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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6618910 No.6618910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: The stupidest shit someone has said to you, pertaining to science.
>"But Anon, dinosaurs didn't have feathers!"

>> No.6618925
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>"Quantum mechanics proves God's existence"

>> No.6618928

>God isn't real.

What a fucking moron. Yeah nothing just came from nothing.

inb4 quantum fluctuation psuedoscience

>> No.6618931

>"I didn't evolve form no ape"

>> No.6618932
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Well, this thread is dead...

>> No.6618935

>"You seriously think we evolved from a rock?"

>> No.6618946

"Races can be scientifically defined"

>> No.6618950

Bouncing oil droplet is just like quantum mechanics guys. Look it's a wave.

>> No.6618953
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>"Which came first the chicken, or the egg?"
I swear this person thought he had fucking destroyed evolution...

>> No.6618954

>Well doesn't god exist in the tenth dimension or something? I saw it on a YouTube video.

>> No.6618960

samefagging allnight long

>> No.6618970

Fucking hate this.
Usually when explaning shit, i.e Ghosts most people say "It's the quatums don't you understand?"

>> No.6618974

>"But Anon, the NSA couldn't have broken RSA; it's NP complete!"

>> No.6618976

People understand "we don't quite understand everything about quantum motion and physics yet" as "Just say its 'because quantum mechanics' and nobody will know enough to argue with you"

>> No.6618977
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>anytime someone says the word "nano" or "quantum"

>> No.6618980

>"But Anon, P = NP!"

>> No.6618981

>>I have a 532 nanometer quantum cascade laser

does this sentence anger you?

>> No.6618985

They can be...

>> No.6618987

fuck off /g/

>> No.6618988

I was willing to state this, but I didn't want no derail.

>> No.6618991

This thread was made to derail

>> No.6618996

>people using the word "quantum" to mean something really big, like "quantum leap"

>> No.6618998


this thread was made for walking.
like an egyptian.

>> No.6619004

>"Roger Penrose is right"

>> No.6619015

>I'm going to get a room tiled with Penrose tiles

>> No.6619017

360 and walk away?

>> No.6619022
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360 and walk away?

Captcha: the fivemen

>> No.6619141

>Evolution isn't real because you aren't growing a foot out of your stomach.

>> No.6619147


Which is fine.

"Quantum" is just a quantized amount, as in, not continuous. So a quantum leap just means something took a big jump and kipped a bunch of in-between bits.

>> No.6619190

>"The theory of X proves Y"
>"i don't know, it does"

>> No.6619208


Yes, I refuse to believe you've made a laser that small, you wouldn't even be able to find it later!

>> No.6619217

>"Aliens exist! Just look at the Drake equation!"

>> No.6619227

but they do exist anon
and I can't prove it

>> No.6619231
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oh god that one is fucking funny

>> No.6619233

Science's biggest problem.

>> No.6619234

I don't know how many times I've heard somebody rant about religion, and then start babbling about aliens.

>> No.6619236

“There is something fascinating about science, One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.” - Mark Twain

>> No.6619242

bear with me
1. humans/sentience possible
2. universe big
2.1. bigger

thus other sentience can and may exist

the problem is that many (self incl) don't understand 2.1

It is too big for there to not be others
And it is too big for the others to meet us
"look mom, science"
-Frank Drake, SETI

if you want to disagree
go ahead
be sad

>> No.6619243

>"I believe in science!"
This one kills me, science is a mode of inquiry, not a belief system.
What they're trying to do when they say this, is create a secular religion of sorts. But science isn't a set of absolute "truths", it's a method.

>> No.6619245

You may as well insert "god" for sentience, and you'd sound like a creationist.

>> No.6619251

do you think the universe is so small, little one, that there could not be others like you?

>> No.6619254


Science is underpinned by a metaphysical belief system without which nothing in science makes sense.

I believe in science. Not as a tribal identity, the way some people "believe in America" or "belive in our church," but as a predictor of the future.

I believe the universe is rules-based, and that things follow the same rules. I believe tomorrow, the strong nuclear force will be as it was yesterday, and I believe that because of this regularity in the structure of the world, it is possible to make predictions about other things as well - if I believe a semiconductor transistor works like SO, and electrons move in a potential field like SO, and an audio signal can be described like SO, then I predict that attaching THESE transistors in THIS pattern calculated with THIS math will produce THIS sound experience, even though I've never done any of that before.

>> No.6619256

Just...too much shit.

I don't have a specific instance, but any time I'm talking to an adult (25+) and they're just blown the fuck away by science that you learn in middle school, I die a little inside.

>> No.6619259

Yeah well the strong force might be covering up something way over our heads the way some weird shit like sacrificing people during solar eclipses hundreds (might be thousands) of years ago "worked" for appeasing the sky gods and ending the scary eclipse

>> No.6619266

not a bad way to pass the time
but that's subjective

>> No.6619269

a guy once asked me what I was studying and I said astrophysics. he said he loves the horoscope.

>> No.6619277
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>so your a geologist does that mean you find gold?All day. Every fucking day.

>> No.6619283


>> No.6619289

Astronomes truly suffer the most

>> No.6619299
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>> No.6619347


You're also forgetting the core differentiator:

that if someone says 'this happened, and/or this is true' that other people will try it as well, and VERIFY that it is so.

In religion, it is all on 'belief' but in science (yes there have been some fuckups but they're tested and found wrong/false) it needs to be Tested before accepted, not accepted without testing.

>> No.6619368

>"is it a new theory about the brontosaurus?"

i fucking hate Monty python

>> No.6619572

>"do you REALLY belive in planets?"
try to beat this one

>> No.6619620

every opinion I every heard that was based on statistics

>> No.6619664

>try to beat this one

God, I'd rather not

>> No.6619682

We've all heard it
>the second law of thermodynamics disproves evolution

also semi related
>anon what are you majoring in?
>physics and math double major

>> No.6619838

Dis nigga gets it

>> No.6619875
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>people like this exist

>> No.6619949

"It may not be true for you, but it is true for me".

