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File: 116 KB, 328x448, Carl_Sagan_Planetary_Society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6572024 No.6572024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of this guy?

>> No.6572031

I liked his show "bill nye the science man".

>> No.6573765

Best fucking explanations ever! Also very good at making predictions.

>> No.6573877

Explained science to the masses who liked science in school but couldn't stand the boring as fuck teaching methods of the teachers.

I'd have helped him bury a dead hooker anytime. Even though I was only 12 when he died.

>> No.6573889 [DELETED] 

A totally euphoric fuck
Made 95% of american youth into fedora tippers by making it seem like religion has no role in science
Also really fucking arrogant, thinks he's smarter than anyone else

>> No.6573903

I think the internet is more to blame for the fedora tippers of today.

>Also really fucking arrogant, thinks he's smarter than anyone else

He probably was smarter than 99% of people

>> No.6573914

An awesome man.

>> No.6573929


Really good scientists. It's a pity that much like Dawkins his scientific career has been overshadowed by his public persona.

He was also very good with words. Not to discredit mister Tyson, but Mr. Sagan had a poetic relationship with literature.

That being said it is unfortunate that he was so anti-theisist in his show. It would have been much better to ignore the topic and let people deal with it on their own, rather than being controversial about it.

>> No.6573931


was Feynman the only guy who didn't really talk about theism or God in his talks?

>> No.6573935

10/10 would bang

>> No.6573962

He talked about it but it was always in service of a bigger point rather than bashing religion for its own sake.

>> No.6573964

>Made 95% of american youth into fedora tippers by making it seem like religion has no role in science
That's because religion has no role in science.

Asimov was a genius. He had impressive understanding of complex concepts, great memory, and was an awesome story teller. And he said he had only known two people smarter than him. One was Carl Sagan.

>> No.6573970 [DELETED] 

>religion has no role in science
If only I had enough fedoras to tip

>> No.6573977

If only I had enough people to tip your mom.

>> No.6573979

he, himself, was an atheist obviously. but in his book "the meaning of it all", he talked a bit about religion and he didn't think religion had no role in science.


yea and how do you explain, two of the best physicist ever to have lived, thought the opposite?

in the end, it all comes down to how you use religion and science.

>> No.6573992
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I agree with him on pic related

>> No.6574168

That's an embarassingly bad argument.

>> No.6574193


yea and how's your or his different from it?

>asimov said carl sagan was one of the smartest guy

>sagan thought religion had no role in science therefore it must be true

>> No.6574202


>didn't think religion had no role in science.
Correction: >thought religion had a role in science

Don't use double negation like an idiot.

>> No.6574216

Using double negation is a very fun exercise to carry out.
I use it frequently so that I can tell the truth yet get the same result as if I where to lie.

"Yeah, it's not like I'm not the guy who ate all your food, and even if I did it's not like I would'nt regret it if I were caught."

>> No.6574438

I think you're referring to Black Science Guy

>> No.6574462
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>"Aw shit, I have no legit argument! Wait, I know! I'll just bring up fedoras! Yeah that'll show him!"

>> No.6574466

He's done a good job at debunking racial stereotypes. People of color can make science too.

>> No.6574478

Beakman's Planet was better

>> No.6574484

Whoa hold up he's dead?

>> No.6574507

Sagan was the greatest pop science spokesperson ever.

10/10 would smoke some ganja with and I'm not even a cannabis smoker

>> No.6574519 [DELETED] 

>What do you guys think of this guy?
Jew bastard.

>> No.6574528
File: 136 KB, 546x700, backtopol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6574535 [DELETED] 

Science in America is controlled by kikes. Do you understand? Have you ever met a Jewish professor or scientist? They are kike bastards.

>> No.6574546
File: 44 KB, 713x339, haunted_sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't much of a scientist but in his later years he saw it coming.
"The years teach much which the days never know."

>> No.6574559

Yes, Jews are kikes. Well spotted, /pol/.

>> No.6574565


Fuck off, retarded anti-Semitic goy. Just go back to /pol/ and flash your bitch balls there.

>> No.6574585
File: 61 KB, 719x719, I+bought+a+new+laptop+a+while+ago+and+when+_51c05eaca526d1ecee9de060aa20b06d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wasn't much of a scientist

nigga do you even know what Carl did for a living and how he got so respected? You think it's because of his public access TV show?


read a book nigga

>> No.6574589

Goddamn he's ugly.

