointing out that people

Except you haven't even done that. Lmao

saying EPIDEMIOLOGY!!! doesn't mean shit.

>> No.6789190

>You said it's hard to contract but saliva is plentiful. Coughs, sneezes, speaking with spit, etc.
One has nothing to do with the other.

>It definitely doesn't follow the standard one as the response time is greater than with predators that outright kill their prey.
Again, that has nothing to do with the model. I suggest you look it up and learn about it before you try to talk about it.

>That was Health Canada. I will say this much about /pol/ they atleast have more sense than to trust people who have already fucked up.
Health Canada told you Ebola is going to kill us all? I doubt it.

>> No.6789191
File: 249 KB, 368x425, 1410957192685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is going to start spitting in each other's mouths
>the air is an aerosol can
wow what a beautiful approximation to the environment. please shill harder so i can laugh.

>> No.6789192

good job misinterpreting the article, idiot.

And the 100 doesn't mean it's a limit, it means that's as many as we currently know about.

gtfo /sci/

>> No.6789194

>Except you haven't even done that. Lmao
Show me a single epidemiologist who agrees with you. Go on.

>> No.6789195

>I've never in my 9 years of life heard of a cough or a sneeze.

>> No.6789196

>there's a possibility that up to 100 people
>that means there's possibly more than 100

you know what, you need to stay because your math skills are abysmal

>> No.6789197

I never made that claim. You have the burden of proof. You made the original claim. Don't wanna back it up? That's cool, just leave this thread, shill.

>> No.6789200

>someone coughing into your face
>implying that those droplet sizes would occur
>implying they would not dissipate after encountering your eyes (aka the only remotely viable membrane entry, one you can FUCKING CLOSE AT ANY TIME)

>> No.6789201

now you're just deliberately misconstruing my words cause you were proven wrong.

troll disregarded

>> No.6789202
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>The proof is that there is no evidence that it will.
This is all CDC shills got.

>sigmoid progressions
As has been demonstrated that we don't know when the lag phase will occur. It could be when it passes over nearly everyone in the States.
>behavior of the transmission method
Which you guys got terribly wrong. It can aerosolize through coughing etc, and the virus does survive for hours outside the body.
>and the develop nation's infrastructure
The same nation where in a hospital a man with Ebola was sent home? LOL

Sorry but none of you have provided any concrete evidence that this epidemic won't become a pandemic.

>> No.6789205

>durr you can't get ebola from someone sneezing/coughing near you
>but you can get the flu!!!

You are dumb as fuck and are definitely going to get ebola.

>> No.6789207

>ebola and the flu are the exact same in composition

>> No.6789209

Assuming airborne transmission is even slightly possible I think it might spread a lot more than it normally could due to it lining up very neatly with flu season.

>> No.6789212

Go to Africa and let one of the infected ones sneeze on you.

>> No.6789214
File: 9 KB, 324x278, 1411574259108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aerosolize through coughing
except it would dissipate drastically and die when exposed to open air. learn what you're talking about please.
>hospital a man with Ebola was sent home?

nice anecdote, shlomo. go back to /pol/ you aren't convincing anyone here with your logical fallacy ridden drivel. had a good laugh though.

>> No.6789218

why don't you go to school and let teachers educate you first.

>> No.6789220

Fuck off.


>> No.6789225

Cause I can get ebola from one of them or the s tudents.

>> No.6789226

>One has nothing to do with the other.
Yes it does, it's the mode of transmission.
>Again, that has nothing to do with the model.
Yes it does, the model depends on population number from both prey and predator and how they interact over time. It's 2 differentials. As the number of prey grow so do the predators and when the predators start eating off the prey so too do their numbers fall and it oscillates. If the predators don't kill off their prey instantly to transmit to other prey this model has a different response time than the usual.
>Health Canada told you Ebola is going to kill us all?
No but they didn't lie about the virus inactivating instantly in contact with air.

Anyway I better getb2studying. But whatever believe you're safe, it's better that way. So if this does get out of hand people like you are fucked, will be great for natural selection. We need less gullible idiots like you.

>> No.6789228

Ebola is more /sci/ than /pol/. You are the virus that is killing /sci/. How about you fuck off if you want more homework threads or 0.99... = 1

>> No.6789232

>except it would dissipate drastically and die when exposed to open air.
>Ebolavirus dried onto glass, polymeric silicone rubber, or painted aluminum alloy is able to survive in the dark for several hours under ambient conditions (between 20 and 250C and 30–40% relative humidity) (amount of virus reduced to 37% after 15.4 hours), but is less stable than some other viral hemorrhagic fevers (Lassa) Footnote 53. When dried in tissue culture media onto glass and stored at 4 °C, Zaire ebolavirus survived for over 50 days Footnote 61.