"Science doesn't know everything" as an answer to a scientific critique of any ridiculous belief.

Any occasion in which people use scientific findings to support their beliefs - even when said findings have nothing to do with them, i.e.
> quantum mechanics prove god
> quantum mechanics prove the Universe is a simulation
> quantum mechanics prove human thoughts manipulate the Universe
> quantum mechanics inspires total, unpredictable mortality and develops intuition for transforming the doorways to potentiality, reflecting the karmic belonging and imparting reality to ephemeral truth
> scientists discovered the God Particle - therefore, God exists
> etc. etc. etc.

"I don't believe in [a given scientific fact] because it makes me feel uncomfortable".

Any occasion in which people start with a conclusion and then cherry pick the data so that it matches said conclusion.

>> No.6619961
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well, why aren't you?

>> No.6619962

>/sci/ is full of smart people and not "lazy geniuses" who accomplished nothing in their lives

>> No.6619988

>"I can believe anything I want"
"No you can't, there is an objective reality", says I
>"Well you can believe that if you want"

I don't think I've ever wanted to punch someone quite so much before. Also >>6619572 do I win?

>> No.6619995


Well, people CAN believe anything they want. They'll just be wrong.

>> No.6619998

>I don't think I've ever wanted to punch someone quite so much before.

I guess it can be frustrating to lose an argument.

>> No.6620004
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>> No.6620015


>> No.6620038

>:Schrodinger's cat was meant to be a criticism of the Copenhagen interpretation"

Whenever someone says stupid shit like this, we can immediately see that he never studied quantum mechanics on a level higher than pop sci youtube videos.

>> No.6620045

I fucking hate when people use QM to justify anything they feel like.
And when they say "Oh i read a study done in X that says that..." when the only thing they did was read of it from the newspaper.

>> No.6620048


>The reason chemical companies put aluminum in anti-perspirants is to “dry out sweat by injecting aluminum ions in the cells that line the sweat ducts. When the aluminum ions are drawn into the cells, water flows in; the cells begin to swell, squeezing the ducts closed so sweat cannot get out,” according to the Julie Gabriel, The Green Beauty Guide. I don’t know about you but this reaction is really unnatural.

>> No.6620049

<div class="math">\lim_{x\to \infty}\frac{\frac{1}{x}}{10}</div>

>> No.6620057
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>itt autists who are upset that other people dont agree with them

>> No.6620058
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>> No.6620059

An acquaintance of mine thinks we live in a dome and that nothing exists outside of our dome.

>> No.6620065

>you cannot divide by zero

>> No.6620069

0 I win

>> No.6620091

m-well, don't know...was this person a logician specialized in modal logics?

>> No.6620096

>What does a missile do?

>> No.6620104

"The Moon is a death star".

>> No.6620105

>"infinity is not a number"

Making such a statement is equivalent to screaming "I never saw math above high school level".

>> No.6620106

I've heard a ton of stupid stuff about psychology and psychiatry (just the usual stuff like schizophrenia=DID and thinking electro-convulsive therapy is still the cruel practice it was in the 50's) but the stupidest thing I think I've heard came from me.

I used to think that things aged differently depending on what planet you were on-as in, since some planets spin slower than Earth, they must be in some time warp.

>> No.6620109

In my defense, that was when I was a kid, however.

Wait, here's another one

>Wait, man, what if the cosmos is the astral plane

>> No.6620113

>"integral" is synonymous with "anti-derivative"

>> No.6620116

I laughed at this waay too hard.

>> No.6620119


>> No.6620121


Numberphile disagree.

>> No.6620122

>"There are three forms of life: Animals, plants, and insects."

>> No.6620124

For the world is hollow, and I have touched the sky!

>> No.6620125


Anyone who has never set foot into a physics classroom and claims anything about Quantum Mechanics.

>> No.6620182


>> No.6620317

He pretty damn rekt you this time tho.

>> No.6620325
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>>"There are three forms of life: Animals, plants, and insects."

actually it's animal vegetable and mineral

rocks have growth rings just like trees

>> No.6620333
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this rock is pregnant
when it hatches, a baby rock is born

>> No.6620335

>muh flying dinosaurs

>> No.6620341
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another innocent rock that was murdered so it's babies could be turned into jewelery.

>> No.6620342

>''Aliens probably exist.''

>> No.6620345

that should be a protected species

>> No.6620347

I've definitely see one that big in a museum or rock shop

>> No.6620348

>you are a great person Anon, Im sure that if you seriously commit yourself, you too can become a pro League of Legends player

>> No.6620350

"the Marianas trench is eating the spreading pacific tectonic plate as fast as it is formed"

>> No.6620351

>E_7 singularities are Poincare symmetric

>> No.6620354
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"Synthetic Diamonds are sustainable"
stop the killing of innocents

>> No.6620355
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>> No.6620356

>''anti matter is the best fuel source''

>> No.6620358

>cant we just harness the energy of spinning car wheels to power the car itself?

>> No.6620359

>"micro evolution proves the bible, macro evolution is bullshit"

>> No.6620362

>Tesla's plan to convert static electricity and lightning into free power for the people was actually a death ray.

>> No.6620361

>so you dont believe in a god, but you do believe alien life form excist in our universe? LOL

although I must say ever since this I did shrooms I sort of see alot of resemblance between games and life, i mean, we couldve been created by something, and that was also created by something.
Think of it. Eventually we can create a computer game, say sim city 2trillion, so realistic, that the chracthers in that universe have their own coniouseness, complex thoughts and mechanics, etc etc everything like us.
And eventually they make their own game. Just as complex. And so on. Its a never ending loop!

Which reminds me of the time someone told me mdma destroys neurons each time and that with every time you take a pill, you get more depressed and not able to achieve the same state of happyness as before.
He was totally serious, and i was high at the time, pissed me off, i had to leave before shit went terrible.

