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6647526 No.6647526[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who finds themselves the intellectual superior out of their circle of friends? I find it hard to relate to any of my friends and they just seem to talk about stupid shit like gossiping about other people and sports, parties etc. , instead of talking about new scientific discoveries or how we can progress humanity. It's not that I am anti social, I just can't find anyone to have an interesting conversation with that will complement my level of intelligence. Can anyone else relate to this?

>> No.6647529

I'm a math graduate student and I just want to hang out with fun, cute people instead of autistic dorks like OP.

>> No.6647537

Yeah. You should shut yourself out, ignoring all requests for social activities. You are above such things. And when you're all alone, you'll realise that you aren't House or Sherlock, you are just a lonely freak with nothing going on.

>> No.6647540
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This has to be the most autistic thing I have read this week.

Sorry to burst your little superiority complex bubble but you're not smarter than your friends, you're just a teenager with assburgers.

I advise suicide.

>> No.6647549

If you don't have any friends of a similar intellect to you, you probably went to a pretty shit uni, in which case you're not the hot shit you think you are anyway.

>> No.6647552

>the intellectual superior
>complement my level of intelligence

I know how you feel, but god damn you're a faggot.

>> No.6647556

I consider myself smart and I actually enjoy hanging around dumb people. Why? Because they're easy going. Smart people are tough to maintain as friends.

>> No.6647559

But, to be fair, I enjoy it more when I hang out with smart people. I just don't mind dumb people.

>> No.6647561

>gossiping about other people and sports, parties etc. , instead of talking about new scientific discoveries or how we can progress humanity.
Both are boring and both are pointless.
You masturbating over the next big thing won't bring it closer. And when the next big thing finally arrives a decade from now, it will seem mostly trivial.

Also, it's more interesting to talk about things that are relevant in the now. It doesn't have to be sport or parties, it can be about consumer electronics, software, games, political movements, news articles, conflicts or some of your hobbies, be it growing stuff, making stuff or doing stuff.

>I just can't find anyone to have an interesting conversation with that will complement my level of intelligence.

It's not your level of intelligence, it's just your percieved superiority from being interested only in a very narrow subject while refusing to broaden your views.

>Can anyone else relate to this?
I used to, then I realized how narrowminded and boring It is.
It's also utterly unpersonal, people want to talk about themself and or the other person in the conversation. What are YOU doing, not what a research team in singapore wrote in an abstract that was subsequently misinterpreted by a pop-sci magazine in the UK and finally arrived at you in the US feeling philosophical at a coffee table.

>> No.6647589

No, I'd say I'm pretty smart and I have very smart friends. As in, making jokes about Wittgenstein and differential topology tier. As a mild indicator of this, we all attend top 20 universities (according to THE)

I of course have less...erudite friends but I get along with them fairly well and enjoy their company because you don't have to discuss 2deep4u stuff-sometimes a silly discussion is cool.

>> No.6647606

OP, you are a danger to society. Self absorbed egomaniacs like you and Elliot Rodgers are ticking time bombs. Please, consider attending a psychiatrist.

>> No.6647607

I used to feel a lot like this and therefore socially excluded myself. But now I feel still disconnected on an intellectual level, but manage to connect on a more personal level, valuing people for things other than intellect, this is because I do rec. drugs now.

>> No.6647617
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Join your local lesswrong.com group. Average IQ high 130s/

>> No.6647702

>Join your local lesswrong.com group. Average IQ high 130s/

strong BS

the integrity & degree of conversation happening on LessWrong.com's discussion board are terribly terrible

