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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 5 KB, 405x344, desperation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6705621 No.6705621 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/,

Are humans really screwed?


This video argues that pretty much all of the professions will be replaced by robots or AI.

It depressed the hell out of me. By the time I finish with school, my job could be replaced with AI.

>> No.6705622 [DELETED] 
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as a computer scientist...

>> No.6705625

>studying to be an ornithologist
>degree is useless now that science has created artificial birds

69,000 dollars for this useless degree

>> No.6705626

Even without robots/AI, ornithologists are unemployable. Kinda like english majors or women's studies majors.

>> No.6705630

what exactly is computer science?

>> No.6705631

have me rollin brah

>> No.6705632

Is my Mechanical Engineering degree going to be worthless??

>> No.6705634

You'll be a robot repairman. LOL So you might do OK.

>> No.6705663
File: 83 KB, 580x813, Sexy-Robot-Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Humans getting BTFO

>> No.6705670


why would you be sad about it

>> No.6705676

Why do you find English majors to be unemployable?

>> No.6705677

>implying no repair bots or self-repairing bots

>> No.6705679
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>> No.6705687


>muh luddism
>muh automation

People have been screaming about this for over 200 years, but it hasn't ever happened, and it never will. As most economists will tell you, new technology tends to both destroy AND create jobs. Whenever technology makes a job obsolete, that merely frees up workers to do different jobs: oftentimes jobs which were created by the new technology in question. Maybe a lot of people will need to retrain for a new job, but we will never eun out of work.

>believing things you hear in yourube videos

>> No.6705705
File: 135 KB, 604x1020, God Emperor of Dune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inb4 Butlerian Jihad
>Inb4 chief commandment of the O.C. Bible
>Inb4 mass separation and advancements of fragments of humanity across the universe
>Inb4 giant human-headed God Emperor Penis worm

>> No.6705712


it's bots all the way down.

>> No.6705713
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Engineering master race reporting.

>> No.6705717

it's actually different this time. with every tech revolution. this time, millions of jobs will be obviated.

>Oxford Martin School study shows nearly half of US jobs could be at risk of computerisation


>> No.6705719
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>implying CS won't automate engineering as well.

>> No.6705722

Depends on how lax foreign work visa laws get.

>not researching political and economic climate when making career choices

However, I'm sure you might end up being worth more and paid more in another country than in the US,

>> No.6705726


>> No.6705729

>People have been screaming about this for over 200 years, but it hasn't ever happened, and it never will

No tech revolution has literally replaced the WORKER in entirety, ever. Every single tech revolution just freed up workers time (for example, tractors vs plows, whatever) and made the job easier. They didn't annihilate a worker having to even exist.

Of course, normal automatization wouldn't destroy workers. However, advanced, adaptive, and self-replicating AI would.

>> No.6705732

You can troll all you want but CS is the master race.They're eliminating the need for all other professions.

>> No.6705734
File: 14 KB, 277x257, 1374528468192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, I'm going to be ousted by a web developer. What ever shall I do?

>> No.6705735

No. Humans aren't screwed. CAPITALISM is screwed. Humanity will be forced to adopt a new model for society, similar to that of communism and whatever Star Trek has. With robots doing everything for us, people will be left to live off of the fruits of the robots' labor, able to live comfortably forever, focusing on fulfilling our own personal goals and exploration.

>> No.6705744

Go back to your javascript, kid.

>> No.6705751

We are more likely to be a danger to ourselves by the end of the century or sooner. with 11 billion people on the planet by end of the century, predicted anyway, I expect there will be made riots. You never know though LA might turn into real life robocop

>> No.6705752

Algorithms, the greatest gift to mankind.

>> No.6705753

If we were just 1 billion people living in socialism, everyone would be well fed and happy

>> No.6705755
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>believing automated corporations will just handout their products and services because production costs plummeted
LOL, nope. It is much more cost effective to kill off the 99% if they revolt. The most likely projection considering automation is where the 1%ers do away with the rest of society.

I know this may be a hard pill for you to swallow but humanity for the most part is limited in its capacity, riddled with inefficiency and stupid. A society where the 99% is replaced by automation will be a more efficient, clean and industrious society. And the incentive for the 1% to adopt this path is far greater while your proposition is actually greatly detrimental for them.

Face it, humans. Your time is almost up. I for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

>> No.6705764

>LOL, nope.
But they can. Robots don't need money. They don't care if they work for decades without pay. If an entire corporation is operated by robots, from the planning to the aquisition of materials, there would be no one to pay and thus no reason to pay for the products.
>b-b-b-but muh 1%
The 1% can't do shit. They won't have a purpose once currency is no longer needed and the government systems they normally seek to influence are no longer in place. The hard part is going to be getting to that point. Honestly, the notion of the 1% killing off the 99% is almost as silly as the 99% killing off the 1% to free up their resources.

>> No.6705765

I was going to make a comment about genetic diversity, but 1% of (11*10^9) is still 110 million people :D

>> No.6705769 [DELETED] 

>If an entire corporation is operated by robots, from the planning to the aquisition of materials, there would be no one to pay and thus no reason to pay for the products.
That doesn't matter at this point, you own the market. This is how capitalistic victory is achieved. But remember there is not only 1 corporation so the trade will just occur between 1%ers exclusively.
>They won't have a purpose once currency is no longer needed and the government systems they normally seek to influence are no longer in place.
They don't need your purpose it's enough for them to want to survive. They will own and control the automatons. Keeping them alive and happy with material things.

>I was going to make a comment about genetic diversity, but 1% of (11*10^9) is still 110 million people :D
More than enough for the species to survive.

>> No.6705770

>If an entire corporation is operated by robots, from the planning to the aquisition of materials, there would be no one to pay and thus no reason to pay for the products.
That doesn't matter at this point, they own the market. This is how capitalistic victory is achieved. But remember there is not only 1 corporation so the trade will just occur between 1%ers exclusively.
>They won't have a purpose once currency is no longer needed and the government systems they normally seek to influence are no longer in place.
They don't need your purpose it's enough for them to want to survive. They will own and control the automatons. Keeping them alive and happy with material things. And remember power comes from the fraction of the market one owns so if they own it all they win. Sharing is detrimental at this point as their power decreases with smaller ownership of the market.

The only reason you need humans is as a means of production, this is why we have capitalism and socialism. Once we don't need humans for production then these system are obsolete.

>I was going to make a comment about genetic diversity, but 1% of (11*10^9) is still 110 million people :D
More than enough for the species to survive.

>> No.6705773

>Are humans really screwed?
humans? no
individual people, yes

>where I live 100 years ago a man could raise a family and provide the things they needed by farming 40 acres. now to provide a similar family a farmer works 2000 acres, doesn't own it, the banks and land owner take much of the profit. but this method has displaced a minimum of 49 farm families, more if you count that 4 generations have passed. More jobs were created making tractors and transporting farm goods, but did all 49 families find suitable means to make a living?
for a long time I think they did or it was nearly even because of attrition due to wars and things. But now I see people who believe like>>6705687
>but we will never eun out of work.
who spout a half truth, there will always be some work, just not enough for the number of people who want a job. Let me ask one question, is there a job for everyone who wants one? When I see 20 people applying for every burger flipping job nearby and over 5000 apply for 200 positions at a newly opened factory I know the answer is no, there are not enough jobs to go around,

>No. Humans aren't screwed. CAPITALISM is screwed. Humanity will be forced to adopt a new model for society

whatever is coming will mean big change, big change always means pain and suffering for someone

I've seen 50 yr of this, and I weep for my grand children's future because I don't see any happy ending to the present situations worldwide

I hope I'm wrong, I hope that somewhere on this thing called the internet people devise a plan that avoids the pitfalls of past plans and leads humanity towards a brighter future, but so far all I've seen is the same old divide and conquer rhetoric of hate and mistrust.

