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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6540252 No.6540252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How were your finals anon? What grades did you receive in your classes?

Electromagnetism - A-
Partial differential equations - A
Technical writing - A
Linear algebra - B

>> No.6540258

english - F
math - F
science - F
social studies - C
other classes - F
smoke weed, steal alcohol, flirt and fail

>> No.6540260

> B in linear algebra
did you sleep through the final or something?

>> No.6540261

It was graduate level linear algebra

>> No.6540279


The professor made the class very difficult and I only studied immediately before exams (it was only linear algebra after all). She also didn't give enough time to complete tests and the directions on the homework were oftentimes vague.

I also hadn't slept for twenty hours when I took the final exam and I had four hours of sleep the night before.

>> No.6540287

Chem 2 - C
Discrete Math - B
Foundations of CS - A
Technical Composition 2 - B

>> No.6540292
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>> No.6540295

Calc 2 - B
Modern Concepts of Mathematics - A
General Physics - B
Macroeconomics - B
Interpreting Literature - A

I think I needed this to happen. This past semester was finally the wake up call I needed that said "hey bro I know you're smart and all but that doesn't mean you can skirt through everything"
Pretty much all of my failures this past semester came from apathy stemming from the mentality that I'd be fine once the exams came around, no need to study much. Calc would have been an A had I studied for the second exam, Economics would have been an A had I not forgotten to do several of the online homework assignments, and Physics would have been an A had I not brushed off the professor's offer to let me make up a bonus quiz that I had missed the original proctoring of.
At least this happened to me early, so I can adjust before shit really starts hitting the fan.

>> No.6540304

Worst grade, C in vector calc.

While I can't really blame anyone but myself, there was literally no curve apparently so a good final exam grade didn't help pull myself up from D's on the exams.

>> No.6540305


I had a similar problem. Unfortunately for me, I didn't get my wake-up call until my classes became difficult. I had to withdraw from many of them and put off graduation for a semester.

>> No.6540309

Undergraduate Course work

ECE 211 Electric Circuits B-
ECE 212 Fundamentals of Logic Design B-
ECE 220 Analytical Foundations of Electrical and Computer Engr A-
GERM 120 Elementary German II B
MAE 314 Solid Mechanics B+

this semester sucked dicks.. too fucking busy

>> No.6540328

A in a research lab
A in Jazz Appreciate
B in Cell Physiology
Probably a C in Calculus III

That C was directly correlated to my B in Cell Phys, as Cell Phys was a fucking atrocious class in terms of organization that ended up chewing up my time.

>> No.6540339

>All these people taking less than 21 credits
>Not even getting 4.0

GTFO and never return

>> No.6540343

I've got to make time for vidya and fapping, anon.

>> No.6540346
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Data Structures B-
Software Engineering A or B
History of Film B-
Calculus C+ B-
>tfw no 125+ IQ

>> No.6540370

Life contingencies A+
Linear Algebra II A
Complex Analysis B
Object oriented Programming B-

Worst semester in a while

>> No.6540384

Heat Transfer - A+
Fluids - A
Vibrations - A
Strength of Materials/Solids 2 - A
Thermo 2 - A
ME Lab 1 - A+
C Programming - A

Only 19 hours and a 4.07 but this was definitely way harder than the previous semester of 22 hours where I had a 4.2

>> No.6540386
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>Life contingencies

>> No.6540388

My school doesn't do any +'s or -'s
Thermodynamics - B
Mechanics of Solids 2 - B
Multivariate Calculus - B
Differential Equations - B
Physics 2 E&M - B

Fuck this was bad, at least I'll never have to take this many credit hours again with the way my degree is worked out. What feels bad is that if I would've made a better effort, it wouldn't have been that hard for me to get an A in Mechanics, Diff EQ, and Physics. Especially fucking Mechanics considering how do-nothing of a class that was.

