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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 202 KB, 1070x898, studyrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6596476 No.6596476[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is computer science only mid tier?

-The richest people in the world are computer scientists
-The world wouldn't function without computer scientists
-It actually seems like a very hard subject

>> No.6596479
File: 147 KB, 379x304, 190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking this troll image seriously

>> No.6596484

thanks for clearing it up

>> No.6596487

there's like 10 different versions of this trollpic.

>> No.6596495

Because it's only applied Electrical Engineering, which is applied Physics, which is applied Mathematics, which is applied Philosophy, which is a shit degree.

>> No.6596498

>-The richest people in the world are computer scientists
>-The world wouldn't function without computer scientists
Engineering and all it's subfields can easily replace CS.
>-It actually seems like a very hard subject
Yeah, it seems like but it's easy.

>Why is computer science only mid tier?
Most of CS isn't MIT, most of it is shit and doesn't teach you anything that you will actually need to produce quality code.
It's just one of those "please give me a job" degrees.

>> No.6596501

"please give me a job degree" what do you mean

>> No.6596505

It doesn't teach you CS as it should and people go in it for money.

Are you below God tier on that chart?

>> No.6596512

Physics master race.

You can all suck it when graphene starts being mass produced, it will bring the future.

>> No.6596515

What about Architecture?

>> No.6596518

I wanted to go into physics, but then I actually wondered, "What can I actually do with a degree in physics?". Computer science has better payed jobs

>> No.6596527

Do what you love
Do it for money
Do it because your parents said so

It's cool.

>> No.6596529

>Do it because your parents said so
what if my parents told me it was what I loved and how to make money?

>> No.6596531


I'm beginning to think that you should get a degree in something which can get you money, and learn about what you love in your own time

>> No.6596537

mindless drone tier

>> No.6596548

it's funny because I make mindless drones.
"Machines making machines. How perverse."

>> No.6596569

How is everyone on this board?

>> No.6596573

I'm doing okay.
Had to talk to my psychiatrist today so that's always a joy.
How are you?

>> No.6596581

CS is not "applied electrical engineering" (whatever that means. wouldn't that be more akin to an electrician?), it's more like applied discrete math.

>> No.6596585

>discrete math
>not EE

Do you even Signal Processing?

>> No.6596586
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>god tier

>> No.6596587

signal processing is EE, yes. Computer engineering. Not Computer Science. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.6596599

because this picture was made by a dumb faggot

why do you care what retards think?

>> No.6596633

How about econometrics (mathematics applied to economics)

>> No.6596636

Sure, and Shannon or Hamming didn't do real maths.

>> No.6596657

You're really dumb. Like, super-dumb.

>> No.6596661

>look mom i posted again

>> No.6596670

RIP Anon.

I'm not sure how you're going to live out the next few moments, because it appears you're literally too dumb to breathe.

>> No.6596674

see >>6596661

>> No.6596678

I know asphyxiation must be setting it because you think this is an ownage thing to post

>> No.6596699

anal cunt

>> No.6596703

>thinking in terms of ownage
global rule 2

>> No.6596717

you got me.

>> No.6596764
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>thinking electricians are the same things as electrical engineers

>> No.6596784

>Why is computer science only mid tier?

because you fell for a fucking troll.

CS is automating everything and putting all other professions out of their jobs.


>> No.6596792

>PhD in math
>any job I want
>300k starting

>> No.6596802

Microbiology is master race. You mathfags couldn't compute shit if you're suffering from polio and AIDS

>> No.6596810

i am studying mathematics, and whilst i totally and utterly hate statistics, it does not deserve to be anywhere but god tier, that shit is a hard branch of mathematics and it is highly important for getting shit done

>> No.6596813

>Major in medicine
What? Does that mean pre-med?

>> No.6596887
File: 39 KB, 460x276, Robot-gestures-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CS is automating everything and putting all other professions out of their jobs.


>Robot doctors, online lawyers and automated architects: the future of the professions?

>Economists and futurists know it's not all doom and gloom, but it is all change. Oxford academics Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A Osborne have predicted computerisation could make nearly half of jobs redundant within 10 to 20 years. Office work and service roles, they wrote, were particularly at risk. But almost nothing is impervious to automation. It has swept through shop floors and factories, transformed businesses big and small, and is beginning to revolutionise the professions.

>Knowledge-based jobs were supposed to be safe career choices, the years of study it takes to become a lawyer, say, or an architect or accountant, in theory guaranteeing a lifetime of lucrative employment. That is no longer the case. Now even doctors face the looming threat of possible obsolescence. Expert radiologists are routinely outperformed by pattern-recognition software, diagnosticians by simple computer questionnaires. In 2012, Silicon Valley investor Vinod Khosla predicted that algorithms and machines would replace 80% of doctors within a generation.


>> No.6596890

>mfw I'm doing one major from god tier, one from top tier, one from mid tier and one from low tier

At least I'm not shit

>> No.6596894

I suppose I should clarify -
>Astronomical spectroscopy/remote sensing
>Software development (my university's equivalent of CS)

>> No.6596935

Where's molecular biology and genetics?

>> No.6596953

Short answer is that most CS majors are basically glorified code monkeys. That is what they are trained for. And that is what they will do for the rest of their lives.

>> No.6596960

God: ElectricalEng, ComputerEng, Math, Physics, ChemEng, PetrolEng

Top: Mech/Aero/Bio Eng, Computer Sci, Chemistry, Material Science

Mid: CivilEng, EnvironEng, Finance, Statistics, Analytical Philosophy

Low: Accounting, Law, Economics, Literature, Medicine, Architecture, Linguistics, Continental Philosophy

Bad: Biology, Psychology, Sociology, PolySci, CogSci, Communications, Geography

tiers defined as ability for a person within that tier to adopt the studies of tiers below without any trouble

that is my categorization of university studies

>> No.6596968

Geology should be mid tier, Econ and Finance should be top tier.

Where does geology fit into this picture?

>> No.6596969
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>> No.6596974

to the right of physicists.
Physicists work to try and unify theory so that crystal structures make sense so we can drill more oil.

>> No.6596978

I'll concede that Biology is very unique in terms of what you learn in it meaning there's little cross-knowledge with other subjects outside of chemistry, but Philosophy, Architecture and Linguistics offering easier access to Biology? Are you serious? This is just a thinly veiled "How much math is used" list.

>> No.6597002

I'd say to the left of chemists. Geology is, technically, just an application of chemistry. And yes, I'm a geology student.

