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6614896 No.6614896 [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci/ drink, alcohol specifically?

What are your thoughts on alcohol? ex: Is it okay in moderation? Should it be avoided altogether? Does it kill possible gains (muscle/strength gains)?

Random picture.

>> No.6614903

> Does /sci/ drink, alcohol specifically?
> What are your thoughts on alcohol?
it's fun
> ex: Is it okay in moderation?
> Should it be avoided altogether?
if you chose too
> Does it kill possible gains (muscle/strength gains)?

>> No.6614908

It's a somewhat toxic substance that isn't highly toxic like other alcohols since the human body is able to somewhat metabolize it, because ethanol is produced a little bit during digestion in the body during digestion.

It also acts as a psychoactive depressant drug by working on GABA receptors inside the nervous system. Like any substance, it's okay in moderation, but it's kind of a shitty drug honestly. I'd stay away bro.

>> No.6614911

> Does it kill possible gains (muscle/strength gains)?
Dont have the stats with me, but it has been shown to inhibit protein synthesis to some degree post workout.

>> No.6614927

Does /sci/ drink, alcohol specifically?

>Yup. I'll usually go out and drink to the point of being drunk once a week. Usually another night or two where I'll have a couple beers with some friends.

>What are your thoughts on alcohol? ex: Is it okay in moderation?

It's fun and I have no trouble exhibiting self control. I don't know how someone can function daily as an alcoholic or would want to but it clearly can be a hazardous habit for many people. I have a family history of alcoholism and have kept that in mind throughout my adult life.

>Should it be avoided altogether?

Some people are apparently incapable of self moderation and the best alternative is not drinking.

>Does it kill possible gains (muscle/strength gains)?

My understanding is that those with informed opinions on the matter believe it inhibits protein synthesis though I am not adequately familiar with the research.

>> No.6614944

>Does /sci/ drink, alcohol specifically?

>What are your thoughts on alcohol?
It's a excellent social lubricant that allows you to match the level of thought of other people regardless of your default state of mind.

>Is it okay in moderation?
Of course.

>Should it be avoided altogether?
If you turn into a walking problem while drunk, perhaps. Otherwise, no, unless you really dislike it that is.

>Does it kill possible gains (muscle/strength gains)?
Perhaps to a degree, but a human gotta live a little before it dies, once it's dead it's bench press won't matter.

>> No.6614957

>It's a excellent social lubricant that allows you to match the level of thought of other people regardless of your default state of mind.
This times a million

>> No.6614966


Drinking to get drunk and drinking multiple times a week are signs of functional alcoholic. Try to quit now before things get worse. You cannot control an addiction.

>> No.6614988

i drink around 3-4 units once a week, the negative effects when drinking only a couple of units a week is so little only a hypochondriac would try and avoid them.

>> No.6614992

>Drinking to get drunk and drinking multiple times a week are signs of functional alcoholic.
>never been to a university

>> No.6614993

It may be, but it may also just be a sign of having a active social life. To tell the difference I'd suggest carefully observe if you feel a urge to have a drink
whenever there is a window in your drinking. If you do that's a warning flag. Feeling the urge to have a drink the day after a night of heavy drinking is another big tell.

These days there's usually months between drinks for me but back in my collage days me and my friends used to binge drink every weekend
and occasionally mid week too. Personally never had a problem with it and quitting that habit was as easy as running out of good opportunities to hit the bar.
I do have a friend or two that did what I did and turned into what I'd call a functional alcoholic, so it's not without it's dangers.
Capacity to develop alcohol addiction seems to be a very dependent on having a genetic predisposition for it.

>> No.6614994

Not very often, maybe once every couple of months.

Yes, it's okay in moderation. No need to avoid it altogether. Who gives a shit about gains

>> No.6614996

>m-meh penis

>> No.6615000

>my collage days

I take it you dropped out, right?

>> No.6615005

>Drinking to get drunk

I'd say it's the other way around, you're on the slippery slope if you don't do this.
Like being one of those fags that pour yourself drinks, always having a glass of wine or something within reach while watching TV or hanging out in your kitchen.
Telling others you "drink because of the taste".Bullshit - you wanna get a buzz and you know it.