>> No.6540391

English Comp 1 - A
Intro to Anthropology - A
Intro to Religion - A
Intermediate Algebra - A

GPA 4.0

>> No.6540401

>Intro to Anthropology

nigga that was such a fun class for me

>> No.6540402

I still have one week of classes and then one week of finals...

>> No.6540403

>my school doesn't so +/-
You lucky bastard.
Mine does that but no A+ which is BULLSHIT.

>> No.6540419

Ha. Mine was actually kinda tough for an intro class. We had to do fieldwork in our city for our final. Participant observations, interviews, etc then a presentation.
Still a cool subject though but the majority of my time and focus was dedicated to that one class.

>> No.6540429

Mine was less tough, so I got to sit back and enjoy it.

Ethnography is challenging to do right, but really fun if you can force yourself to look at things from a fresh perspective.

>> No.6540452

Linear Algebra - A
Engineering Mechanics - Statics - A
College Algebra - A
Weight Lifting - P
Jogging/Walking - P

Both Ps were As before the pass/fail conversion. Oh well.

What am I even doing with my life?

>> No.6540454

Underage v& your intermediate algebra. Middle school classes are for middle schoolers.

>> No.6540472

question: Are community college courses generally considerably easier than their "real university" counterparts?

Cause I got a ton of As in all my CC courses, but I don't know if I should feel smart about that...

>> No.6540477


In a sense, university classes are a little more challenging because the professors are sleep deprived and suck at writing tests. Most of the time, they write tests off the top of their heads and the tests make no logical sense.

I'm only in community college myself, and most of my teachers actually write tests using test banks because making up your own test is generally a bad idea since it hasn't gone through harsh scrutiny of publication. (Or in other words, no one other than yourself checked it for errors or if it even made sense)

Most university professors from what friends have shown me can't write tests clearly. Directions are usually vague and require you to personally ask the instructor if even possible

>> No.6540503

>Linear Algebra
>College Algebra

>> No.6540551


I needed a filler class to make full time status for financial aid reasons. I never took college algebra, so I did it online and literally blew through the course in 3 hours and 31 minutes on the first day of class.

>> No.6540557

Circuit Analysis 2 B
Electronic Circuits 1 C
Digital Techniques 2 A
C Programming A
Electricity and Magnetism B
Calculus A

Thank god it is over.

>> No.6540560

Do you actually pay tuition and get credit for PE classes?

>> No.6540563

Calculus I A
Modelation & Simulation I A
Programming B
Logic A
Geometry A
Politics B

Good first semester

>> No.6540567

Cool, where do I subscribe?

>> No.6540605

holy fucking shit i feel dumb.
probably going to get a C in statics and calc III

>> No.6540612

a in feminist philosophy, a+ in functional analysis, a in group representations, a+ in homological algebra, a- in babby's first java

>> No.6540613

How the fuck do y'all get such good grades?

I don't know anybody who got an A in anything let alone everything and I study physics
only 5 out of 300 get the bachelor after 6 semesters in my uni

>> No.6540639

Study. At least six hours a day after class, more if there's midterms or lots of homework or something. At least twenty hours over the weekend.

>> No.6540642

By actually caring about the topic and being interested in it, thus being able to learn faster than this Anon: >>6540639

>> No.6540644

If I'm not studying, I'm studying something else I'm interested in. For example, I taught myself real analysis and group theory because they seemed neat. That made those classes much easier too.

Basically, this: >>6540642

>> No.6540658

I study all day almost everyday and I'm not stupid, I score around 140 on online IQ tests (>inb4, it's convenient), but I guess I'm doing much worse than I could due to being lovesick (lol)
I'm picking up my pace now and I'm slowly getting over him, but still, getting all As is almost unheard of in my uni. I know one guy who gets very good grades and he went to a school for gifted kids - and he really is intelligent. I don't know him fully yet, but preemptively I consider him smarter than myself - that makes him the first person I ever meet in my life I regard smarter than myself and I'm certain he's easily genius tier. From what I hear he does get almost all As, but that's an exception.