>> No.6597062

What do people actually do with a degree in Mathematics?

>> No.6597063

You're also a fucking idiot.

>> No.6597068

Any job they want.
Really though a mathematics degree is prettymuch an academic degree. It's the reason why their salary is so high as the field of maths majors is flooded with Professors.

>> No.6597077

But it is. We classify rocks and minerals based on their chemical composition. Can't have geology without chem

>> No.6597082

>Implying Comp. Eng. Chem. Eng and Elec. Eng. could do Chemistry.

You gave it up as soon as you could and I know it.

>> No.6597085

I keep associating chemistry with chemical reactions instead of structures.
When I think of crystal structures, ceramics and metals I think material science not chemistry.

>> No.6597101

You mean materials chemistry? Chemistry is generally relegated into 2 major components, physical and materials. Physical is the molecular level of chemistry that most people think of, whereas materials chemistry is macro-physical, or physical chemistry on a large scale.

>> No.6597116

everything here in bullshit
your school is all it matters

a fucking wymyns study major in ivies is going to be successful no matter what

you might HAVE to do engineering if your school is shit though

>> No.6597164

Geology belongs no where near top tier.

>> No.6597169

Medstudent here, majored in engineering.

I would not trust someone who majored in "pre-med" with anything.

>> No.6597396

>$89K average salary
>10% of geologists above $120K
>Belongs nowhere near top tier
What the fuck are you smoking

>> No.6597405


idk the details, but I think there is a big distinction between geophysics and geologists. I have respect for geophysicists because they use math, and most things that use math are respectable.

Geology? ehhh

>> No.6597408

>Study geology w/ honours (basic 4-year degree)
>Move to Western Australia
>Earn >$100K annually
Have respect for the fact that it's the only branch of science where the students almost unanimously have beards.

>> No.6597428

>geologists have high salaries
>therefore geology is the purest science

pls, don't be such a plebeian.

>> No.6597432

Where did I say it was the "purest" science?
I hardly think law is even slightly scientific

>> No.6597433

For some people here, everything that is not math or physics is shit tier.

>> No.6597435

Computer scientists don't make all the money

If you want money look no further than finance/economics

The richest people in the world are actually investors

>> No.6597440

When you understand that the richest people in the world aren't CS but buisnessmen and marketing bitches you'll understand that the guy who made this, and you, both were wrong.

Ffs u.u saying bill gates is a "scientist" feels like a kick in my balls...

>> No.6597450

por que no los dos faggot

>> No.6597492

here is mine
god: phyisics, math, chem,
top range: all engineering
mid: the rest of the "-ology's"
bottom: non-stem
shit:language, womens studies

>> No.6597523

bill gates is a scientist

how does that make you feel?

>> No.6597597

Haha I'm an Applied art graduate, work as an Art director (Marketing) and I rule over you nerdy "Science" fags.

>> No.6597598

gr8 b8 m8 8/8

also, good luck getting a job faggot.

>> No.6597600

Be in Western Australia do an electrical apprenticeship. Dat gorgon project post trade 200k a year 2 and 1.

>> No.6597602

Surely philosophy is god tier in regards to levels of abstraction. Not even reality applies to philosophy.

>> No.6597625

Can anybody be able to advise me in how I should go about doing something STEM based

I may or may not be 16 years old, I've always been into classic literature and music. Film too. I've been regarded as a prodigy in writing and what not. Though I always understood the importance of STEM subjects, academic life just killed almost all enthusiasm for it. I don't think it's a good idea to go for something I'm not enthusiastic about.

However I've recently got into mathematics and I loved studying for it for the short period of time that I did before exam season finished. Maybe this is my life calling, maybe not. The burst of passion for maths was sudden and probably because I watched a documentary about it few days before. Plus, I think it will be more responsible of me to spend my time and money in a degree that could benefit me far more in the future financially. I always thought about an English degree now I'm having serious doubts.

Any advise for how I should go about my future? Any ways I could study maths in my free time without looking at those disgusting revision books?

>> No.6597631

If you may or may not be 16 years old, what do you know about academic life?
pls stop speaking in riddles.

>> No.6597632


well i know up until this point - the point where i have to make the decision between stem or humanities and theres no going back after that. thats why im asking.

>> No.6597673

>Implying it's true

>> No.6597906

Please leave.

>> No.6598362

I have an Economics Degree and I most here would be lucky to make the amount of money I make in a year.

You can make a shit load of money doing anything that has a market, so long as you are efficient enough at the trade. Just a few days ago I was talking to a Millionaire who owns is own company selling and collecting worms.

When it comes to profit many of those who "make it" are in niche subjects that you wouldn't believe or was so incredibly simple that you were to dull/too much of a pussy to enter.

Many Scientists and Engineers have a dilemma, As most don't really generate any Revenue.

The Degree does not make the person. Either most of you are autistic, in high school or still in College to realize that as long as you provide a trade that provides value to a market you will be fine.

>> No.6598375

Top tier. Please....the majority of Geologists are forced into taking Mudlogging jobs making <$40k/year. Geology is over saturated and any employer will laugh at you for having a major in Geology.

>> No.6598382

Yeah that's because


DURR Geology top tier. Most of those in the top ranks of Geology have a Physics Major from an Ivy League School. If you don't at least have this ^ good look making 40k a year for the rest of your life. And that's even if after waiting 2 years in unemployment just to get a job because Geology is oversaturated.

>> No.6598391

>statistics in mid tier
I don't think so m8

>> No.6598393

>-The world wouldn't function without computer scientists


>> No.6598421

Only a person who has no idea what CS is about would say these things.

>> No.6598451

Before the 80's just having a Bachelor's Degree was valuable. People would major in English, History, Philosophy, etc and were seen as incredibly valuable assets to companies. Then by the 1980's just having a simple Bachelor's degree was no longer valuable, as there was a large glut of Young kids with a simple Bachelor's Degree

In the late 80's and all throughout the 90's the next big thing was a Law Degree, then there was all of a sudden a surplus of Attorneys in the market and the price companies were willing to pay employed Attorney went down and there was a large glut of Lawyers in Unemployment.

In the Early 2000's the next big thing was a Business degree. Then all of a sudden there was a large glut of Students with a Business degree and the market for students with Business degrees went down. The prices employers were willing to pay the Business Graduates went down and the amount of Business Graduates that spent time in Unemployment skyrocketed.

This is now happening in STEM.

