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6519747 No.6519747 [Reply] [Original]

Is sociology a real science?

>> No.6519749


>> No.6519756


>> No.6519766


>> No.6519788

Of course it is, don't ask such a stupid thing here tough, this board is mostly composed of what amount to autistic tier 'hard science' fan boys.
The scope of phenomena that social science studies is of course impossible to approach with the same degree of certainty and experimental clarity
that's available to natural sciences. But since it affect both us and the environment in which we live in in a enormous way
not studying it rigorously using scientific approaches would be so far beyond retarded that you're like far out there beyond Neptune with that shit.

>> No.6519790

maybe computational sociology

but most sociologists still act like wannabe philosophers. also, fuck positivists.

>> No.6519798
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>most sociologists still act like wannabe philosophers
Is that why texts written by sociologists feel pretentious as fuck?

>> No.6519805

That, and they all know they are one slightly misinterpreted politically incorrect statement("I'd like some black tea, please.", "Did you hear what he said about black people? He said dump them in the sea! How can a sociologist say things like that? He needs to check his privilege.") away from working at McDonalds forever. Their job is to defend psychologists and help make politicians look good.

>> No.6520000

>Of course it is
>tfw critical theory
>tfw cultural diversity bullshit
>tfw Horkheimer and Adorno's "science is oppressive" shit
>tfw blatant ignorance of biology and even psychology
If it is a science, it's extremely poorly developed. Even economics is closer to a real science.


>> No.6520060

yes by definition it is a science

>> No.6520108

No. It's a social science. Social sciences are not real sciences (I.E. not backed up by hard evidence and/or numbers)

>> No.6520196


>> No.6520201

Sociology is a science in the same way a child running around with a cardboard box on his head is an astronaut.

>> No.6520206

>Implying Economics isn't the realest science there is.
Physics doesn't even tell you what time is. From simple economic principles I can easily tell you that time = money.

>> No.6520309

I like this one.