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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6607808 No.6607808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any sort of scientific consensus around lucid dreaming? It's hard to find anything on the subject that isn't new-age bullshit or purely anecdotal

>> No.6607814

I think the scientific consensus is "it definitely exists."

I don't know how much else is known about it, though.

>> No.6607816

We only theorize its possible through evidence and anecdotes
We DO, however, have scientific evidence about dreaming in general, as your brain gives off more frequencies and is more stimulated in deep sleep, we still don't know the exact process though

>> No.6607818

This, they're doing studies but I wouldn't hold your breath

>> No.6607820

I saw a paper years ago about using lucid-dreaming to solve reoccurring nightmare problems.

>> No.6607829

There was a study where they got subjects who claim to lucid dream to communicate with an observer by twitching their eyes to questions, one twitch for yes and two twitches for no. This was while hooked up to brainwave machines to make sure they were asleep.

>> No.6607835

I have anecdotal evidence of that from my little brother. Apparently nightmares are easier to deal with when you can magic up guns.

>> No.6607898


>> No.6607909

Lucid dreams have about as much to do with spirituality as drugs do. In fact, OP's asking specifically for lucid dream stuff without spirituality bullshit.

>> No.6607914
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shitters like this one should be reported and banned permanently from /sci/

People like him are the reason /sci/ turned into a shithole and people lost interest in the board

>Ask a math question
"sage for homework"
>Ask a reality-related question
"fuck XD of XDD to >>>/lit/ XDDDDDDDDDDD"
>Ask a physics question
"How about you read it yourself"

Then why the fuck is this board created? What purpose does it have when almost anything science-related is literally getting banned because autists are reporting the posts as a "rule breaking" violation
Tell me, what THE FUCK am I supposed to post here? News?

>> No.6607927

4chan is a containment site that keeps people who cannot function in society away from it.
/sci/ is the dregs of science, the lunatic losers who aren't fit for the actual world of science.
It's like /fa/ keeps "fashionistas" away from ACTUAL fashionistas and /s4s/ keeps "redditors" out of reddit.
Embrace it. Or get the fuck out while you can.

>> No.6607949

Spiritual experiences are not science or math.

>> No.6607954

But its not a spiritual experience?

Before you tip your fedora at me again, re-read the OP
>Is there any sort of scientific consensus around lucid dreaming?
>scientific consensus

>> No.6607976

you are probably just mistaking shitposting to quality posting, common mistake made often by trolls, /pol/sters and /x/tards
Just re-read the rules if it's not obvious.
Any science and math related topic is welcome, and by extensions some stuff like engineering and gay sex (only from mechanical and performance, and maybe pick up lines part, not from feelings and such)

Math discussions are allowed, high school homework or 0.999 = 1 threads aren't
Philosophy trollbaiting isn't allowed, neurology is allowed
High school physics homework or "ice sun vs lava sun" questions aren't allowed

It's not that difficult.

On topic, brief wikipedia search instantly reveals that either scientist think it definitely exists or they have a problem with the way it's defined.

>> No.6609381


>> No.6610339


Funny you mention that - back in the day, I actually used lucid dreaming to stop my reoccuring nightmares. Had them for weeks, one of the dreams became lucid, and I 'overpowered' the nightmare, and they stopped ever since that.

Lucid dreaming is a really weird subject.

But still, >>>/x/

>> No.6610357

the study of sleep and its effects on the mind is a real science, faggot. some of the most interesting experiments in terms of profound results, came from the exploitation of lucid dreaming.

>> No.6610688

Dreams are not scientific.

>> No.6610701


top kek sir

want to elaborate on some of these 'profound results' found through the 'exploitation' of lucid dreaming?

last I checked, there is still no way to accurately observe dreams (personal subjective relay being the only option), hence no reliable way to 'exploit' lucid dreaming

so either you're being a freudfaggot coming up with subjective hogwash or you're claiming that there's profound results when there isn't any.

>> No.6610713


Basically I'm saying that until a machine that can objectively relay muh dream information is invented, all your dream shit belongs in >>>/x/ until it can be scientifically studied

>> No.6610716


Example: >>6610456

>> No.6610717

This, dreams are anecdotes. The plural of anecdote is not "data".

>> No.6611165


I suppose this depends on your definition of lucid dreaming: Is it possible for a person to dream while being aware of the real world around them at the same time, and be in near perfect control of whatever happens in their dream? Absolutely, I had that phase as a teen for about 6 months and I know of a friend who's learned to do that consistently. Basically, I'd listen to my parents yammer about things while I slept and comment on those the next morning, or I'd do homework in my head, or I'd just suddenly up and go flying over my city or enjoy a Star Wars adventure that felt completely real. And I'd remember everything every single time after I woke up, since the line was blurred enough that waking up was just a matter of deciding to do so, there wasn't any typical dream -> awake state transition.


The thing is, I have no personal experience of whether or not you can actually *learn* lucid dreaming. I had it, lost it, and now for the past 10 years I haven't remembered a single dream.

But I admit I hadn't even thought about it, but my nightmares ended at around when I had this lucid dreaming phase. It's kinda hard being afraid of heights when you can just will yourself to fly (and it'll succeed, 100% of the time). Kinda hard being afraid of snakes and facehuggers when you can kill them with a thought and turn yourself completely impervious to them. In a lucid dreaming state, you are effectively a God, immortal, invulnerable, untouchable, and your will is absolute and completely in your own control.

Damn, typing this made me remember how much I miss that shit.

>> No.6611232

two years ago (age 17) i did some stuff to induce lucid dreaming. i asked myself several times a day "am i currently awake or is this a dream?". I pinched myself to check if i can feel pain, i looked in the mirror very often to see if my face looks distorted, i looked at the clock in 10 second intervals to check if the time flows like it does in "real life" etc. and after two weeks, this procedure became one of my habits. I remember that one night i had a very intensive dream. i woke up in a room and the first thing i did was look in the mirror, pinch my arm, look at the clock etc. and i realised i was dreaming. i started flying, I jumped out of a window and shit like that. I was aware that it was all a dream and i became so excited that i woke up (in real life).

It was a very nice experience and i believe that you can use lucid dreaming for other useful stuff e. g. facing your fears etc.

>> No.6611429

they got people to sleep in an mri (on of those fancy small quiet ones, but I still can't imagine it was easy). part of the frontal lobes were active that wasn't in non-lucid dreamers. i don't have the study bookmarked or anything, so you'll have to google for it yourself.