Major in what you love and have a passion for. If not, go to a Trade School, or master a Trade and exploit a market. A degree is no guarantee of a job, especially not in this market. You are not just competing with kids in the US, but also over a Billion kids in China and India.

If STEM is that passion, go for it. g

>> No.6598475
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>studying math is god tier
>studying philosophy is shit tier

>> No.6598494

Who do you think enables progress of research in this field? Try making your own scientific databases, microscope imaging software, protein interaction simulations and visualisations, DNA sequence analysis, simulations of viruses entering the host cell via it's membrane, whatever. These are not done by some high-schoolers, unless you don't mind computations taking millions of years to finish.

>> No.6598543

>Do it because your parents said so

What parents would tell their kids to go into philosophy or women's studies????

>> No.6598600


Why is music in shit tier. I'm an electrical engineer but I try to study music theory in my spare time. I can tell you for a fact that in my case I would sooner understand the whole of physics than how music works, it's a really complex field if you can call it that.

>> No.6598602

>-It actually seems like a very hard subject

It's actually trivially easy.

>-The world wouldn't function without computer scientists

I believe you mean electrical engineers.


MIT's CS isn't really a pure CS program but really a CS+CE (6-3) or ECE (6-2) program. All actual CS programs are "[i don't care,] please give me a job" degrees.


Students don't care in the slightest about learning any of the material (most also cheat, group project consist of one guy doing it and 5 others signing their name on it, etc) because they just want a job coding ruby on rails and HR demands a CS degree. Because of this, professors gave up any hope of teaching so the material became so watered down and dragged out, it can only be considered an massive farce.

It's not just limited to "shit schools" and is exactly the same kind of academic fraud that happens in the major programs football players take that don't teach anything but are there just to give the appearance of them getting a college education. (see: http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/07/us/ncaa-athletes-reading-scores/))

>> No.6598610

How would you guys rank a Public Health degree? Say one offered at UCI. publichealth.uci.edu/

>> No.6598628

>Claude Shannon (1916–2001), American mathematician and electrical engineer, the originator of Information Theory
>Richard Hamming (1915–1998), American mathematician

They were theoretical EEs

>> No.6598633
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>> No.6598635

Theoretical engineering is known as science.

>> No.6598640
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>Computer Science degree
>Making money


>> No.6598698


>computer science sucks
>102k by mid career

Stay rekt.

>> No.6598716


>Medicine low tier

Medicine will always be godtier

>> No.6598722
File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1369580082253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you retarded

Ivy leagues are not known for their physics programs, geophysics is NOT where the money is in geology and geology is far from saturated

why do people insist on talking about shit like they know anything

>> No.6598727

This. The poor mathfags are just too butthurt to admit it.

>> No.6598735

>work in Geology
>don't know anything about it

Ok. Whatever you say must be right, huh? Just because you believe it does not mean it is true. Most Geologists I know are unemployed right now.

>> No.6598742


You don't work in geology. No one makes 600k, which is the first thing that points to bullshit.

There's always a need for mud loggers, which makes decent money. Same for enviro consulting, which makes less. Anybody who's not a mouthbreathing fuck can go get their masters where O&G will be breathing down their neck to give them an internship that will lead to a 100k+ job in exploration if you're not a complete fuckup. This isn't even going into all the geosteering/geotechnical and hardrock economic positions that are always needed to be filled.

You actually know nothing, and if you have geologist friends who are unemployed then they're academic and experiential fuckups, lazy, or both.

>> No.6598768

lol no.

That's how things used to be.

>> No.6598769

OP, how the hell could you get trolled this hard? There are literally versions of this that are the complete opposite and such.

No one career is necessarily more valid than another, burger flipping tier ones aside.

>> No.6598772

>Students don't care in the slightest about learning any of the material (most also cheat, group project consist of one guy doing it and 5 others signing their name on it, etc) because they just want a job coding ruby on rails and HR demands a CS degree. Because of this, professors gave up any hope of teaching so the material became so watered down and dragged out, it can only be considered an massive farce.

Thank you for your unbiased, proffessional and trustworthy opinion. You can pretend you are smart somewhere else now.

>> No.6598781

Besides, you don't want to put your chips in O&G. It's a boom and bust industry. In the Early 80's kids were getting hired to 100k jobs right out of school, and that was the 80s. By the end of the decade they were out of work looking for employment.

>> No.6598782

Why is it that STEMTARDS look down on social sciences, yet study their respective subjects on universities organized by sociologists, get taught by educational programms made by psychologists, use gadgets made possible by businessmen and live in a country run and upheld by politicians?

Why is it that people are considered smarter the more linear and mathematical their intelligence is distributed?

>> No.6598813

>It actually seems like a very hard subject
Say's someone who hasn't even coded a hello world

>> No.6598881


using namespace std;

int main()

cout << "Hello World" << endl;

return 0;

>> No.6598895

Lists like this are fairly shit because only idiots would get bachelors in biology and stop there. A phD in virology has an average salary of 180k dollars if you're going into academics, for example.

>> No.6598906

I believe it has something to do with the fact that for the vast majority of STEM students have to invest much much more time into comprehending their respective fields of study which creates a sense of superiority for some reason. Have you ever met a Med-student that isn't arrogant as fuck? I haven't.

>> No.6598908 [DELETED] 

God: Mathematics, Physical science, Engineering and Technology, Computer and information sciences, Biological, Medical and Health sciences, Chemical sciences

Top: Business, Economics, Logistics, Geography, Military sciences, Human history, Political science, Law, Education, Architecture and design, Space sciences, Earth and related Environmental sciences, Agricultural sciences

Mid: Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Gender and sexuality, Cultural and ethnic studies, Family and consumer science, Social work, Human physical performance and recreation, Journalism, media and communication, Arts, Literature, Linguistics, Library and museum studies


Very bad: Religion

>> No.6598980

That's a common sentiment in CS. If you dig around a bit, you find numerous examples of it. EX:
>I have seen many outstanding programmers who struggled with calculus and never really got it. I also constantly see how what I consider to be excessive continuous math requirements in our program (calculus 1, 2, and 3, plus linear algebra) stops students from entering computer science…

>> No.6599012

>Top tier


>> No.6599018

how is civil enegeneering anywhere near high tier ? I mean seriously, people have been piling up bricks in an organized manner for at least 5000 years now, what's so revolutionary about that, it should be close to the prostitution tier ?

