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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 4 KB, 191x186, pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6473565 No.6473565 [Reply] [Original]

alright guys
let me try to explain something clearly, and if you're unsure, please express why

is it possible to create an algorithm that, digitally numerically substantiates every number of pi by its inverse digital value? ( 3 is to 7 as 4 is to 6.. 1 is to 9 etc)

in other words, a formula that factored a number in which when added to pi would be a sum of exactly 10?
(I know that this can't be conceived)

would this be a valuable piece of information?

>> No.6473589

>a number in which when added to pi would be a sum of exactly 10?


>> No.6473594
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, RRnhhqW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire fucking board summarized

>> No.6473602
File: 68 KB, 530x530, 1395961748844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my friggin god.

>> No.6473616


>> No.6473618

>OP samefagging bc he can't communicate ideas

>inb4 OP's a girl
No girl would be both pretentious enough to use the meaningless phrase "...algorithm that, digitally numerically substantiates..." and yet be too stupid to construct a valid question using words.
The answer to the question you asked, OP, is 10-pi, regardless of whatever the fuck you intended to ask.

>> No.6473622

close except you would only be able find the numbers you could supply, you wouldn't be able to 'predict' pi's inverse
this algorithm, however, would be able to find the exact digital number that pi is given the number of decimal places it is located

in other words, you'd plug in the number 1,000,000 and the inverse of one the millionth decimal place of pi would be expressed

the one millionth decimal in pi is 1
the algorithm would calculate 9

>> No.6473627

please read and try again
I've explained it a little more thoroughly this time.

this was my first reply, I don't even know what the reaction images were intended to imply.

>> No.6473635

Yes, because it would contain all of Shakespeare :^)

>> No.6473657
File: 5 KB, 188x268, fant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if that's a phrase or not

are you implying it would be so tremendously long and complicated that it would contain all of shakespear?

are you certain?

to clear things up this is me, op.

>> No.6473669

Are you trying to get us to solve a project euler problem for you or something? This is ridiculously easy to program in just about any language with like 4 lines of code

>> No.6473673

Sure. The way to do it would be:
1. Find the 1,000,000th digit of Pi
2. Subtract it from 10.

>> No.6473679

3.1415926535897932384626433832795 so

>> No.6473687

the number would look like 7969518457... if you listed each number in a row
its the sum of each individual number that equals 10

can you provide a source for this? the solution would have its own name

>> No.6473692

The only source is common sense.

1)write a function F(n) that returns the nth digit of pi - there is surely an algorithm published on wikipedia and if there isn't find out the formal definition of pi and write your own

2)return 10-F(10000)

If you wanted to return the entirety of pi up to a certain N you could just call the function in a loop and concatenate each returned digit starting from 1 to n. its ez bro

>> No.6473699

You would correspond 3 to 6, 1 to 8, etc. so that the sum becomes 9.99999.... = 10.

>> No.6473700
File: 64 KB, 750x600, 1226078223218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.. this is a little frustrating
if you're not trolling, you shouldn't be here
if you are trolling, well played

the purpose of the algorithm is to find pi in the first place by subtracting it from 10

as I've read so far online, and this is only to my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong, pi becomes more complex to calculate farther down the decimal place, because the factors get larger and more processing time is required to compute the next value

I'm suggesting an algorithm where the only input value you put in is the decimal place you wish to see pi's inverse

you input 5485
process the number
the number you get back is equal to the five thousanth, four-hundred and eighty-fiftht decimal place of pi minus 10.

if the record for the most numbers pi has been calculated to is only 50 billion, this algorythm would theoretically calculate the record in under a day on non-specialized softwear.

if I'm missing something here, and you actualy understand what I'm saying, I'm genuinely interested in whether the concept is valuable, or has been done, or is not valuable, or is somewhat original.

>> No.6473701


>9.99999.... = 10

Here we go again

>> No.6473702

sorry i think you are too dumb to save

>> No.6473708

Here is a c program to calc pi to 800 decimal places...

int a=10000,b,c=2800,d,e,f[2801],g;main(){for(;b-c;)f[b++]=a/5;

Then just index that (I ain't writing the program for you...) every iteration into a huge ass array, and then do another loop, with another equal in size array and do the array2[n]=(10- array[n]) where n is from 1 to 800. So then you have this array with all the digits you are looking for, and you can just do an index lookup in that array if you ever want to call a specific value.