>> No.6620369

matter cannot be created or destroyed
*unless you have antimatter to destroy it with

>> No.6620371

black holes are like the opposite of big bangs
except they are faster than the big bang

>> No.6620374

>>race isn't real. Radioactive decay isn't dangerous because my cell phone and microwave aren't dangerous, so it's all hype. Copper is not conductive. (Concluded by my Elementary school teacher after I failed to make a circuit through an oxidized penny... I believed it for years)

>> No.6620377

>The glass state is the same as the liquid state.
I sperged out over this one, engaging in a 10 minute debate with the lecturer for around 100 people. The lecturer got really angry and lost her shit though, so I wasn't seen as the bad guy there.

>> No.6620378

>The sky is blue because it is reflecting the ocean (which is blue)

I don't even... And this was a science teacher.

>> No.6620380

race isn't real, its an evolutionary fact

>> No.6620381 [DELETED] 

>''biology is a real science''

>> No.6620383

>penis size is proportional to ego

>> No.6620385


Ouch! Right in my quantum nanos!

>> No.6620386

>''the singularity will happen soon, and its inevitable''

>> No.6620390

>quantum computers are proven and they can achieve consciousness

>> No.6620391

>you only need philosophy to know all the sciences

>> No.6620392
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>> No.6620398

>Copper is not conductive
I don't understand, how do people like these actually get to live in this world

Now, I'm not an intelligent guy, but the amount of stupidity that I witnessed and have had recounted, time and time again, always brings that question to my mind

Are people nowadays just too lazy to investigate and find out stuff for themselves? Doesn't anyone bother to foment the search for knowledge anymore?

>> No.6620402


And with permutation of the symbols in that statement...

> P != NP

>> No.6620407
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>We are meant to be herbivorous
>Pineal gland's responsible for psychic powers

>> No.6620412

>the universe is just an atom in another universe

>> No.6620415

>>Pineal gland's responsible for psychic powers

your pineal gland has been calcified by fluoride, so you'll never know now will you.

>> No.6620437

The best part is he ruined your shit because you actually gave a fuck and he didn't. Apathy trumps all. You may want to consider investing in Preparation H if you want to continue giving a fuck.

>> No.6620438

it is

>> No.6620502

>"Natural diamonds are rare"

>> No.6620504

quantum mechanics is non-deterministic

>> No.6620507

which is actually bullshit because QM is well understood and formulated by now. Those remarks might have made sense 30 or more years ago

>> No.6620515

but you have no guarantee that forces are time-invariant. Hell, apparently they aren't even CP invariant. So I'd be more careful the next time I make baseless assumptions

>> No.6620521

you know what's funny, the higgs particle was originally called "the goddamned particle" then the editor changed it cause he thought that would be offensive and now we're stuck with that stupid as shit nickname which has nothing to do with what the Higgs does

>> No.6620522

i like this thread

>> No.6620533

That's why, whenever someone calls it the God Particle, I immediately discard anything they have to say.

>> No.6620537

yep, confirmed for high school math and never having heard of ordinal infinities. I'm not even that guy btw, but he was right

>> No.6620541

wow that's such an original idea anon. You should write a book or something, those drugs are really doing you good. I didn't read this in a magazine when I was 12

>> No.6620610

they probably do, though they have most certainly not visited earth

>> No.6620612

b-b-but he was

>> No.6620643

My dad reads a lot of pop-spirituality and Deepak Chopra shit. Any time I go over to my parents' house he always wants to talk quantum physics since I'm finishing up a B.Sc in Astrophysics and took more than a few classes on QM.

>Anon you should know that quantum physics is called quantum physics because it deals with stuff smaller than atoms
>Anon you should know that the randomness in quantum physics affects everything, so anything can happen at any time if you can figure out how to change the randomness
>Anon the quantum randomness can be affected by your state of mind
>Anon please, you should know that whenever you observe anything you change it, so how do you know that the sky is really blue, you're changing it by observing it after all
>Anon what are quarks and why do they all affect every other quark everywhere at once
>Anon quark is just a different term for quantum right
>Anon you should know that quantum entanglement means that we're all interconnected, and whatever I do also affects someone around the world on a quantum level

How do I even explain any of this shit to him when he finished high school before experiments even proved the existence of up and down quarks?

>> No.6620934

>which has nothing to do with what the Higgs does
Higgs is opposed to Israel

>> No.6621010


Of course I have no guarantee - hell, maybe God truly DID create the universe only 6000 years ago and just put this all in to fuck with us.

But I'm going to have to base my metaphysics on SOMETHING and "If there was a force of gravity yesterday, I will live my life and plan my research as if I expect there to be a force of gravity tomorrow" seems like a fine one.

>> No.6621013

>"Science doesn't know everything" as an answer to a scientific critique of any ridiculous belief.

Well science KNOWS that it doesn't know everything, otherwise it would STOP. That doesn't mean you can make up whichever fairytale most appeals to you!

>> No.6621019

>"I don't believe in [a given scientific fact] because it makes me feel uncomfortable".

I can respect that one - sure, it's retarded, but at least it's not like climate-deniers or creationists where they refuse to believe something because it would mean they'd have to change their politics and where they're trying to get their ridiculous beliefs forced into public schools.

>> No.6621026


Oh that's clever, I award you

<span class="math">\lim_{x\to \infty}\frac{\frac{10}{x}}{10}[/spoiler]

>> No.6621089
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>science KNOWS
>science breathes
>It's alive

>> No.6621094

the earth is about 6000 years old, because we found a 10,000 year old table that says so.

>> No.6621175

>And eventually they make their own game. Just as complex.
Surely, it would necessarily be less complex? At a push, one could argue that it might be exactly as complex, but at that point you're just making a 1:1 model of a universe (i.e. you're just looking at a universe and proclaiming that every star and planet in it is a model of itself).

>> No.6621406

so earth is really 16000 years old ?