I refuse to believe everybody ITT is a genius. It's like I said, 5 out of 300 manage to get their bachelor after 6 semesters at my uni - and that doesn't even make a statement about the grades.

>> No.6540661

I scored A in everything but Biology, fuck biology.

>> No.6540667

I guess it varies by school. I honestly do get high grades (I'm >>6540612 and >>6540644) but I do better than probably 97-98% of my peers. I don't think I'm that smart but I really love what I study and I guess it comes naturally to me, whatever that means.

>> No.6540672

are you guys still in school or what? you get all As in school just for making an appearance lawl

>> No.6540675

Huh? At any decent university you need to work hard to even pass, say, a functional analysis class.

>> No.6540688

Bullshit grading systems that let you get 60% on the final and have it scaled up to 108%.

>> No.6540691
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calc ii A
micro economics A
macro economics A
physics i A

>> No.6540694

Why is the American grading system so weird? If I can trust online 'conversion' sites, everything between an 8 and a 10 on scale of 1-10 here in The Netherlands is equivalent to an A in America. In that case, I got my first grade below an A this semester for optics. Jesus, that was probably the worst course I've ever followed.

>> No.6540762


>> No.6540816

diffeq A-
Intro to CS B
probability i B-
british authors B
art of fiction A-

Haven't taken finals for the first three courses, I can see myself acing Diffeq and CS, but probability is gonna stay in the B's

>> No.6540830

Same in France, an A in the US is equivalent to a 14/20 here, aka the "bien" (good) mention. To get the "très bien" (very good) mention, you have to get 16.

>> No.6540847

>all these people studying maths, physics, programming, and then things that have nothing to do with any science
Is this normal in the USA?

>> No.6540855


Yeah, you should really feel bad for ameribros with all the bullshit courses they must follow.

>> No.6540871

>that makes him the first person I ever meet in my life I regard smarter than myself

Anyway, you all seem to be doing pretty good. I usually only get the minimum to pass which would be C's in 'murrica I guess. Maybe if I manage to clear my brain problems I'll do better.

>> No.6540880

Genetics---- B
Organic Chemistry 1 Lab -----C+
Genetics Lab----B
Physics 2 ----A
Physics 2 Lab----A

>> No.6540891

I have my final exam this june. Then I can call myself an energy technologist.
It will be great.

>> No.6541071

I scored 2 points lower than needed on the CPT. What middle schools offer the other courses I listed? I'm not implying that they are anything to boast about, just general ed courses I had to choose from. I'm just happy I was able to earn the grades I did after being out of school for about a decade. I caught on quick to the college writing formats, etc. that I didn't learn in HS.

>> No.6541103

Is there a difference between a Course labeled Physics w/ cal 1 and lab and Physics 1 or is the latter just a less wordy version of the first since calculus is essential to physics? I'm not a physics major but required to take the former 1 & 2.

>> No.6541133

Most universities have humanities requirements for all students for the first two years. It makes sense. Universities want to create well-rounded students. There are some things you can't get out of studying math and science all day.

>> No.6541143

>tfw I have to take public speaking
There's a reason I chose CS as my major god damn it. I don't want to be the next Steve Jobs.

>> No.6541145

My last finals?
Fisiology - 7/10 - equivalent to 85% of the exam done well
Biochemistry - 7/10 - equivalent to 85% of the exam done well

>> No.6541147

They made public speaking a part of the major?

>> No.6541153

No. It's just a general education requirement here...

>> No.6541157

So, that's two B? Excellent!

>> No.6541186

Organic Chem III - A
Advanced Chemical Processes - A
Technical Writing - B

>> No.6541189

>tfw got the skip the final for some bs psych class because i aced all the exams prior to it

Got a B+ on my cell bio final that was full of those "all these answers work, but pick the one that is most correct" type of questions, which I'm proud of since I bomb those questions all the time.

>> No.6541192

Taking psych this summer as an online class. Gotta get that last social science out of the way.

