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6617822 No.6617822[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do a lot of physicists do drugs?

>> No.6617858

Because it helps open their mind? LSD is known to have this effect.

Also, some physicists may have depressant drug abuse problems, since most of them are intelligent and intelligent people usually see the world for what it is, a shithole, which leads to depression.

>> No.6617875

they dont

>> No.6617876

well how else are you going to publish 15 papers a year without modafinil or adderal?

>> No.6617878

For the same reason a lot of people do drugs, because they want.

>> No.6617879

OP here, that post describes me pretty well. I currently have a problem where I'm studying astrophysics and I haven't had a positive result in a while due to depression, which is also making me more depressed. I'm wondering if the drugs are holding me back, but on the other hand my mind has indeed opened a lot and I'm able to grasp some concepts much better due to drug experiences. Sort of in a loophole here, maybe I should go to /adv/

>> No.6617886

>Why do a lot of high level professionals with creative needs do drugs.

Because LSD and the likes tickles your creativity as shown by more than one study.

>> No.6618684

physicists tend to be smart
being very smart can lead to depression
being depressed can lead to substance abuse

>> No.6618695

People with high IQs desire more novel experiences, and drugs are a way to get them. As well, because more intelligent people are generally open-minded, they are not inclined to be closed off to the possibility of doing a substance simply because of societal pressure.


>> No.6618703

because they realize that you can put a molecule in your body that makes your brain functions awesome for a time, and are intelligent enough to rationally weigh the pro and cons of putting said molecule in their bodies.

>> No.6618708

Because provide sources
why do cats like lasagna so much?

>> No.6618715

*sources not fucking existing*

you'd really like to be one of us wouldn't you OP?

>> No.6618779

I've always wondered why my orange cat loves lasagna so much. Too bad onions/garlic give it indigestion, so it's less flavorful than I would like.

>> No.6618790

itt: fedora

itt after 30 more replies: stormweenies

>> No.6618891

>muh fuhdora
Just leave.

>> No.6619274

OP here, sorry. here's Carl Sagan's essay on this topic: http://marijuana-uses.com/mr-x/

>> No.6619278

tfw no relationships with docs to write me scripts

>> No.6619285

To paraphrase Neil Degrassi Junior High Tyson "science isn't about collecting data and performing experiements, it's about smoking weed and looking at the stars."

>> No.6619292

Because fucking everybody does drugs anon. Five out of my class of 28 EE bros smoked the MJs.

AFAIK, all of them stopped or dropped out though.

>> No.6619295

I should add here - I never did a drug that wasn't either legal (Dat booze) or with a real prescription but yeah. High intelligence cannot into avoiding anxiety and depression :(

>> No.6619311

can I ask how you cope with your depression? prescription is not my thing, I've tried three different medications combined with therapy. I've tried a couple of natural remedies, such as st. john wort's tea and drinking water with added magnesium. I'd drink more often, but I've got a pretty good disposition for being alcoholic so I'm trying to avoid that.

>> No.6619328


First, it is basically past me now. I still get anxious sometimes but it is nothing like it was.

Second, talk therapy helped me find out what it was in my life that was continually providing a depressing effect. Understand me right: Talk therapy did *not* cure my depression, it helped me find out what was *causing* my depression so I could fix that.

Third: Prescription Agomelatine (Valdoxan)

Fourth: Time. According to Ye Olde Research, depression of the moderate variety (which is what I had) will often end by itself after 6 months. I had mine for significantly longer than that but then, I had a continuous depressive influence back then.

And I don't know which of the four it was that did the most - I expect it was the therapy but man I dunno.

>> No.6619329


What is the astrophysics field like? And what level?

>> No.6619332

>I'd drink more often, but I've got a pretty good disposition for being alcoholic so I'm trying to avoid that.

That's actually what clued me in - I was drinking neat gin* before exams to get the anxiety under control.

*Gin because it tastes foul so I wouldn't drink too much of it or be tempted when unnecessary. We fool ourselves so much more effectively than we could ever fool others.

Oh, and I just remembered:


I read that chapter on procrastination and went "Holy shit that's me" about one of the causes of procrastination. That, right there, that was the cause of my depression. I don't think I would have realized this if I hadn't talked a lot with my therapist first but I read that chapter and shit just clicked.

>> No.6619335

second year university, depends. what interests you specifically?

>> No.6619337


What the classes and research are like, I suppose. I am going to study astrophysics in the future.

>> No.6619343

They don't.
Reality is given to you as it is. To study it, your mind should be free of distortions caused by drugs.

>> No.6619392

the classes are pretty alright. I've had so far are general astronomy, mathematical analysis (calculus and differential calculus), mechanics, thermodynamics, general astrophysics. the physics classes are divided into experimental, theoretical and problem solving. I like the fact that there's very little people, the classes are more intimate haha. as far as research goes we have seminars every week, had a few of my own, they were all on the topic of astronomy though.

>> No.6619411

>very smart can lead to depression
Poor source.
You're not smart if you can't cope with mental illness.