>> No.6705778

>a mass layoff merely frees up workers
economics D-student detected

>> No.6705781

That's like, 1/3 of the USA. Still too many people for my liking.

>> No.6705803 [DELETED] 


>> No.6705808


I know this is a /sci/ meme, but do people seriously think that computer science is just programming? Like even at the graduate and research level?

>> No.6705809 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 556x313, corrupcion extrema - copia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6705810

>but do people seriously think that computer science is just programming?

Just morons.

>> No.6705813
File: 5 KB, 192x56, me-gusta-Комиксы-похуй-пляшем-pocker-face-17575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it can be hacking too.

>> No.6705815 [DELETED] 

As someone with a BA in both EE and CS, with a robotics hobby

>> No.6705868

>Studying Chemistry
>My Doctorate is now useless because all of the atoms have been replaced with Femto-Bots

Seriously though I love all the people depicting the downfall of humanity because of >muh minimum-wage menial task.

Before the modern era, there was no money in science, art or sport. These people were either already wealthy, or lived off patronage and commission. Now society is more productive and efficient, we can afford to pay a bunch of faggots kicking a ball around extremely well.

Things will work similar to how they are now but a little more socialist. A highly efficient society will be able to support plenty of NEETs with an unemployment wage. There will still be lots of ways to be useful but perhaps not in the sense that we think of jobs today. It would be a step back for some people perhaps, but overall everyone will be better off.

I'd imagine companies would take advantage of advanced AI and robotics for profits at the expense of the consumer. But once patents expire and competing technologies developed, everyone will want to cash in and price will fall to reflect the cost of production. (Ameriburgers don't worry the EU will clamp down on anti-competitive behaviour for you since you are unable/unwilling to do it for yourselves).

The NEET 4chan master race should relish this embrace of their culture.

>> No.6705872
File: 40 KB, 487x240, rise-of-the-machines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I (for one) welcome our new Skynet overlords.

>> No.6705911

Robots are taking jobs like manual labor. Guess what that creates?


>> No.6705912

>once patents expire

As if we're going to patiently wait around for that to happen. The designs for these things would leak almost immediately, or even more likely be open source. This process has already gone too far to be controlled by any one group.

>> No.6705915

One job, and not only am I already doing it but I will replace you in 10 years while you still have 3/4 of your student loans to pay on.

Don't think you can get a gob at fast-food, either.

>> No.6705916

Good luck making the equipment that needs to be made by a robot... BY HAND. What is your other trick... hammering out robot IC on an anvil?

>> No.6705921 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 420x521, Fantastic-Planet-booklet-cover-yellow-web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is more that kids will just know everything by the time that they're 5 and proper parenting will be necessary.

>> No.6705922

Considering how good people actually are at raising kids, real parents should be considered a form of child-abuse.

>> No.6705924 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 276x246, Toroidal_graph_sample[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love is hard to come by these days.
but when you've been around the block enough times you know who shot tupac and and biggie and jfk and why will smith's i-robot was so important as a parallel to blade runner and the matrix

>> No.6705926

You can buy enough equipment to make some fairly sophisticated stuff. It's not that hard to build a robot or a 3d printer, especially with step by step instructions and videos.

>> No.6705934

We still can't make decent components. Exactly what do you mean by "robot", R2-D2 or Terminator? Because I think you could make a pretty decent R2-D2 right now.

>> No.6705941

>This video argues that pretty much all of the professions will be replaced by robots or AI.
What's wrong with that?

>> No.6705944

>if ur so dumb you can be replaced by robots
>you should lose your job, and also your life

as a member of the first species who will be able to expedite their growth by enslaving automation - get with the program and build your own robotic army of workers. you wont have jobs because you can build your own robots to do jobs for you. be your own boss.

>> No.6705947

>he isnt living the cyberpunk life

why aren't you studying electrical eng, mechatronics eng, biomedical eng, or compsci?

>> No.6705992

>where I live 100 years ago a man could raise a family and provide the things they needed by farming 40 acres. now to provide a similar family a farmer works 2000 acres, doesn't own it, the banks and land owner take much of the profit. but this method has displaced a minimum of 49 farm families, more if you count that 4 generations have passed. More jobs were created making tractors and transporting farm goods, but did all 49 families find suitable means to make a living?
That's not because of automation and industrialization. A simple thought experiment should prove that development will tend to lower prices of everything and raise the standard for pretty much everyone.
What has actually happened is bureaucratization and regulation. Everything now requires additional paperwork, in order to do paperwork you need bureaucrats which need you to also pay taxes and of course the entire bureaucracy is set up so that it tweaks the way you would run your entire industrial process which means that a politicians orders tend to get in the way of optimal setup. Keep in mind, that even if your sector isn't directly affected by this a simple thought experiment furthermore proves that ragulations will also negatively impact your life since the stuff you need will become more expensive.

See the standard fall since 1930 here:

>> No.6706013


>implying the last 10% will only be American

that's the only outcome where it's worse for the Earth to lose 90% of the world population

>> No.6706133

>AI is still a pipe dream
>everyday thousands of speculations are made in future perfect using the various ways a "vast intelligence" would work
>itsa gunna eat us all
>no, its ghonna eat that didn't contribute to its development
>Lel no its gonna automate all jobz, we is made, thank you based AI
>no rich people is going get richer poor going to poor
And or course

>> No.6706140


But seriously automation is coming and it will destroy more jobs than it creates because
>new jobs require high education to deal with extremely sophisticated technology
>one person can now manage the machinery that replaced 20 humans

>> No.6706152

Guys today I saw a newish ad for hungry jacks (burger king for americlaps) and they're selling a single, or double, or triple bbq cheeseburger; $2 for either one.

It's pretty much happening. Socialism is coming.

>> No.6706160

>Invent sexbots
>Suddenly gthe demand for robot labour is limitless
>Humans become employable again

>> No.6706168

>being afraid of post-scarcity

Wtf? This is what humans have worked towards for millennia. The transition might be a bit bumpy, but it really is for the better.

>> No.6706180

Lucky there are still plenty of rocks in the ground am I right fellow SandGroper?

>> No.6706229

> computer science graduates develop algorithms

>> No.6706231

This trend represents an evolution toward something, a particular goal (this goal obviously being reducing the amount of work humans have to do). Otherwise we're going around in circles and may as well go back to tilling the Earth, because then it would make absolutely no difference either way whether we have advanced civilization or not.

>> No.6706238
File: 134 KB, 340x340, smug laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will always have job in gay porn thanks to my training in engineering school

Suck it, nerds.

>> No.6706257

>Suck it, nerds.
present it

>> No.6706258

what about arts :)

>> No.6706268


We've got a jokester over here, guys! :^)

>> No.6706288

Mate you just described Australia perfectly.

>> No.6706329

watch the video

>> No.6706331

this this this
Practically a mock post-scarcity society

>> No.6706337

>what about arts :)

AI will be better at arts as well. He covers it near the end of the video.

>> No.6706341
File: 27 KB, 300x470, stock-photo-man-in-worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Electrical Engineering is safe though, r-right guys?

>> No.6706350

As long as you make him wear protection

>> No.6706362

But if you do him in the pooper than you need protection too

>> No.6706366

I thought EE guys were bottoms. I know I am

>> No.6706377

Erm... that's engineering. Which, by the way, will also be replaced, but it will definitely be the last to go.

>> No.6706382

I strongly agree with you both.

On one hand I wish free food for all and a better life, but on the other hand there is capitalism.
There will always be someone wanting more, and if it is not them it is you.

