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6610819 No.6610819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of Sasha Shulgin?

>> No.6610828

He's no Sasha Grey.

>> No.6610832


He thinks different.

>> No.6610837
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Apparently he died 23 days ago. I did not realize that... Prior to that I was actually considering getting into contact with him

R.I.P., Alexander Shulgin

>> No.6610856
File: 116 KB, 520x300, alchemist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was odd...I was thinking about him a while ago, because I was infatuated with him, his work and his thought process. I decided to see what he was up to and oddly enough, he died in the last 12 hours. I personally think Sasha was one of the greatest chemist, with his immense amount of creativity when creating molecules and the willingness to test everything on himself for the sake of knowing and sharing with the rest of the world. The man memorized an entire organic chemistry book while in the navy...he was a modern day genius and it's a shame we lost him and his open mind. It's incredible that he managed to live as long as he did with all the shit he exposed himself to...guess that liver cancer kind of made sense after all. RIP Alchemist

>> No.6610868

Guy must have ruined millions of lives. May God have mercy on his soul

>> No.6610884

>implying those chemicals will actually do any damage to you

>> No.6610930

so the liver cancer was just a coincidence?

>> No.6610936

yup, do you really think those compounds are carcinogenic?

>> No.6610946

doesn't have to be to fuck with your liver.

>> No.6610960

>gives you cancer
>not carcinogenic

>> No.6610961

He made some really neat drugs that helped me (and a lot of other people) deal with some traumatic shit, I'm grateful he made them.
Reading his lab books (you can get them on erowid.org), he seems to have been a pretty great pharmacologist, not just hit and miss stuff...

>> No.6610964

He was 89 when he died, if we are going to be so stupid as to use a single case as evidence, then that evidence says all those chemicals extend lifespan.

>> No.6610999

persistent 5-ht2b agonism is implicated in heart valve defects. Psychedelics generally work as 5-ht2 agonists. Sasha had heart troubles so it's not too much of a leap to say that overuse of psychedelics could be the cause. However the vast majority of these compounds aren't even metabolized in the liver. Saying that they were the cause of his liver cancer is wild speculation.

>> No.6611013

not a medfag here so this question is not rhetorical...

Didn't most the chemicals Shulgin tried, operate at ludicrously small doses? Like, ~20mg on the high end? Doesn't that greatly reduce the impact they would have on his liver? Or am I demonstrating my supreme naivety here?

>> No.6611156
File: 51 KB, 640x426, HowmanyThismany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Liver cancer is the tenth most common cancer and the fifth most common cause of cancer death among men

>89 year old dies of cancer
>I smell fuckery! 89 year olds don't die or get cancer! He died so young.

There is nothing unique about his situation. Liver cancer is very common.

>> No.6611243

Overall, I find it interesting how Shulgin and Albert Hofmann lived to be as old as they did. (Although, as I recall Hofmann didn't have any long standing health issues/diseases that causes his death besides a heart attack) Dosing yourself with substances that have been synthesized within, say, the year.. well... may not be the wisest thing for your health. Do I understand his reasoning? I think so; imagine being inebriated on a compound that you dreamed up. That has to have some sort of a so-called "spiritual" feeling to it.

>> No.6611384

who invented Viagra?
I don't think this is a good correlation,but I also don't think that Shulgin used these compounds-what especially helps this idea is if you read his notes..but he took some hits for the team.
His notes exhibit things I'd be very scared of trying

>> No.6611463

Most organic chemistry requires a huge amount of carcinogenic chemicals. If he was 89 I bet there was a time when he was working with benzene without sufficient protection. His exposer from making the stuff alone should of been enough to significantly raise his risk of cancer. If he was working without proper protective equipment in his garage then I bet his exposer was even higher.

I blame his cancer on 60 years worth of solvent exposer.

>> No.6611683

Best post in the thread

>> No.6611693

The "exposer"s bother me

>> No.6611715

I once exposer myself to an entire classroom of children.

>> No.6611845

Watched Dirty Pictures as a tribute. It was alright.