Better to drink in the context of the party/dinner/club/bar with the honest intent of getting hammered to some degree.

>> No.6615013

Maybe he's an artist and therefore uses the word collage more than college as presumably reflected by his phones auto correct. A world of possibilities!

>> No.6615018

>being an artist
Also, autocorrect is for ducking plebs.

>> No.6615031

No man, I cleared collage with excellent degrees.
I did live in glorious Sweden however and over there drinking hard every weekend is about as normal as finding an American who thinks JC was a actual person in history.

>> No.6615038
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>> No.6615042


Neither, I'm actually a crypto-dyslectic. The awesome spell check function cloaks the true extent of my mental handicap so you could never guess just how retarded my spelling really is just from reading my posts.

>> No.6615048

I feel you there.

All my teachers praise me for having such great spelling, but then they make me do in class essays and realize the horrible truth.

>> No.6615060

I giggled.

>> No.6615336

>implying it isn't true

>> No.6615349


Don't particularly care for it. Others are free to do whatever they want with it though.

>> No.6615358

I drink about a pint of good beer a day, wine if i'm having a good dinner. Helps me concentrate, as i'm always a little nervous. I don't like getting drunk tough, it blows my sleep problems up to 11.
If i choose to get drunk, i do so in daylight, but it's exceptionally rare.

>> No.6615535

>Does /sci/ drink, alcohol specifically?

>What are your thoughts on alcohol?
It helps me forget how depressing my life is, and makes the future look brighter. But I have also ruined social relationships because of getting too drunk.

>ex: Is it okay in moderation?
Yes. Most people drink but don't become alcoholics.

>Should it be avoided altogether?
Unless you have extremely weak self control or some medical issues, then no.

Does it kill possible gains (muscle/strength gains)?
Not unless you drink shitloads and get a hangover

>> No.6615565


I'd rather and finish my book on North American geology history within the 100 million years(what can be more interesting than that) than hear people talk at bars with booze. They're comments are akin to shitposting on 4chan.

" I follow my gut instinct which I based my values upon."

"I got drunk after winning my first boxing match, my friends spiked my drink and made me roll down the hill and after a while, I got caught by cops."

>> No.6615942

You can drink outside of bars.

>also go geology

>> No.6615959

> Does /sci/ drink, alcohol specifically?
> What are your thoughts on alcohol?
it's ridiculous
> ex: Is it okay in moderation?
will it be okay when your mom sleeps with her boss because she drank in moderation ?
> Should it be avoided altogether?
I'd advise on avoiding it yes
> Does it kill possible gains (muscle/strength gains)?
alcohol = calories. The most surprising part however is that people somehow think this is important compared to other effects

>> No.6615962

>full denial

seriously man, even if you feel you have to drink your little glass of wine every day, you might be an alcoholic.

>> No.6615988

>have to
Nobody is saying have to, it's want to. Was have to an intentional word choice?

>> No.6616025

yes, "have to" points to an addiction !
You can both want to and have to though

>> No.6616816
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OP here. Thanks guys, I've made a conclusion. I'll continue drinking in social situations because it's really helpful for me, and it's usually extremely fun with the right people. Drinking alone is okay, but the hangover + extra sleep needed to recover makes it barely worth it, so I'm going to decrease the frequency a lot, I don't know how often that is but I'll figure it out. Maybe it's because I've been drinking a lot recently that the effects are more extreme. I'm going to guess I good frequency is going to be about once a week.

>> No.6618350

Alcohol is a shitty drug. Benzos accomplish the same thing a lot more effectively.

>> No.6618353

I'm against any type of psicoactive drug or things that alter the normal state of consciousness.

>> No.6618362

>never tried alcohol
>or coffee, sex or smokes
I'm not human.

>> No.6618439

>Does it kill possible gains (muscle/strength gains)?

I remember reading about alcoholic myopathy and rhabdomyolysis somewhere, the effects were only noticeable on alcoholics.

