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6673144 No.6673144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw just finished my summer course of calc 2 with a 90.1% in the class

Thank you based God

>> No.6673146

why the fuck do you think we care? hurrdurr congratulations on barely getting an A on an easy as fuck intro calc course? how is that a scientific discussion again?

>> No.6673149

>how is that a scientific discussion again?

yeah because there's a lot of that and not mostly "hurr my field is better than your field" on /sci/

>> No.6673151

Congratulations, but nobody cares

>> No.6673153

>two wrongs make a right

i report those threads as well.

>> No.6673183

>tfw summer internship over and no commuting 2hrs each way for work every day

Thank you based god for 2.5weeks of summer vacay

>> No.6673203

OP, how does calc 2 compare to calc 1?

Congrats, by the way

>> No.6673208

Infinite series made meant to tear my hair out, but I'm also terrible at math so maybe you'll at least understand it.

>> No.6673212

In general is it significantly harder? I got 99.6% in calc I and a friend told me my mark will drop at least 10% for calc II.

>> No.6673216

Can someone please explain to me what the fuck calc 1, 2, 3 etc. are? My school offers "multivariable differentiation" and "multivariable integration", I assume these are roughly equivalent?

>> No.6673222

Calc 1 for me was some pre-calc, Limits, Derivatives, Integrals.

Calc 2 was more integration, and multivariable calc (partial derivatives, duple and triple integrals).

Calc 3 was vector calc and ODEs.

>> No.6673223

>tfw 90.1% is only an A- and only worth 3.75 points

Goodbye merit scholarship

>> No.6673227

MFW i have my final calc II exam this monday.
Mfw ill prob be finishing calc II with a 81

>> No.6673237

...how did you fit most of integration and all of multivariable into one semester?

Did you cover stoke's theorem, green's theorem, divergence theorem etc?

>> No.6673241


>tfw missed calc2 final
>tfw final grade: B

>> No.6673250

No, those were in calc 3.

>> No.6673317
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OP here and thanks.

Calc 2 was definitely harder than calc 1, especially with the infinite series like the other anon said. Fuck Taylor series bullshit

I think I just struggled in Calc 2 because it was a normal Calc 2 course that was crammed into 23 days. The class needed multiple hours of studying each night, which is hard to study when I'm working roughly 30-40 hour weeks right now. I'll be taking Calc 3 in the fall semester and I'm thinking it will be easier now that I will have a lot more time to study. Pic related is how I looked after my final today.

One thing that pisses me off is when there a faggots in the class that bitch about how hard the summer course is and how they are struggling to keep a C, even though they don't have a job. I didn't work a whole lot, but god damn if I can get an A (albeit barely) while working at the same time then you fucks should fucking bitch at all.

There is literally no excuse that you couldn't maintain a descent A when you don't have a job. Hell, even if you do have a job you should be able to maintain a descent A. I had a 94.5 before the final but I will admit that I was being lazy this last week and didn't study enough. Still made it though.