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File: 33 KB, 493x335, webmd_rf_photo_of_thinning_hairline_woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6602865 No.6602865 [Reply] [Original]

What's the science behind balding? Here are some related questions I'd like answered:

>why does it happen?

>do bald people have a lot of estrogen or testosteron?

>why are there differences between male balding and female balding in terms of frequency and pattern?

>are some ethnicities more prone to balding than others? does this have an evolutionary reason?

>> No.6602894

I'm interested in this and how to reverse it.

I'm 23, I have thin hair and I have been told I'm balding. Apparently it is very noticeable. This is problematic for me as most girls my age don't find hair loss attractive so I need a solution to prevent or reverse it. Wigs and toupees not welcome.

>> No.6602909

Bald people evolved to fill the ecological niche of disgusting beta faggots that was peviously absent in the human race

>> No.6602935

Get a Buzz Cut.
A lot of guys your age are balding, but buzzing it off was the best decision I ever made even though I was sceptical.
People started telling me I was handsome (usually they wouldn't mention my looks).

Anyways, hope it works out for you.

>> No.6602952
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Stress hormones cause balding.

>> No.6602972

Europeans evolved to wear wigs.

>> No.6602981

>why does it happen?
Balding is due to hair follicles becoming sensitive to DHT

hair then proceeds to miniaturize, losing diameter and eventually stops growing alltogether.

no one knows why only some hairs are sensitive to dht whereas others (sides and back) are resistant

no one knows what the trigger is that turns these once healthy follicles to become sensitive to dht

>do bald people have a lot of estrogen or testosterone?

Your absolute levels of testosterone matter indirectly. Estrogen is not relevant i believe. Hell even your absolute DHT levels only matter indirectly. what matters is ANDROGEN RECEPTOR SENSITIVITY. This is why some guys can run mega-dose steroids and not lose a hair, others are nearly bald by 25.

It is possible to have low test and even be dht deficient yet still go bald if you have sensitive follicles

>> No.6602984
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What norwood stage are you? (see chart)

products exist to address hair loss
-nizoral (antifungal shampoo)
-minoxidil (rogaine)
-finasteride (propecia)

start researching bro

hair transplant is an option too - permanent but expensive

>> No.6603020

Probably around a 5. No receding hairline in the front. Everything looks normal from dead on but there is a big ass hole in the back. I never knew how bad it was but looking in the mirror it is awful.

>> No.6603047


2 here

Im 23 years old. is this okay

>> No.6603085
File: 18 KB, 308x390, OH YOU MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 years old and sitting comfortably at 2

>mfw guys from my high school who were dickheads and YOUNGER than me are already 4's and 5's

>> No.6603092

23 years old and around a 2 as well (temporal recession).

It's common for men between 20-30 to experience some temporal recession. It's called a maturing hairline. However, I would recommend that you keep an eye on it.

>> No.6603096

I have this and my hair is thinning.
Am I turning into Constanza? I seriously hope I'm not.

>> No.6603103
File: 109 KB, 406x364, 1394347523875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally keep my head shaved because.. fuck it.
I get this shitty white guy afro and dandruff out the ass whenever I let it grow, and baldness is in my family, so i've decided to take the fate of my hair into my own hands. I keep it sheared down as close as possible year-round. It feels great, and I save tons on shamoo and other shit.

Fuck you, baldness gene. You can't take whats not there, faggot.

>> No.6603162


You can achieve +/- 80% of normal hair density if its androgenetic.

That's what a colleague told me, and he's an authority on hair loss.

>> No.6603178

why do you guys care so much about your hair? girls wouldn't reject you if you're charming and confident. If she mentions something about it play it off. Let her know you don't give a fuck. You guys are so beta.

>> No.6603186

Google "The misc my hair loss story" for a very long thread with tips from someone with hairloss.

>> No.6603636

>do bald people have a lot of estrogen or testosteron?

Why do people seem to think Humans have only two hormones? Even if that isn't what you meant/what you think, I hear people far too often assume these two hormones are the only hormonal differences between male and female and think that they cause every single difference.

>> No.6603688

According to my BFF's hairstylist, dandruff causes balding.

>> No.6603716

Most people aren't exactly endocrinologists.

On the other hand, most people know about the sex hormones and that only males go bald.

>> No.6603740

less hair on the head is advantageous because bald people have more skin area that can make vitamin d, especially advantageous in northern countries that are cold and dark, when the rest of the body is clothed.

>> No.6603754


If that's the case, then why aren't women and children bald?

>> No.6603766

That's one of the dumbest things I've read in a while.

>> No.6603784

46 yr old and not even at 2 (is there a 1)

feels good man

>> No.6603790

The question isn't why do men lose their hair, but why we have hair on our heads at all? We lost most of the rest of our hair.

Some hypothesise it is used for sexual selection.

>> No.6604185

actually kids are less hairy than everyone else. and women get bald too, but much later in life than men.
how come? don't you re-read your own posts from time to time?

>> No.6604202
File: 16 KB, 400x267, bald-family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>actually kids are less hairy than everyone else. and women get bald too, but much later in life than men.

Then why is the guy on the right a chrome-dome while mother and son have full heads of hair? Do women and children need less vitamin D? Why do white men suffer from baldness way more than Blacks, Asians and Aboriginals? Do then not require as much vitamin D as well?

>> No.6604212

you dont get it. kids and women dont have as much hair as men. they dont need chromedomes. men grow beards. white men live in colder or more northern climates than black or brown men. they need as much sunlight on their skins as possible.

>> No.6604306
File: 50 KB, 610x544, rickets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But a pregnant or nursing woman or young child still growing would need vitamin D much more than a 35-year-old plus man, and the Inuit live in the arctic circle, and they bald the least of all.

>> No.6604310

again: women have less hair, so they have less need for baldness than fullgrown hairy bearded men. young children are bald or have scanty hair. inuit have a very different diet.

>> No.6604446

I'm the OP here, this turned into a shitfest quickly. I thought higher of /sci/, but fuck it. Let's get some things clear:

>I'm not bald or balding, just interested in the process.

>This is purely a scientific question, not a question on how to hide your baldness, or how to deal with it.

>> No.6604449

Shut up baldie, just buy a hat.

>> No.6604539


Southern Europeans get lots of sun, but they go bald even worse than Northern Europeans.

>> No.6605015

The Greek Ionians e.g. came from the Northwest. Migration period 300-500 ad. Spain was conquered by Germanic tribes. Also gibe citation plox, for your ridiculous claim.

>> No.6605020

Hair is considered vestigial by the majority of the medical community.