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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6592900 No.6592900 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think about "philosophy"?

>> No.6592906

Formal logic, otherwise >>>/lit/

>> No.6592908
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>> No.6592921

Its part of the gun you git.

>> No.6592938

specifically postaxial

>> No.6592943

It's a subject everyone should at least study casually. If you know your philosophy from ancient greeks to our contemporaries you will understand
where just about anyone is coming from when you talk to people and some more abstract concept comes up.
You will have much more fruitful interactions with people as a result of being philosophically litterate.

In my view philosophy is common sense 101 for all intellectuals.

>> No.6592950

It's armchair nature means it's the only thing people here are qualified to talk about. And that's being generous to you /sci/cos

>> No.6592957

What is that? A scar?

>> No.6592966

If you wanna be a knowledgeable person you wanna be aware of the history of the universe, the history of the planet, the history of life and our species in particular.
You wanna be aware of the history of our nations our institutions and so on and so forth.

Philosophy is like the history of our ideas, it's a crucial piece of the puzzle if you wanna understand something about who we are and why.

>> No.6592989

A lot of questions can only be approached form the armchair. It's your armchair work that eventually will give you some way of starting to do empirical inquiries.
But even today there are many areas that are crucial to human conduct that we only can approach from a more philosophical angle.

While we eventually will use science as the method by which to gauge the accuracy of our ideas we need the mind of the philosopher
to ask the questions in the first place, and interperate the implications of the awnsers we find.
While it is very much a armchair activity we can still be quite rigorous about it, there is little doubt that not every thought is of equal value after all.
Our capacity for such thinking is like a heuristic of the mind that we profit from keeping sharpened.

>> No.6592991

>take philosophy course
>all of it writing essays about your thoughts on a bunch of retarded arguments for why the Christian god exists.
Get bent, no one needs to waste their time with that shit.

>> No.6592995

Mathematics is inherently about priori (armchair) truths. Though you probably wouldn't know anything about that you science pleb.

>> No.6592998

It's an interesting field and /sci/ needs to quit the shit flinging about whose college major is cooler

>> No.6593008
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Daily reminder that if you are not studying philosophy on the side, you will never be a true scientist, mathematician, physicist, and so on.

>> No.6593022

I see, well let me introduce you to a novell concept; I wouldn't recommend taking a university course in philosophy.
Now you may go wide eyed and say "wO_Ot but you said!!11", here's the kicker anon: It is possible to study things outside of your education curriculum.

Did I just blow your mind or what?

>> No.6593067

"baggerdad geeta? nigga fuck off with that gay ass philosophy bullshit"

-Albert Einstein

>> No.6593076

I like the idea of philosophy. But every time I try to get into it, it's like watching paint dry.

Endless arguments about things that don't matter.

>> No.6593088 [DELETED] 
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I'll say it in other words. philosophy is plebtier and the only kind of people who read that garbage are sagan or NDT dickriders who think their the shit for reading nietzsche

as our great Ford once said
"philosophy is bunk"

>> No.6593123

>take philosophy course
Why would you do this? Philosophic literacy is best obtained with self study. It is the epitome of anti generalization and finding individual enlightenment.

>> No.6593130

That might be ideal, but there are people like the ones being described in >>6593088 that misinterpret philosophy and then use it to justify nazi propaganda

>> No.6593151

Stopping your own ignorance and arrogance are the first step to understanding philosophy. If one is not willing to take it, he is not prepared to judge philosophy at all. It's way too hard to convince someone online, especially if the person is already determined to avoid the subject at all costs.

>> No.6593569
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It's incompatible with science.

>> No.6593596
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pick one.

>> No.6593608

you guys should, at least, study epistemology or philosophy of science in general...
I agree with >>6593008 .

>> No.6593623

hey mods, why did you delete >>6593546 ? how was that topic different from >>6593157 ?

>> No.6593624

or, for example, how is >>6591735 now /diy/ ?

>> No.6593625

I think they were just deleting whatever thread got hijacked by that one /pol/ guy.

>> No.6593628

mine had only one reply: mine

it was about biology and right-wing beliefs. should I post it again? will they ban me?

>> No.6593634

sorry for shitposting (?), but I genuinely wanted to discuss that topic... (this thread is actually interesting for me, too)

also, can they see my IP? if so, I'm not sure they deleted it for that reason

>> No.6593661

I'll just stop crying and repost some other day... (I was waiting for a reply..)

>> No.6593744

>Endless arguments about things that don't matter.

What is: philosophy of science, of politics, of economics? All worthless right!

>> No.6593785

>ripping on people who use /sci/
>being a user of /sci/ at the same time

truly there is no end to your own personal faggotry..

>> No.6593787


>> No.6593796

But I'm a epistemological nihilist

>> No.6594863
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pic related
I laughed at your comic.

>> No.6594900

Far too non-pragmatic and pretentious to be taken seriously, unless we're talking about small, specific cases related to very specialized tasks.