>> No.6621516

we discovered depleted uranium in the earth's crust. why?

a)God put it there to make us look stupid.
b)Remnants of a 2billion year old highly evolved and intelligent civilization on Earth.
c)Aliens done did it.
d)Naturally occurring nuclear reactions might be more common than we once believed. e)Earth's "Iron" core might actually be a reactor that powers our planet.

>> No.6621522

>"Terra forming is science fiction"

>> No.6621533

technically it is still just a hypothesis. no solid theories have been presented, let alone tested.

>> No.6621547

This is so retarded, the concept he is talking about for 8 minutes is the concept of cardinal numbers. When he said it's not a number he meant infinity is not a real number. If you want infinity as number, do the following: Let x be a singleton, identify the only element with infinity. Sweet, I got a number that is bigger than any other number (in that context) I could even perform addition or shit if I wanted. Or you extend the real line in the intuitive way, works as well. Or you add an infinity that is at both ends of the real line, you get a neat circle with sweet topological properties, with the euclidian topology it's compact, with the zariski topology it has similar neat properties.

>> No.6621548

"If humans evolved from apes, how come there are still monkeys today?"
"Vaccines cause autism. IT'S TRUE! My friend's cousin's neighbour's mother's aunt's friend's daughter was diagnosed with autism after taking the flu sho so there's definitely a cause/effect relationship here"
"Vaccines are dangerous, they have SODIUM CHLORIDE!"

>> No.6621591


>> No.6621601

So, just the dumb monkeys stayed monkeys?

>> No.6621627

>OMG we need to be concerned about all the dihydrogen monoxide in our food!!!

A chick in one of my classes literally said this in regard to a paper she was writing.

>> No.6621653
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>"evolution states that life came from non-life"
I swear whenever someone says this I go full on sperg-mode...

>> No.6621689
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>calcified by fluoride

>> No.6621733

>I love science! I watch the Big Bang Theory all the time!
Man, my family pisses me off sometimes.

>> No.6621739

>implying calcium fluoride doesn't exist

>> No.6621743

>Evolution is just a theory.
>Nobody knows what there is in Earth's centre.
>Stars are huge planets burning at very high temperatures.

>> No.6621744

>flagship show for "i'm such a nerd" type of people
>doesn't even get several references to video games correct

>> No.6621747
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you may have missed the bigger problem

>> No.6621750


I never watched that show. It seems like its name is a cock joke so the show can't be good.

>> No.6621758

monkeys eat bananas, so why are their still bananas?

>> No.6621762

>excuse me but from my understanding there was not a master cell that existed at the beginning of the universe from which all life came about.

>> No.6621767

>implying science has nothing to do with people
are you high
if somebody PROVED that we knew EVERYTHING we would do no additional science
i bet seven dollars on that

>> No.6621769

i own a shovel and a bucket of warm water
get wrecked

>> No.6621770

>black, Semitic, and Indian people are less evolved.

I have the feeling the woman who told me this goes on /pol/ often.

>> No.6621772


>> No.6621773

>implying humanity didn't start in africa
>impying people who live in africa are as evolved as EU/US

>> No.6621774

OP asked for shit "pertaining to science"

>> No.6621779


>Humanity started in Africa: fact.
>Peope who live in Africa are not as evolved as North Americans or Europeans: [citation needed]

>> No.6621780

Evolution is "just a theory".

>> No.6621782

>>implying humanity didn't start in africa
>>impying people who live in africa are as evolved as EU/US

>implying Mitochondrial Eve was a Negro

>> No.6621783

Which came firts the chicken the egg the chickenfarmer the architect or our ancestral ape forefathers. And that i said shut up second personality. That was when i was marcel proust in a prev life. Joke ... Joke. Pls, get bak,in yr seats.

>> No.6621797

>Yeah but everything causes cancer these days

>> No.6621800

funposting belongs on [s4s].


>> No.6621804

In dutch spoiler means 'mullet'. Wat's s4s, wat's fun?

>> No.6621808
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>>Humanity started in Africa: fact.

according to science... dinosaurs could not live today, because their bones could not support their body weight in today's gravity. The same goes for dragonflies with 5 foot wingspans.
Prehistoric conditions were conducive to larger life forms.

If that shit is true, and i'm not saying that it is, then the largest humanoid remains found on earth, are likely to be the oldest. (not in Africa)

They are found in Russia, and North American digs. The bible, and other historical sources report Giants as far south as Canaan around 2000BC, where a boy named David supposedly killed one with a slingshot.
No giants found or reported in Africa, means man is not African.

>> No.6621811
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>this entire post
At least it's shockingly on-topic.

>> No.6621813

Anything about gödels "god proof".
Those two words combined seem to make everybody go batshit crazy and instantly stop reading after the headline.
Worst is, when you try to explain:
>but he was a better mathematician than you are, you probably just dont understand it

>> No.6621848


>dinosaurs could not live today, because their bones could not support their body weight in today's gravity. The same goes for dragonflies with 5 foot wingspans.
>Prehistoric conditions were conducive to larger life forms.


>They are found in Russia, and North American digs. The bible, and other historical sources report Giants as far south as Canaan around 2000BC, where a boy named David supposedly killed one with a slingshot.


>> No.6621869
File: 104 KB, 480x640, Charles Byrne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we are to believe in evolution, wherein man can adapt to changes in the environment, and their is certainly a body of evidence showing that a human fetus's DNA is susceptible to gene mutation caused by environmental factors, then we should conclude that mankind will adapt to global warming conditions, and stop all this nonsense of carbon taxes.

>> No.6621880

>Alternatively, we could have an algorithm that generates a viable solution by selecting numbers one at a time to be in the set. But this is absolutely preposterous. This algorithm would be selecting a group of numbers-- all of which are dependent upon each other to produce the solution-- without having information about the solution. This algorithm would literally have to DEFY CAUSALITY to work.