>> No.6619475

Didn't you read the whole line of exchange? I *did* find a way to cope - your mom

>> No.6619545 [DELETED] 


>> No.6619564


why would anyone take adderall when there's perfectly good ritalin/concerta or as you mentioned modafinil

>> No.6619571


Man did you read what he was replying to?

>> No.6620088

im a mathematician, but my reason is: fun.
ended up getting extremely excited about polyhedral combinatorics and modular arithmetic on acid before.

>> No.6620103

>intelligent people usually see the world for what it is, a shithole
But the world isn't a shithole.

>> No.6620115


Who in their right mind would take Methylphenidate over Amphetamine?

>> No.6620476

>You're not smart if you can't cope with mental illness.
>Just suck it up and deal with it. You're smart enough.
This isn't an argument, it's just intellectually dishonest garbage.

>> No.6620478

>But the world isn't a shithole.
Did you actually type this with a straight face?

>> No.6620592
File: 29 KB, 330x492, GonnaHateCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga. Have you brought any Aspies with you on your trips? If so, how'd they fare coping with the perspective shift?

>> No.6620622

to try and shift their own personal paradigms, which they're smart enough to establish fully, dissect it's variables, and reconstruct them. I guess drugs may or may not help them think in a way they usually wouldn't, so they could get multiple viewpoints for different theorem or just construct their own shit which may make absolutely no sense. Beats me.

>> No.6620686

wow another undiscovered genius, your life must be so tragic

>> No.6620690 [DELETED] 

I want to be friends with you.
I complain about how crystallography is depicted in movies when inebriated.

>> No.6620692

The world has not been better from today since the dawn of man and we are only getting better

>> No.6620697
File: 25 KB, 500x374, Halfemptyfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly it. The perspective has changed but you are still the same person with the same memories. When the perspective changes things are seen in a different light. That can create a drastic difference to the perspective of x.
>pic realated evidencing to how two people each with one of these outlooks both live their life(x) but with different life changing perspectives.

Just when you come out of a psychedelic you are the same person as before except you have a memory of a new perspective. It can then be weighed and judged like any other thought experiment. People can change though. Just like if they read a book that exposed them to an ideology that they jump on. Everyone that I personally know has said it's made them want to be a better person to themselves and others.

>> No.6620699

yo eat a fucking apple jesus it has natural sugars

>> No.6620776

No, your attitude is defeatist. Smart people figure ways around their problems and use what they learn to their advantage.

>> No.6620784

100% this.

>> No.6620786

Does anyone ever feel like 4chan (online communication) is like a conversation with someone and people keep walking into the room and giving their two cents?

>> No.6620810

It kind of unclogs your brain, so some concepts or ideas get discarded or rearranged.

>> No.6621001


That doesn't mean it isn't a shithole, that just means it used to be worse. In ten-thousand years, when our descendants on Alpha Centauri raise their children, they will not be teaching them Old-Earth History until they're grown enough to handle it.

>> No.6621003

>Not ways around the problem

Are you literally retarded? Because if so, I suggest you find a way around your problem.

>> No.6621028

>In ten-thousand years, when our descendants on Alpha Centauri raise their children, they will not be teaching them Old-Earth History until they're grown enough to handle it.

source please

>> No.6621031

>You're not smart if you can't cope with mental illness.

guess you aren't smart enough to cope with your autism then ;)

>> No.6621059

what a complete dumbass what about Kurt Godel Alan Turing, Boltzman

>> No.6621067

ITT: untermensch trying to justify their pathetic addictions

> hurr durr, House took drugs, so I must be a genius for sucking cocks to pay for my heroin

>> No.6621075

I'm a physicist and I do them just for fun. Why wouldn't I?

>> No.6621103


>Since stupid people take drugs, and reversed stupidity is intelligence, I conclude that I must never go outside because stupid people go outside

Never change /sci/, never change.

>> No.6621120

Knowing a lot about the Universe/science and doing LSD is one of the best things you can do in your life, much better than bollocks like swimming with dolphins or having sex in an airplane toilet. I think it should be compulsory for everyone to learn science and take acid, I think society would improve society greatly. Not only does LSD provide realization and enlightenment, it reveals the errors of the ways of man and creates peace

>> No.6621126


Psychedelics are in a very differeny cathegory from addictive drugs, but even the addictive ones can be helpful, see erdos

Take your epic quentin troles to /v/

>> No.6621138

I don't care about feel good drugs but am extremely curious about LSD and shrooms.
Why? Because I don't get conversations about them. It's basically beyond my comprehension and it bothers me. I have to find out what it's like.

>> No.6621144

Why do you want to believe physicists do a lot of drugs?

>> No.6621180

Reality is given to us NOT as it IS but rather, as a representation of what it is. That representation merely scrapes the surface of what is really there - we can sense only a marginal amount of the frequencies around us and thus we live in an anthropocentric bubble where we think we're some kind of gods who can sense an objective form of reality when we're just egocentric specks of dust.

I'd say LSD, psilocybin mushrooms and other psychedelics are a good medicine for the aforementioned problem - they crush the ego and show us alternative but just as logical forms of neural processing.
Actually it's kind of analogous to overclocking, too. I feel as though I gain a great deal of processing power on psychedelics and I can hold very intricate and complex concepts in my head at a time.

