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File: 297 KB, 544x448, ionosphere-electricity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6579476 No.6579476[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.6579478

didn't watch video, but of course you can gather energy using an antenna. Doesn't mean it's free though

>> No.6579481
File: 179 KB, 1280x1185, eso0907a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to keep the OP-post quite clear, so I'm going to continue the story here:

Nikola Tesla had very secretive notebook which was actually gathered by NSA(it was USA-Alien-Investigation Department , for reason unknown) after his death.

That is known fact as well as this; Nikola Tesla brought black secretive box to a car engine exhibition where he was hired to. The black box let the car drive for several days (Source saying it was 7 days, without an ending of the power) with an speed of 90 MPH. Because car was only tested for these 7 days.

I knew it must of been the ionospheres iones because they are quite related to the electrones. And with an antenna the electricity is very plausibly collectable; Like Teslas tower did.

Now: I didn't test that claim, but I knew that it must've been possible (with concequenses though, gathering ionosphere must make some kind of inbalance to ionosphere) and now that saw that video, which is LEGIT, I believe in gathering ionosphere.

Please contribute your experiences and comments into this and maybe some of you actually get will to do this experiment.

>> No.6579483

Shit guys it's free electricity straight out from your house power line!
Call the fucking press!!!!

Seriously though how do you think radios work? Jesus Christ these threads

>> No.6579484
File: 1.85 MB, 400x300, 1400867693804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the measurement of the energy gained compared to the size of the antenna?

It is free in sense of money (only cost of antenna and equipment though).

I think it can give a lot more energy than solar panels and wind, dont you think?

>> No.6579486

So you think this is not legit? That the voltage of 1-2 A came from actually house power lines?

Maybe its time for you to move to >>>/b/ fucking stupid american eunuch.

>> No.6579487

>It is free in sense of money
It comes from the power lines/radio masts/house hold appliances, and it's not free it increases the load on the said devices by amount greater than what you get out.

>> No.6579491

Yea of course it's legit, legit the same way radio is legit.
The power still comes from the nearest power line/radio mast what ever.

This is like high school stuff, did you not finish it?

>> No.6579492


No thanks. Maybe if said something besides "discuss" I would have a reason to look at it.

>> No.6579497
File: 351 KB, 473x259, 1400868255442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If such device would be built into a house and you wouldnt have anykind of deal with electric company; -> You would be stealing electricity from .. power lines? from electric companies?

So this is wireless-electricity gathering antenna?

What don't I see here, why could Tesla probably get energy from ionosphere(?)(/wireless electricity of air) when there weren't so many electricity factories in the 1700's when he lived?

>> No.6579502

haven't seen any evidence of that.

>electricity factories
You should just stop posting already you have no understanding of even basic physics.

>> No.6579510

So tell me mister masters degree in physics (probably not, kiddy):

Where does this antenna leech energy from? What is the source of that energy?
what? are you like 16? cant you have a discussion without being a retard?

You are saying the antenna leeches energy from the nearest power line? So if such device would be built in home, for example basement and you wouldnt have own electricity-company-deal you would be just leeching "free energy" , can this be detected by electricity company? Can they detect the location of such harnessing?

>> No.6579516

>for example basement


>> No.6579522

>Where does this antenna leech energy from?
Depends where he is using it, closest energy source is most likely nearby house wiring, a power cable or radio mast.

>without being a retard?
You just called power plants "electricity factories" Not sure why are you calling me a retard. Besides it was an additional ridiculing point after i explained what was going on.

> "free energy"
it's just as free as getting your car jump cable and hooking it into the power line, just less efficient and more expensive. No they won't notice if you steal 1 or 2 wat, if you steal an amount you can use they will naturally notice and probably find the giant antenna farm you have set up conveniently under the power line. Just don't use that word combination ever again you don't know what it means, or at the very least clarify that you mean "free" as in it doesn't cost me anything when i steal it.
But hey FREE energy guise!

>> No.6579527

>implying that the materials of basements walls cant be controlled so electricity passes through

what a moron, can you please just hide the thread already and go dwell in water and do whatever the fuck you do normally, like jerking off to childrens pictures?

>> No.6579528

This, it is just capturing EMR and turning it into DC.
It is less efficient than solar which is saying something.

>> No.6579530

you can pull energy from interstellar radio sources, its just going to be weak. Energy scavengers work.