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6600475 No.6600475 [Reply] [Original]

Why do humans wear clothes? Why do we feel shame when we are naked?

>> No.6600476

>Why do humans wear clothes?
What is culture?

>> No.6600477


africans are fine without clothes, it's a learned behavior depending on your culture

>> No.6600479

Clothing reinforces the discontinuity of the human body from the rest of the world.

>> No.6600483

we wear clothes because the industry wants our money

>> No.6600484

I feel cold when I'm naked

>> No.6600542

Abrasions are painful and can becomed infected easily. Think of it as adding layers to your security system.

>> No.6600550

Because I banned from being within 500 feet of pre schools last time

>> No.6600553

Well, it's clearly mostly cultural, but there are practical considerations also.

Most of us don't live in climates where we can just walk around naked year round. It also forms a two way cleanliness barrier between your body and your environment. I wouldn't want to ride the subway barefoot, and I wouldn't want people sitting on my furniture naked.

>> No.6600562

but that's not why we wear clothes. We (most of us) wear em because we don't want everyone to see our funny parts

>> No.6600661

in other words it protects us from the harsh environment.

>> No.6600669

we evolved to feel that way because if we didn't feel that way we wouldn't wear clothes.

and our body wants us to wear clothes, because abrasions are a fucking bitch

>> No.6600716
File: 285 KB, 1369x1500, Famous-characters-Troll-face-Oh-God-Why-139824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this picture and why

>> No.6600720

>tfw tiny penis

>> No.6600755


Vsauce has you covered OP. It's a good video that explains the evolutionary link between conforming to society's values and survival.

>> No.6602457


>> No.6602483

Protects us from the environment and the elements.
Culturally reinforced value placed on wearing clothes.

>> No.6602488


I wear clothes because they make me feel safe.

>> No.6602938

It is an evolutionary advantage to wear clothes. They protect you from the elements (Keep you warm, block UV radiation, prevent insects and contagions from landing on your skin.) Hair is essentially used for the same things, but clothes are obviously much more effective.

>> No.6602941

The Bible tells me so

>> No.6603009
File: 697 KB, 185x171, 1376285965841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6603019

Because we were bred to serve as hosts for clothing.

>> No.6603209

god damn clothing get your own fucking planet

>> No.6603341
File: 163 KB, 694x810, before pants klk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6604126

Because if we didn't, us small-dicked folk would not stand a chance at reproduction.

>> No.6604502

why do you think it's obvious that clothes are more effective?

>> No.6606754


>> No.6606758


[citation needed]

This is not genetic.

>> No.6607504

As humanity moved north of africa it became necessary in order to keep from freezing to death during the winter. That's my theory at least.

>> No.6607529

and because spending all your energy trying to heat earth's atmosphere isn't really efficient.

>> No.6607532

the fact that you feel cold without clothes

>> No.6608516


Where's your science now fedorian?

>> No.6608522

What's the point of losing our ape fur then?

>> No.6608541

It's cheaper to steal the fur from other anumals than to grow it yourself.