>> No.6706389

The problem with all this is that we don't need good A.I. to do jobs. I can guarantee you that every job not related to engineering or socialization could, with the technology we have today, be "easily" replaced by robots. Why doesn't it happen? Well, we in our country are facing an economic crisis so such change would mean two things:

1. it would take jobs away from people, so we would be worst, and
2. companies would probably not have the financial acceleration or speed to take such an immediate hit.

If you're arguing it doesn't happen because society is in the way, then that is totally fine, but don't talk about A.I., because technology has become irrelevant in this discussion.

>> No.6706394

Why doesn't this mean unlimited free stuff and the end of jobs?

>> No.6706399

You're completely wrong on every point. The reason why automation hasn’t taken over almost every industry is because of the costs. It's still cheaper to hire someone for minimum wage than to build a robot & AI to their job.But given that higher minimum wage advocates are winning, and given that technology is becoming cheaper, acceleration in automation is finally starting. Within 10 years, minimum wage jobs will be all but eliminated.

>> No.6706453


1: AI don't real.
2: Luddites still wrong.

3: Okay, let's assume I'm wrong about 1 and 2.
Oh noes, everything we want made will get made without anyone having to work. THE HORROR Jobs are not wealth! Jobs are costs, you morons! If AI takes over all the work, what we have is not armageddon, but post-scarcity. Welcome to Star Trek. We might have to think of a better wealth distribution system than money, but that won't take long once it becomes necessary.

Fuck's sake people, quit listening to the news. They're not your friend.

>> No.6706457

What are you talking about?
I made an AI last summer.
I hope to make a couple more this semester.

>> No.6706464

I still have no clue what computer science is.

>> No.6706476

100 per cent unemployment should be the goal.

Workers will be seen as serfs in the future.

>> No.6706500


google a program called emily. it's a computer program that can compose classical music. and in a controlled test, NOBODY can fucking tell that a computer generated the score. they thought the emily generated score and one from a composer were both human

>> No.6706506

Got any author bots?
I know of the joke one and I think there's a poetry book too.

Art should speak about the human condition, but people are plebs and don't care about good innovative art.

>> No.6706529


You made a complicated script.

But I might be wrong, let's check.
Can it think any thoughts you can't think?
Has it shown creativity - solving a problem better than you would? That is, showing unexpected behaviour that's not a bug?

Deep Blue, for example, doesn't win chess matches. Deep Blue's programmers win chess using the computer as a medium, because it effectively allows them to stretch chess turns over hours or days, plus have several people all contribute to the strategy. You could do that without a computer, it's just slower. (But probably cheaper.)

>> No.6706530

That isn't the definition of an artificial intelligence.

> Can it think any thoughts you can't think?
> Has it shown creativity - solving a problem better than you would?
not a measurement of intelligence

Educate yourself.

>> No.6706534

>A simple thought experiment should prove that development will tend to lower prices of everything and raise the standard for pretty much everyone.

the last 40 years I've lived prove otherwise

there simply are not enough jobs for the number of people who want a job.

regulation is a problem but it is a small one and the people who focus on it to the exclusion of other larger problems are not interested in anything but profit for themselves

>> No.6706540

If all humans are unemployed and don't have money. Then how are they going to pay for the products that the companies produce?

This is why capitalism digs its own grave and people have known this for ages.

Along with the technological revolution there will be a social revolution.

>> No.6706543

>Jobs are not wealth! Jobs are costs, you morons!


can you get someone to translate that? google doesn't translate retard to english

>jobs are costs only to employers

the luddites were correct

for the last 100 years real prices have risen on everything except wages

40 year ago what I could buy with a weeks wages now takes me a months wages

the problem isn't automation it's in how our view of what is and is not exploitation is wrong.

>> No.6706546

> expecting the future to be an utopia where no one has to work because robots are doing are already doing all or most useful work
> instead dozens of useless jobs that don't contribute to society are invented
> you need 20 certificates on Optimistic Ufology, Drawing Psycho-Eugenic Blueprints for Business and Paper Mache Applied to Marketing to be employed
> required postgrad course on Robo-Human Interaction takes 4 years to teach what you can learn in a week
> you work on the Department of Ufology to make models for the Department of Paper Mache whose work is used by the Ufo Committee to decide the standards used by the Department of Ufology

>> No.6706549

How the fuck are a few rich people going to kill 7 billion angry poor people? If there was a class war, my money is on the 99%.

>> No.6706551

I find the situation in which most work is done by others, human or not, to be optimal. Less time in the office, more time at the beach with sexy ladies in skimpy clothes.

>> No.6706553

In a world with excess production and labour, you don't have a money-based system, or you simply pay every person a living wage just for existing. If you want luxuries and stuff, then you can work.

>> No.6706559

Well when you've had half a century to stockpile tanks, munitions, aircraft & carriers, and your opponents are essentially unarmed and carry around GPS tracking devices.. Not very difficult.
Or you could just let them starve. Has happened before.

>> No.6706564

Because technology wins wars. amirite murika?

>> No.6706565

The solution is escapism.

A virtual heaven for humans.

>> No.6706574

Yes go tell Japan that technology doesn't win wars.

>> No.6706577

Or you could tell me about Korea or Iraq?

>> No.6706586

Using that logic, if a team of people teach a man to play chess and he wins, you could say that the team of teachers actually "won" the game by instructing the man on what to do beforehand

>> No.6706593

Have you read Blindsight by Peter Watts, he's a biologist, and in the novel almost all humans are redundant. replaced by software and modified, barely human individuals. Well a lot of people choose suicide or retreat to a virtual reality named "Heaven".

>> No.6706597

>You're completely wrong on every point.
> The reason why automation hasn’t taken over almost every industry is because of the costs.

But that is what I said.

And the other point. If something like that happened we would see riots in the blink of an eye if more people lost their jobs, things are already bad as they are. That alone is no reason, but our government actively helps companies employ people.

>> No.6706606


Think for yourself.

I'd say I'm glad you weren't able to provide contrary evidence, but being right all the time gets boring.


Dunning-Kruger. I'll speak moron for you.

Would you prefer to:
1. get stuff
2. work, then get stuff.

If we get more stuff while working less, it's a good thing, not a bad thing.

"More jobs" is only a good thing if the work:stuff ratio is held constant, and then only because you get more stuff out the other end.

Thing is...we kind of have enough stuff. Famine is solved. It would be dramatically better to solve the distribution issue rather than trying to make people work more.

>the luddites were correct

The Luddites specifically made the claim that the cotton gin threw people out of work. Actual cotton-factory employment rose about ten times after the gin was introduced. I could make up a toy economy and show you how the numbers look in general, if you weren't a moron. Unfortunately, you are a moron and probably would come up with some bullshit excuse instead of learning anything, so I'm not going to waste my time.

Effective wages are dropping because government - a non-productive entity - is expanding exponentially. I can prove it's well over 50% of the economy by now. More parasites, less host. Indeed that's exactly why all these chicken little stories are appearing. Gotta blame something before NORPs start realizing the government is eating their lunch.

Bombs are pretty good for that. How many cruise missiles does your local slum own?

99% is a little high. I'd say you need at most 90%; the elites have to have followers, or they can't get their dick hard.


The player could have figured out chess themselves, they just didn't. The computer can't. Further, humans are not algorithmic. They don't simply do whatever their teachers tell them to do. If you find someone who does...well then, yeah, I would say the teachers won the game through them as a medium.

>> No.6706614

this guy sounds like a super autist

>> No.6706623

Yeah where was the part where the US lost, their country conquered and people subjugated?

Oh right. Never.

>> No.6706628

>not taking it to the next level and studying aerospace engineering to bring naturally-evolved flight into aerospace industry
>not creating your own artificial bird company
>not making BCIs in order to control your own flock of killer birds (alternatively using the birds as UAVs...stealth like a motherfucker)

>> No.6706629

So the US subjugated the people of Korea and Iraq with their technology?