Or if you want to call the whole number, just do a loop from 1 to n where n is the number of digits you want to print out, and do a printf or fprintf of each array part.

God, I basically did the whole tihng for you, I just hope you aren't a pleb and know /some/ C.

>> No.6473712

>wasting all that memory
>not using generators in python with beautiful simple code

>> No.6473713

I think we're all bemused because it's hard to imagine that there would be an algorithm that would find your number faster than an algorithm that finds the nth digit of Pi and subtracts it from 10.
There are tons of algorithms for finding Pi dating back hundreds of years, when they discovered infinite series that converged on Pi.
Do you have some reason for believing that finding your number would be easier than finding the nth digit of Pi?

>> No.6473714

>Not using optimized C code with inline ASM

>> No.6473717

Shush you two, this guy obviously doesn't even know how fucking easy this shit is to do (just takes a while if you are looking at some 104530927481342 digit of pi), let him waste memory with shit code.

>> No.6473718

>still wasting all that memory
>not doing the number crunching in C modules through python

>> No.6473721

>a number in which when added to pi would be a sum of exactly 10?

Here you go:
<span class="math">10 - \pi[/spoiler]

If you're looking for a computational algorithm, I can't help you there.

>> No.6473732
File: 57 KB, 750x616, 1264917781527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked up the Gregory-Leibniz series, and it's massive, complicated, bulky, it takes too many factors to determine the number

I feel like you don't grasp what I'm saying still.. the formula would only be less than a line long and it would calculate pi up to the googaplex in a few seconds.
the formula doesn't get any larger to calculate a number farther from the first digit.

how else can I explain this guys? because not one of you has managed to answer my question yet.

if you could find me a (SMALL) formula where I can put in any number, any trillion numbers, the formula would calculate that decimal place for pi - 10.

>> No.6473738

At this point you are either a) wanting to have some huge ass file that just has the digits of pi already written out and you just want to code that looks up a nth digit and does 10-(nth digit),

Or you are askign for something that doesn't exist. We have no simple and fast way to calculate either pi or some nth digit of pi at least to those extremes you are looking for - especially not only that is only a line of code - unless that line of code is a function reference or some shit.

Shit man, what do you expect? Not trying to be a hard ass about it but if you have looked this up and used decent phrasing and haven't come up with a simple formula to calculate the nth digit of pi by itself without calculating anything else, then it either doesn't exist yet or never will.

>> No.6473754

I didn't come here for a formula, I came here to ask if my formula was valuable and or original

to my understanding, the responses here show that people either:

don't grasp the question or concept (which is partly my fault for phrasing)
are supplying me with less efficient versions of the concept
believe that there is already every 'nth' of pi formula to subtract 10 from (which wouldn't be a very hard thing for me to look up if it existed)

>> No.6473757

OP, ideas are worthless if you cannot communicate them to other people. From what I have tried to gather, it seems like you lack an understanding of computational complexity and are trying some roundabout way to magically calculate pi in a fraction of the time it currently requires. Please take the time to outline your proposed method or you just look crazy and clueless.

>> No.6473761

Nobody can understand what you are trying to say/...

And what, you didnt find this on google already?

>> No.6473768

Just shows none of us bothered to even google "nth digit of pi"

well there you go, now you have a relatively simple (still really wouldn't be a single line of code, but close enough) and just do 10-nth digit.

As for whethor or not it would be useful to have this inverse, I have no clue. If you are thinking is is the next "big sequence" or something then your best bet is to explore it. Sum it up and see what happens, do some geometric stuff with it - try all sorts of things. I have never heard of anything of use coming from such a thing,so you /might/ have come up with something but it is not likely. But you will never know until you have the sequence and fiddle with it.

>> No.6473796

Well this is an odd thread.
OP, it sounds like you are confused about algorithms, in general, maybe?
There exist many "spigot algorithms" for computing arbitrary digits of pi, without computing the ones before. But throwing this whole "ten minus" thing into the mix makes no sense.