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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6691781 No.6691781[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I need help, i cant fucking math at all, im taking the 2014 G.E.D. math section soon and i have problems with multiplying polynomials. FOIL technique and shit, i passed science with flying colors though. does anyone know of any math websites that use a creative style to teach math? im a left hander and learn best using creativity.

>> No.6691793

How can you be a left brainer when we only use 10 percent of our brains?

>> No.6691796

Just learn binomial theorem, it's not too complex.

>> No.6691809

what. the. fuck.

>> No.6691813

im a left hander, therefore im a right brainer.

>> No.6691831

you dont pass science with flying colors without knowing math

you are indeed full of fuck

>> No.6691838
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yea try again, on the evaluation test i only scored 220 out of 600. the ged, perfect scores are 200. i had no practice for science and its been 7 years since i was in school.

>> No.6692014


Simple. Go on khan academy on youtube and type in polynomials and it will walk you through it very simple and easy

>> No.6692135

judging from your posts you're a no-brainer

>> No.6692181

>not even 85%
>with flying colors

>> No.6692224

>85% not good
Is GED that easy? What's the point if it's that easy? In the exams at my uni you often do not even need 30% of the points to pass because otherwise everyone would drop out. I like such tests much more. They depend less on you being extremely fast and making no mistakes but instead test your abstract thinking and problem solving when tackling complex problems.

>> No.6692233
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>can't into G.E.D. math

Have your parents tested you for mental retardation?

>> No.6692239

Out of curiosity I checked a GED science practice test. That shit is a complete joke and below academic high school level. What's even the point of doing GED?

>> No.6692243

>What's even the point of doing GED?

So retarded high-school drop outs can boost their self esteem.

>> No.6692267

why not just learn the four steps and how to multiple two numbers? oh I guess there is some additoin also.

>> No.6692280

>im a left hander and learn best using creativity

>> No.6693280

because no matter how much i study multiplying binomials using the foil technique it doesnt make sense to me. im getting my GED just to get into college, i originally dropped out because theres no fucking point to high school.

>> No.6693281


Do you understand the distributive property of multiplication?

>> No.6693283

Why are you going to college? Serious question

>> No.6693287


>> No.6693295

/sci/ is just like all those nerds from high school who derived their self-esteem from being in the "gifted" program. I hated you fucks. Always needing the pat on the head from the teacher and never talked about anything but what colleges to apply to. You weren't good at anything and didn't have many friends but you were really good at sitting on the conveyor belt and doing what your parents told you. so now you come on this anonymous anime image board to continue to project your smugness onto others and rectify your cognitive dissonance for not becoming an engineer.

>> No.6693300

You seem mad.

>> No.6693304

OP, for the record, that whole left/right brain thing is bullshit. No hemisphere is "more creative" or "more logical"; they're both very important in both. That's why people are hassling you about it.

>> No.6693310

Also because he can't into simple algebra.

>> No.6693684

business administration degree. im bored and i think it was at 23 you no longer have to bring in paper work bout family. there was this bullshit circle jerk where i have to bring proof from my family that i dont have any family.