>> No.6574599
File: 83 KB, 620x388, 1400883321660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's pretty good looking for a science man, even if he was a shortiepie. Dat voice makes up for it though. I'd take Sagan in the dark over Feinman with the lights on any day.

>> No.6574609

>600 scientific papers
well he's got black science man beat by a good 580.

>> No.6574614
File: 429 KB, 499x330, 1396294681910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah bro, Neil "the D" is just riding coat tails compared to Carl actually putting shit in actual fucking space. Negrophysics has his trivia down, but he's not even half the science that Carl was.

>> No.6574616

This isn't an accurate stat, correct? Is Neil really just trying to popularize science without contributing to science himself? I mean, he may influence a great scientist to come along but shouldn't he want to contribute more to science himself if he is really passionate about it?

>> No.6574618


To be fair, Carl's career didn't really hit off until he was around Neil's age. Neil still has some life in him, who knows what he may do.

Also, popularizing and providing information isn't dependant on how much you contribute so long as you provide accurate information and are passionate about it. Bill Nye has a bachelor's in Engineering and he's loved by like everyone and provides good info. That's what counts, not how many papers you can write or how many probes in space have your name on them.

>> No.6574621

Did you really find Bill Nye videos interesting when you were in elementary? Be honest.

>> No.6574623


Yes. Science was the only subject I wasn't drawing in class during, especially in middle school when the curriculum was : "bill nye, quiz over video, do lab mimicking video experiment, rinse and repeat"

>> No.6574629

You must be the biggest bunch of dumb cunts if you think he is even in the top 500 of the best physicists of the 20th century.

>inb4 he has X amount of papers published.

Look at what he published, cunts. Utterly trivial shit, mostly.

>> No.6574630

Lucky you. Although I wasn't bad in science, I really didn't appreciate science til my first psychedelic experience.

>> No.6574632


>> No.6574641

Actually, no. 2C-E R.I.P. Shulgin. He just passed away a few days ago. I was about 20 and I instantly fell in love with neuroscience in particular and that led to passion in other subjects as well, especially chemistry and math.

>> No.6574650

Have you ever buzzworded so hard that you buzzword?

>> No.6574657

>making it seem like religion has no role in science
Sorry to have to break it to you sugar...

>it is unfortunate that he was so anti-theisist in his show.
Way to blow things completely out of proportion.

>two of the best physicist ever to have lived, thought the opposite?
Those two physicists being? And why does it matter what they thought about religion? Just because you're one of the "best physicists ever" doesn't mean you can't be fucking wrong.

>> No.6574662
File: 27 KB, 360x410, 1338520956663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want to do a Feynman

Him with larger hair was attractive. N-No Homo.

>> No.6574672

Carl worked at NASA and contributed to the Voyager missions.

Neil nitpicks Sandra Bullock films on Twitter and Youtube.

Now I'm sure Tyson is a smart guy, but he's really not that accomplished.

>> No.6574695

Being a spokesperson for science is a very big accomplishment anon. Doubly so since he's a black scientist in racist America, he does a great public service contribution.

>> No.6574701


that's exactly what i meant. look >>6574193

newton and maxwell.

>> No.6574706

But I'm not saying it's true *because* Sagan said it though. On the other hand, you are saying the opposite is true because newton and maxwell believed it was true.

>> No.6574707

>sagan thought religion had no role in science therefore it must be true

Carl Sagan publicly and popularly articulated exactly why he was convinced this was the case, it's not like he claimed it's true just because he thought it so.
He specifically forwarded his view and reasoning on the subject and the arguments he presented persuaded a lot of people to share his view.

>> No.6574710


i was just trying to mean what you said. he thought "religion has no role in science" must be true just because sagan said it.

and i was trying to show him how wrong his argument is.

it's just like trying to prove god by using "newton believed in god, he's the smartest person to have ever lived, therefore God is real" argument. makes no sense.

'in the end, it all comes down to how you use religion and science.'

>> No.6575256
File: 15 KB, 660x597, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


excellent post; glad I read it


>> No.6575266

Carl Sagan is a cool guy, he teaches science and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.6575316

2007 was almost a decade ago.

>> No.6576018
File: 164 KB, 500x266, 1337767201528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personal hero

>> No.6576043

I wonder if Newton and Maxwell would change their opinion on deities and the role they play if they had access to today's technology and knowledge.

>> No.6576045

What is Sagan's best book?

>> No.6576101

please respond

>> No.6576125