>> No.6541199

Not done with finals yet, but I did pretty well on physics (only needed 60 to keep an A lol).

Started off failing physics lab, managed to pull an A- by the end of the semester.

>> No.6541202


Lower tier physics courses might avoid calculus, I would definitely recommend not taking one of those.

>> No.6541203

Mine was for a minor, but at least I've finished all those humanities like Art History. Worst pick I've ever made for a course.

>> No.6541214


Yeah, most of us have general education requirements. Personally, I try to take a literature class every semester anyway so I don't go insane.

>> No.6541221

lol. I did World Religion and doing "Understanding Visual Art" during summer which based on the textbook, looks like another name for Art History.

>> No.6541289

Sure, that works if you're taking a few gender studies classes, but if you really care about the topic, you'll want to take all you can, and that means about 5 classes a quarter or 7 classes a semester, more if you're first or second year taking GEs.

>> No.6541446
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Almost had an A in Herpetology. Oh well, not a big deal.

>> No.6541496

I know what you mean about the lovesickness, but I still got all A's this semester. Just put in the time and you'll do well, tone down the social life a bit.

>> No.6541521

In my country we don't do A+ but we do A-
I always thought this was kinda unfair because if you're a B student, you'll probably have bad days when you get a C+ or B- and good days when you get an A- or B+, and they even each other out, but from A you can only go down. It makes getting A on average disproportionally harder, because you have to avoid ever getting A- or B, since you have nothing to even it out with.

>> No.6541543

In my university the cut off points for grades are lower.
e.g >85% = A+
but then again all our exams consist of three 5 page essay questions, especially for the sciences.

>> No.6541755

I pulled an A in my Introductory Anthro class shit was so cash.

>Showed up for first week and was bored to hell and back
>class had to be stopped every 10 minutes so autist in wheelchair could have their fucking notetaker catch up.
that really wouldn't have been that bad but it was a three hour class and about 12 breaks in the lecture, I was asleep.
>show up only for two midterms, final, and to submit term paper
>89 on first midterm, 94 on second, 100/100 on term paper and I don't know about the final. Got an A so it must have been fine.

Showed up for 5 of 16 lectures and got an A. I wish I could do that with my major courses

>> No.6541762

A fucking C+ in your OChem lab? were you being graded on your yields or what?

>> No.6541768

does fisiology=/=physiology?

>> No.6541776
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Ecology and Physiology: B-
Eco/Physio Lab: A
Organic Chemistry II: C
Organic Chemistry Lab: A
Advance topics in undergrad research: A

Organic II was just about as difficult as it was interesting, so, it was really difficult but still really interesting.

Best part about this semester being over? I am officially done with my prereqs. I got GEs done in a year because AP credit, and its taken about two years for my bullshit prereqs. So now its just a year, maybe an extra semester, or ecology and conservation sciences.

And the advance topics is a free A as long as you show up to your lab's meetings and make the required progress. Currently studying effects of N fertilizer on development of herbivore populations on invasive plants. Didn't take much time out of my schedule this semester but it will this summer and next

>mfw decent semester but this is where shit really begins

>> No.6541788

My Anthropology professor had attendance as 30 points. If you missed more than 4 days, you lose all 30 points. I scored 90/90 on my midterm and she basically told the class if they need to know how to write a paper, come see me. lol. Also, did perfect on the final group presentation even with my public speaking anxiety kicking in.

>> No.6541806

Haven't had my finals yet, classes at community college run later than the unis.

I have a 90 in differential equations and an 89 in English currently though.

That's all I'm taking because it's all I can afford.

>> No.6541815


find a new field to kill yourself in

>> No.6541817

Are you trying to imply I'm too poor to major in a STEM field?

I can't help it that I only make minimum and the government won't give me money because I'm white. I'm trying to get educated so I can have a better life and stop being a wage slave forever. Stop being an elitist.

>> No.6541818


I guess that you are from germany?
Like, I do think American Education System seems and IS A LOT easier than here.

