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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 28 KB, 400x400, TheHollowEarth_900px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6583882 No.6583882[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think about the hollow earth theory? I was listening to Coast to Coast which is a pretty good pop science radio station that talks about the rothschilds and how they control the gateway to the hinterworld.

Anyways, the idea is that the disasters of modern times aren't a result of global warming or aliens, but infact because of turmoil in the hinterworld.

The ancient aliens that taught humans how to build pyramids in the Andes, Egypt, and in Asia were in fact derons from the inside the outer earth sphere.

In biblical times the Hebrews grew jealous and fought the wise derons, and as a result of the Hebrews swindling and absorbing dark cultures the derons were outnumbered and created the genetically advanced caucasoid people to contest Hebrew domination by seeding civilization in Europe, notably with peoples migrating south to Italy, two brothers who would found Rome named Romulus and Remus.

After the fall of the second temple the hebrews vowed to fight to enslave the europeans from exile, and ever since have kept the secrets of the hollow earth and built projects to keep the gateways under wraps. The modern rothschild family and its connections into the illuminati continue this crusade.

So, now adays the Deron are using techniques to weaken the illuminati stranglehold on the hinterworld gates by superheating parts of the earth's crust causing the 2004 Tsunami, hurricanes, 2011 tsunami and fukashima, and countless other modern disasters. There is even a theory that Jesus was a deron infiltrator and the second coming is going to be the rally of the aryan people to destroy the ancient illuminati and restore freedom for the deron and their european Caucasoid children.

>> No.6583894

>coast to coast am
>pop sci

OP it was a good effort but the key is subtlety. you'll probably hook a few people in who don't know anything about c2c but cmon.

that said, coast to coast rules. my favorite and only source of played-straight paranormal pseudoscience silliness

>> No.6583915

>Hollow Earth Theory
Leave, go to >>>/x/. It's not even a scientific theory.

>> No.6583946

I think you're lost. This is /sci/, not

>> No.6583948
File: 19 KB, 400x390, 26e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you fucking retarded? How is it not a scientific theory? It's a theory, not proven, but it's something that can be tested and explored. I'm sure you're one of those cocksucking fagots that thinks steam coming from cooling towers in sky scrapers is CO2 that's poising the atmosphere and killing muh polar bears.

>> No.6583955


Here's a challenge OP instead of asking people on the internet about it. Why don't you go start digging a hole and seeing if that theory is false or not.

Protip: It's not hollow.

>> No.6583962
File: 45 KB, 604x479, sfw-porn-1225143605-50835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose with the coriolis effect it would be plausible for the earth to be hollow, with cepritial force providing the illusion of gravity. Given that we are the only planet in the galaxy with complex sentient life on it, the fact that an alien race could have created an earth super structure and dwell within it is plausible. We could be evolved from bacteria from their shit for all we know.

>> No.6583963

Nice trollbait.

>> No.6583964

>How is it not a scientific theory?
The guy you were replying to is wrong, it IS a theory.

But it's a wrong theory.

>> No.6583967

>How is it not a scientific theory
Because it's not, now go to >>>/x/.
It's already been disproven, just look at the way S-waves and P-waves move through the Earth.

It's not a scientific theory. You are confusing the scientific definition of theory with the laymans definition.

>> No.6583976

Batshit conspiracy theory aside -
The earth has a magnetic field.
Do you realize how huge of a fucking magnet it would take to create that large of a field?
We're talking a measureable field thousands of km from the source.
Even the most powerful man-created magnetic fields cannot compare (approximately 100T, not enough magnetic field to be detectable from 10's of km) away.
Just that one scientific fact completely destroys this batshit conspiracy faith (I hesitate to really call it a theory)

>> No.6584030 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 640x480, 1402110994330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stick a go pro into a fish tank and see what the fish see. You wouldn't believe there was another world if you were a fish. Open your mind you ignoramus.

Sounds like you're blue pilled. Take the green pill and open your mind to alternate realities. We don't have the technology to prove or disprove the hollow earth.

>> No.6584046
File: 3.52 MB, 5616x3744, Child-blowing-bubbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If planets are bubbles it would certainly help explain the big bang theory. god farted in the bathtub

>> No.6584048
File: 17 KB, 233x285, Down_Syndrome_child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6584070

>Hollow Earth Theory
This is not a theory.
It predicts nothing, it has no formalism behind it and fails in everything.

In short, get this shit out of /sci/ and never come back fuckface.


>> No.6584071
File: 140 KB, 645x773, 1396932983821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we're the ones at the center, and the hollow earth is the universe?

>> No.6584097

there are many ways to do anything
but there is only one way to do nothing

theorizing is doing nothing
if you want to prove your theory
start digging

>> No.6584126

>We don't have the technology to prove or disprove the hollow earth.
Except we do. There are probably hundreds of ways of proving this too with modern technology. But please if you have any scientific evidence to the contrary please share.

>> No.6584129

yeah nah, theories have something backing them.
It's a hypothesis with no backing to it essentially; get this shit out of here.

>> No.6584134

How does GPS work in a flat/hollow/sinusoidal world?

>> No.6584158

If you are going to use that word learn to use it properly.

>> No.6584169

so when we landed on the moon, were we actually in china
and thus the term moonspeak was created?

>> No.6584212

>It's a hypothesis with no backing to it essentially;

there's no backing to the "iron core" theory
for all me know it could be dark matter down there.

>> No.6584224

>If you are going to use that word learn to use it properly.
I too thought it meant NY/NJ accent.