>> No.6599497

God tier: dropping out of university and becoming an entreprenuer

>> No.6599505

Uhh, don't go to college for humanities. If that is your passion just become an entrepreneur, 100%. Only a few things are worth going to college for nowadays. Also, the average person on /sci/ is 16 years old.

>> No.6599517

What an idiot, you need calc in the hot jobs outside academia (machine learning, computer vision, robotics) to understand what the fuck you are doing. Without math you are excluded from so many fields and restricted to basically GUI and web develepment

>> No.6599528

God tier: killing yourself, which is what everyone ITT should do.

>> No.6599667

lel'd harder than i should have

EE's are in true uber god tier. Don't give a flying fuck
EE course is the hardest of them all, assgrinded to red raw

Math guys are uber
CS guys just come to your house and fuck up your computer
IT engineers are just assfags who shit themselves seeing code
ME'S are guys who don't have any girls in their classes

>> No.6599762


Religion is superset of Business, Economics and Law.

>> No.6599990


The jobs that need Calculus are usually only 1% of the job market. Majority of the jobs only need College Algebra.

>> No.6600022


>I am an EE

>> No.6600558


>> No.6600566

It's because people think that CompSci == Software Engineering/IT . It's a branch of mathematics. Software Eng and IT are dead simple, pure CompSci is very difficult and God Tier.

>> No.6600590

Software dev is not CS

>> No.6600675

God Tier:


Shit Tier:

Everything else

>> No.6600686

this, of course.


>> No.6600731


They both require Calculus III, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra.

>> No.6600732

All of which are easy fucking baby tier math classes that are taken by advanced high school students via dual enrollment.

>> No.6600736

this is not true man
software engineers literally take zero of those classes
I don't even think they take calc 2
they replace math classes with things like UML diagram and software design/lifecycle classes

>> No.6600744

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo requires it.


Not everyone in high school is in the advanced courses. In the United States, some don't take Calculus I until 12th grade. The vast majority of high schoolers don't even go past Algebra.

>> No.6600749

Good job parroting what /sci/ says about every undergraduate class ever

>> No.6600760

>Cal Poly San Luis Obispo requires it.
then what's the difference between SE and CS there?

>> No.6600769
File: 50 KB, 770x948, calpoly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cal Poly San Luis Obispo requires it.
looked it up
no they don't.
those classes are hidden away in a massive list of "optional electives" that aren't required
pic related

>> No.6600781

Because Computer Science is a broad term. You can have programming, design, or you could be some random faggot behind a help desk asking retards if they've tried turning it off and on again.

>> No.6600796


I go to UC: Irvine and we need to take Calculus II

>> No.6600805

>Finance isn't shit tier

I never saw someone "studying" finance that wasn't as stupid as the wet and moldy toast I threw away this morning.

>> No.6600812

True, I heard for for finance careers they usually hire people with degrees in math or physics, lel

>> No.6600831

Finance major/Math minor god tier here. I saw the writing on the walls last year, that no one wants finance grads with no other quantitative skills.

>> No.6600860
File: 44 KB, 502x386, moldy-bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never saw someone "studying" finance that wasn't as stupid as the wet and moldy toast I threw away this morning.

tell us, oh wise one, how did you come to have wet and moldy toast in your possession this morning.

>> No.6600866

just wanted to post this. as mathematician, i agree. as partly biologist, i want to say that i'd like to have a squid to play with.

>> No.6600868


What's so great about having the "purest"?

>> No.6600869

Maigh niggah

I honestly think us /geo/s are just outnumbered by mouth breathing neckbearded Comp Sci

like this roodypoo

>> No.6600905 [DELETED] 


>> No.6600919


>> No.6600929

God: Spending your time doing what you love, getting paid well

Top: Spending your time doing what you love, shit pay though

Mid: Respectable job that puts bread on the table

Low: Burger flipping, etc

Absolutely Shit: Spending your time doing something you hate so you have money to stay alive in order to keep doing what you hate, no matter the pay

Any disagreements?

>> No.6600934


>> No.6600937

woah calm down mate

>> No.6600941

Math is applied physics.

>> No.6600951

please stop screaming at my eyes

>> No.6600955


I've met MIT graduate school grads that had a masters and were working shitty jobs <100k.

Of course their choice of major was muh arts and humanities and environmental stuff.

>> No.6600959

> <100k
>shitty job

How privileged are you?

>> No.6600974


I check my white straight male privilege every hour.

They were working (managers) at sewage plants and factories. Not satisfied with their job and <100k is low for people paying off 150k+ student debt.

My point was your major plays a huge role. So does your school, resume, and personality.

Saying your school is all that masters is inaccurate and pessimistic. However, I agree that if you're in a shit tier school, you better be one of the top students or going into a highly demanded field.

>> No.6600990
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>What's so great about having the "purest"?

>> No.6601007

I think he meant parents telling their kids who did bad in school to go to college, but the kids don't want to learn anything vigorous, so they take something like women's studies. Alternatively, they actually like those subjects.

>> No.6601020

I managed a water plant, and it was one of the best jobs I ever had. The salary was under 100k, but I had a 300k budget which was at my discretion. The "job" took about 45 minutes a day, the rest of my time went into research and development projects. Desalination, reverse osmosis, electrolysis, ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, and more. Plus I got to hire some of the hottest biologists on the planet.
Your friend sounds like a slacker.

>> No.6601067

Also, CS isn't stem

>> No.6601131

exactly how is stats important? And yeah, I realized it was hard after I got a higher grade in Calculus despite being hungover during the exam

>> No.6601138


what degree do you have? chemeng?

>> No.6601142


>tfw astrophysics

Don't care if troll pic, cry me a river

>> No.6601172

yes it is

>> No.6601179

>tfw I'm so insecure that I actually care about what anonymous people I will never meet rank my major as
electrical engineering is god tier r-right?

>> No.6601218

polymer physics

>> No.6601258

Science: Nope
Technology: Most cs majors don't have a clue about how a computer works
Engineering: No and calling yourself one is a crime
Math: Hell no

Clearly it isn't stem

>> No.6601377



>> No.6601881


>> No.6601888

Pure, abstract, theoretical CS is absolutely math.

Programming and web design (which is what most people seem to refer to as "computer science") is not math.

>> No.6602351

>Why is computer science only mid tier?
Because this was made by a smug shithead who wanted to make people angry

>> No.6602355


>> No.6604165


Try to get through Donald Knuth's TAOCP and tell me CS is for babies. Just pick one and do it and you'll see it's no joke.