>nice anecdote
Anecdote here, anecdote there, etc and you got yourself a statistic.

>> No.6789234

>I better getb2studying.

yeah you should do that. you clearly lack a great deal of knowledge.

>> No.6789236

>no quantitative measure for volume or air pressure


>> No.6789240

That cuts both ways. But they said ambient conditions so 101kPa.

>> No.6789246

At least I'm not pretending I know the outcome of something there is very little analysis on like you.

>> No.6789249

they never grasped if it was still capable of propagating, only that the initial culture survived. if they do the same test then transmit it to a host, and then take its saliva and dried it onto a glass, then tramsit it once more, successfully, then you can say something about it.

>> No.6789251

no you're just being blatantly retarded.

>> No.6789265
File: 67 KB, 640x533, efp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> asks for proof
> evidence provided
> called shill for providing evidence
troll detected
> concrete evidence that this epidemic won't become a pandemic
> concrete evidence
> evidence
> won't
> prove a negative
Come back to /sci/ when you understand how science works

>> No.6789268 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 320x240, 3567220-1792004384-umad..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PFU assay is a common way of determining and it depends on the viruses remaining infectious. At this point in time when we don't have any other information I just wouldn't rock the boat until more is known. If or when it is shown the Ebola instantly inactivates outside the body then we shouldn't worry. Until then just assume it takes a while, it's for your own safety. And always safety first.

Projection. Pic related.
Anyway before I leave so you guys aren't met with the impossible feat of proving a negative. Prove Ebola will not spread like wildfire through America within the next 5 years.

Show your work. I'll be back tomorrow.

>> No.6789269

>do my own homework

hahahah i knew it was gonna go full circle. best troll in a while.

>> No.6789270

> evidence provided
LOL, I guess for some anything can be evidence nowadays. Look this dusty old shoe is proof I wore it.

Anyway I'm out.

>> No.6789276
File: 35 KB, 320x240, 3567220-1792004384-umad..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PFU assay is a common way of determining and it depends on the viruses remaining infectious. At this point in time when we don't have any other information I just wouldn't rock the boat until more is known. If or when it is shown the Ebola instantly inactivates outside the body then we shouldn't worry. Until then just assume it takes a while, it's for your own safety. And always safety first.

Projection. Pic related.

Anyway before I leave so you guys aren't met with the impossible feat of proving a negative. Prove America is safe from Ebola.

Show your work. I'll be back tomorrow.

>> No.6789277

if you can't prove that lightning will hit me on the moon, why should i believe that it will? because of uncertainty? this is you right now. and don't pretend you left because it's not like you have anywhere else to go.

>> No.6789284
File: 360 KB, 449x401, 1356190763874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove that these have equal probabilities first. And I do have to go, bye.

This the best you kids got:
>The proof is that there is no evidence that it will.
>The proof is that there is no evidence that it will.
>The proof is that there is no evidence that it will.
>The proof is that there is no evidence that it will.
>The proof is that there is no evidence that it will.
>The proof is that there is no evidence that it will.

>> No.6789298
File: 81 KB, 499x499, 1410061866794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the proof was established several times. sorry if you can't read. the spread isn't airborn. america isn't africa. we don't shit on the streets. need i go on?

trolls just aren't what they used to be.

>> No.6789305

Proofs aren't what they used to be.

>> No.6789306

>no proof it can be airborn
>it hasn't been shown to be airborn
>no proof


>> No.6789308

Keep /pol/ on /pol/, retard.

>> No.6789322

It's not airborne (but does aerosolize), America is not Africa, no one shitting on streets doesn't mean Murrica is safe from Ebola, just safer. Now is it safe enough is the question. And I'll leave you with that since all I have learned here is that you can't shake someone's unwavering faith in their normalcy bias. I guess a false sense of security is more important to you than preparing for the possible worst. So far no one has demonstrated without a doubt that Ebola will be handled by Western healthcare infrastructure, just excuses for their first (likely first of many) fuckup(s).

It's like I'm dealing with clergy who believe the walls of their church cannot collapse.

And I'm out as out can be after this.

>> No.6789550

This is how Canada takes over the world! Haha