>> No.6621280

Actually physicists should do loads more drugs than they currently do.
If a group of adept quantum physicists used acid for the purpose of solving some unsolved problems, they'd probably manage it many times faster. Seeing connections and connecting them using new ways is a pronounced effect of the psychedelic mindstate.

>> No.6621284


because they can't get girls because they're either in the process of dating a muscular guy with new clothes or raising his child as a single mother or with the jobless bum giving her black eyes and getting paranoid about her leaving the house to get milk so nerds have nothing better to do but pursue hobbies or get high until they can get some 30 year old used goods that says everything is "interesting"

>> No.6621307

Not them but I'm a 3rd year astro undergrad. It has mainly been a lot of physics and math so far, with a few extra astronomy classes. Find a professor in a field you are interested in and do some undergrad research asap. That will give you a great view into what daily life is like for an astrophysicist (in academia at least).

Research for me has been a lot of data analysis and computer programming. I was given observational data from a binary star system and have had to plot/organize it in a bunch of different ways. Which brings up another point, learn some coding. If you want to work in any physics field you will need to know how to code.

>> No.6621317

because grad school and academic life is stressful and long and they need strong relaxation

why do you think there's so many academic alcoholics

>> No.6621565

>your attitude is defeatist
Spoken like someone who has never had to cope with mental illness. Seriously, all you're saying is "just suck it up and deal with it." You're only proving my point further.

>> No.6621568

Oh, of course. You're right. The world today is just a slightly better shithole than it was thousands of years ago.

>> No.6621569

why don't people just get girlfriends/boyfriends?

>> No.6621573

Why do you think getting a gf/bf will solve all your problems?

>> No.6621581

Emotional support, motivation, less sexual anxiety. It feels good man.

>> No.6621582



>> No.6621583

That's not going to solve all your problems though. And you're mentally a child if you think otherwise.

>> No.6621586

obviously. Doing LSD isn't going to solve all your problems either; it's just nice to have once in a while.

>> No.6621588
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>that feel when science major females

cannot date anyone else anymore.

>> No.6621589

I never argued doing LSD would solve all your problems in the first place.

>> No.6621593

then alcohol, w/e.

>> No.6621594

>Reality is given to us NOT as it IS but rather, as a representation of what it is. That representation merely scrapes the surface of what is really there - we can sense only a marginal amount of the frequencies around us and thus we live in an anthropocentric bubble where we think we're some kind of gods who can sense an objective form of reality when we're just egocentric specks of dust.

Taking your stupid little pills so your brain spazzes out isn't some extreme form of enlightenment. Your dulling yourself off from human reality, you're not enhancing it, you're not improving it, you're just shutting yourself off from it and blocking it out because you don't like it.
And I'd rather live in a clear and accurate anthropocentric universe than a false one that is the creation of my brain running on psychedelic fuel.
And how is your own drug-fuelled sham not anthropocentric? Your drugged-up world is just as anthropocentric as mine; it's just not natural.

>Actually it's kind of analogous to overclocking, too. I feel as though I gain a great deal of processing power on psychedelics and I can hold very intricate and complex concepts in my head at a time.
I'm relatively confident in saying that you've never achieved a work of scientific importance whilst under the influence of psychedelics, just like the majority of scientists.

>> No.6621596

I never argued that either.

>> No.6621602


>> No.6621606


I'm a high school grad looking to get into the field, do you have any recommended reading for an individual looking to enter astrophysics? I haven't committed to a major yet but the area has always interested me.

>> No.6621609

Read the sticky.

>> No.6621615 [DELETED] 


all you have to do is wait till you get in university!

>> No.6621670

I didn't exactly call psychedelia an "extreme form of enlightenment", I meant that it provides my brain with alternative forms of information processing that are at the very least as efficient as the baseline. Often they are better suited for certain tasks such as connecting groups of (seemingly) isolated pieces of information into logical and coherent structures. And a plethora of other things.
How do you conclude that I'm shutting myself off from human reality? I'm not hateful of human-centric things, I'm just aware that human perception isn't necessarily the best and most objective form of perceiving reality. And I think people in general should be more aware of that.
>drug-fuelled sham
>drugged-up world
>stupid little pills
Why so aggressive? I'm not exactly spewing spiritual bullshit about dimensions of eternal love.

>> No.6621722

yeah, my friend who's in physics. he thought it was really neat and enjoyed talking about math a lot.
only slightly bad part is thought loops, they feel weird as hell.
also he was trying to ask me a question about polyhedral duals and i kept thinking that he was asking these integral questions about the nature of the universe then i went off on a major tangent and made us forget what we were talking about.
oh well, such is acid.

>> No.6622952

>People with high IQs desire more novel experiences, and drugs are a way to get them

Translation: I'm doing drugs because I'm just too smart! Yeah, citation needed bro.

>> No.6623012
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Jesus man, I know this feel.

I can't believe how many qt's at my uni are science majors. And even PHYSICS majors.

Holy shit dude, beautiful women + intelligence is just.