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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6448578 No.6448578 [Reply] [Original]

What is the difference between race and subspecies?

I have always since a child just seen black people or asians as another subspecies, as a black bear would see a brown bear. I always thought different races were like different dog breeds or different subspecies of foxes. I was then told that this was wrong, morally so, but no one really told me I was wrong and why I was wrong. What is the scientific argument that shows that there are no subspecies of homo sapiens?

When I saw a chinese person for the first time it honestly just felt like seeing an animal, I felt the same reaction.

I live in Finland btw.

I am sorry if I offended anyone, I do not mean this is in a bad way, this is just a believe I have never quite been able to dismiss.

>> No.6448582

I know that feel. Being diagnosed with autism I see people as moving objects. Maybe you have autism too. Have you seen a doctor?

>> No.6448589
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>When I saw a chinese person for the first time it honestly just felt like seeing an animal, I felt the same reaction.
you sound racist

>> No.6448590

there's more genetic similarity between some blacks and whites than two black people from different parts of africa

>> No.6448594

Can you give me a source for that?

That might just be like saying "there exist subspecies within the white race, and there has been inbreeding between africa and europe"

>> No.6448596

It sounds more like a neurological disorder where he is unable to recognize other human beings and to react to them appropriately.

>> No.6448602

I am racist?

>> No.6448607

No, you're autistic.

>> No.6448614

I am not autistic, no. And if I was so what.

Anyways, still waiting for an actual debate.

>> No.6448611

Think of race like you would black, white, and gray squirrels. They aren't different subspecies but they are different colors.

>> No.6448618

You are severly autistic. You've been wanting this "debate" almost every day on /sci/ for more than 3 years. I feel sorry for you. Racism can be cured. Autism can't. Enjoy your disability.

>> No.6448623

>there's more genetic similarity between some blacks and whites than two black people from different parts of africa
>between some blacks and whites

Just 3 instances would qualify. This type of anti science language is used to fool the masses (read dumbasses). While it is technically true it has no statistical impact.

>> No.6448625

It's not only color, asian people have short stocky arms and a wide short skull,

black people have long slender limbs and a bigger jawline.

There are actual physical differences.
do not be angry, I did not mean to hurt you, it's okay.

>> No.6448629
File: 126 KB, 1920x1200, squirrel3456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master race squirrel reporting in. Flying squirrels are lowly sub squirrel animals, they just fly away when threatened instead of using their intelligence to resolve the situation.

>> No.6448631

Keep telling yourself that you're just "racist". It's a comforting lie. If you try hard enough, you can make yourself believe that your distorted perception of humans is just an unpopular opinion and not just another symptom of a developmental disorder. What other social defects are you suffering from? And how do you rationalize them? Do you blame society for being too "degenerate" because you don't get laid?

>> No.6448633

can you imagine someone whose life revolves so strictly around racial politics? christ, how dull.

>> No.6448638

A very narrow range of interests seems to be a common symptom of autism.

>> No.6448643

>Finnish people
>Not autistic as fugg :DDDDDDDDD


>> No.6448649
File: 39 KB, 571x480, 1389812543684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you blame society for being too "degenerate" because you don't get laid?

>> No.6448657

Guys pls stop hurting OP's feelings. You shouldn't make fun of people with disabilities. It's not his fault he was born with his disorder.

>> No.6448664


>make thread questioning weather race exists or not
>no actual arguments, name calling

yeah no, this is not a science board.

>> No.6448666

>bawww people don't engage in my autistic nonsense

Tough shit, crybaby. How about you seek a different playground?

>> No.6448671

haha, I'm having a good time, trust me.

>> No.6448672

In a vain attempt to save this thread, how long do you all think it'll be before humanity either interbreeds enough that ethnic groups will largely cease to exist (ie we all become some sort of vaguely brown-skinned Eurasian-featured people)?

>> No.6448676

No, you're not. I'm convinced it takes a lot of mental suffering to make the same autistic thread every day for more than 3 years. Do you have any social life? Probably not, with your disorder. Go on, keep telling yourself you "trolled" us. If that's the only meager pleasure you can derive in your sad lonely life.

>> No.6448680

The answer is irrelevant in a practical sense since people will (and do) find other reasons to hate each other.

>> No.6448682

>to save this thread

No need to do that. He's been posting this thread daily since /sci/'s inception and he will continue to do so in the future. Tomorrow you're gonna see it again. And the day after tomorrow and so on. It's the only pleasure he has in his life.

>> No.6448683

Didn't read that but good for you.

>> No.6448689

Did I hit a nerve? Tell us more about how empty your life is.

>> No.6448693

Your samefag detector must be broken.

>> No.6448692



>> No.6448696

>calls op autistic almost 20 times
>"Your samefag detector must be broken"

>> No.6448697

You must be new to 4chan. Let our experts on >>>/b/ explain to you how this website works.