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File: 39 KB, 800x600, 800px-Mandel_zoom_00_mandelbrot_set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6649800 No.6649800 [Reply] [Original]

What is Mandelbrot set ? And why it is used as a proof for existence of God ?

>> No.6649805

The Mandelbrot set is useless "le math nerd" nonsense for uneducated pseudo-intellectual reddit teenagers. It has no applications, neither outside of math nor within any area of math. Its sole purpose is to be visualized as "le epic fractal xD". Wow, someone created just another fractal picture. Great job, such math.

>> No.6649806
File: 248 KB, 1129x900, icepakchopra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is Mandelbrot set ?

>And why it is used as a proof for existence of God ?

Because people like to pull magic out of things they don't understand. Hence the reason why Deepak Chopra writes and sells so many books chock full of bullshit.

pic related, it's icepak chopra.

>> No.6649808

>Mandelbrot set
>proof for existence of God
Where do you find these kinds of people? The youtube comment section?

>> No.6649810

except that fractals are incredibly useful in the fields of 3d rendering, procedurally-generated terrain, radio communication, and a myriad of other things.

>> No.6649817

Just because some pop-sci/pop-math faggots use it to memespout on the internet, doesn't mean we should outright deny it.
I mean by your logic, we might as well just stop QM research.

>> No.6649820

>stop QM research

And nothing of value is lost. What happens at the smallest scale of particle doesn't affect us because (surprise!) we are much larger than particles.

>> No.6649821


>> No.6649831
File: 1.23 MB, 320x234, why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6649840

QM is a huge generalization.
I lean on the side with GR anyways but any research in say electrodynamics will inevitably be generalized as a part of QM.

>> No.6649846

It's a set of complex numbers that forms a fractal when plotted. I can't really explain it unless you've done 2nd or 3rd year undergrad maths.

> And why it is used as a proof for existence of God ?
If people know that their beliefs are on shaky ground, they'll look for any shitty excuse to justify the belief.

>implying QM doesn't have applications

What are transistors? What are lasers? What is nuclear engineering? What is condensed matter physics? What is quantum computation research?

>> No.6649849
File: 13 KB, 227x222, sad-frog[293].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are transistors? What are lasers? What is nuclear engineering? What is condensed matter physics? What is quantum computation research?
>didn't include chemistry

>> No.6649861

electronics, not QM

optics, not QM

>nuclear engineering
atomic physics, not QM

>condensed matter physics
some chemistry stuff, not QM

>quantum computation
a buzzword

>> No.6649862

your brain is a buzzbrain

>> No.6649870

Ever taken a physic lesson ?
Or just full retard ?

>> No.6649871

I have a PhD in physics.

>> No.6649874

>PhD in Physics
>Doesn't know shot about lasers or AP

>> No.6649878

Bitch please. I don't have the time to educate you. Come attend one of my lectures (if you ever get into my god tier graduate programme).

>> No.6649880

>electronics, not QM

I have a PhD in jack shit and even I know that semiconductor design uses quantum electrodynamics, which is part of quantum mechanics.

>> No.6649883
File: 61 KB, 475x356, tellliesontheinternet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come attend one of my lectures (if you ever get into my god tier graduate programme).

>> No.6649884

>I don't have the time to educate you
You sure have time to shitpost about things you have no concept of.

>> No.6649887

Please, tell me (without using QM) how the very simple Hydrogen atom can be stable.
Then, we will speak of other things such as nuclear reactions or laser.

>in b4 planetary model

>> No.6649892

It's used as proof I guess? I mean, trees, roots, your veins (nerves, anything cellular that grows into a structure), transistors, clouds, ice, snowflakes, broccoli, fractures, cracks, river formations, etc are all examples of imperfect fractals found in nature.

Someone explain why so many things use fractals, is it physics' way to natually conserve energy? What is it?

>> No.6649895

>Someone explain why so many things use fractals, is it physics' way to natually conserve energy? What is it?

It's just sometimes the most efficient way for an organism to make something. Look up 'the fibonacci series and pinecones' and it'll explain it better

>> No.6649896

Transistors aren't found in nature, I know, just don't comment on that.

>> No.6649901

Give me one reason why it shouldn't be stable. Come on, fag. We observe hydrogen atoms in nature and they're stable as fuck. Do you even science?

>> No.6649903

whats does your attempt at persuasive coearsive prejudice tactics in insulting people or the theory itself show about your own agendas and insecurities ?why use insults aimed towards fourm readers and researchers as a pathetic means to suppress researching in the subject as a demotivation?why use us versus them ? im sad for you feeling threatened and butthurt by it and its relation to nature and patterns evoking some repressive authoritarian mentality toward it... Are you a paid govt poster or just have beef with the theists or are trolling?I ask this since it seems your main goal through the above examples you set is aimed at suppression of something and I take that to mean you are trying to hide something or know something and no im not talking about theism.

>> No.6649907

Holy shit please punctuate properly.

>> No.6649909

>What is Mandelbrot set ?

Watch chapter 5 and 6. They're both short approachable videos that you can understand with elementary school level mathematics.


>And why it is used as a proof for existence of God ?
Because people are fucking dipshits who don't realize fractals don't actually exist in nature.

Ignore this retard.

>> No.6649910

Why it shouldn't ?
Try to explain it with Newton's mechanic. You can't. Newton's mechanic can't explain why the H atom is stable because charged particules are beaming (don't know the exact word in english, rayonnate ?) and therfore loose energy and should crash on the nucleus.
But you can explain why it is stable with Heisenberg inequality.

>> No.6649912

You have no idea what the Heisenberg inequality is.

>> No.6649913

I can demonstrate it ><
In QM position and impulsion are Fourier Transform of each other. The "Heisenberg inequality" is an inequality used between a signal and it's transform. For example, position and impulsion.

If you prefer, I could have said "it is stable with quantification of the angular momentum" but it would be less general.

>> No.6649914

To understand the very simple Hydrogen atom, you have to understand what eigenfunctions of the Hamiltionian in spherical coordinates are (spherical harmonics).
And this is QM.

>> No.6649919

>position and impulsion are Fourier Transform of each other
I meant "position space wave function and the impulsion space wave function" of course.

>> No.6649922


>> No.6649923

I think so. Clearly I am not english.
I think what I called "impulsion" is in fact "momentum" in english.

>> No.6649926

>Atomic phyisics, not QM

What type of retard thinks that atoms are not quantum mechanical?

>> No.6649927

>I don't know that accelerating charges radiate.

>> No.6649932


>> No.6649980

>stop virology research
>stop DNA research
>stop computer research
>stop OP's dick research

And nothing of value is lost. What happens at the smallest scale of viruses/dna/bits/op's dick doesn't affect us because (surprise!) we are much larger than [].

>> No.6650090


Can anyone recommend some good films like this set? I really enjoyed these. I found the Chaos one and will watch it too.