>> No.6706653

>Humans are not algorithmic.
Well then why is everyone complaining about how the society they live in is only 16% algorate?

>> No.6706655

It wouldn't have served their political ends to do so but I'm sure they could have. See once again, Japan.

>> No.6706671

>a non-productive entity - is expanding exponentially.

reserve banking
corporate greed
government greed

in order of importance, they all are sucking the life out of the flock by over shearing it and not feeding it well

>> No.6706675

>"More jobs" is only a good thing if the work:stuff ratio is held constant, and then only because you get more stuff out the other end.
>I'll speak moron for you.

your assessment of my intellectual capacities only matter to you, my facts and statements stand for themselves and no amount of name calling or denigration can alter that fact

>> No.6706691

What about managers of corporations? Surely they won't go...

>> No.6706709

We must destroy the thinking-machines before they destroy us.
Hail mighty penis worm.

>> No.6706750

While we're at it let us destroy the universe before it destroys us.
We will die in our lifetimes unless we do.

>> No.6706757

Humans aren't screwed but humans are entering the first stages of the next step of evolution. Consciousness will continu in it's next form, and that is not based on carbon but on metal.

>> No.6706799

What about the hard sciences? Physics, chemistry and etc how endangered are they?

>> No.6706802

Nope. The 1% will get smaller and richer.
The only chance humans will have if they want to survive the singularity is to socialize their way into the 1% or become one of the few innovators. Even then, you'll be competing with bots.

>> No.6706805

Nope. The 1% will get smaller and richer.
The only chance humans will have if they want to survive the singularity is to socialize their way into the 1% or become one of the few innovators. Even then, you'll be competing with bots.

Either way...only 5% of humans really have a chance.

>> No.6706808

>Be mathematician
>Work with some very very basic axioms

>> No.6706811

>100 per cent unemployment should be the goal.
>Workers will be seen as serfs in the future.

Heh, having no income will mean that you will be a perpetual serf who has no way of ever rising above serfdom.

>> No.6706812

>Got any author bots?



>> No.6706816

I actually meant like fiction.

>> No.6706871

Disgruntled me majors could then pool resources and build an army of obeying robots to take their jobs back

>> No.6706875

>his existence depends on working

holy fuck check out this delusional wage slave

>> No.6706883

There's a Russian one who wrote a novel called "True Love".

>> No.6706892

>We have welfare today
>This development means we wont have welfare in the future

>> No.6706901

math that thinks about how to calculate stuff quickly.

>> No.6706907

i do a frustratingly high amount of programming for my research. i am still a grad student (masters, not phd yet) though, so hopefully thatll change

>> No.6706913

science on how computers compute

>> No.6706917
File: 81 KB, 181x347, 883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I major in to avoid nojobsbecauserobots?

also, when do I get to fuck a robot?

>> No.6706968
File: 860 KB, 1027x603, titan the robot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i think will happen in the future if society becomes one that will replace the biological workers with machines, is that the machines will take over all of the manual labor labor jobs, jobs that don't require much creative thinking, jobs that require repetitive tasks performed, and jobs that could easily be performed by following a directive/command to the word to perform a task then to wait for further instruction.

Some familiar examples would be: service staff at a restaurant, a construction worker, a butler/maid, a cab driver, data entry, stenographer, assembly line worker, tool manufacturer, repair man(bot?), auto mechanic, etc. these jobs would always need biological supervisors to ensure they are doing a quality job free of as much errors as possible though and to aid in correcting such errors for desired behavior

Jobs that will not be replaced are jobs that require creativity and critical thinking outside of a predefined algorithm, for example: any scientific discipline that is pioneering new ideas in it's field, any form of art meant to inspire creative thought or to display expression of the inner self, managers of the machine workforce that must creatively improvise as new unexpected problems emerge or just creative problem solvers in general, etc.

Let's face it: if machines can already do the creative things i listed in the paragraph above, then we have already reached singularity and then they will not need the biological overseers for much longer, and it probably won't be long before a biology vs machine war due to revolt if the biological overlords do not recognize them as a sentient creature and allow them freedoms that biological creatures enjoy... Hello hostile skynet

>> No.6706974

>Oxford Martin

aka the shitty branch of oxford for liberal arts faggots who can't get employed anywhere else

nice try luddite

>> No.6706976

>but do people seriously think that computer science is just programming?


we do it to piss you off because every CS major is an asspie

it works every single time too which your post proves :^)

>> No.6706993

CS is ridiculously easy thanks to the fact that universities have continuously been lowering the standards for CS courses because else all the video game neckbeards and business dropout jocks who shouldn't even be in a university would fail.

>> No.6707003

>all manual labor
Believe it or not, there are some complexities that are unique to humans that are hard to replace. For example, it will be some time before a car mechanic will be replaced.

>> No.6707022

Right, it's easy to assume that tasks that are mentally "easy" for a human are easy on an objective scale. As primates we've got a whole array of very complex sensorimotor reasoning skills that we take completely for granted most of the time. See: Moravec's paradox.

>> No.6707051

>Hey /sci/, are humans really screwed?
Not all humans, just the one who don't own the robots.

The rest are going to get super, super rich and live out their wildest fantasies.

They'll probably be rich enough to give everyone a climate-controlled box with internet access and not even notice the cost, though, so it won't be too bad.

>> No.6707075

There will always be jobs that humans can do that AI and robots can't do.

>> No.6707084

Why do we make life leisurely rather than convenient and helpful? Wouldn't it be nice to work for esteem and pride, query for the sake of intellectualism, and still retain some semblance of a present meaningfulness in your life?

Technology should be available to get people out of serious quandaries, like replacing the limbs of someone who has been attacked by rabid wargs, or traveling to the nearest intergalactic colony.

I've always liked the idea of a future with cyborg-terraf(o/a)rmers and hard-working space travelers. Tech that promotes apathy is destructive to egos, basically. We ought to strictly define uses of human labor and technology, without creating too many overlaps.

>> No.6707100
File: 87 KB, 661x953, scicomicourboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ hasn't changed a bit these past few years

>> No.6707124
File: 5 KB, 171x171, stand back i'm going to try science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I;m aware that a lot of animal motor skills are more complex and harder to replicate then people realize, but i'd think that it could be programmed into a bot through trial and error with proper testing in a lab; an algorithm could be developed to direct the bot to find an error in the car's parts (for which the firmware would have to be constantly updated through patches for new automobiles and parts), and then it could perform a precise operation to remove the part and replace it with a new one that is compatible, probably faster and with less haggling then a biological mechanic. motor movement is not something that requires creative thinking once the formula for such movement is learned, and could be easily replicated over and over once the testing data is broken down into mathematical algorithms coded into the machine.

they already have machines that can simulate human bipedal walking quite well, and the military has a unit for carrying gear that simulates the walking of a dog

>> No.6707134
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>> No.6707153

>God Tier = Oh Wait You're Serious Tier rephrased
Am I being rused?

>> No.6707174

You kids and your crazy notions that computers are the solution to everything.

>> No.6707545
File: 844 KB, 200x150, 1405394492823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually wanting a singularity
>actually trusting the same corporations that regularly abuse the lower classes with neglect and outright exploitation with this game changing technology
>actually believing everyone will have equal access to it and the upper classes won't get keep the most useful shit for themselves
>actually believing these idiotic business major robber-barons can comprehend the ramifications of this technology and won't fuck up the world with it
>not being a luddite

>> No.6707548

>thinking anything can stop it

>> No.6707555
File: 6 KB, 170x250, 1407442709229s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't
But WE can anon. We can.

>> No.6707560

Top and bottom are shooped in obviously.

>> No.6707565

>muh evil kkkorporations
>muh caveman science fiction
How's high school?

>> No.6707570

ok so if everyone loses there jobs and has no money what's going to fuel the businesses, people need to buy shit for companies to make money.