Ever heard of quants? Many of them studied some form of mathematical finance/quantitative finance/financial engineering. I know a couple who studied that and work for Deutsche Bank... they are quite brilliant.

>> No.6604188

That chart is the perfect opposite of my beliefs.

>> No.6604220

plebeian detected.

>> No.6604252

God: chemistry, mathematics, physics
Top: biological/biomedical sciences, computer science, engineering, medicine
Mid: economics, finance, law
Low: political science, psychology, sociology
Shit: humanities, liberal arts, whatever else isn't listed

>> No.6604290

What about Genetics?

>> No.6604327


>> No.6604399

God: chemistry/chemE, EE, CE, CS*, Physics, Math, statistics
Top: bio, mechanical, finance*, econ*, Aerospace
Mid: Psychology, Geology, Astronomy, Medicine
low: law, business, IT, international affairs, languages, everything else

* - provided we're referring to the good programs that focus on math a great deal

>> No.6604413

I'm all tier. But honestly I think chemistry should be mid or low-tier.

>> No.6604419

>God: chemistry, mathematics, physics

your god-tier can't get a job after graduation. CS person can.

>> No.6604454

>good program

>> No.6604469

>your god-tier can't get a job after graduation. CS person can.
So what?

>> No.6604500


oh! You troll me good!

>> No.6604511

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize I was on /sci/. That explains it. I was thinking, "God, did they kill everyone who wasn't type A or something?"

>> No.6604529


Most of those jobs the CS person ends up going for are not even CS. A high school dropout could learn the skills required to get them, so there's nothing stopping a math or physics major from easily picking up those skills necessary for getting those jobs.

In other words, those jobs have absolutely nothing to do with CS.

>> No.6604568

>Pure, abstract, theoretical CS is absolutely math

and absolutely irrelevant to anything taught in undergrad CS. The joke of the "theory" courses you have can not be considered any such thing.

>> No.6604572

>Ever heard of quants

Finance majors don't get jobs as quants. Anyone else with a somewhat technical degree is hired and learns the finance they need in a week.

>> No.6604610
File: 231 KB, 1258x666, bill_gates_pioneer_of_compsci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you are retarded if you think Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or Zuckerberg or Larry Ellison are computer scientists

>> No.6604643

>Most Geologists I know are unemployed right now.
Most Mericans are unemployed right now.

>> No.6604646

> believing they're not
what about the Woz?

>> No.6604733


>> No.6604741


US unemployment is at 6.3%

>> No.6604742

"pioneers in computer science" =/= "computer scientist"

>> No.6604743

>believing fox news

>> No.6604746
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>engineering god tier

>comp sci mid tier

Shit makes no sense

>> No.6604749
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more accurate

>> No.6604878

Astronomy is really part of Physics, so it should be God tier.

>> No.6604884


>> No.6604889
File: 209 KB, 756x1100, 1392938700648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my
>The world wouldn't function without computer scientists

>> No.6604893

>read language reference pages and Google
>read a few external library reference pages and Google
Congrats! You are now a computer scientist.
It isn't that hard, at most it is annoyingly tedious when something isn't properly or clearly documented.
Such as OpenGL.

>> No.6604979


I said MANY not ALL, quants studied some form of mathematical finance. I personally know people in the industry (Deutsche Bank, Bank of America, ICE) who work as quants and they came from a mathematical finance program. They also happened to be interviewed and hired by people from similar background (MS in Financial Engineering/Mathematical Finance/Quantitative Finance or whatever you wanna call it).

I guess you were assuming I was talking about a BS in Finance, in which case you're probably right. But then again, any major is retarded at a BS level. Especially if you want to do anything remotely scientific or mentally-challenging, you'll need at least an MS (if not a PhD in many cases).

>> No.6604988


I think you should first google what computer science is.

>> No.6604990

Bump Chemical Engineering to God-tier and I'm in agreement with you. I'm not a Chemical Eng, but a few of my high school friends graduated from good schools in Chem Eng, and they are badasses.

>> No.6605002

how so?

>> No.6605033
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>> No.6605063

Well I never delved too deeply into Chemistry myself, but I digress: it seemed to me they, at least during their later years in undergrad, had to do a good amount of programming, math (and chemistry) in projects involving particle swarm optimization models (I don't remember the details. Like I said, I basically neglected chemistry). They also knew a fair bit about Operations Research (another pretty badass field, imo). It just looked like no joke to me.

>> No.6605082

>Try to get through Donald Knuth's TAOCP and tell me CS is for babies. Just pick one and do it and you'll see it's no joke.

>implying CS majors read TAOCP
>implying the majority of CS degree holders can even understand TAOCP


Just because a job is labeled "CS" doesn't mean CS majors get them. Physics and Math majors easily get coding and other "CS" jobs. In fact, more and more employers are flat out refusing to consider CS majors at all for those jobs since their degree means absolutely nothing.

>* - provided we're referring to the good programs

Pure bullshit propagated by CS majors as damage control whenever CS is insulted. All CS programs are shit, even at the highest ranked schools. The only exceptions are schools that add CS courses to a CE/EE degree.

>> No.6605136

>implying CS majors read TAOCP

Good ones do. IIrc, Fundamental Algorithms was a class text at Stanford (and might still be, I'm not 100% sure). My father studied from those books.

>implying the majority of CS degree holders can even understand TAOCP

In reality, the majority of degree holders of ANY major cannot understand TAOCP without excruciating effort, especially at an undergrad level. And by "understanding" I'm not even referring to being able to solve absolutely all of the problems but learning enough that you can apply the knowledge to your own problem-solving technique (it really sets you apart from the rest).

>Pure bullshit propagated by CS majors as damage control whenever CS is insulted

I don't think everybody cares about such childish notions. I know I don't. You can insult the field all you want, I do not take personal offense.

Truth is the time that I used to think that your major mattered is long gone. At an undergraduate level, pretty much everything is for babies, and at a graduate level it's all so multidisciplinary, the lines become too blurry to keep caring about which field is which. That's how it was in my school, at least.

>even at the highest ranked schools.

It takes 10 seconds on google to see otherwise.

>The only exceptions are schools that add CS courses to a CE/EE degree.

Well, how is CS not completely related to CE and EE? To me the three are so intertwined, it's often hard to tell where one begins and the other ends.

>> No.6605147

that's cute.