Of course you need to study.
But some people, Professors told me that the American Eduation System (HS, College) is a joke compared for example to germany.

>> No.6541822

wayyyyyy too easy

>> No.6541850

>Organismal Biology

>Experimental Design/Biostatistics

>Intro to Writing
A lel

>Gen Chem II
>B- feelsbadman

ended up with 89.6% in bio and 78% in chem but both of my professors hooked me up

>> No.6541861

gen chem 2 gets a worse wrap on my campus than ochem 2.

i came out of it thinking ochem 2 was the more enjoyable but still more difficult course. Take that B- in stride man, think of how many people you took it with would have been ecstatic for a b-. Ochem may not be as enjoyable for you.

>> No.6541866

>tfw take these same classes
>B B B B B B
I know those feels

>> No.6541888

the semester after taking ochem i was like, "why the fuck did anyone have trouble with ochem?"

but i still fucking hate general chemistry. my younger friend took it 3 years after me and the homework questions he had some trouble with and it reminded me how shit that class was.

>> No.6541898

High school, yes, that's absolutely true without a doubt.

College, hell fucking no man, the US has 8 of the top 10 global universities and like 25 that are better than anything in Germany, I'm sure there are niche subjects where German universities compete with the top tier American schools but on the whole, not even close.

Just look at how many foreign students come from abroad (including in Europe) to study at American universities compared to German ones.

That said America sends a much, much higher proportion of its students to college than Germany does so at the lower levels at any community college and lower ranked private school, the quality of students and thus of the education is garbage.

But at the higher end, America is miles ahead, it isn't even close.

>> No.6541899


Look up the professors. Some are absurdly generous while others are complete assholes.

>> No.6541902

my teacher would tell us before every exam that Ochem doesn't come down to simple memorization, but on his exams it did.

65% of the final was, "predict the products" and "show reasonable mechanism." I just went through my stack of flashcards several dozen each day for a couple times before the final, and even the mechanisms I wasn't prepared for were workaroundable, yeah I just made that word up.

Gem chem, I had to fucking practice. Acid base equilibrium for days. i didn't enjoy the first part of gem chem because of all the arbitrary MO b.s, everything felt like a generalization. 2nd part gen chem was better because then there are actual tangible numbers that you can work with.

maybe thats just my bias though. i know everything is a generalization in the gen chem courses. hence "general" chemistry

but yeah, long run, I really enjoy chemistry now. I was looking forward to not having to take anymore but I might reconsider that feel

>> No.6541911
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Human Cognition: A
Abnormal Psychology: A-
Personality: A
Psychological Assessment: A

Good semester for me.

>> No.6541915

The question still stands.

>> No.6541922

is this a psychology student posting on /sci/?

I don't mean to be a troll, but do you seriously consider psychology to be a science? I never have, and will gladly give you reasons if you reply

>> No.6541924

Reading the book and thinking through the diagrams they put in, then going back and outlining the important topics before the exams.

Also, most professors curve the exams and/or final grades, so getting an A is a lot easier than it should be.

>> No.6541927

Depends on your definition of science. I personally don't compare it to mathematics, engineering, or what-have-you, but psychology is very broad. I'm sure some parts come close to your definition.

>> No.6541932
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>not empirical
>not backed in hard numerical measurements
>human mind/conscious is WAYYYYYYY TOO VARIABLE from person to person

I mean, this is coming from an ecologist, and in that field, most everything is comprised of statistics.

Actually, on second thought, if the 3 caveats I just listed disqualify psychology as a science I'm sure they'd disqualify a lot of other "sciences" as "science"

>> No.6541934
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>yfw that ostrich is dancing with somebody whos about to eat its fucking egg that it just laid

christ ostriches are stupid

>> No.6541936

In my experience, CC courses aren't naturally easier than university equivalents, they are just taught at a slower pace. I took a few courses at my local CC when I was in high school, and they offered a challenge (as much of a challenge that calc 1 and chem 1 can offer), but they were really dragged out. When I went to university, I had to retake them because my university wouldn't accept the credits, and I noticed that they were ultimately the same courses, just taught at a faster rate. Ultimately, the idea that CC courses are easier doesn't make sense to me because both CC and university courses teach the same material. Derivatives are derivatives no matter where you go to school. Of course there are differences course pace and in teachers' ability and commitment to teach, as >>6540477 said; and different people catch on quicker or slower than others. In the end, though, you really can't make the basic ideas of a course easier.