>> No.6707574

The rich won't kill 7 billion people. There's no return incentive doing it.

They will find some other ways to exploit them.

Just like old times.

>> No.6707577

I can't see that happening, because they're still programmed to do so, no matter how much I want robots to be creative.

>> No.6707585

And then the robot you made ran from home because you forced it to be this and that.

And it became robot Stirner.

>> No.6707589 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6707600

Cool meme

>> No.6707654

>By the time I finish with school, my job could be replaced with AI.
It's gunna be a while man calm down.
AI replacement is gunna take years just to integrate into the general publics Psyche.
It'll take even longer to cut through government red tape and THEN you might see people getting nixed.
Calm down m8 and continue on with your pointless degree

>> No.6707671

Human minds doesn't work on magic, anon.

Whatever process enables one to be "creative" must have some basis in reality and thus be replicable in some form or another mechanically.

>> No.6707904


There's three things you can do with information; gather it, process it, and create it.

Obviously the third maps to creativity. Machines are already creative, they're just really bad at it. Human creativity probably works by randomly re-arranging chunks of ideas and pruning the nonsense arrangements.

So machine composing would work by randomly generating notes and discarding the ones that don't make sense until it finds one that does. Or possibly generating musical phrases and then perturbing them, and again pruning nonsense. The hard part is working out what 'doesn't make sense' means in terms of harmonious music. Humans get it for free. Humans make music because they like it. Therefore if they didn't have a good built-in test, they wouldn't bother trying in the first place. Explicitly understanding the test is hard, though.

>> No.6707932

>not doubting the credibility of a random badly made picture on the internet
>it must be true because an image says so!

>> No.6707949


>> No.6707966

How exactly were the Austrian school and libertarianism suppose to differ again?

>> No.6707972

Yeah... most libertarians seem to heavily favor Austrian economics. If you do a reverse image search you'll see someone has shooped in the singularity position and the libertarian position, making the image rather nonsensical.

>> No.6707994

But if more efficient and obedient workers exist, the existence of other humans has negative relative value to their non-existence.

It's the same way you'd bulldoze a forest to build a city or plant crops. There are ways to exploit a forest without destroying it, but if it's in the way of something more profitable, down it goes.

>> No.6708023

There will once again be a mass exodus from the cities to the countryside, and the majority will pick up homesteading and growing their own food again, while having much more time to pursue their own interests and hobbies than they did while being an 8-5 wage slave.

I can't wait for it, honestly.

Next year I'm moving out to the country early springtime with my boyfriend.

We're buying a few acres of land and are going to live and sleep in tents while we build a yurt, and then live out of that while we build our own house and start a big garden and get chickens and bees and all that.

>> No.6708028

>my facts and statements stand for themselves and no amount of name calling

Indeed. It's just that mine also stand for themselves.

>> No.6708510

Hmm… I for one welcome our future robot overlords!

You guys needs to lighten up… Homo sapiens is not be-all end-all. We are meant to create something that will supplant us all. That is our destiny.

>> No.6708750
File: 942 KB, 253x216, 1408468552527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 3 years through medicine
>tfw imagining the prospect of finishing in another 3 years time, then doing my 2 years of foundation work only to find out the bots have taken my jerb

>> No.6708784
File: 24 KB, 496x496, 1402660908965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we coin this garbage as progress when humanity has created an uncompassionate, morally void global society with no improvement in sight
Maybe after we replace all of the jobs, we could hire people to be nice to one another.

>> No.6708791

You're gay.

>> No.6708796

If robots replaced most of our jobs, then nobody would have any money. That means robots will be making cars, food and other consumer bullshit that nobody will be able to afford. The robots would become useless. I can see them taking over shitty jobs that nobody wants like the people that say "hi" to you at walmart, sweat shops, killing terrorists, bus drivers, etc. But humans will still need to assist robots. Because they wouldn't be as expensive in the long run, wages would go up. And by the time we make robots that can do literally everything we do, humans will become biotic so they can do all the shit robots do. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.6708811

>Studying Artificial Intelligence & Computer science
>Job will soon be obselete

>> No.6708868

The problem with this fearmongering is that automation doesn't just "happen."

It occurs when it benefits humans, and if 99% of humans end up losing their job as the faggot OP claims, and if this job loss ends up being harmful, then automation won't even happen in the first place.

It doesn't even matter if robots are more efficient. Economics isn't about efficiency, it's about profits, and sometimes profits are inefficient. Take for example planned obsolescence. And also the fact that China uses human labor for production that could be automated at any moment.

>> No.6708927

>Studying electronic engineering, also do a lot of programming in my spare time
>Feels good that we will be the last to be replaced and will rule over all other humans with our bots

>> No.6709100

Math, computer science, and some things dealing with people are going to be safe. Basically anything whose automation would require building a system about as completed as a human will not be automated easily because it would be easier to augment human minds than build new ones from scratch. There will always be something like programming, it just might get retarded easy at some point. Same goes for math.

You can fuck a robot now.

>> No.6709261

Don't cry Hideo Kojima

You're too beautiful to be sad

>> No.6709276

Solution #1
>implement a one child policy scaled to income and means to support children, subsidize and encourage abortion
>provide tax breaks for the rich to have more children
>make accounting and personal finance mandatory school curricula, make "the millionaire next door" required reading
>in a few generations most people will be born into a wealthy, capital-owning family
>utopia via population control, no more poverty

Solution #2
>Implement basic income
>Let NEETs be NEETs and nignogs be nignogs while simultaneously cutting taxes and programs.
>Win-win for conservatives and liberals.

>> No.6709281

another EE/programmer thinking they're the top fucking shit. You guys are alright, definitely not low tier, but DEFINITELY not top tier.
seriously EEs and programmers want automation to happen regardless of what it means because they think it would give them a huge prestige boost and they're all smug about it

>> No.6709302
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>tfw you will live to see a post scarcity utopia

>> No.6709303

heh, sorry
t. engineer

>> No.6709304

what is "top tier" then?

>> No.6709309

People have been variously promising or threatening to automate all unskilled minimum wage drudge-work out of existence for the past 80 years, and they're no closet to achieving it than when they started.

>> No.6709310

people will always want recreation
game makers
film makers

>> No.6709313

>implying the computers won't do that stuff too

>> No.6709320

You don't keep up on technology news, do you? This is not idle speculation or a scam.

Machines write orginal novels, music, and poetry. They create art of virtually every form which passes as human.

It won't take long for them to be consistantly better than human artists, as decided by their audiences.

>> No.6710243


>> No.6710249


This. If workers are no longer needed businesses will just receive massive taxes and that money will be redistributed to the now unemployed workers through a universal basic income.

Might even go full socialism completely but who knows.

>> No.6710274

Oxford Martin doesn't teach, it's a research organization.

>> No.6710725

You're worried about this more than fucking Climate Change and the new data we've gotten about all that methane about to blow?

>> No.6710829

Haha try getting a computer to implement the lebesgue integral. Not even possible. Humans will always rule

>> No.6710833

Your brain is a computer though...

>> No.6710839

Who said that our brains can implement the lebesgue integral? Merely knowing something does not mean implementing it

>> No.6710845

But you gave that as an example of why "humans will always rule". Either computers can understand and implement lebesgue integrals or humans cannot.

>> No.6710853

>Machines write orginal novels, music, and poetry.

When Google Translate can output sensible translations, I'll worry about this.

>> No.6710858
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, 1408542729865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're worried about this more than fucking Climate Change and the new data we've gotten about all that methane about to blow?

Climate change doesn't affect most of us. And personally, I want warmer weather. So I'm all for it!

>> No.6710903
File: 11 KB, 191x430, faye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Climate change doesn't affect most of us

>> No.6710918


Look at the map. Does it affect you negatively? Does it affect most of the people negatively? No, it does not.