>> No.6605150

>It doesn't teach you CS as it should and people go in it for money.
That isn't a problem with computer science, is it? The list in OP's pic rates the subjects themselves, not the way some particular course is taught. If it said "CS at Midwest University (if such a thing exists)", you might have a point.

>> No.6605151

>Computer science has better payed jobs
you can get into consulting jobs as a physicist that are far better paid than any CS job, m8.

>> No.6605153

>It actually seems like a very hard subject
are you kidding me? CS is engineering tier of hard.

>> No.6605162
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>> No.6605165

If your parents tell you to do engineering, and you do so, it is shit tier.
If you want to make money and go into engineering to make cash, it's middle tier.
If you love engineering and study it because of your love for the subject, it's god tier.

>> No.6605167

This is what it comes down to.

>> No.6605169

how is anything below math and physics not "applied science" ?

1/8 wouldn't bite even if I was new

>> No.6605176

My mother wanted me to go into english and my father wanted me to go into philosophy. I picked EE because that is what I am interested in.

>> No.6605180

Consider it dumped

>> No.6605183

>how is anything below math and physics not "applied science" ?

>> No.6605189
File: 42 KB, 300x432, cover-web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer science has deep connections to set theory and mathematical logic, and other foundational systems such as type theory.
Homotopy type theory is an important new foundational system with very close ties to computer science - particularly in proof assistance and automated proof checking. As the name suggests, this theory combines type theory with algebraic topology - particularly abstract, categorical homotopy theory.
You can't be working on the HoTTest new topic in computational proof assistance without a deep understanding of Quillen's theory of model categories.

>> No.6605191

it's as if they want you to be poor and unhappy

>> No.6605290
File: 377 KB, 640x478, 25a51027b930c8233559bfef0998767dd467c589ba4965a1703045b8bf21859e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My mother wanted me to go into english and my father wanted me to go into philosophy. I picked EE because that is what I am interested in.

Good choice. While all the math majors are flipping burgers, you can laugh and tell them to keep the change. EE are in demand all over the place. Everything from electric vehicles, to power plants, solar and wind power is up 500% worldwide.

>> No.6605299

why is theology not god tier

>> No.6605307


>> No.6605324

"oh you're a linguistics major?"
>don't say it don't say it
"I just ..."
>fuck offfff
"LOOOOVE languages hahaha"
>tfw you have to make the physics analogy
>tfw they don't know what physics is either

>> No.6605338


is me

"how many languages do you speak"
>one, bitch. we specialize
"i bet it's like 40! you know my brother was telling me about linguistics and how it's all about meaning and society and"
>"actually it's about uncovering the systematic nature of natural language production"
"haha what? but like i could just say anything right now. spoon pickle i you me the cat eat! hahaha how can that be a system"
>tfw hate
>tfw i've heard the "cunning linguist" joke from everyone I know that isn't a family member
>tfw at least I'm also taking CS classes
>tfw can't wait for graduate school

>> No.6605425

>Implying CS is about printing "Hello World" on a screen.

print "you're a faggot"

>> No.6605429

You don't need math to be a coding monkey.
CS != programmer

>> No.6605618

>Be ChemEng
>Love what I am studying and doing really well, professors are bros, and my engineer uncle is pretty proud that I am doing very well
>I am actually pretty social and fairly good looking so when I am with my family or non-engineer friends they actually love hearing about ChemEng since I explain it well (has actually helped "impress" a few female friend). Feels Carl Sagan and Feynman
>I have never heard ChemEng being the target of discipline bickering, virtually every engineering student seems to respect it at the very least
>Co-ops and scholarships will mean I will no debt graduating
>There are actually girls in ChemEng, and by some miracle they are attractive too
ChemEng privilege is the best privilege.

>> No.6605625

What's your uni?
And what do you learn exactly in ChemEng? I never understood what it consisted in and what skillset you acquired with it.

>> No.6606455

I think anon was referring to the first real computer virus "hello world" it was a friendly virus that traveled around the world saying Hello to computer users.

>> No.6606465


>> No.6606466

Theoretical Chemistry is an exciting, contemporary and broad field: rooted in chemistry, it straddles the vibrant interfaces between chemistry, physics, materials science and biology, and encompasses any application of mathematical and computational techniques to problems and systems of chemical and related interest.

The research interests of the Oxford Theory Group include:

Quantum condensed matter theory: many-body approaches to strongly correlated electron systems and electronic phase transitions.
Electronic, magnetic and transport properties of condensed phase materials, from the bulk solid state to the meso/nano-scale level, including quantum dots and molecular devices.
Electronic and optical processes in organic macromolecular systems, including light-emitting polymer devices and biological systems.
Quantum mechanics of molecular collisions, including reactive scattering.
Chemical reaction dynamics in condensed phases.
Theory and computer simulation of soft condensed matter and biological materials.
Application of quantum methods to problems in condensed matter and systems of biological importance.
Computational studies of structure, bonding, reactivity, and catalysis in inorganic and organic systems.

>> No.6606474

Because author of this image subjectively thinks so.

>> No.6606483

there are a million variations of that image with different fields in different spaces.

you were trolled, OP

>> No.6606647

Theoretical chem isn't chemE. not even close

>> No.6606662
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>> No.6606687


We are some hybrid bastard field spawned from mechanical engineering, chemistry and applied math. As a result I know a bit about everything,

>know some general chem, oraganic chem and physical chem (chemistry?)
>know about some E&M, circuits, control systems (electrical + mechanical engineering subjects)
>know about statics, dynamics and strength of materials (typically all this is civil engineering/mechanical engineering)
>hell I even know a little geology

My actual chem E courses are varied, but they focused on
>reaction kinetics / reactor design
>separation processes
>transport phenomena
>heat transfer + chemical thermodynamics
>process control + dynamics
>unit operations
>fluid dynamics
>economics (yes gotta make money)

the amount of math isn't that much, most of time you just get linear sets of algebraic equations or simple differential equations. Most math I used in my chem E class was solving the heat equation (skiped most theory). The challenge with chem E isn't so much math, it's breadth. I studied more applied math for a my math minor, but I never had a use for any of it. I took calculus up to vector calc, other than seeing in fluid mechanics and saw it used a little bit. I think I had to do a double integral once for a test, that's it. Took a theoretical ode class, but it never helped me. Took 2 linear algebra courses, no one in my class knows what a vector space is. Took some class about applications of complex analysis, residue theorem, fourier series and transfroms, z transforms, etc..never used it, but it would be useful for electrical engineers.

