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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6639409 No.6639409[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i dont want to die

wat do?

>> No.6639411

cry, because it will happen

>> No.6639412

well, don't kill yourself, as there is no chance to undo it

i get suicidal sometimes too

>> No.6639413

What've you got to live for that's so worth hanging on to?

>> No.6639414

Insatiable curiosity

>> No.6639417

And you aren't curious about dying?

>> No.6639418

The gift that keeps on taking

>> No.6639420

i want to listen to /sci/ ideas about how we can live as long as possible and discuss how tragic death is, i dont want to dissapear

>> No.6639421

Not really. I've been under before.
Time doesn't pass and nothing interesting happens.

>> No.6639426

repent of your sins and turn to Jesus Christ.
Then you'll have purpose and assurance of Eternal life.

>inb4 Christianity is like soooo out of style like yolo

>> No.6639428


1. Don't die.
2. If you're going to die, stop. And then keep living.

>> No.6639429

Do this.

>> No.6639430

Christianity teaches that Christ has already saved us from sin (9.5th incarnation of Brahman's Vishnu)
Buddhism teaches that the way to enlightenment is to enjoy the now and practice the dharma. (9th incarnation of Brahman's Vishnu)
The Great Day of Cleansing is upon us.

>> No.6639475
File: 71 KB, 592x383, monk self immolation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


meditate on death.

>> No.6639485
File: 55 KB, 494x533, DC34j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be based scientist/engineer/businessman.
>Try 1337 hax0ring your body.
>Try to find some godaliens to do it instead.

>> No.6639490

find food, shelter from the elements and harness your mental health.

>> No.6639498

The car was yellow.

>> No.6639499

Cling yourself to the hopeful but baseless belief that after death comes another state of existence in which you can keep your consciousness.

>> No.6639502

GTFO to /b

>> No.6639504

probably from Seven Psychopaths?

>> No.6639507

What is there to live for? this world is disgusting man,people are disgusting selfish and evil creatures. I for one hope to die and move to another dimension.

>> No.6639509

go ask /jp/ for ideas on how to open portal.

>> No.6639516
File: 36 KB, 460x276, Molecular-biologist-Aubre-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now realize that nearly everyone else is an idiot for not devoting their life to prolonging it.

Your life is your existence, shitdips. Once that ends every care you have for anything else goes with it becoming irrelevant. Even if you think your life is the legacy you leave behind because ultimately that legacy means nothing to a dead corpse.

If Einstein was so smart why is he dead is a perfectly valid question. Only an idiot would let themselves die.

>> No.6639518

>Implying we wouldn't follow you and trash that dimension up.
>Implying your "special snowflaking" ass isn't evil.
Typical (man)child trapped in your pipe dreams because you can't, nor have the inclinations, to succeed in the real world.
Fuck off.

>> No.6639521

>Your life is your existence, shitdips. Once that ends every care you have for anything else goes with it becoming irrelevant. Even if you think your life is the legacy you leave behind because ultimately that legacy means nothing to a dead corpse.
Well. That's like your opinion, man

>> No.6639523

It's a fact. Kill yourself and tell me how much your legacy means anything to you.

protip: you can't

>> No.6639525

Just because I can't communicate doesn't mean I ended.

>> No.6639531
File: 48 KB, 469x463, m+lady+_6f67e31c52471863af16582fedf6cfa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in the cult promise of an afterlife

>> No.6639533

> implying that's what what I was implying

>> No.6639534

>brain decomposes
>muh consciousness is still around
pls christnigger

>> No.6639536

> implying that's what I was implying.

>> No.6639543

>You now realize that nearly everyone else is an idiot for not devoting their life to prolonging it.
So I would be an idiot for enjoying what life I have instead of spending all of my resouces on what is basically a fantasy?

>> No.6639547

>aubrey de grey
I think there's a lot of promise in the life extension field, but de grey and SENS's proposed therapies have not made any progress whatsoever in years and don't seem to be going anywhere in the near future either.

>> No.6639550
File: 94 KB, 850x315, UrBgGae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know who you are, OP.

Did you have pic related as a facebook cover photo?

>> No.6639553

I seen that too and I've only watched his TED talk a while back. It's a fun idea but his speech came off a sensationalist drivel.

>> No.6639559

>science doesn't have an understanding of consciousness
>doesn't know how it works
>but knows how it ends even though there no proof to that fact
don't believe in god, but lets not close off all ideas of existence after death.

>> No.6639572
File: 39 KB, 431x431, 1375519314829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah lengthening the telomeres and treating cancers and removing junk in the cells is something out of a fairy tales and impossible.

>> No.6639574

so far science doesn't have an answer for Qualia and the hard problems of consciousness, so take solace in the fact that we don't know everything and that we might be wrong about oblivion.

>> No.6639577

>so take solace in the fact that we don't know everything and that we might be wrong about oblivion
But anon, any alternative to oblivion is horrifying.

>> No.6639583

The idea of extending one's own life and the others around him is not a fantasy dipshit but if your the one I was replying to and it was you who also spewed this trash:
>If Einstein was so smart why is he dead is a perfectly valid question. Only an idiot would let themselves die.
You are no longer talking about simply prolonging, your talking immortality you triple idiot.

>> No.6639596

In all seriousness though, I don't think anyone here actually means true immortality when talking about life extension, cause you know, eventual death of the universe and all

>> No.6639599

I'll also add this, had Einstein not been so obsessed with his work, some of the underlying physics and math responsible for many medical solutions (radiative or computational) involved with a multitude of "life prolonging therapies" would at the very least be delayed and at worst wouldn't yet exist.

>> No.6639602

Well, with his logic. If we don't find a "solution" to Heat Death, then we're idiots.

>> No.6639612

>take LSD
>realise that death is an illusion

>> No.6639614

>come down from LSD
>realise that your realisation was an illusion