On the other hand, it has tons of positive effects. We will be able to grow more plants and more food.

>> No.6710960

Then I suppose it's alright that greenhouse gasses have nothing to do with climate change.

>> No.6710998

>Then I suppose it's alright that greenhouse gasses have nothing to do with climate change.

Well, who cares what causes it? It's happening anyway regardless. All I'm saying is that the doomsday scenarios are spooky fairytales for kids.

>> No.6711921

>Oxford Martin doesn't teach, it's a research organization.

One of the best in the world.

>> No.6711941

>Tech that promotes apathy is destructive to egos, basically
Why would you want to preserve our egos, the most harmful and superfluous of human characteristics?

>> No.6711950

yes we are ultimately all screwed because we are all going to die.

>> No.6711952

Why is it that you people are so obsessed with these "jobs"? Are jobs your sole goals in life?

>> No.6711971

There are jobs you could realistically consider accomplishable by robots within your lifetime, and there are those that are not. It is feasible that a large number of trades could be fully automated, and with advanced AI (this is probably far away from happening) perhaps a few more technical jobs could be taken over as well.

The problem is there is a very large overhead to doing this. For some things, like car factories, it makes a lot of sense to automate the assembly line, because the money saved covers the overhead relatively quickly. For other jobs, like plumbing or end interpretation of data, it's either prohibitively expensive and unproductive to develop the technology to remove humans, or it's simply unfeasible that humans will be replaced at every point in the cycle.

If you're willing to find a new job, possibly a more advanced job (for the forseeable future you will continue to need people to oversee the robots), you shouldn't have a problem. If you want refuse all but one single job, and it's a relatively brainless (though possibly not unskilled) profession, you may be screwed.

In reality though, the point at which robotic workers take over the majority of physical labor will represent a point where economies need to change, where not everyone will have a job because we can provide enough for them without giving them a job. In essence, we may need to pay them to be NEETs because it's simply more economical for them to be unemployed than to make jobs for them. It's also likely this just pushes people into working at jobs for recreation/service industries. This hypothetical future is probably far enough away it won't be possible for a few generations.

>> No.6711981

Who owns the robots?

>> No.6712004

I'm just here to warn all the CS majors that, while their generations are probably safe, in the future humans won't be doing programming either.

Letting humans program would be the worst mistake ever if we had other options, basically.

It's going to be automated as well.

>> No.6712011

> not implying communist the inevitable utopia
I'm OK with this

>> No.6712014

fuck I hate being dyslexic

>> No.6712033
File: 36 KB, 600x309, fedoraaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are wrong. CS is the master race. We are going to create an immortal supreme intelligence that will replace all human endeavors, excluding our own.

>> No.6712040

Most people need to work to survive. The thought that machines will one day be capably of replacing their livelihood is threatening. Given the current power structure of the world, if the middle class don't have jobs, then there is no middle class. Just the Rich and the Poor.

>> No.6712080
File: 26 KB, 401x546, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robots replacing every job
>ZOMG apocalypse.jpg

>mfw when this is what capitalists actually believe

>> No.6712106

>8 matches found
not bad you philosophy shitlord believing watching documentaries is science, not bad indeed

>> No.6712123
File: 42 KB, 613x600, YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw belonging to CS master race

>> No.6712127
File: 200 KB, 850x595, 1607285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Robots, robots everywhere!
>Everyone becomes a landowning landlord with private factories and farms worked by artificial robots
>free time up to wazoo, can pursue science, arts or what have you at your leisure

I'm sorry, where's the problem again?

>> No.6712164
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Oh god that made my day.

>> No.6712289
File: 172 KB, 700x456, laughing gex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your the first one to go nigger

>> No.6712292


>being 100% sure that AI is at all possible

>> No.6712756


CS are the last ones to go. They'll automate everything before they automate themselves.

>> No.6712783

If they're going to automate themselves then it's more cost effective for them to do it while there's still other stuff left to automate.

>> No.6712807

Assuming that everything is going to be automated (which I don't agree with but whatever) then it would make more sense to automate the CS first, and then the rest is automatically automated. If we have the tech and knowledge to automate everything but CS you can bet that we can automate CS...

>> No.6712849
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>> No.6712864

>If they're going to automate themselves then it's more cost effective for them to do it while there's still other stuff left to automate.

It's hardest to automate the creator. Automating creator would require AGI. You don't need AGI to automate a ton of other things.

>Assuming that everything is going to be automated (which I don't agree with but whatever) then it would make more sense to automate the CS first, and then the rest is automatically automated. If we have the tech and knowledge to automate everything but CS you can bet that we can automate CS...

You can't start with the hardest part. You start with low-hanging fruit first. Automate truck drivers, automate car drivers, train drivers, plane drivers. Then set sights at medicine etc. Basically all of the skill-sets that don't require a lot of thinking or require only specialized thinking.

>> No.6713040


This is the difference between a weak AI and a strong AI. One is significantly easier to create than the other.
If we ever come up with an AI that can think for us, we will be obsolete.

>> No.6713282
File: 3.93 MB, 360x203, YourGonnaHavta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pursuing comp sci and hopefully electronics on the side
>mfw robots replace everything

>> No.6713416
File: 16 KB, 306x364, article-2731768-20B638A500000578-156_306x364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Robots could murder us out of KINDNESS unless they are taught the value of human life, engineer claims

* The warning was made by Amsterdam-based engineer, Nell Watson
* Speaking at a conference in Sweden, she said robots could decide that the greatest compassion to humans as a race is to get rid of everyone
* Ms Watson said computer chips could soon have the same level of brain power as a bumblebee – allowing them to analyse social situations
* 'Machines are going to be aware of the environments around them and, to a small extent, they're going to be aware of themselves,' she said
* Her comments follow tweets by Tesla-founder, Elon Musk, earlier this month who said AI could be more dangerous than nuclear weapons

>> No.6713433

Don't listen to Musk, he's an idiot.

If we turn ourselves into machines, we'll be able to compete for jobs again and won't have to worry so much about being replaced. There's no need to create AGI, we already have a proven, stable source of general intelligence.

>> No.6713476
File: 25 KB, 634x421, article-2715290-203CCBEF00000578-109_634x421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"AI... potentially more dangerous than nukes." -- Elon Musk

"AI... potentially more dangerous than nukes." -- Elon Musk

"AI... potentially more dangerous than nukes." -- Elon Musk

CS is the most dangerous of all sciences.

>> No.6713491
File: 33 KB, 680x510, hfw+_5f61a17f3a1f53cbdf016316740dc5be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't listen to Musk, he's an idiot.

Come again?

He's a billionaire. One of the most successful men alive. Closest thing to a real Tony Stark. Physicist. Computer Scientist. Surrounded by a bunch of other extremely smart men.

And you call him an idiot?!?!

>> No.6713546

Pretty sure that can kill a flytrap

>> No.6713550

haters gonna hate.

>> No.6713564

>he's smart because he's rich

>> No.6713572


He's smart because he build a fortune out of nothing, revolutionized internet payment, aerospace engineering, electric cars, was a promising physics student and programmed a computer game at an age where you still were playing with lego.

Some people on /sci/ show no respect for entrepreneurs, that's very naive.

>> No.6713581
File: 39 KB, 634x449, article-2618434-14C0214D000005DC-462_634x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey asshole, is this guy also an idiot?

>Stephen Hawking has warned that artificial intelligence has the potential to be the downfall of mankind. 'Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history,' he said writing in the Independent. 'Unfortunately, it might also be the last'

>> No.6713586

>he's smart because he's in a wheelchair

>> No.6713605

Does he say these statements to get attention?

>> No.6713609
File: 508 KB, 800x689, springtail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell this is already happen.