>> No.6606688


Why the fuck would shoemaker be in shit tier, below farmer and prostitute? Also they're called cobblers, you stupid pleb.

>> No.6606689


bastard child*

>> No.6606691

I see
Sounds like an interesting major. Typically, when you're not doing actual chemical engineering, to which extent do you study pure chemistry? Would you say you're proficient in organic chemistry, especially?
I'm trying to evaluate how a ChemEng's proficiency in organic chem differs from a chemist's, as the main subjects I'm interested in are reactor design and organic chemistry

>> No.6606697



However, it depends on the school. I only had to take 1 organic chem class and we didn't have any labs or have to learn how to synthesize anything. My organic chem knowledge is pretty shallow.

My school only cares about the oil industry so my technical elective were spent learning about petroleum engineering instead of advanced chemistry, or material science. Honestly, I don't deserve the chemical in my degree, just call me a financial engineer instead, I make money.

>> No.6606700

So a ChemEng's curriculum will be more or less chem-heavy depending on the uni? Where do you go to?

>> No.6606703


University of Calgary, this is in Alberta, so there is a heavy emphasis to do oil related things. It isn't a top school by any means though.

>> No.6606733
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>> No.6606802

What's this meme called?

>> No.6606808

>Also they're called cobblers, you stupid pleb.

you might want to ask your mom next time, before you post again and make yourself look like an idiot.
Cobblers repaired shoes, they did not make them. I can see where you might fail to make the distinction, if you are from the ghetto, and wearing hand me down used shoes your whole life, you might not know any different.

as to why shoemakers are shit-teir today. most shoes are made in sweat-shops today. Sorry if I offended you, and your chosen career path. Really, there's nothing wrong with making shoes, if that's your ambition, you should go for it.

>> No.6606821

>surely it's common sense

>> No.6606826

So, what are the objective contributions of the arts?

>> No.6606829
File: 138 KB, 767x691, geobasket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>below prostitute
honestly shoemaker should be above engineer

>> No.6606858

>So, what are the objective contributions of the arts?
Implying that science has ever created a thing?

>> No.6606863

>>below prostitute

prostitutes should be higher on the list, but we underrate them so they don't get a big head.
they charge enough as it is, just imagine what it would cost if they had rights.

>> No.6606872

Are you mentally impaired? I didn't imply anything. I asked you a question.

>> No.6606874

God Tier: Cubic Science
Top Tier: Anything to do with natural preservation.
Mid Tier: Good people.
Low Tier: Evil people.
Shit Tier: Singularity Science.

>> No.6606876

>Are you mentally impaired? I didn't imply anything. I asked you a question.

Then I gave you more credit than was due, by allowing it as rhetorical.

>> No.6606879


>> No.6606881

This, as soon as you see "medicine" in god tier you can just disregard.

>> No.6606884

>do what you love
This advice is always very bad. You don't know what you do and don't love until years after you work in a field. Additionally, loving what you do is nearly impossible as an employee. I love programming, been doing it for over 14 years, but if I had to do it because my boss asked me to add a new drop-down menu to some fucking shitty dialog programmed by the last retarded programmer we outsourced I'd kill someone.

"Do what you love" is like "Marry someone that you love." Marrying isn't the hard part. This advice is useless.

>> No.6606891
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>>do what you love
>This advice is always very bad. You don't know what you do and don't love until years after

>> No.6606902

Getting a boner over Alba isn't the difficult part of that equation, it's listening to her bullshit for the next fifty+ years, dealing with the fact that she leaves the sponge in the sink or doesn't hang up her washcloths or is really anal about separating colors in the wash or whatever kind of terrible chinese water torture happens in long-term relationships. It's not the honeymoon you have to worry about.

It is easy to enjoy things, you do it automatically. Pleasure just happens. But it is not as easy to enjoy these things for an entire career. If everyone could love what they do, no one would ever have to get paid. We pay people for work because we know there's something else they'd rather be doing, and we have to pull them away from that.

This isn't being cynical. It's quite possible to love what you do. It so happens that I love my job. But that was an accident of fate, I didn't know I'd love this work, because when I was 18 I didn't know what work at 38 would be like.

My advice is simple: choose a field you don't hate. Once you're in the field, then you can find a niche where you're happy, but you won't know what this niche is when you're first going to school; hell, you won't even know what niches are available in the field you're interested in.

Planning on entering a field because you love it when you're 18 is asking to have all of your dreams crushed when real life fails spectacularly to live up to your expectations.

>> No.6606907

Is that really the best argument you can give?

>> No.6606921

It's an overinflated field, now.

Everyone and their mother is going into CS. Software Engineering is better if you want to get jobs in the field.

>> No.6606922
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I kind of agree. I wanted to make videogames all my life and now I've been a developer for almost 10 years... and sort of miss it as a hobby.

Now I live videogames even when I'm sick to the teeth of the things, and can't do a thing about it.

You kind of stop loving what you love once you have to do it or else.

I guess marriage works the same horrible way

>> No.6606925
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>study english
>have graduate job lined up for me due to contacts
>most of my peers will be unemployed
>even the STEMS
>they thought life was fair

>> No.6606933

Do you think there are any careers where there is sufficient renewal and lack of redundancy so that you don't end up hating it because of routine?

>> No.6606993
File: 108 KB, 720x530, byanyothername0355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my country we have aptitude tests, and ability tests to help you narrow down your goals realistically. Maybe as a child you wanted to be cowboys and indians, or a fireman, or an astronaut. Or maybe you were misled to believe that you could one day be president, or that you could play ball professionally.
Waiting until you're 40 to choose a path is crazy.
A fan of star trek, I wanted to be like Mr. Scott, so I knew at an early age that I'd need to take drama, and minor in physics.

a 24 hour day divides into three 8 hour shifts so
get yourself a comfortable bed to spend a third of your life in. then find something you like to do, because you'll spend a third of your life doing it. and last but not least, find a mate that you're compatible with, and you can spend a third of your life doing them.

>> No.6606997

>Software Engineering is better if you want to get jobs in the field.

It's also the most boring subject known to man

>> No.6606999

I don't know what degree to study.
I've been studying the three sciences and maths, and I like solving problems, mechanics style maths, particle physics and chemistry (especially synthesising drugs)

>> No.6607006

What do you feel is the coolest field to study though?

Consider the following criteria
>bragging rights
>being an obscure subset of a field of science or engineering
>allowing for cool looking experiments

>> No.6607027

It isn't about realistic goals. For my cousin, being an accountant was a realistic goal. She was second in her class, made six figures for her aptitude and subsequently hated her life.

