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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6478735 No.6478735 [Reply] [Original]

Theres a lot of hatred for engineers or engineering students on this board, and I don't understand. I really enjoy physics but I realize its an unrealistic field to major in in todays job market if I'm not the best of the best. I've heard people complain that engineers don't really do physics or anything because they dont take higher level physics courses, but whats stopping me from learning all of that on my own, in my spare time once I have an established career that pays well. What exactly is wrong with being an engineer?

>> No.6478741

I don't hate engineers but I did find this funny: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Salem_Hypothesis

>> No.6478742

Same thing that's wrong with Computer Science, Social Science, and Biology. They make me feel like my pure math or physics degree is less elite.

>> No.6478743

>Theres a lot of hatred for engineers or engineering students on this board

I would guess the majority of the people who post here are engineering students. /sci/ just likes to trash each other about college majors, trying to make everyone feel as insecure as they do.

>> No.6478744

nothing, people just like to be retarded here. it's 4chan.

>> No.6478746

Comp Sci is probably harder in some ways than mathematics of physics. In mathematics, a theorem is proven if your examiner is convinced you've proved it. In Comp Sci there is a very hard, unforgiven objective standard to measure an algorithm's performance or a program's correctness by: run it.

>> No.6478750

nothing is wrong, you're just getting successfully trolled

>> No.6478748

There's an interesting article on ForeignPolicy.com somewhere that also investigates why the majority of Islamist terrorist leaders tend to be Engineers, a trend not found in leftist terrorists or nationalist terrorists.

>> No.6478752

wow well that makes me feel better

>> No.6478769

your retard too

>> No.6478775

Can you find it? I'm looking all around their website and coming up with nada

>> No.6478776
File: 34 KB, 480x318, 1387877771391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, /sci/ is full of retards. Engineering is as hard as any other 'pure' science, but you just don't concentrate on going abstract. You usually need to learn very fast very different subjects, extract useful information and get the result. Sometimes you just have to get really creative, you might even go try something intuitive, no one cares as long as you get the expected result.
Don't get deluded about how easy engineering is, if you are gonna be successful you gonna work your ass off. 99,999 of people don't use abstract theorems about anabelian geometries and what not in their work.

>> No.6478782
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>and then you get to corporate

>> No.6478789

People just enjoy shitposting about other peoples' college majors here. This is /sci/-pissing contests over college majors, after all.

>> No.6478791


Because Engineers are arrogant fuckers that think they're the single pin that holds all of civilisation together.

A surprisingly large amount of Engineers also genuinely believe that they do "all the physics" or "all the maths" that pure physics / maths students do. I've heard this on multiple occasions, they're really not joking.

Other than that, nothing.

Just remember when you're working with an architect or manager or someone and he says he "knows just as much as you do about designing buildings", and you laugh in his face while you prepare to take his crazy idea and alter the shit out of to make it actually feasible, that this is how we react when we hear you telling a physics student "Man I know just as much physics as you stop being elitist".

Engineering is rote learning and looking things up in tables. Not that there's anything wrong with that because the aim of the degree is completely different. But when you start acting like engineering is the same or superior to physics somehow it's just annoying

>> No.6478794


Then this happens


>> No.6478798


>> No.6478809

>dat extreme butthurt

>> No.6478813

no, the math and physics profs you have to get past for an engineering degree make sure that one is painfully aware of the shortcomings. they shit so much on inferiour "engineering math" that no engineer thinks he does "all the math" later on. he just does what is needed(pi=22/7).at least that was the case for me(EE).

>> No.6478818

engineer here, conservative wing of the extreme left master race

>> No.6478850
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>mad he can't do anything practical with his "knowledge"

>> No.6478854

im EE too and higher junior/senior math just sounds like spooky voodoo that is to be avoided at all costs

>> No.6478864

in my country, physicists, mathematicians and engineers get the same mathematical and physical background (read : "we're all in the same class for a long time)
deal with it.

>> No.6478891

You guys are all missing the point. The answer to OP's question and the reason behind all the butthurt and hatred on all sides is simple: everyone is an asshole. It doesn't matter who they are, what they're studying, or what they're mommy told them when they were little. If the bag of organic matter is human, it's a shit-eating cunt that knows nothing but selfishness and wrongful pride. Now all of you fuckers shut up and go fap. That's the pragmatic solution.

>> No.6478897

>everyone is an asshole

No. But everyone on 4chan is an asshole.

>> No.6478906

what country is that? in my country we have similar system

>> No.6478970

>in my country, physicists, mathematicians and engineers get the same mathematical and physical background (read : "we're all in the same class for a long time)

We share the same highschool classes with English majors therefore I'm just as good at writing as English majors!

Lol Engineers

>> No.6478975

Its not that sci hates engineers, they just hate gays.

>> No.6478996

>worrying about the job market

That's why you engineers annoy physicists so much.

>> No.6479006

Goddamn it I hate IBA fags so much.

>> No.6479007

OP's pic is confusing, I don't think there's enough information to really say anything about the behavior of that op-amp

>> No.6479008


We can't all be independently wealthy.

>> No.6479030


>All seven lines can't be simultaneously perpendicular

The fuck? This guy stuck in his 2 dimensional shit.

This is why we hate engineers

>> No.6479033

>Thinking that physicists' goals are wealth, like engineers'

This is also why engineers annoy physicists so much.

>> No.6479037


Of course your goal is not wealth if you're already wealthy you stupid faggot.

>> No.6479502

Do something useful in 7d, fggt.