>> No.6622018

Serotonin syndrome is a thing, anon

>> No.6622062

lol, I swear, these physicists need to stay in their little containment major and leave the CS to the CS people.

>> No.6622124

but goliath/david thing was a case of actual retardation/gigantism/cultists vs basically retardation/cultists

>> No.6622131


*strokes flowing white beard*

>> No.6622132

>not sure if troll
what if something is simply the normal state of affairs. as far as physics knows, vacuum or nothingness is not even possible. why would we need something to turn nothing into something?

what if we infinite regress nao at a multiverse-level?

it is natural to ask deep questions about the origin of reality, but if you call god to save the day you haven't satisfactorily answered the question.

>> No.6622136

the knowledge derived from the scientific method that hasn't been deprecated can be defined as "science". Knowledge is supposed to be a special kind of belief, so "believing in science" or "believing in the knowledge derived from science" makes sense.

>> No.6622147
File: 42 KB, 395x548, cara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking calc III at community college
>near end of semester
>"wow dude i'm glad we're finally done with all the math!"
>"what the fuck are you talking about there's way more math"
>"yeah but all of the new math was made to apply engineering concepts so it's not really new"
>mfw this is what engineers actually believe
nigga ended up going to UCLA or someshit too

>> No.6622159

but this is partially true. I mean, water is slightly blue just as atmospheric air, and reflection of blueish light coming from above slightly amplifies the blue tone to some extent

>> No.6622176

>implying we aren't just as evolved as modern fish
anon, you should know evolution isn't a race to perfection. whatever that happens to survive at the moment is as evolved as the rest of species that survive. genetic complexity doesn't imply something is "more evolved"

>> No.6622184

People are just using the word "believe" differently than you assume.

>> No.6622185

But that's right, you CAN believe in anything. It won't necessarily change its truth value or be useful, but you can do it.

>> No.6622191
File: 402 KB, 597x843, 35768664547999878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Earth is the only planet that pull things down"

me: "no it isn't

"So why doesn't the moon, por exemple, pull thing down?"

me: "it does, however the gravity, or what you call "pulling down" is weaker because the moon is considerably smaller than the earth"

"So why there is no life there?"

> mfw

legit story.

>> No.6622214

based on what?

>> No.6622287

No, that clearly was a CS major showing off their pathetic understanding of their own major.

>> No.6622435


>> No.6622439
File: 59 KB, 600x391, 391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"So why there is no life there?"
>no life on the moon

>> No.6622486

>"No you can't, there is an objective reality"
uh, that idea is something philosophers refer to as 'naive realism' and its a laughable stance but not surprising coming from /sci/. however I will say, it does no one any good to sit around going 'HURR WHAT IF OUR SENSES ARE FLAWED MAN AND WE DON'T PERCEIVE IT PERFECTLY MAAAAAN' we perceive it pretty accurately apparently as our senses have gotten us this far

>> No.6622488

reality I mean

>> No.6622494

You're conflating ignorance with stupidity. If you think knowledge of facts is what science is about, then I think I've read the stupidest shit someone has said to me, pertaining to science.

>> No.6622500
File: 294 KB, 586x357, 6452375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking home from school with friend
>anon, is the sun or the moon closest to the earth?

>> No.6622509

what do you mean by far? how can you be sure, that the whole universe isn't laughing about us and our narrow mind?

>> No.6622724

You read this backwards, dude.

>> No.6622841

Nope. We don't believe God created the universe 6000 years ago for a very simple reason: that would be even more complicated to explain. This is based on the principle of Ockham razor. This principle is fundamental in science. God's non-existance is just an accidental fact, a good enough approximation of our reality which could change with future theories. Same as having time-invariant parameters. Basing your epistemology on something that science might very well prove wrong in the future isn't a very smart move. Funny thing is, philosophers used to say: "The basis for science is that any given experiment will always give the same result."
Then quantum mechanics came along...

>> No.6622843

why would you respect that though? It's precisely the reason social sciences and psychology are currently so fucked up

>> No.6622848

this! Just because your high school teacher told you you shouldn't pretend it's a number, you can make it one if you know what you're doing. Mathematicians redefine numbers all the time depending on what they need

>> No.6622884

>what if you wake up dead ?

>> No.6622962

define "real" because I can look at a white guy then a black guy and conclude the difference is real.
you may be talking about how there is no difference in DNA but race certainly exist.

>> No.6622986

And that's a guarantee, is it?

Son, you should probably into metaphysics before you start talking metaphysics

>> No.6623069

Talking about smoking, I presume? I've heard someone use the excuse that the body kills a few cancer cells every day so smoking really doesn't add much of a risk before.

>> No.6623072

Sure she wasn't joking? I've roped quite a few people with that one.

>> No.6623108

>implying the out of africa theory is correct

>> No.6623109

oh, they seemed to have nice color patterns too!

>evolution is "just" a theory with no evidence

>> No.6623122


Well, I mean, 300k starting is a lot of money to most people.

>> No.6623152

2/10 troll, or possibly a good one for this thread.

"Everything has been done in Maths."

>> No.6623226


OP, for instance.

Some dinosaurs didn't have feathers, some did. Depends on the species in question. Even then, the stupidest thing by far are these dumbass epeen stroking threads you guys come up with on a regular basis it seems.

You will not get far in life with that attitude, that I can promise you. People say "stupid things" because they lack knowledge, because they wish to learn, and because it's the only way you CAN learn.

But I suppose it must be very therapeutic to act like a pack of wild animals bumping their fists to their chests here, anonymously, like a coward. Desperately trying to emulate the beastly behaviour of establishing your power and significance over the pack. That is definitely the height of intelligence and wisdom. Not at all pathetic, sad, and simpleminded. Oh no... *sighs*

>> No.6623228

>Evolution couldn't because of the law of thermodynamics!