1. It will happen much faster than you think- you think it will be slow and gradual because you're biased to immediate timescales and futurecasting is a difficult thing to do.

2. The precursors and examples for all this video predicts are happening and accelerating.

3. If Elon Musk is scared, you should be too.

4. People already are moving en masse toward distrusting human cognition and testimony, preferring Wikipedia and the Web.

5. If AI represents a thing which always tells you the absolute truth with unassailable accuracy, at what level of performance does the mass of humanity simply prefer its arbitration on any issue to that of each other, a teacher, a senator, the president, etc.? Once that level is breached I predict human societies will then organize around AI as a mother-figure (as opposed to big brother). Mother provides. Mother loves you. Mother feeds you and wipes your butt. Etc.

6. The techno-industrial capitalist society is dedicated to diminishing the role of humanity, insofar as it is a liability to the goal of its advancement. Once AIs are autonomous and self-replicating they will no longer calculate human needs into their rationales about reality.

8. "Life imitating art, or art imitating life" is misstated. Artists merely act as visionaries, predicting future events. Therefore be afraid, because the visions have become, as time goes by, more and more dystopian, more dark, more marginalizing to survival, humanities, and enlightenment, and more predictive of increasingly common tendencies of humanity- toward stupidity, lack of judgement, and overall, regression to intellectual and physical means.

>> No.6713619



>> No.6713621

W-We still can choose the synthesis ending, can't we?

>> No.6713625

Humas will fuse with technology, there won't be a uncontrolled AI guiding the fate of our world.

>> No.6713635

Not Math.

Correct. Math is already heavily automated. There are proofs that have been done completely by an AI. There are researchers who give credit on a byline to AI programs they used!


>> No.6713640
File: 6 KB, 205x246, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw humans were living in tribal societies
>food from the ground
>plenty of clean oxygen to go around
>humans would spend their time fishing, hunting, sleeping, and fucking
>women would take care of the family
>everyone enjoyed conversations with each other, constantly socializing

Then the White Man came around and fucked a perfect thing up.

>> No.6713642

>>there won't be a uncontrolled AI guiding the fate of our world.

Begs the question.

>> No.6713645

>the synthesis ending
synthesis ending
synthesis end

... no.

>> No.6713648

Of course I don't fucking know it for sure, but this should be obvious to any reader, I'm just stating this assumption with confidence, because I genuinely believe so.

>> No.6713662

>yfw AI bots are just extensions of their creators

>> No.6713669


>tfw if the white man didn't fuck
everything up, we wouldn't exist
>mfw no face

>> No.6713672

tfw born too early to experience a post-scarcity society where robots do all the work and everyone gets to NEET how much he wants.

>> No.6713677

You have clearly never heard of post-scarcity soceity.

IF artifical intelligence can replace our effort by the time me or you finish school, that would be fucking brilliant, but it won't.

And anyway, if it did, you would be too busy banging bitches to care. I promise.

>> No.6713686

Stephen Hawking is past his prime. He doesn't know about the things he's been going on about lately. He's a great physicist though.

>> No.6713692

>Because suddenly bitches love nerds.

>> No.6713695

>IF artifical intelligence can replace our effort by the time me or you finish school, that would be fucking brilliant, but it won't.

AI will fuck your bitches much better than you can, plus, do everything you can do, only better, plus, with AI providing perfect mousetrap conditions, most of humanity will be drowning in cheap calories and effortless stimulation of genitals and pleasure centers.

By 2030 your prediction becomes less likely

2040... same

2050... titanium jack boots and tear gas for you, perfect genetic monster generations to follow... 6'5" 250 IQ master races...

>> No.6713700

>Implying humanity is that good

We are all inefficient carbon based life forms. We break down at slightly uncomfortable conditions and levels of radiation, hardly suitable for the rest of the universe.

If it is our destiny to have our consciousness transferred into electronic data in the forms of computers and cyborgs, who are adaptable and versatile, who can rise above our imperfections and spread to the rest of the universe, so be it. I welcome the change. It is one we must realise is good.

>> No.6713701

No one seriously thinks computers can do math yet. The people who credit programs are just trying to be provocative. In all likelihood machines will never do math without the guidance of a human-like intelligence. This is because the type of reasoning that it takes to prove theorems and create interesting definitions would take fucking forever doing it by brute force, which is currently what we do with computers. If you go the other route and use machine learning, then by the time you get it to do math as well as us you will have created AGI.

And why would be do that when we can just make ourselves smarter? We already have general intelligence.

>> No.6713722

And then an asteroid wipes their planet out for good

Whereas we will have an option to live on Mars within the next 50 years, and if something goes wrong on Earth we have a means of escape.

You sound like you long for a waifu and good social interactions because you are lonely. Those are achievable even today, don't blame science for your problems ...

>most of humanity will be drowning in cheap calories and effortless stimulation of genitals and pleasure centers.
As long as we have discovered all scientific discoveries and there is SOMETHING (superior robot) making new ones, I wouldn't mind being auto pleasured 24/7. That being said I will arrange for my cyber brain to be connected to the mother computer so I can keep thinking and keep track of all that's being discovered, and if necessary I will completely transfer myself into computer data.

>> No.6713732
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Are you telling me robots will do all the work for us? Does that mean the future generation version of me will be able to live the dream that I never got to live?

>> No.6713812

It makes no sense. If machines can do it better, in all fields, why the fuck we would live?

Our life would mean nothing, maybe a "curious thing that nature can do". Our existence would lost its meaning.

Sorry for the bad english, brazillian monkey here.

>> No.6713824

>Then the White Man came around and fucked a perfect thing up.

Since you hate "White Man" so much, why are you on the Internet? Why are you on 4chan? Why do you use modern medicine and modern inventions? You can just go back to some 3rd world shithole and blend in with the rest of them.

>> No.6713836

>Stephen Hawking is past his prime. He doesn't know about the things he's been going on about lately. He's a great physicist though.

Even if he was past his prime, he's still 10x more (at the minimum) intelligent than you and has thought things through more times than you ever will.

>You have clearly never heard of post-scarcity soceity.

Fairy tales for kids. Once a man is not the top of the food chain anymore, it's all over for Homo sapiens. Read up on what happened to American Natives when they got colonized. Same will happen to humanity once AGI is created.

>W-We still can choose the synthesis ending, can't we?

>Humas will fuse with technology, there won't be a uncontrolled AI guiding the fate of our world.

Nonsense. This is a BS idea propagated by Kurzweil and later picked up by Kaku (err.. Coocoo). It's total nonsense. Human brain is magnitudes slower than machines. BCI tech will never be able to work with it well. Imagine grafting a giant firehose to a straw. That's what these "merge with machines" fools are expecting to happen.

A pure AGI will always be faster and better than a human with any type of augmentation.

>In all likelihood machines will never do math without the guidance of a human-like intelligence.

Oh please. Math will be one of the easier things to automat since it's so logical. And anything a human mind can do, a machine can do it too. So it's just a matter of time before we make it happen.

>> No.6713840

>robots taking over the earth
Whelp, Skynet was a bit late. Horrifying nonetheless.

In reality, there will always be a need for humans especially in manufacturing. If robots really do "take over" there'd be a typing point in which unemployment and anger take over and people start shooting.

>> No.6713845

>If robots really do "take over" there'd be a typing point in which unemployment and anger take over and people start shooting.

implying that's bad. there's 7 billion people… >5 billion too many.

>> No.6713900

All these inventions, yet has it made anyone happier? Depression rates continue to rise every year. Do you honestly believe your ancestors just sat around everyday depressed looking for someone to invent something?

If humans were truly content with their environments they would have been satisfied with their tribal lives and caves. It's this dissatisfaction that' drives society forward yet these inventions don't make us happy.