People are pretty flexible and can do just about anything. And if you're willing to open and up and not try to identify with your work, you'll see lots of opportunities, some of which you may even enjoy.

It isn't about waiting until you're 40 to find out what's up. My advice wasn't "wait 20 years, kiddo." My advice was that you won't know what you like until long after you start doing it so don't bank on "doing what you love".

>find a mate that you're compatible with, and you can spend a third of your life doing them
Again, it isn't finding a mate that's the hard part. It's living with him/her for the rest of your life.

>> No.6607040
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That's how it usually is. CS should be taught as a branch of Mathematics and the theory of computation is a really intriguing subject. Blame the media and the silicon valley millionaires that heavily influenced how is CS viewed by the average person. They have no notion of algorithms and the underlying mechanisms behind the modern technology. The consumer only cares about the end product. Because of how popular it became, the subject was heavily dumbed down, and now even web-development is considered as "serious" CS, and if you know how to search on google for how to resolve techical problems you are considered "computer-savy".
Also, I can't describe how insuportable are people that think they are "professional coders" just because they know how to code a little in python or java. They learn it without understanding the fundamental concepts, and are no better than parrots.

>> No.6607052

And that's why CS programs are becoming more and more shit since that's the end goal of the majority of majors.

Undergrad CS =/= CS

>> No.6607073

Why's that?

>> No.6607118

Just do it for the money.

>> No.6607121

Photonics and Photonic Engineering
Plasma Physics
Materials Engineering and Nanomaterials
Organic Chemistry
Aerospace Engineering (be warned, it's glorified MechE)

>> No.6607141

/sci/ is one of the most easily trolled boards

>Year of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - 2014
>still taking this bait

step it up

>> No.6607151

Petroleum Engineering

>> No.6607153

no that's just for the money
The lifestyle sucks dick

>> No.6607155

You get to travel to places

>> No.6607161

And work in shitty conditions for interminable hours while never actually leaving the site
It's useless to travel if you don't actually get to visit the place
A PE's life consists of traveling to different countries, but unfortunately he always sees the same shit

Making 250k mid career is pretty nice but the conditions are terrible
I'd rather slave out in an office in a HF, work hard, make hundreds of thousands (or millions) in bonuses after 10-15 years and retire

>> No.6607563

Computer science in a good university is pretty god tier.

>> No.6607824


overjustification effect faggot

inb4 psychology major, psychology's a hobby, math major here

>> No.6607910

Psychology is everything in your god tier lol

>> No.6607937

>/sci/- flaming other people for liking science

>> No.6607957

If you're judging them based on how useful they are to humanity's success, you're a braindead fucking ape with no originality at all.

If you're judging them based on how fun they are, you're a pathetic escapist and the only real God-Tier is becoming rich, doesn't matter how.

If you're judging them by how "challenging" they are, you're a fedora-tipping pussbag that thinks knowledge is le ultimate goal of life.

If you're arguing about which way to judge them is correct, or whether your list is better, your entire being is already shit-tier. Stop existing.

>> No.6607970

Shit tier because not listed. Learn 2 read faggot, you aren't the exception.

>> No.6607987

God Tier:
CS - AI/Machine Learning/Natural Language Processing/Cryptography
EE-Signal Processing/Cryptography/Communications/Ito Calculus

Mid Tier:
CS - Being a code monkey
EE - VLSI, Power, IC Design,

>> No.6607990


>> No.6607994

>But I'm superior to all of you.

>> No.6607999

>Bill Gates
>Did degree
Yeah, he's a dropout.

>> No.6608031

>Good ones do

99.99% of people who have majored in CS have never read TAOCP. 80% of them have probably never even heard of it.

>> No.6608039

Pre-med is shit. Mostly because the majority of "pre-med" students are shit.

Medicine itself, though, as in getting your MD or DO is god tier.

>> No.6608400
File: 625 KB, 3000x2000, 05-Center-of-Scientology-Tel-Aviv-Bill-Gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bill gates is a scientist
>how does that make you feel?

>> No.6608420

>I kind of agree. I wanted to make videogames all my life and now I've been a developer for almost 10 years
10 years as an intern, dude

>Now I live videogames even when I'm sick to the teeth of the things
if you haven't made it in 4 years as a game developer, you need to start looking for something else to do.

>You kind of stop loving what you love once you have to do it or else.
If you look up the word "love" you'll find 10,00 definitions, so don't feel bad that you don't know what it is, a lot of people are just as confused as you are.
My 7th grade science teacher had a poster on her wall that read: Love people, and use things.
It took a whole semester for that to really sink into my thick skull.

>I guess marriage works the same horrible way
Some women love things, and use people. This turns a relationship into a "job" - dump that gold-digging bitch, and find a woman that appreciates, and respects you.

>> No.6608424

>my cousin.. hated her life.
we all have cousins who suffer from mental illness.
she might still be alive, if lobotomies were legal.
Accounting isn't a realistic goal, it's a fall back. Aim higher, and then if you fail you can become an accountant, but don't aim for accounting, because it's a dead-end career.

>> No.6608461
File: 28 KB, 413x395, 1395956281857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't get a job

is this a joke

>> No.6608487

If it was a joke, it's a bad one, as long as there are McDonalds, there will always be jobs for mathematicians.

>> No.6608517

Are you that anally-perforated sour grapes engineer who shitposts in every single medicine therad?

>> No.6608579

physicsfag here. I would move it up at least to top tier.
>lower than Law and fucking Geology
no, you are better than this my computing friend

>> No.6608590

>Double major
>One god tier, one shit tier
>Like the shit tier one better and want to pursue it

>> No.6608610

>letting 4chan dictate you'are life

>> No.6608676

>tfw math/physics double major one semester away from finishing and wish I did CS

>> No.6608719


>> No.6608757


I can easily take a physics course or two and get one of the best paid engineering jobs in the country, just because I studied mathematics.

Enjoy working 12 hours a day for 3/5 of what I'll be earning :^)

>> No.6608764

I hoped /sci/ was different from /g/ in certain aspects, but it's not. It's all just the same in that it's for the most part just a bunch of undergrads with the occasional underage or 30ish neet here and there.

>> No.6608766

Well that's what all of 4chan is basically, so no surprise here

>> No.6608882

How long between undergrad and employment before you're a neet?
5 weeks, so far, for me.