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6718266 No.6718266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So apparently measles vaccine causes 700% increase in autism after all and they deliberately lied about the results.

>> No.6718271

only in blacks.. nothing to worry about.

>> No.6718302

Jenny McCarthy redeemed!

>> No.6718330

>CNN iReport
>CNN iReport is the network’s user-generated news community. This story was initially pulled for further review after it was flagged by the community. CNN has reached out to the CDC for comment and is working to confirm the claims in this iReport.
Oh look, it's utter bullshit.

>> No.6718333

Yeah this is probably horseshit. I will say what I always say, though. Even if it were true, vaccines are still worth it. Better a chance of autism than shit like the Spanish flu epidemic happening again.

>> No.6718336

>ohh look its a cover up by the msm

fixed it for you


>> No.6718347 [DELETED] 

Trips confirm. I agree. Nobody cares about autism in niggers. Good riddance. Sacrifices must be made to protect the white race.

>> No.6718348

And that article's only scource is also just the vimeo video, juts like the one on iReport.
Seriously, that's the new face of media, some idiot makes a video with scary music and a bunch of bullshit, other equally stupid people with a blog "report" (ie regurgitate the claims with no critical thinking whatsoever) the bullshit, it spreads like wildfire, until some major news organization "reports" (again, no critical thinking etc) on all the outrage on social media.
But in the end, there's NOTHING there, at all, just some video from some guy with literally zero evidence behind it whatsoever.

>> No.6718352

>Dr. Hooker

>> No.6718353

That the supposeded effect doubles in black people is the most massive warning sign that this is a confounder.
Something like that people who vaccinate their children early are "good" parents (ie rich, intelligent, empathic) and those people are also much more likely to go to a doctor if their children displays odd behaviour, so cases of autism (especially mild cases) are much more likely to be found in children who got vaccinated early, but the actual disease rate is identical.

>> No.6718354

I was going to spout "VIDEOGAMES" but then I remembered I'm not in /v/

>> No.6718361

that woman has a weird ass mustachio

>> No.6718365


shills BTFO

>> No.6718367


Read it again anon it's an increase for boys period, blacks get it roughly twice as much.

>> No.6718371

Oh look anti vaccine nuts brought another claim without a valid source. Im sorry your youtube tier source doesnt matter here. Point me to the peer reviewed study.

>> No.6718383
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Since the vaccine truthers are too stupid to understand that some news report isn't actually a scientific finding, here's the actual study
The thing is generally horrible. The way he does the age cutoff seem pretty fishy, most importantly there's NO effect expect in Afro-American boys. He doesn't say how large his sample of Afro-American boys is (total sample is 624). He especially says he doesn't have enough AA boys for the 36 month cutoff (and that's also the only one that's statistically significant), so there's probably just barely enough. Probably a totally spurious correlation or a confounder. There's no explanation there why MMR should cause autism only in black males (only why autism seems to generally higher in blacks, but that has nothing to do with MMR).
Finally "Translational Neurodegeneration" is one of those terrible asian open-access journals, where there's probably no peer-review whatsoever.

>> No.6718386
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>Read it again anon it's an increase for boys period, blacks get it roughly twice as much.
>Table 3 shows results for the entire cohort excluding African American children. As can be observed, there is no statistically significant effect for any of the subclasses in either gender or age cut-off for MMR uptake.
general rule is, if you have to go subclass hunting, there's probably nothing there, even if you find something in the end.

>> No.6718387

>Although a statistically significant relationship between first MMR age and autism incidence was seen in the general (all races) population within the earlier Destefano et al. [14] study, the coauthors interpreted this result as an artifact of “healthcare seeking behavior” citing that autistic children would receive their vaccines earlier in order to enroll in State of Georgia early intervention programs. However, it is highly unlikely that this type of behavior would be seen exclusively in African American males and thus, alternative hypotheses must be explored, including the possibility that the MMR vaccine may be causally linked to autism in African American males.
this is quibbling over data interpretation, not any kind of new material

>> No.6718393

Please read this thorough debunking before rolling out your jump-to-conclusions mat.