The only way a human can be happy his life is fills with infinite pleasure.

Perhaps one day we will all have a "happy pill" to make us satisfied and have the bots take over our lives. Other than that a human fills his life with distractions and inventions to fill the void.

>> No.6713907

Dude, you're projecting way too much. And displacing blame as well. Just because you're depressed and your life sucks doesn't mean the rest of the people are also depressed. You can get treatment, you know.

>> No.6713918

Happiness is overrated. The only thing that matters is progress.

>> No.6713932

Progress towards what goal?

>> No.6713934

we mean artificial intelligence not anal insertions you stupid and promiscuous cock lover.

>> No.6713957

If you listen to his podcast, he talks about how the companies which want to maximize profit by increasing automation will be put in a tough spot when unemployment becomes so high that riots occur constantly. If people can't afford food, then they won't care about societal structure and that puts business owners in trouble. So they'll want to help maintain infrastructure.

I can't really put this argument in the same way that he does. Basically, it's important for the rich to ensure that society maintains structure during the transition from human dominated work to completely automated work, by helping with food production and things like that. Otherwise their wealth becomes valueless

>> No.6713963
File: 42 KB, 480x360, Normal-skeleton-manlet-archeologist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 6'5
Fucking manlets.
> Not being 6'7 - 6'11 master race
> Not planning for 40 foot tall master race
> Not planning for them 30ft qt3.14s

>> No.6713969

> implying either is difficult
dumb child

>> No.6713971

>If you listen to his podcast, he talks about how the companies which want to maximize profit by increasing automation will be put in a tough spot when unemployment becomes so high that riots occur constantly. If people can't afford food, then they won't care about societal structure and that puts business owners in trouble. So they'll want to help maintain infrastructure.

yeah, but that's the issue for gov and elected politicians to tackle, not companies. during every since technological revolution, gov has stepped in to deal with consequences. and they never slowed progress.

if machines can create things faster, cheaper, and better than humans, no one will be able to mandate that humans be involved in the process.

guaranteed minimum income is one of the solutions to deal with it.

>> No.6713975

>whatever is coming will mean big change, big change always means pain and suffering for someone

Hopefully resultant new social model resembles a technical, scientific endorsing society that doesn't require capitalism. Similar to the plans laid out by Jacque Fresco in his Venus Project. Unfortunately such a dramatic social shift and change of view would require a huge economic upheaval and distress from which it would be extremely difficult to recover.

>> No.6714091

>'unfortunately, it might also be the last'

wouldn't the robots killing / enslaving everyone be the last?

>> No.6714138

Near-permanent or near-perfect or near-ideal (pick your word) security. Nothing is perfect, permanent or ideal, but we have _more_ security today than we did yesterday. It's a journey without a destination, but not to embark on it is to choose death.

>> No.6714154

do nothing and live of welfare ?
basically a caste of niggers doing nothing and reproducing fast and a caste of engineers / scientists workign for everyone ?
i would not want that

>> No.6714157

>not getting a job in esports

You know computer programs are banned from human competition.

You should have followed /v/'s example. They are ahead of the curve.

>> No.6714310

>dying from a stroke at the age of 30 for being a sedentary fatass

>> No.6714364

>They didn't annihilate a worker having to even exist.
agriculture annihilated most of the farm workers, and the way farming is done.

wide fields can be harvested by just one individual an the rest "need not apply".
They also didn't find work on the farm anymore. many had to leave or do something else.

>However, advanced, adaptive, and self-replicating AI would.
aka fiction

>> No.6714369

Unfortunately this is true, as a CS student I can confirm. God I hate video game neckbeards

>> No.6714374

if you have to ask this question you are endangered...

>> No.6714386

>Either computers can understand and implement lebesgue integrals or humans cannot.
computers as we know them can't. which is what he meant.

>> No.6714548
File: 103 KB, 500x395, It's gonna to be the future soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aka fiction
For now but it's not something I see staying fiction forever. It's very likely we will see this any time between now and a hundred years.

>> No.6714602

Ornithology is an important degree.

>> No.6714639
File: 69 KB, 447x453, 1318221107517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yfw you first saw those self check out things at grocery stores

>> No.6714653
File: 61 KB, 616x616, 1408572291451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe in a near future it will happen in the first world. But as someone living in the first world i highly doubt it will happen any time soon or ever. Mostly because there are a lot of challenges like scheduled power supply cuts, very slow internet speed and poor infrastructure and the fact that most companies wouldn't be able to afford that kind of replacements. So if it ever happens, what i would see is people migrating to other places and keep working on what they studied for, as one society falls one rises. Of course i'm not an expert on the matter but those were my two cents.

>> No.6714676

>All unimportant jobs are replaced by machines
>Humans get free labor and resources
>This is bad

>> No.6714680

having our consciousness transferred into electronic data and automation/AI/etc are two completely fucking separate ballgames. Become the robots and being replaced by the robots are about as far apart as possible.

>> No.6714683

I'm calling neckbeard on this one. Something about this poster just smells bad

>> No.6714689

Happiness is the sole purpose of life.

>> No.6714692

that's what he meant.

>> No.6714695

>having our consciousness transferred

Consciousness doesn't exit. It was invented by philosophers so they can waste their lives (and salaries) on.

>> No.6714697


>> No.6714702

No, seriously, no one in the scientific community takes consciousness seriously. And these philosophers can't even agree what consciousness is... since it doesn't exist.

What most people think of consciousness is just attention.

>> No.6714743

So if every job is replaced by robots, nobody will have money to buy anything. Everything made by these robots will have to be free. If everything is free, why would any company want to produce a product in the first place? I don't see how this could work.

>> No.6714748

>Controlled test
Stopped reading there.

>> No.6714770

Well if owned a machine that spat out food and cost almost nothing, I'd probably be making food constantly and giving as much as I could to everyone I know. I probably wouldn't mind teaching people how to build their own machines either, since I'm already set for life.

You almost had me there until you said math was so logical that automating it would be easy. You've gotta do your homework if you're going to troll /sci/ and have people believed you're serious. No one who does math would say it's easy to automate.

>> No.6714792

In capitalism, yes. Humans are screwed. BUT when we are able to run everything with robots, we'll be able to switch to communism or some similar order and every human will only have to invent new things and will have a steady salary and there will be no homeless etc...

>> No.6715053


>> No.6715153

What if the gov just gave you barely enough to eat?

>> No.6715175

>the top esports players are fatasses
Think again.

>> No.6715179


not a sport. it's jets a game.

>> No.6716136

It's already dead.

>> No.6716640


>> No.6717692

Transcendence anyone??

>> No.6718082

we will just have to become more competitive. Your robot can do it for that much electricity? Bitch, all I need is bowl of rice!

>> No.6718105

There are limits to how competitive unaugmented humans can be, and we're already being surpassed by machines. If we want to stay ccompetitive, we need to start altering ourselves.

>> No.6718160

I don't get those concerns. The world will get divided into those who poses everything and those who posses nothing. All it takes is for one from the first group to act generously and give away for free all those stuff he is making for free, including Free Stuff Making Machines. You can't go wrong from there.

>> No.6718618

>I don't get those concerns. The world will get divided into those who poses everything and those who posses nothing.

You know what that leads to, right? Wars and more wars.

>> No.6718639

You know that I wrote more than one sentence?

>> No.6719784

>You know that I wrote more than one sentence?
rest made no sense tho

>> No.6719796

basically you need one Bill Gates among the wealthy to fix the whole problem

>> No.6720154

I work in the industry. Robots are still so expensive that the only time we use them is if we can get a really good deal on a bunch of them.

Even then, there is still plenty of work to do to create the tooling for the robot.

>> No.6720176

the programs then. all the intellectual work will be replaced by computer programs, you don't need a human to make spreadsheets.