Man I hate that video when I really know I shouldn't, I really am not like a militant atheist but that one really fires me up

>> No.6623243

I dare you to go to any of the blogs from AskAMathematician about almost anything thats not maths and have a look at some of them comments

Try these on first

>> No.6623247

why do people say 360 and walk away? don't you mean 180?

>> No.6623252

Assuming you're not trolling: It's just a reference to an ancient joke about what you should do when you encounter an XBox 360 (you turn 360 degrees and walk away). The fact that it doesn't work is part of the humour (though some have suggested "turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away).

>> No.6623297


no fun allowed BTW I came here to say this

>> No.6623379
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>> No.6623383



and thus commenceth the endless newfag chain

>> No.6623385
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>> No.6623495

Why is he a newfag? EXPLAIN 360!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111

>> No.6623514

Evolution isn't gene mutation due to environmental factors. We go through random mutations. Some mutations become more desirable or make it easier to survive. That doesn't mean that the species will adapt to global warming. But a extremely very few may be able to tolerate such changes. It's highly unlikely that any favourable mutations could keep up with the heating and toxification of the planet.

tldr; You don't understand things as well as you think you do.

>> No.6623523

I think I found it


This is the stupidest.

>> No.6623553


Just let it be, anon. It's a lost fight.

>> No.6623593

>>6618910 "you have no proof for dinosaurs. They might aswell have been dogs" true fucking story.

>> No.6623652

I had a nurse tell me rigor mortis is permanent.

>> No.6623850

>I believe the universe is rules-based
Platonist detected

>> No.6623856


>> No.6623867

Basic probability

>> No.6623877

That's totally ridiculous. Everyone knows that dinosaur bones aren't dog bones, they're just rock sculptures paleontologists make, carving out what they expect to see.

>> No.6623933

>Calling him "son"
You disgust me

>> No.6624103

>"you have no proof for dinosaurs.

the fossil records really do prove that creatures that we call dinosaurs did exist.
the thing that makes it hard to believe, is because these highly educated people who work with dinosaur fossils, are habitual liars.

They don't understand what they are seeing, so they make things up.

science is about reporting what you see -FACTS
not make up stories to prove something -Theory

these days, too often scientists tell one too many lies, and even after they learn that they are wrong, they continue to fight for their lie, rather than admitting the truth.

usually this is because of greed. say I wrote a theory saying that because I found a 20 ft tall dinosaur fossil, the dinosaurs must have been 20 ft tall. everyone likes my theory and I make a lot of money selling books about 20ft dinosaurs. then one day someone shows me that fossils grow. should i call them a fag, and defend my 20 ft dinosaur theory? or should I revisit the FACTS. I didn't find 20 ft dinosaurs, all I found were fossils. crystalline substances that had formed in a cavity that was left behind by a decaying animal. It doesn't prove that the dinosaur was 20ft tall. crystals obviously grow
should I admit that I was wrong? tell the world that dinosaurs were really bird size? nobody would buy my stupid books anymore, and i'd probably never work again, because I made a fool of a lot of people. some of them might even threaten to kill me if i wasn't anonymous.

what should I do /sci/?

>> No.6624107

> what should I do /sci/?
write more concisely

>> No.6624108
File: 104 KB, 800x600, 800px-Meganeuradae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dragonfly fossil matches today's dragonflies almost perfectly. except this fossil is huge, and we know that dragonflies don't have 5 ft wingspans.
a) dinosaurs and dragonflies were huge (and hundreds of other species as well)
b)fossils grow
c)animals are shrinking.

>> No.6624110

>write more concisely

Thanks Noam,
I should have minored in English, but STEM got shoved up my ass.

>> No.6624111


>> No.6624112

lol. I just meant it as a witty "tl;dr".

>> No.6624119

They probably do exist. Why would that make you angry. In fact it's likely that life on earth came from elsewhere in the first place, our water did.

>> No.6624128

>our water did.

puhleez not this shit again.
aliens want to steal our water
no, aliens gave us water

that water is dissolving our minerals and making them easier for transport

did you know that seawater is 9ppm GOLD
I shit you not, aliens are going to take their water back some day, and a lot of earth's resources will go with it.

well, if they take the water, then we won't need it anymore.

good point

>> No.6624134

watching too many sci fi shows
that is pretty sad

>> No.6624135
File: 2.44 MB, 4000x3000, fossil-Sandown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a)Ancient Snails could eat a house!!!!!
b)Snails might have had feathers and teeth and legs.
c)fossils grow

>> No.6624141
File: 161 KB, 976x500, DDDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a)Move over T-rex, see you later Stegosaurus, adios Argentinosaurus. Scientists have announced that the bones of a new, even larger dinosaur have been found.
b)people are just getting smaller
c) fossils grow, and that's an old bone

>> No.6624156
File: 89 KB, 670x440, spider-fossil-mate-670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a)these ancient spiders could easily pick up a car and wrap it with silk 100000 times stronger than steel.
b)Hermione, look what you did.
c)fossils grow

>> No.6624169
File: 121 KB, 620x414, Hadrosaur-620x414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In crustacean period Japan
Sushi eats you

>> No.6624213

a)these ancient spiders could easily pick up a car and wrap it with silk 100000 times stronger than steel.


>The holotype female is fossilized with her underside facing up. Portions of all but two of the legs are missing from the fossil. The carapace of the holotype is 9.31 by 6.83 millimetres (0.367 by 0.269 in) and the opisthosoma is 15.36 by 9.5 millimetres (0.605 by 0.374 in). The total body length is approximately 24.6 millimetres (0.97 in) while the front legs reach about 56.5 millimetres (2.22 in) in length.

A modern Nautilus can reach 30 cm in diameter.

