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/sci/ - Science & Math

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>> No.6632219


>> No.6632234

excrement of a bovine

>> No.6632239


>> No.6632242

negative mass no reel

>> No.6632244

Negative mass isn't involved.

>> No.6632277


or watch NASA's Dr. White

you might find that H. White actually has working units

the objections >>6632234

are from ignorant anons

the effect is real

>> No.6632311

His warp interferometer data was less than impressive.

>> No.6632315

>trying to measure effects of a warp bubble without the exotic matter to generate the warp bubble
toppest of lel

>> No.6632328

It is worth noting before another >>6632234 or >>6632242 show up: the warp tech he describes is entirely unrelated to a Mach-Lorentz drive save for the fact that a Mach-Lorentz drive **might** be able to produce exotic mass or negative energy in very small (not remotely measurable with modern technology) quantities.

>> No.6632450

"Exotic Matter" doesn't just mean negative mass - negative mass is just the most obvious case. According to White's theories, his device could also generate "exotic" conditions.

>> No.6633207


>> No.6633372
File: 185 KB, 496x749, 1390510345337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His warp interferometer data was less than complete. He needs more sensitive equipment to get an accurate enough reading to finish his research. And if you had bothered to watch or even skim through last year's 100 Year Starship Symposium, then you would have known that the preliminary results of the interferometer reading were a very weak positive. Please do a bit of research before you decide to talk out your ass.

>> No.6633390

>implying that's not exactly what I said
Get a load of this tard.

>> No.6633703

>Exotic Matter=shit we don't know shit about

>> No.6633704

fuck off to >>>/x/ star trek faggot

>> No.6633706

it is to warp space, its the fuel so to speak

>> No.6633709

It means "shit with stress-energy density greater than mass energy-density"

>> No.6633713
File: 29 KB, 482x526, leddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything that is bleeding-edge isn't science
Get alone of this retard. Bet you just came here from leddit huh?

>> No.6633731

"Perhaps a Star Trek experience within our lifetime is not such a remote possibility." - Dr. Harold White

>lead researcher is a huge fan of star trek
>names his imaginary warp drive ship the enterprise


>> No.6633732


>> No.6633734

>implying all nerds don't read and watch sci-fi books and movies
>implying nearly all sci-fi isn't based on the cutting-edge theories of the day
If you think that's /x/ you really need to have your head examined.

>> No.6633739

BAZINGA, I fukken love sciense xDDD

>> No.6633752

>implying all scientists and engineers aren't nerds

>> No.6633756

>guilt by association

are you even trying?

>> No.6633811
File: 210 KB, 600x650, Christian_weston_chandler_by_boxtops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No faggot, it's not

>> No.6633836

>being this retarded
Guess I shouldn't say fuck off since you don't really have anything to do but troll /sci/ with an elementary understanding of physics (at best) and a libtarded view of what science is/has-to-offer/will-become - but fuck off.

>> No.6633838


>> No.6633841

Do you even understand what you were trying to say? Did you even bother to read any of the previous posts so you had some fucking context here? Do you realize your reply makes no fucking sense at all?

>> No.6633859

BTFO by >>6633836 >>6633838

>> No.6633953


Two angsty college kids arguing with different definitions of "less than impressive". Define your arguments, then start a discussion.

>> No.6633969

>hurr i shoot laser to make warp bubles
>durr i need imaginary matter
>star trek REEL

>> No.6633971

I think my biggest argument would be that this guy: >>6633372 was being a pedantic faggot while being retarded in an inability to extrapolate the meaning of >>6632311

>> No.6633974

It seems you watch too much the big bang theory.
>sciense is for nerdz like me xDD
>so smart, such random xDDD epikk

>> No.6633992

That is such a shit show I really don't get the relation. Could it just be that you're a moron?

>> No.6633993

fukken epikk post mann, you showed him! fuck that guy wer both nerdz, so smart xDD btw did u see that reddit AMA from neil degrasse tyson, yeahh man stars n shit are so cool mann. fuckk yeah i fucking love science!!

>> No.6634021

/sci/ five, brother. You showed that jock. I bet he doesn't even know the first 30 digits of pi.

>> No.6634044

Tyson is a faggot that's never contributed anything to science and quite the contrary has only managed to mislead a bunch of faggoty libtards into thinking they understand anything about it. This isn't leddit, people actually come to this site that understand science rather than spout a bunch of pop-culture faggotry and as any scientist knows anything is possible you just have to figure out how to do it. Stop being a faggot acting like a liberal that only believes things are possible when someone tells them they are possible - scientists are the people that ultimately trickle that information down to the plebs you cunt.

>> No.6634045

The big bang theory is still on?

Cheers was funnier. AND they had a better laugh track to tell you where the jokes are.

>> No.6634050

>people actually come to this site that understand science rather than spout a bunch of pop-culture faggotry

That needs a modifier, because we have to post a lot more to stamp out popsci cancer.

>> No.6634052

Especially during the summer, when all the faggots stop watching television.

>> No.6634057

Can we get back on topic now that we all understand we hate the faggots from leddit? Let's just get along and figure out how to make mass drivers already so we can purge the faggots.

>> No.6634072

It's not just the "faggots from leddit". The cancer is much more widespread.

>> No.6634159

So your solar system is moving towards -x at 1000000 mph ( velocity = -1000000 ), and you start your ship moving adding 1000 to your velocity so your velocity is -999000, does your drive take you forward or backward? And if velocity is relative, wouldn't you then discover an absolute reference by seeing which way you traveled when you hadn't been moving relative to your home planet?

>> No.6634179

>absolute reference
>relative to a planet
Aside from the fact your post is off topic as all Hell, it makes no sense.

>> No.6634192

What I mean is if you were sitting on the surface of Earth, not moving relative to Earth, in other words stationary in the ordinary sense of the word stationary. The guy in the video says he thinks you go whatever direction you were moving before you switched the bubble on, but what direction WERE you moving in before you switched it on? Relative to what?

>> No.6634242

Specific timestamp?

>> No.6634243

gotta go fast

>> No.6634265

49:38, someone asks a related question and he answers.

>> No.6635456

I think I get what you meant now. Inertia is preserved and the warp bubble just impacts the curvature of space around the ship (you still want a flat spacetime where the ship itself is because it would probably change the laws of physics in a pretty painful way for anyone inside otherwise). Inertia would be preserved but the space you need to move through would in effect be reduced to get from A to B (or if you had the bubble polarized the wrong way it would be increased leading to drastically longer commute times).