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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 504 KB, 800x618, moonlanding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6654857 No.6654857 [Reply] [Original]

"Just a month before, Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong had left their colleague, Michael Collins, aboard spaceship Columbia and walked on the moon...The old carpenter asked me if I really believed it happened. I said sure, I saw it on television. He disagreed; he said that he didn't believe it for a minute, that 'them television fellers' could make things look real that weren't. Back then, I thought he was a crank. During my eight years in Washington, I saw some things on TV that made me wonder if he wasn't ahead of his time."

>-President Bill Clinton, 2004

>> No.6654865

Can you believe it's been 45 years?

>> No.6655300

Actually, no they could not. Not back then.


>> No.6655357

It was all CGI. If you look closely, you can see rendering artifacts.

>> No.6655368

It's easy to go to the moon. We had the rocket technology to do it, we had the life support technology to do it.

You can literally do the entire moon trip without a computer onboard. You just need a way to measure your current velocity with respect to earth and the moon.

>> No.6655990

which we can do with a calculator

>> No.6656030

how do you explain the fact that you can look up with a telescope and still see the landing site there?

>> No.6656046

Nice bait

>> No.6656048

I guess you have looked at it with a telescope personally then. Protip: you haven't. I tried to get a reading from the supposed laser reflector there and ... nothing.

>> No.6656073

The Chinese and Indians both have recently gone to the moon.
If the US didn't land then you can be sure as fuck that China would of shouted to the whole world about it being a fake.
They found the landing site and couldn't say shit.
You moon landing fakers are more narrow minded then televangelists

>> No.6656095

Wait, there are people who actually think the moon landing was fake?


>> No.6656107

A significant number.

>> No.6656118

What part of it do you want me to explain? It is indeed a quote by Bill Clinton. It's from his biography called My Life. What other information do you want?

>> No.6656135

Can you believe it?

Do they even know that there were more than one?
It's fucking retarded.

OP, >>>/x/

>> No.6656167

The chinese also slightly less recently faked going to the moon

Pretending the flag was there would just make it more credible

>> No.6656277
File: 619 KB, 1637x2295, Apollo Saturn V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck Clinton
and fuck you too.

Today is the 45th anniversary of mankind's greatest technical accomplishment. You can follow along with a simulated "live" thread on the NASA Space Flight forums. It has brought a tear to my eye more than once.

Also, SpaceX is probably going to announce their own personal moon mission shortly, likely a manned free-return circumlunar flight using their Falcon Heavy and Dragon 2 capsule.

>> No.6656312

...and on the second Saturn V launch, the staff learned to park their cars farther from the launch pad.

>> No.6656318


>> No.6656327

why no link?

>> No.6656341


>> No.6656350

why the proxy shithead?
for the impatient:

>> No.6656358
File: 1.36 MB, 2058x3297, Saturn V diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6656373
File: 3.22 MB, 1939x2500, 1402356100216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could use decent subtitles.

just sayin'

>> No.6656420

>Bill Clinton, special-effects expert

>> No.6656430

Is anyone willing to believe they faked the first moon landing to win the space race, but then actually landed on the moon in the later apollo missions?

I could buy that.

>> No.6656431

Our government and people in it are too inept to perform such a grand conspiracy

>> No.6656441

An awful lot of effort was put in making it look authentic, what with making a rocket capable of putting something in orbit around the Moon and all. Rocketry was advanced enough to do it, life support technology was advanced enough to do it manned. Russia would've called them out on it had it not been real.

>> No.6656787

They actually landed on Mars. It's easier than the moon because there's an atmosphere for aerobraking.

The real astronauts never returned. They landed the Space Shuttle on Mars, took their props out of the cargo bay, did their little act, and died there. It was transmitted back to Earth and made to look like footage from the moon with Photoshop.

>> No.6657050

Learn to fucking aim then, because we've been using it to measure the moon/earth distance down to a centimeter for the past 45 years.

>> No.6657056

You can't be serious.

>> No.6657085


>I tried to get a reading from the supposed laser reflector there and ... nothing.

>I'm retarded, therefore we never went to the moon

>> No.6657089


>They actually landed on Mars. It's easier than the moon because there's an atmosphere for aerobraking.

It's also a significantly higher delta-V and an incredibly thin, virtually non-existent atmosphere. Pro-tip: the space shuttle can't maneuver on RCS forever, for a landing it needs an atmosphere for control surfaces.

>> No.6657095

Clinton isnt saying he believes in the moon landing hoax theory, he is saying that the old man was ahead of his time in his cynism and mistrust of government and mass media.

Clinton would know better too. As a Washington insider, he has seen all the lies and dirty tricks first hand. You should read between the lines here, this is as close to an admission of Washington's mass deceit from an absolute elitist politician that you will ever come.

>> No.6657096

*as you will ever come.

>> No.6657100


>> No.6657102

we are a species first used an atomic bomb then one fella (enrico fermi) said, hey i bet i can control this reaction if i build a nuclear reactor and produce energy out of it. there probably isn't much i don't understand about it's principles and there's nothing that can go wrong.

you picture yourself designing and building the first nuclear reactor after seeing an atomic bomb explosion.

if the technology is available, we do whatever is possible to do with it

>> No.6657119

yeah except for this little thing called facts, and in this case, facts say you are full of shit (big surprise).

we built a nuclear reactor first. then the bomb.

facts. you should try them some time.

>> No.6657122

>facts. you should try them some time.

>> No.6657125

this doesn't change anything
as if nuclear reactors stopped being built after that

>> No.6657129

i'm not even sure what your point fucking IS in this specific thread about clinton and the moon landing hoax, but you haven't got a fucking leg to stand on if you come out swinging with horse shit like 'enrico fermi built the first nuclear reactor after witnessing the atomic bomb.'

>> No.6657134

my point stands you retard even if thats not correct

im saying we do it if it's possible no matter how dangerous it looks
we went to space as soon as it is poosible
we use X rays to see into people
we use gamma knife to cut out tumors
we inject positron emitting particles to our bloodstream to get a PET scan
we built zeppelins to fly with hydrogen gas u know how it turned out
we build tevatrons to collide particles near light-speed
i bet we would employ black holes in industry if we could produce them

that's my point about moon landing not being a hoax

>> No.6657136

all of those things are hoaxes, faggot.

>> No.6657139

Maybe he just doesn't appreciate people spouting BS on /sci/ as if it were fact? I know I don't. Want to deceive yourself, fine, just keep us out of it.

>> No.6657146

fine, be like that
you are one of those pathetic people who dwells on the numbers instead of the idea, good luck with your autism medication

>> No.6657156

but your ideas are based in bullshit... good luck with bullshitting everybody all the time, for a greater good or not. let us know how that turns out for ya..

>> No.6657161

every single one of those is true xcept the fermi one
good luck with your learning disability

>> No.6657216

Nigguh this is board dedicated to science, you know the stuff about numbers and shit so don't get assblasted when someone calls you out after going full popsci news article.
Just some friendly advice.

>> No.6658234

Bill Clinton was a coward & a fraud, that sold manufacturing jobs to China in exchange for clearing the national debt & kickbacks from Sam Walton. Who passed a bill to allow banking institutions to charge more than 20% interest & create variable interest rates. All of which have caused irreparable damage to our economy and only benefited the 1%. Clinton got into office by making big promises like the legalization of cannabis, posing as a democrat and lied under oath. He's a fucking fraud & worse that Carter & Nixon combined.

>> No.6659891

The truth needs no defense. They went.