>> No.6541941
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Well, I'm not really here to compare psychology to any of the other fields; I know where I am posting. However, you cannot say that the field of psychology is useless/invalid just because it doesn't meet a definition of science.

>> No.6541959 [DELETED] 
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Pre-Algebra : A
World History: A
Home Economics: A
P.E. : A
English: A

I think I am doing good.

>> No.6541983

Sounds to me like ya blew it.

>> No.6541986

>Derivatives are derivatives
But there is a large difference between questions like "Differentiate sin(x^2)" and "Let k be a fixed positive integer. The n-th derivative of 1/(x^k-1) has the form Pn(x)/(x^k-1)^(n+1 where Pn(x) is a polynomial. Find Pn(1)."

>> No.6541987

What the fuck is pre-algebra??! I get pre-calc but... what?

(But yes, your grades are good. Are you a high schooler? I don't know many uni-age people taking Home Ec AND P.E...)

>> No.6541999

so... you're a middle-schooler?

>> No.6542013 [DELETED] 

7th grade, incoming 8th grade

Inb4 underaged

>> No.6542018 [DELETED] 

> Inb4 underaged
enjoy your ban

>> No.6542019 [DELETED] 

Lol god damn it

>> No.6542044

based mods

>> No.6542058

I aced my grad level linear algebra this semester.....though I am a grad student, so it is slightly less impressive lol. Getting a B in a grad level class is still a feat for an undergrad, dont care what school youre at. Good Job Anon

>> No.6542064

Topics in Materials Chemistry A
X-Ray Diffraction and Crystallography B+

>> No.6542070

dafuq are you two on about. Yes, CC classes are easier than real college classes....how fucking stupid are you. Yeah taking college algebra for [insert random city name here] community college will be fucking easy compared to taking college algebra at say, a state school.

The reason you may ask? Because the types of students are VASTLY different. A CC class may have upwards of 60 students in an algebra class, most of which should not have even applied to CC and stuck with a simple trade program. I'd say 85% of CC students cannot even hack it at that level, compared to a real college, where around 50% can hack it.

tl,dr: Community Colleges are a fucking joke to everyone except the kids who go there...

>> No.6542108

Speaking to transfer students I've met at uni, they say they have a 0.7-1.0 GPA drop if they don't adjust; so for example A+(97) to B+(87)/B(85)

For students who arrive from top tier CC's in the state, or if they were the top student at that CC 0.3 GPA drop A+(97) to A (95)

>> No.6542134

Community colleges don't have the same incentive to pass people that state colleges do.

>> No.6542140

>he goes to a school that offers something called "college algebra"
Are you butthurt that a lot of community colleges are better than your shitty state school?

>> No.6542149

I went to a private school, my brother went to a better public school than my private school.
We've both gone to community college to earn easy grades in gen eds.

I've looked into taking further education in math at community college. The classes that are equivalent to sophmore classes in a real college don't even exist at community college.

>> No.6542399

Yeah, no. Went to a CC before transferring to a top state school, lots of the CC classes were just as if not harder than the classes here.

Sure, the math was easier, but that's just since it was lower division math. The gen ed stuff was just as hard as the upper div literature/humanities/etc that I've sat in on here.

Granted, all the instructors there were awesome as fuck.

>The classes that are equivalent to sophmore classes in a real college don't even exist at community college.
What do you consider “equivalent to sophomore classes in a real college”?

>> No.6542427

Statistics - C

>> No.6542433

How the hell do you guys ALREADY know your grades?