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6461304 No.6461304[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who was more intelligent, given the degree of insight each provided in context of the limits of contemporary knowledge?

>> No.6461313

What norm do you propose for measuring intelligence?

>> No.6461312

pissing contest pls go

>> No.6461320
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Perhaps we can measure intelligence through the difficulty with which we imagine anyone would have discovering the new ideas that each did.

i.e., which was more impressive, Isaac Newton discovering calculus in a world that didn't have calculus but only algebra/geometry, or Einstein presenting Special/General Relativity in world where it hadn't yet been thought of though there existed Newton's equations, Maxwell's equations, higher levels of mathematics (Lorentz equations) from which he drew from.

>> No.6461319

>Who of these two dead men, who, regardless of their intelligence relative to eachother, contributed staggering amounts of research and insight to science was smarter?
More importantly: who gives a shit?

>> No.6461323

jacob barnett

>> No.6461332



>> No.6461468

well liebniz made it at the same time, so i'm pretty sure calculus was not a hard discovery.
His science work however, that is inspired

>> No.6461472

Newton, by far.

>> No.6461474

this really should lead to an automatic ban

>> No.6461483

Einstein was more talented since he had to work under stronger pressure. Newton had an easy life compared to Einstein. He was wealthy and noone tried to holocaust him.

>> No.6461498

>calculus not a hard discovery
Mabye for them it wasn't but I'd like to see you discover calculus on your own

>> No.6461505

probably couldn't I'm shit at proofs

>> No.6461664

Einstein got laid.

>> No.6461675

he also could have ruled israel, but said fuck it

>> No.6461709

those nerds didnt even prove it, Cauchy had to do all the real work.

>> No.6461719

Israel is an illegal state. Einstein had serious moral qualms about associating himself with a parasitic state that relies on violence and foreign strongmen to maintain itself.

>> No.6461720

Newton was the math guy, Einstein was the insight guy.

There was already the idea of a inverse squared function for gravity, just no one could figure out how to make the math worl until Newton came along.Einstein was good at math but it all began with an idea

that is my knowledge but i don't know if it is accurate

>> No.6461740

>died a virgin
>married his double cousin

pick your poison

>> No.6461745

Cousins don't count.

>> No.6461818

Hamas shill pls go

>> No.6461836

i feel like it doesn't really matter, in the end. Newton made a foundation, Einstein built off of it with knowledge that Newton didn't have. Could Newton have come up with relativity, had he had the information? Could Einstein invent calculus, had it not been invented? Who knows. There's a certain point where actual intelligence doesn't really matter anymore, they're all just "far beyond average." Just my two cents.

>> No.6461841

Fuck them both
Tesla rules

>> No.6461845
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>> No.6461858

Who cares, $.

>> No.6461864

You do know Tesla thought GR was bullshit

>> No.6461879

and newton believed in a secret code to the bible and alchemy

>> No.6463053

Neal Degrasse Tyson talking about Isaac Newton while stoned out of his mind.

Original video

>> No.6463067

Why does having sex make you better than others?

Do you feel inferior to other guys in your school?

>> No.6463088

⇒Why does having sex make you better than others?
It's a sign of maturity and mental health. Adult virgins are usually mentally immature and are suffering from psychological issues. Just google some statistics and psychological studies if you don't believe me.

⇒Do you feel inferior to other guys in your school?
I am not a guy and I have no reason to feel inferior to anyone in my university. All the people I know are looking up to me.

>> No.6463101

>not a guy
>all the people I know are looking up to me
They really worked you over in women studies

>> No.6463641

Well mental health, social norms and contributions to science...

There are no examples of really bright people being sexually abnormal, having psychiatric issues and/or trouble / unwillingness to adopt to social norms..?

I would say quite some of the best in every respective field (at their time) have at least one of those traits.

>> No.6463671

>not a guy
Then why would you care whether Einstein got laid? Unless you're a guy, of course

>> No.6463680

Claude Shannon

>> No.6464310

Good point. :D

>> No.6464535


Probably Einstein. Both can Calculus but we only know Einstein can super Calculus. Maybe Newton can; maybe Newton can't.