>> No.6647715

maybe you don't get the point of conversation.
It not about sharing information, it's about being able to show your emotions.
The laugh when they talk about sports, because they were excited when the watched the game, and that is what they want to share, that emotion. That's why you like to talk about new discoveries, you have emotions with the possibility for you to be part of such a big thing. For others winning the Super Ball is such a big thing.
The word is perspective. And for you, maybe you could look to people as there where samples, and you are the scientist who wants to find the best samples to create friendships and maybe partners. The older you get, the less friend you have anyway, some die, some get absorbed by family-life and others move.
You are not a bad guy, otherwise you would not have posted this.
You are just interested in other things and I bad some of your friends know stuff you don't know shit about. Like social awareness maybe (no offence!)
But, buddy, it's hard to downsize your intellect all the time, I know, but learned a lot spending time with my kid sisters. I help them a lot with study and see that they are successful because of that.
At the end is not about chancing the world or winning the Nobel Prize, it's about being loved!!
You can't progress life, you will never be in control. You can't do new scientific discovery, because almost everything is known already, but hold back so we grow even further apart from our origin. Money controls the world. And always will regulate what is suppose to be let out to the public. When the economy needs a boost, old stuff is brought up and presented as new, just enough to boost the money flow a bit.
Love yourself, and love others for being human.

>> No.6647744

>implying IQ is a valuable way of measuring intelligence

>> No.6647746

>I bad
>chancing the world
otherwise good post

>> No.6647758

I can relate to that.
I once had the brilliant idea to bring up my concern about resources depletion while with a group of 6 friends or so. Let's just say it didn't turn out well. So I learned to suck it up and not bring up serious talk about humankind and our future because it's just not fun it seems.
FFW a few month late after a party, passably drunk with a friend in his car. Brings up oil depletion and think nuclear fusion is the way to go. We talk for a while and I can see he know about all there is to it.
So I did this, I tried bringing up serious subject s only when alone with a person. Turns out it worked most of the time. 2 persons? about half. Didn't try more.
So here's the rule:
IQ of conversation=130/number of people participating

>> No.6647787


What a strange phenomenon. I will have to keep this in mind for future encounters that involve interacting with "people".

>> No.6647816


Ugh. I made the mistake of thinking I wanted all smarter friends. Most of my friends from high school are by no means dumb, but they just aren't concerned with being super-intellectual. Plus, there are a couple really smart guys in the group. Love 'em all to death though.

On the other hand, my friends from college? All smart people. It's kinda fun to be able to have an intellectual conversation at any point, but then other times I just wanna shoot the shit, and watch Futurama. Friendships just weren't as deep as the ones I formed in high school. I was thinking if I left today and never saw any of these people again, I probably wouldn't even be sad. Turns out I was right. I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and moved home. I miss maybe 4-5 people out of the 50 I would have called friends.

>> No.6647841

lol why the fuck did you put "people" in speechmarks like that? you pseudo-intellectual bastard

>> No.6647846
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>> No.6647867

imo you want to hang out with smart/dumb people in different ways. Smart people are nice to sit and discuss shit with (over coffee or whatevs). Dumb people are nice to get drunk and do stupid shit with.

Also relating to OP, your interests is not what makes you smart/dumb it's your ability to absorb and analyze data. I know people who are decently smart but hate sci stuff and i know people who are obsessive about sci stuff but dirt stupid.

>> No.6647872

Not that strange, when there are bigger crowds people tend to be more defensive/unpersonal. Discussing stuff that matters means (most of the time) revealing what you really feel/think (which is the opposite of defensive talk).

>> No.6647885

Yeah, kind of. Just hope you grow out of it. You can like what you like, but you need to have some human connection, on an emotional, not intellectual level.

>> No.6647895

You clearly have a false perception of yourself and your so called friends.

>> No.6647909

In reality, you hang out with these friends of yours because you feel you know more about a certain subject than they do but at the same time deep down inside you know you'd look like a complete idiot if you hung out with people who actually possesed more than an elementary understanding.

You are basically making yourself dumber to gain a false sense of intelligence

>> No.6647930

you are a faggot

>> No.6647952

Confirmed for under&ge who just discovered QM

>> No.6648099

⇒finds themselves the intellectual superior out of their circle of friends?
⇒Can anyone else relate to this?

Doing my PhD at an internationally renowned top tier university I am surrounded by some of the smartest people in the world. And by that I mean real geniuses, more intelligent than Jacob Barnett. So my answer is no, I would never consider myself the most intelligent person I know. I've met at least 10 people who are smarter than me, 4 of them I work with together every day. You'll make a similar experience, if you ever finish your degree and start doing research at a non-shit tier institution.

>> No.6648120

Chances are you're INTP, INTJ or ENTP. They don't like small talk.

>> No.6648121


>> No.6648123

Is that picture from fucking Sherlock? Kill yourself.

