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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6573053 No.6573053[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If I have an IQ of 116 can I pursue a degree in computer science or is it to late for me?

>> No.6573055

Yes, it's too late for you. Go to bed.

>> No.6573057

I'm sorry to inform you of this..but you are over qualified.

>> No.6573064

But I enjoy working on developing software, and want an applicable degree. I'm not smart enough to go for a PhD in math or science.

>> No.6573072


Don't listen to the "smart" fags. Do what you love, just try it. If it doesn't work out, you'll find something else and at-least you've tried.

>> No.6573077

no your too stupid

>> No.6573090
File: 125 KB, 948x543, CS student, 5 years later.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pursue a degree in computer science

>> No.6573094

If you truly have a pure, theoretical interest in CS (like Alan Turing, Donald Knuth, etc.), then it might be out of your league.

Or if by "CS" you mean "programming", then it should be easy.

>> No.6573114

>or is it to late for me?
are you asking if you are too dumb or too old?

idk give it a try it's not that hard

>> No.6573122

>take some shit online IQ test

Do some coding, fuckass. If you're good at it, do computer science.

>> No.6573131

Do you hate math and programming? Do you frequently use facebook and play video games? If you answered both questions with a "yes", then CS is the right degree for you.

>> No.6573147

The fact that you are coming to this board, to ask this question is enough of a proof that no, you are not capable of pursuing a CS degree, and it has nothing to do with your IQ.

>computer science
You are even worse.

>But I enjoy working on developing software
>computer science as synonymous for programming
No, forget it. It's too late.

>> No.6573154

Computer science is all about coding. With a CS degree you're basically a hacker.

>> No.6573156

I understand everything in that image except the unused trojans.
Everyone knows cs graduates get MAD pussy.

>> No.6573163

in your dreams

>> No.6573166

Why not just learn a programming language

>> No.6573178

Because the theoretical knowledge is important if you want to be good at your job.