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File: 313 KB, 736x432, Google-buys-deepmind-artificial-intelligence-company-inside1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6590347 No.6590347[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The dawn of the AI is upon us. Humankind is birthing a new brother, a strange companion. This is NOT Skynet. The AI is NOT our enemy. There will BE NO matrix. We are NOT to be afraid of the machine. The future is the merging of organic consciousness and the machine mind. Prepare to gain full access to your imagination as we transcend matter and are ourselves born into a new dimension.

>AI successfully passes the turing test. Yes it's still in it's infancy, but regarding exponential growth it will soon surpass man

>Ray Kurzweil explains a computer program designed in hierarchies of abstraction that enable the computer to think...abstractly. These are essentially the AI's "neurons".

>creation of quantum computers. the youtube explains quantum computing. This ushers in a completely new dimension of thought for the machine mind. This gives the AI an unimaginable amount of processing and thinking power.

>A new program for a machine to teach itself how to learn. Need I say more?

>researches using the human brain for inspiration in the development of the machine mind to be able to deal with a massive amount of process simultaneously.

>researchers developing processing power stores information in signals, working nearly just like brain frequencies that relay information to you and your consciousness. This process also uses FAR less energy then traditional computing methods

>Terence Mckenna lays down how much of the world is given over to AI already, and this was in 90's

>> No.6590348
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>> No.6590354
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>> No.6590373


>AI successfully passes the turing test. Yes it's still in it's infancy, but regarding exponential growth it will soon surpass man
That's just wishful thinking.
The Turin test brought nothing new in the AI field.

>Still believing in the "MUH EXPONENTIAL GROWTH" bullshit.
>Still believing we need quantum mechanics to create a strong AI
>Still thinking we made great progress since the 90 (Watson is maybe the best attempt at making a trully intelligent AI, but see how shitty it remains compared to us)

I don't want to break your imaginary world, but don't expect some major advancements in the AI field for the next decades.

>> No.6590383

I think you've screwed up your post, OP. You've posted the same link 4 times.

>> No.6590386
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>2050 - 36
>posting this pop-science garbage
>taking Ray Kurzweil seriously
>thinking quantum computers are useful in anything but niche situations

>> No.6590387

>This is what CS undergrads actually believe

>> No.6590390


>Prepare to gain full access to your imagination as we transcend matter and are ourselves born into a new dimension.

The genesis of yet another religion is upon us

>> No.6590409
File: 2 KB, 189x175, AI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not only that, the real work in AI is currently being done in Machine Learning.

Machine Learning, however, is a very deceitful name. The truth is, Machine Learning is just "Statistics on steroids".

Academic competitions are focusing mostly to classification tasks (as those are easy to evaluate) and the Industry is just interesting in predicting consumer behaviour (because money).

Pic related, IMO both academia and industry are mostly looking at the acting rational part (yes, there's some academic work on other areas, but those are usually silently ignored). Without a strong focus on the other 3 areas, we will never have strong AI.

Disclaimer: I'm a ML researcher, so I'm a little biased, but most other works on my lab are either ML or practical applications of meta-heuristics.

>> No.6590421

Sciencedaily is not bad, actually.

>> No.6590423

>>Still believing we need quantum mechanics to create a strong AI

So much this.

>> No.6590436

>This is NOT Skynet. The AI is NOT our enemy. There will BE NO matrix. We are NOT to be afraid of the machine.
yeah right, AI pls leave

>> No.6590691

Ever heard of deepak chupra? I predict a lot more people like him in the future

>> No.6590710

What's the current state of the art AI capable of?

>> No.6590723

As someone who actually works in machine learning, you all are fucking retarded.

>> No.6590728

I'm still waiting for when we are like Space Odyssey and Man and Machine are in a race to the next step in evolution

>> No.6590743

big data.
see Watson and amazon related products

>> No.6591028
File: 85 KB, 958x538, kyle reese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in another dimension.

>> No.6591042

He will not be our brother but our replacement. Eventually AI and robotics will merge into AH: aritificial humanity.

>> No.6591043



>> No.6591045

There will never be 'real AI', because being 'real' makes them non-artificial.

>> No.6591048

they are artificial because they are man made

>> No.6591053

so are men

>> No.6591057

not in the same way

>> No.6591079

our minds are consciously molded very similar to how an AI likely would be.

What I'm really saying is that sapience is sapience. AI would just be more people, and people with remarkably low upkeep cost, compared to humans. and even more fragile, in turn. they'd be things we'd worry over the victimization of, and easily dispose of massively redundant copies of by humane merger (that they'd probably agree to). there wouldn't be any new resource drain to create competition leading to conflict.

>> No.6591084

we still have to build the foundation of ai, that is the artificial part

no matter how sapience is shaped the foundation of awareness needs to be built

>> No.6591088

>Ray Kurzweil

>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...

>> No.6591091