>> No.6648126

Sherlock is cool.
Kill yourself

>> No.6648131


You're a kid. Humanity either becomes more tolerable or utterly unbearable by the time you hit your 30s.

Take sports for example. Hated the shit out of it until I started weight lifting and getting /fit/. Made me appreciate how fucking hard those motherfuckers have to train to perform. And then you understand it as a mixture of spectacle and an attraction to certain types of people who get excited by group achievements. Which almost certainly is an adaptive feature of our evolution. You get excited when your "group" wins and you get sad when your group loses.

And I'm almost CERTAIN. Godamn CERTAIN, that any talk about the "progression of humanity" and new scientific discoveries in casual talk will be full of fucking faggotry at your age. You save that shit for when you get into a professional field and your colleagues will be relatively around the same area of the IQ curve.

>> No.6648133
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>Discussing things they dont understand outside of academia

>> No.6648140

1. do undergrad at shitty community college
2. surround yourself only with retards who admire you for knowing high school calculus
3. ???
4. congratulations, you're the smartest person in your social circle

wow, such genius

>> No.6648144

get that summer shit out of here

>> No.6648146

>Am I the only one who finds themselves the intellectual superior out of their circle of friends?

Ah, I used to think like that. Then I grew older and realized I was a dumb-fuck with an overinflated ego.

>> No.6648150


>> No.6648196

I second this fucker

>> No.6648203

Resource depletion is a myth, no surprise they didn't want to talk about it.

Everyone ITT like OP, kill yourselves. Being a sperg isn't something to be proud of.

>> No.6648219


OP all of these people are retsrded

I have never once been intellectually captivated by any of my peers

>> No.6648273
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>It's not that I am anti social

Yeah you are. A part of growing up is realizing you're not smarter than anyone else. There are several different point of views, ways to think, levels of ambition and complexes that all beam together to become all the individuals that live in the world.

If you have trouble relating to anyone because they're 'beneath you' intelectually, you probably have a superiority complex and difficulties to understand group dynamics which you blame on everyone but yourself because 'how could it be your fault when you're so god damn smart'?.

>> No.6648393

OP, there is only one way out...
Master this art, and you will ascend.

>> No.6648447
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This nigga knows what's up

>> No.6648460

I make the effort of hanging out with people not from my academic or work circles because I enjoy it and learn so much more about interacting with normal human beings...

In way, despite probably having a much higher IQ than them, and possessing much deeper knowledge of various subjects, I feel dumb around them.

>> No.6648462

fuck you shill. I won't do what you tell me.

>> No.6648483

You also think that you are unique,bipolar, autistic..........

You are a teenager without personality

>> No.6648509

>It not about sharing information, it's about being able to show your emotions.

Maybe for a social group of friends, maybe. But I speak for only that reason: to exchange and share information. Maybe it's because I have a scientific mind. I prefer objective truth over emotional interpretation - even if it means I'll be singled out.

>That's why you like to talk about new discoveries, you have emotions with the possibility for you to be part of such a big thing.

No. I like to talk about new discoveries because I love to learn new truths. Or to correct what I once believed was the truth but in fact wasn't.

>At the end is not about chancing the world or winning the Nobel Prize, it's about being loved!!

Being loved is a bonus, but pales in comparison (to me, at least).

>You can't progress life, you will never be in control. You can't do new scientific discovery, because almost everything is known already, but hold back so we grow even further apart from our origin.

But there are lots of things we don't know. But let me tell you what we used to know. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, everybody knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what we'll know tomorrow.

Not OP, by the way, but I relate to him.

>> No.6648621

woah, then your brain must be wired fundamentally differently, because you think unlike any other human, aside from maybe geniuses like Einstein or Tesla. Your constant application of logic is incredible, i'm intensely shaking right knowing I might be speaking to one of the future greats of the human race.

>> No.6648648


I can't tell if you're being facetious or genuine, but I can tell you why I prefer that constant application of logic over the whimsical nature of emotions, if you care to know.

>> No.6648659

When OP grows up he will realise that genuinely nice people are the minority and whatever their intellect they will enrich his life. To discard any due to their intellect is his own loss.