>> No.6618442

Fuck you, i need my methylphenidate

>> No.6618448

>things that alter the normal state of consciousness.
Jesus christ your life is awful. You can't even eat or masturbate.

>> No.6618452

>Drinking to get drunk and drinking multiple times a week are signs of functional alcoholic. Try to quit now before things get worse. You cannot control an addiction.

I've been drinking to get drunk for 6 years and I have no problem controlling my "addiction"

>> No.6618455

>Benzos accomplish the same thing a lot more effectively.
But they are illegal because people having fun and/or not suffering is a bad thing!

>> No.6618457

>will it be okay when your mom sleeps with her boss because she drank in moderation ?

Nice strawman.

>> No.6618469

>What are your thoughts on alcohol?
I drink it, but it's a shitty drug and no one would use it if pharmaceutical grade drugs weren't subject to so much retarded regulation.

>> No.6618746

Its crap. Smoking and then partying is scientifically proven to be 100% more rad.

>> No.6618759

almost never; alcohol is shit
psychedelics and weed instead

>> No.6619226


yes I drink, I guess it's okay in moderation whatever that means. It should be avoided and does make your body weak but our awesome culture decided it should be the only drug we should use even though cheap liquor is easily one of the worst things to get hooked on.

>> No.6619229


also it takes forever to get drunk when a bowl or a pill pop takes like 3 seconds easily the worst part about alcohol.

>> No.6620761

No. I think that recreational drugs of any kind are morally wrong. And I really have no logical basis for it, but I still can't bring myself to drink or anything and it bothers me immensely when people I care about do. Fucking sucks

>> No.6620782


The drinking outside of getting drunk I'm talking about is really just like one or two with dinner if I'm eating with a friend or something like that.

>> No.6620831

Our obsession with alcohol has shaped our world, taking to the drink is not a moral issue, unless if it becomes a destructive habit. I have seen men whose body and mind have been ravished by the effects of alcoholism. However let's be frank here we are all men of intelligence, a few beer will help take the edge off from knowing so much about nothing. I will never know everything this is why I drink. As to working out and drinkin, in moderation it is beneficial to your health. It is a vasodilator and it contains the 13 essential vitamins and minerals that sustain human life.

>> No.6620857

It will pickle you, per my old man. Therefore you will look young and feel old.

>> No.6620861

>drinking a cytotoxin for muh good feelings

>> No.6620864

>implying nothing bad ever happens after a group of people drink
If you're more than 21, you know the answer

>> No.6620868

It's okay, I really only drink because it's cheap and easy to obtain. I would have a better night smoking pot, or taking adderall, acid, or shrooms.

>> No.6620897

I'm 24 andddddd nothing too bad has happened.
vomited in my friends sink all over her dirty dishes.
stole someones bike horn.
vomited some more....

>> No.6620917

> neurotoxic
> reduces protein synthesis
> reduces testosterone
> increases estrogen
> promotes cancer
> accelerates aging
> halves your telomere length
> causes nerve damage
> has a negative effect on every single organ in the body

I like drinking, but if you read the research you will realise alcohol is up there with meth in terms of the damage it does to your body. It's one of the hardest, dirtiest drugs you can do.

>> No.6620922

Like for reals. Never understood the draw of ingesting poison to have a good time.

>> No.6620924

have you tried it?
the dose makes the poison and some people just don't care.

>> No.6620947

It has played a crucial role in our human development, if alcohol invokes a negative feeling, It is possible you have just been surrounded by shitty drunkards. Know your limits, life is too short to not have a cold refreshing beer after a long period of contemplating the universeffects it will help keep you sane

>> No.6621115

question for drug fags here

what's a close analog to alcohol in terms of the depressant/downer effect without all the baggage/cons of alcohol?

>> No.6621252

I drink if it's being offered, but I have to make sure I don't drink very much because I puke pretty easy.

I think it's fine in moderation, like any drug. I prefer weed though; even though it takes longer to get back to a normal mental state, it doesn't give me headaches, nausea, etc.

>> No.6621580


nothing, alcohol is basically the same as heroin except you don't nod out and it doesn't last as long and it's also culturally appropriate.