>fossils grow

>> No.6624223

>>fossils grow

By any method conceivable so I won't have to accept that my precious bible might be wrong

>> No.6624227

that's a hadrosaur tail, not a crustacean

>> No.6624247

>>fossils grow
In diagenesis.
Usually in permineralization when aragonite from bones and shells is dissolved and removed but before silicization when the fossil material is soft and being heavily compressed.

however the growth is by perhaps a percentage of something <10%, and usually closer to 1% in any particular direction. Individual results vary.

in vertebrates there's also the problem of not knowing the thickness of cartilage in joints and spines, giving a margin of error that's somewhere in the range of a few percent plus. Mostly because paleontologists tend to underestimate the distances between bones to give conservative size estimates. Could be completely wrong though, maybe we've actually grown the fossil in reconstruction.

>> No.6624253

Gosh, this asshole make me cringe like no one have

>> No.6624255

we could also count fossils that are severely fragmented and then glued back together with all the cracks taking up space.

this is possibly the case in the largest dinosaur fossil ever reported, Amphicoelias fragillimus. The bone was shattered into cubes of .25-.5" bone, and undoubtedly gained size in restoration.

Other early cases of erroneous enlargement in restoration exist, in particular the skull of the Allosaurus reconstructed by Gilmore in 1920 was probably enlarged in height while being truncated lengthwise, aside from being a possible chimera.

>> No.6624337

>Is there oxygen on the moon, like is that why they where those helmets?!
>Were the middle ages real, like did they actually fight with swords and stuff

*Second one isn't science related but equally as retarded; hate it when girls act dumb, opposite of attractive

>> No.6624452
File: 29 KB, 350x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I didn't know people this stupid could exist

>> No.6624470
File: 54 KB, 500x375, dd520bd3e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate it when girls act dumb, opposite of attractive

girls who act smart are just as bad>>6624213

>>fossils grow
the universe is expanding (pic related)

>> No.6624483
File: 56 KB, 470x429, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a) wishbone from a giant chicken
b) fossils grow

>> No.6624501

>the universe is expanding (pic unrelated*)
Metric expansion does not call for the earth or fossils to expand, nor does it give a plausible explanation.

>> No.6624511

Oh god not that stupid expanding earth theory!

>> No.6624607

>Metric expansion does not call for the earth or fossils to expand, nor does it give a plausible explanation.


Matter is primarily electromagnetic field around tiny particles. This field is not fixed in size.
These fields interact with one another in many ways.
You should have learned in 4th grade that things expand when they are heated, and contract when they cool. Pressure also affects size.
As the universe expands, "pressure" of a different kind, is being relieved, causing everything to expand.

>> No.6624608


her ya go

>> No.6624613
File: 6 KB, 650x270, fish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh my Cod

>> No.6624620

"The color black reflects all light and white absorbs all light."
From a 48 year old man. And about 6 people my age group (20-30) agreed with him.

>> No.6624626

seafloor spreading is happening, but because we KNOW the earth is not expanding, the marianas trench MUST be eating all of the new crust coming out of the earth as it expands to the west in the pacific, and California is eating the stuffed crust on the east of the pacific. california eating all of this crust makes the midwest hungry, because it wants to eat some pizza too, so the midwest tries to climb on top of californias tectonic plate, which is why we have the rocky mountains.

>> No.6624632

>black reflects all light
>white absorbs all light

It's the other way around, you old fuckwit...

>> No.6624638

Photons exist whether they are active or not.
light photons are active
dark photons are inactive
they are the same carrier particle in both states

>> No.6624642


>> No.6624647

freezing cold ocean floor crust shoved under california makes magma hotter and causes volcanos
because magma gets hot when it's angry

>> No.6624691


>> No.6624711

>mountains are caused by tectonic plates running over speed-bumps in the magmasphere. without these speed-bumps to control traffic, the continents would collide into one another, and they would not be able to afford insurance because of their poor driving record.

>> No.6624727

various forms of energy pass through these photons with varying effect. likewise the photon effects the energy passing through it, which for one, is why the speed of light varies, and becomes slower over greater distances.

>> No.6625012


>> No.6625015
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I had quite the giggle.

>> No.6625037

oil in the earth's crust lubricates the tectonic plates. If you remove the oil, you will get earthquakes.

>> No.6625041

so if the earth is expanding, then the pyramids could have been made by children playing with blocks?

>> No.6625083

But.. humans are apes.
Really, though. It's an awful question, because evolution happens over generations. Why do anti-evolutionists think evolution transforms species into another in one generation?
If I split nothing into two, it would still be nothing.

>> No.6625636


>> No.6625638

The stupidest shit I've heard pertaining to science hasn't really been directed specifically towards me. It's probably one of the many times where people have these really distorted ideas of what qualifies something as a scientific theory and a scientific law.

>> No.6625646

actually I take that back, my answer is Spirit Science

>> No.6625656
File: 188 KB, 674x459, are you fucking serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got told this by a Satanic creationist (long story)
>Evolution is just a theory, we can't even prove where humans came from. They say apes but we actually share the most similarities with dolphins. If you look at the evidence it's pretty clear that we're descended from dolphins if anything.

>> No.6625669

I was talking to someone that my girlfriends brother introduced me to he was purportedly an intellectual who had a natural inclination for the sciences start a conversation about particle physics and he goes off about Chakra and energy and consciousness I had no idea people actually be lived this metaphysics bologna

>> No.6625670
File: 28 KB, 392x500, Can+t+unsee+Hitalchu+_7cb3129ea798da23cfbd9b4fc324ea5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on bus
>random 15 yr old girl sits next to me
>tries to make small talk, is extremely awkward
>has a bunch of bracelets, nearly anorexic, dyed hair, visible cunts on upper arm
>"s-so where do you work?"
>"Uh, I study astrophysics at Anon University, over by..."
>She freaks the fuck out
>Hurr durr vsauce neil smoke degrasse tyson hurr durr pop science i love physics hurr durr i think i understand anything
>I told her that half the shit she just said was wrong
>"B-but vSauce told me.."
>"Well, he was fucking wrong."
>I look her in the eyes
>"Fuck pop science."
>I ignore her whimpers the rest of the ride
>I shit you not she almost cried

>> No.6625698

this week in 'Shit That Never Happened'...