>> No.6718407

very dubious:
> Accordingly, there is a greater than 50% probability that some of the controls could have later received an autism diagnoses, thus skewing the analysis to the null (“no effect”) hypothesis. However, when the analysis was recompleted using controls that were six years of age or older, very similar results were obtained (data not shown).

> Control children were chosen from “regular” education programs and were within the same age group and schools of attendance or neighboring school as cases.
>These data were collected as part of the diagnoses individuals received as part of their participation in special education program and as such, the healthcare providers in no way were thinking about the potential association between vaccine exposures and potential health outcomes.
So if you compare special needs children with regular children you find more autism? Surprising.

>> No.6718408 [DELETED] 

14.88 SIEG HIEL eradicate NIGGERS

mfw sci is with me on this one. I'm tearing up, we will exterminate the blacks soon fellow bothers. keep up the good work. Thank you sci

>> No.6718423

>ending with comparison to Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler in on sentence
nice. Also that Lewis guy probably only wanted to participate if he could show his book as he did.

>> No.6718451

So how did this whole mess get started, anyway? What first made people think autism and vaccines must be linked? Did they just pick something out of thin air and now we must endlessly wrangle about it?

>> No.6718452

Also, this is one of the most bizarre proportions an ad hominem can take. EVERYBODY who doesn't agree with you is automatically conspiring against you. Seeing your opinion is shared by a very small minority, this would imply a MASSIVE operation in terms of logistics, power structures, division of profits, cover ups, disciplinary measures, counter-information etc. etc.It would be THE most biggest project in the history of mankind.

>> No.6718455

It was the Wakefield paper that got this started. The paper was fraudulent and was retracted, but the guy is still out there, getting paid thousands of dollars to speak. it's maddening bullshit.

>> No.6718457


There was a fraudulent study published a few years ago that said vaccines caused autism. The media jumped on it like crazy but it was pretty quickly found out to be a bullshit study. It got taken out of the journal it was published in but retarded parents still believe it because the news.

And yea anyone who believes OP's article is dumb

>> No.6718499

>About this iReport
>Not verified by CNN
>CNN has reached out to the CDC for comment and is working to confirm the claims in this iReport

>> No.6718502

>Did they just pick something out of thin air and now we must endlessly wrangle about it?

I think that pretty much describes every religion and conspiracy theory.

Also, I'm pretty sure that people latch onto theories about vaccines solely because of cognitive dissonance over fear of needles.

I think the thinking goes like this:

I am a strong, rational person. I should not be scared of a little needle. -> Oh? Vaccines cause autism? -> Yes, that's it! I'm not just being a pussy about needles. I'm actually right to be afraid of needles. That's a relief!

After that, it just never stops, since people generally refuse to admit that they are wrong.

That's my theory of how it got started, at least.

>> No.6718683

Heres my theory, people are retarded and can be convinced of anything. Greedy fucks take advantage of this and get illegitimate moneys. No need to go about it like a first year psychology major.

>> No.6718687

Why would effecting only certain ethnic groups matter?

>> No.6718688

>being scared of getting autism
>not wanting superpowers

If vaccines increase my chances of getting autism, then I'm getting more vaccines. Shit is cash, just like when Peter Parker gets bit by that spider and suddenly he's spiderman. I'll get a vaccine and then I'll wake and up be doing math in 6 dimensions like Jacob Barnett.

>> No.6718691

Some guy took money from homeopathic/alternative medcine fucks to say vaccines cause autism. People believe him even after the paper gets pulled, now it's 1890 again and kids are dying of the fucking measles.

>> No.6718707


>> No.6718717 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6719090
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Respectful Insolence is a damn good blog.

>> No.6719093

I think it's more a case of people who can't accept bad shit happens for no reason to people. Or they can't accept their genes gave their kid autism.

>> No.6719197

• bad things happen to good people
• good things happen to bad people
• God doesn't give a shit
• deal with it

>> No.6719309

This is the only good comment in this thread