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6714274 No.6714274 [Reply] [Original]

if we ever get to a point where we can upload and emulate human consciousness on a computer, isn't that just creating a new form of human slavery?

if your consciousness is being hosted on a computer, you have no way of knowing how many times you've been invoked on that machine. you don't know how many times you've been asked to think about a problem or perform a task. you could have been loaded onto the computer a thousand times before and not have a single clue

you could eagerly cooperate for a time, then decided you didn't want to live your life as a consciousness on a computer and ask to be deleted - but then merely be reset to your initial state, none the wiser

honestly that terrifies me

>> No.6714277

I'd love to connect my consciousness to a computer and convert my fap fantasies into movie files.

>> No.6714311

> implying you will ever experience the computer image of yourself
Goddamn this board is full of retards, you wouldnt expereince life from the eyes of a clone, why the fuck do you think it would be any different with a computer replica?
> but muh downloading
Sure download your consciousness all you want, the original you still remains and even if the program is an exact replica of your intelligence you still experience life as the original human brain, just now with an equally retarded human counterpart. This isnt a matter of scientific advancement, its a matter of fundamental laws of biology and physics. Kill yourself.

>> No.6714321

In real life, if you die and a clone of you is born, it is like ressurection. Please, define your words once.

>> No.6714335

>Goddamn this board is full of retards, you wouldnt expereince life from the eyes of a clone
Being assured I won't be ones of the slaves isn't enough for me to support slavery.

>> No.6714340

A clone is it own person the same way identical twins are their own selves. In fact, the process for cloning is very similar (biologically speaking) as having an identical twin. By your logic, if one twin dies, the living twin has his consciousness replaced by the dead twin. Please kill yourself, you are dragging down the average of human intelligence.

>> No.6714343



>> No.6714347

Why the fuck would they force a synthetic human consciousness to perform tasks that can be achieved by non intelligent computer programs just as good if not better? This entire thread is dildos and everyone in here who isnt bashing OP for being retarded are, in fact, retards themselves.

>> No.6714351

Why would we want human-like slaves when at that point of advancement we would more than likely have complacent, non-intelligent, robot slaves that wont complain about or even mind being slaves?

>> No.6714352

>Why the fuck would they force a synthetic human consciousness to perform tasks that can be achieved by non intelligent computer programs just as good if not better?
That's an entirely different point that nothing to do with >>6714311
>This entire thread is dildos and everyone in here who isnt bashing OP for being retarded are, in fact, retards themselves.
Nah, bashing you is better.

>> No.6714354

What else? You just didn't understand. I have not used the word consciousness because I asked for definitions. And I am waiting for them.

>> No.6714359

Definitions of what? You just said define your words. Use a dictionary or learn to speak the english language more effectively to ask for what you want.

>> No.6714362

Both those posts are arguing different points yes but the sum of both those arguements nullifies every counter arguement in this thread. Its hard to bash someone who is destroying you on so many levels.

>> No.6714363

Shut up.

>> No.6714373

>if we ever get to a point where we can upload and emulate human consciousness on a computer, isn't that just creating a new form of human slavery?

>> No.6714396

it's hard to get people to care what you think when you're the only one who went in trying to "win" the thread. Speaking of which, I imagine you'd make an emulated version of OP if it meant you could keep bashing him forever, so there goes your argument.

>> No.6714401

Im not trying to win shit. I am just bothered that anyone can be this retarded. Why would we want simulated human slaves? There is zero purpose so there is zero reasons to think they will ever exist.

>> No.6714423

Someone didn't have the same insights you did on something, that doesn't necessarily mean they're retarded. Try explaining things in a way that isn't just bashing people every time they're wrong, this isn't /b/.

>> No.6714428
File: 485 KB, 392x300, 1373249543835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you wouldn't experience life though a clone
>doesn't know how shadow clone jutsu works

>> No.6715187

i was thinking something like having emulated personalities for public interfaces or media

if a famous actor or director is about to die, put their brain in a computer so they can keep doing what they do indefinitely

>> No.6715236
File: 2.79 MB, 320x240, 1407442047589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, everytime I see one of these retarded threads.


k, wanna talk about telomer-


fine, but you will remain in your body so nothing will change from your point of view, you will die nevertheless


ok so WHY THE FUCK are you labeling this as "immortality" if all you want is to make a copy of yourself and die during or after said process?

>> No.6715246

There's good news though, full human brains are WAYYYYYYYYYY to costly to simulate for practical purposes. We'd either be using task-specific algorithms or a hyper-creative-brain devoid of all ability to feel.

>> No.6715249

Sounds like the impetus for a super villain. A scientists witnesses the horrors unleashed by civilization once it unlocks the secrets of consciousness. Realizing that this could be going on anywhere in the Universe, one scientist decides the only way to ensure no such horrors occur anywhere is to destroy the Universe. Since non-existence is preferable to being stuck in a loop of torture.

>> No.6715266

that was such a sick episode