>> No.6625722


And then the bus driver stopped the bus in a crowded intersection to give you a $100 bill.

>> No.6625741

>visible cunts
H-how many?

>> No.6625771

Plural cunts all over the body

>> No.6625786
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>> No.6626058

Global warming will save us from the coming ice age.

>> No.6626072

>Antineoplaston research is just being held back by the FDA and National Cancer society, because the pharmaceutical companies don't want people to have a treatment that works!

conspiracy theorists are the worst.

>> No.6626073

>is this all over the Europa? I am not a earth scientist nor astronomist but I think this is a solid case if this is seen at "back" and "front" of Europa.

>Today they are talking about water on mars, which seem contradict other claims that mars can't have liquid nor air...

>> No.6626074

This guy is my favorite

>> No.6626109

I met somebody who seriously believed the aquatic ape theory of mermaids.

>> No.6626114

/sci/ revealed this to me:

Also, a personal experience: in 2011 NASA's UARS reentered the Earth atmosphere and there was a possibility that it would have fallen in northern Italy, where I live. A lot of of people where afraid that they would find a piece of satellite going through their ceiling while having dinner and my mother was among them. So I had this conversation with her (of course by probability we meant probability density, but I didn't want to speak "difficult" with my mother):
>Me: Don't worry, it could happen but the probability of falling here is very low.
>Mum: But are zones where the probability is higher?
>Me: Yeah, there is a band north-west of us that as a higher probability of being hit. Why does it matter?
>Mum: Well, if there was a low probability everywhere I wouldn't feel very safe, but if there is a place where the probability is higher then it's much more improbable that it will fall here
I then proceeded to try (and fail) to explain to her that in both cases the chances of it falling near us were the same. I don't understand why people have such a hard time getting probability, it doesn't seem counter-intuitive to me.

>> No.6626122

its a sound theory you moron. Did you not watch the documentary on discovery? They had a lot of sound science and its pretty obvious the government is hiding stuff. Try educating yourself

>> No.6626137

"You cannot objectively verify anything in the scientific method."

>> No.6626144

sounds like kaku

>> No.6626153

Man, school was great for these. A teacher once told us that there was no gravity on the moon. When I pointed out it had to have gravity or it wouldn't hold itself together the answer was "Well maybe there's a little bit but not much"

>> No.6626158

30 years ago we had hundreds of broadcasting companies. Today most of those have been closed, merged, or purchased, and there are only a handful today.

Newspapers and book publishing companies used to number in the thousands, and today they are obsolete.

This is because of the internet.

>> No.6626170

Once my electronics laboratory professor in high school was talking about even numbers (I don't remember why).
>You know even numbers: 2, 4, 6,...
>prof, 0 is even too
>No Anon, 0 is not a number. 1, 2, 3... are numbers because it makes sense to have 1, 2 or 3 objects, but having 0 objects means having nothing
>So negative numbers aren't numbers either?
>Oh yes, they are, because they make sense for example when you have to consider debts
To that I gave up making him understand that 0 is in fact a number. Luckily, (almost) all my classmate realized he was talking nonsense.

>> No.6626289

He was wrong about 0 but he was right about negative numbers, they aren't real.

Some mathematicians honestly believe in "dark numbers" and aliens who made them, and others who from a more scientific perspective, think of them as "anti-numbers" that negate real numbers.
I imagine it's due to a childhood trauma of learning that their parents had lied to them about Santa Claus. How do people justify doing that to their own children? In trying to restore order in their fractured reality, they invent an "anti santa" rather than hating the loved ones that had betrayed their confidence.

But what fascinates me the most is how many mathematicians believe in zombies. (The fLaw of averaging) Nearly every math whiz I've ever met makes this common mistake.

>> No.6626292

Are you me? And is the person's name david?

>> No.6626470

It's interesting because back in the Greek days, the existence of 0 as a number was a serious philosophical debate. The problem being that they thought of numbers in terms of geometry, and how can you have a line with length 0?

>> No.6626534

numbers were used for quantity long before geometry, even before length

>> No.6626566
File: 770 KB, 170x127, 9573_15dd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what separates man from beast is his ability to reason.

>> No.6626656

Explaining a friend about Curiosity landing on mars a while back
He goes

>''Wait...you mean to tell me they found robots on Mars!?''

>> No.6626831

> bacon isn't pork so i can still eat it

>> No.6626833

> missed twice
> still gets credit
what bullshit is this?

>> No.6626930

research has determined that chimps are actually more evolved than humans. They are visual-thinkers like many savants.
Most humans are taught language when they are young. We have learned that this is very unnatural, and damaging to the brain in some ways.
As a baby, humans begin learning by observing everything. Words don't make sense to them yet, but their brain is storing tons of visual information. They begin to touch things and associate textures etc. with visual references from day one.
Children raised by quiet parents who do not corrupt this visual learning cycle with language too soon, develop greater imagination, higher creativity, and much more. Allowing their "audio circuitry" to become more attune with their environment, they will posses greater musical understanding more rapidly and easily.

Once these critical foundations in the brain have been firmly established, then language can be introduced, and they absorb it much more rapidly, and it is retained more readily because of their brain's nurtured superior architecture.

Ask the average person what their earliest memory is and they will tell you something from about the age of 4-5. Their entire early childhood was corrupted, by language too soon.

Albert Einstein did not start talking until he was practically an adult. infer what you will from this, and read more about his childhood if you are interested.

>> No.6626998


or maybe loud people are just douchebags

>> No.6627339


>> No.6627511

well once you get it you'll have it for as long as your alive

>> No.6627528

>for as long as your alive
I see what you did there

>> No.6627815

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.

© Max Ehrmann 1927

>> No.6627992

>Aluminium-based complexes react with the electrolytes in the sweat to form a gel plug in the duct of the sweat gland.

not completely wrong

>> No.6628094

isn't it banned because it causes breast cancer?