>> No.6464538

I fucking lol'd hard.

>> No.6464564


Godel proved Tesla right.

>> No.6464566

Newton believed in god and alchemy.
I rest my case.

>> No.6464650 [DELETED] 
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>Einstein was more talented since he had to work under stronger pressure.

>> No.6464659
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I find easy lives make for less focused work. Traditionally people in tropical societies spend most of their day lazing about because they don't have to work hard to get enough food to live. People in cold climates have to work their asses off or they starve in the winter. Thats why white people are better than asians and other primitive groups. And they develop advanced brains because of it. This was common knowledge in the 1920's.

Works on both macro and micro scale, rich mans son is a lazy fuck.

>> No.6464657

>implying you can quantify intelligence

>> No.6464665

Hell we don't even know how consciousness works

>> No.6464678
File: 1.57 MB, 2848x1602, hummus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-how did you know I was here to promote consumption of chickpeas.

They are an excellent source of protein, high in fiber low in fat. One of the earliest plants to be actively cultivated too.

I think everyone should be eating more hamas. It's delicious and nutritious and can be used as sides for most dishes or eaten plane. Anything you use ketchup on try it with hummus, I'll bet you that 90% of the time you will like it better.

Pita on the other hand is a terrible terrorist organization ruining lives of farmers and hindering science. They really stand in the way of progress. Did you know that the peta headquarters euthanizes animals but there members raid terrorise and vandalise places throughout the country that euthanize animals. What a bunch of Hippocrats just like the fucking doctors doing unnecessary and often dangerous procedures if a patent has good insurance.

>> No.6464689

>not a guy
>people looking up to you

>> No.6464692

>Did you know that the peta headquarters euthanizes animals but there members raid terrorise and vandalise places throughout the country that euthanize animals.
the statistics of this is beyond belief, they kill 99% of the dogs that they "save". and cause hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage each year.

>> No.6464706

>I am not a guy
it all makes sense now

>> No.6464709

>Pita on the other hand is a terrible terrorist organization ruining lives of farmers and hindering science.
I like you.

>> No.6464714
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>> No.6464722

>It's delicious and nutritious and can be used as sides for most dishes or eaten plane.
>eaten plane
I'm onto you, Mr. Hamas Shill. We won't let you get away with your terrorist antics this time - hummus scanners are being installed at airport security checkpoints as we speak.
>What a bunch of Hippocrats just like the fucking doctors doing unnecessary and often dangerous procedures if a patent has good insurance.
Woah woah woah, let's leave the political moderates out of this now. I understand that you may be upset with their practices of changing their mascot and filling legislation with pork in order to promote bipartisanship, but that doesn't mean you can lump them in with a terrorist organization like PITA.

>> No.6464736

This is the best reply ITT.

Calculus and Newtonian mechanics aren't all that hard conceptually. I don't think anybody has ever said that about general relativity, which was Einstein's greatest work.

Einstein deeply idolized Clark Maxwell but I can't remember anyone saying he thought particularly highly of Newton (Though I'm sure he did have a healthy respect for him).

>> No.6464740

I am almost certain that Einstein could have invented calculus had he had the need and inspiration.

Calculus is just a simple extension of limits applied to a specific scenario, i.e."instantaneous" rate of change or "slope"

>> No.6465022

>Calculus and Newtonian mechanics aren't all that hard conceptually. I don't think anybody has ever said that about general relativity, which was Einstein's greatest work.

Newton did more than calculus and mechanics.
He worked with optics, fluids, heat transfer,

>> No.6466426

You could say this about any idea in the past.

>> No.6466437

You guys need to analyze the world intelligent. It means being able to apply what you learn. The world gets confused with human mental fuction

>> No.6466450

What a garbage thread.

>> No.6466461

I'm honestly inclined to say Newton was more intelligent.