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File: 46 KB, 284x177, spaceship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6442383 No.6442383 [Reply] [Original]

Any ideas about alternative methods of travel?

- Spaceships that go at .99C > shit
- Space/time BubbleShip > shit
- Wormholes > probably not
- Rolling black holes > no fucking way

>> No.6442387

Photons generates gravity. Using a series of powerful lasers one could construct something that would allow you to send photons into the past.

I really have no idea what I'm talking about but this is all I can remember from a video I once watched. Anyone know this?

>> No.6442410

Generation ship is the only realistic way of escaping this solar system. We will hollow out an asteroid or a comet and let the nature do the work

>> No.6442412

The terrible fact is that humanity is doomed to stay confined in the solar system until it completly vanishes out of existence.
At best, we will be able to colonize mars and some asteroids, but nothing more.

>> No.6442426

>implying we won't develop a starship capable of holding 10 billions people
>implying we won't use it to leave earth when the solar system will burn
>implying we won't be wandering in deep space until the heat death of the universe, using asteroids for material supply
>implying implications

>> No.6442436


We're starting trials on suspended animation. Replace ALL blood with 10 °C saline solution. This only lasts a few hours, but theoretically if it was nutrient filled and oxygenated saline solution, it could suspend you for years.

>get sent on deep space mission
>90 years to reach closest star
>put in suspended animation
>50 years later technology advances enough that they build faster space ships
>newer spaceship gets sent and arrives before you come out of suspended animation

>> No.6442438

>Space/time BubbleShip > shit

how so? it seems the only theoretical way of spacetravel that isn't bound by the awful 0,99999...c speed limit

>> No.6442496
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>inb4 some retard mentions and defends alcubierre basing himself on newspaper articles about nasa research ftl

>> No.6442533

Waves aren't limited to c, perhaps we could ride waves in some way.

>> No.6442820

Huh, like sending sound data through radio frequencies. Encode yourself and / or other things and be on your merry way. No time / space warp bs needed. Sadly I lack the knowledge to factually humiliate myself for my enthusiasm. Ignorance is bliss

>> No.6442843


That assumes infinite resources to construct ships and create interstellar missions. Why send more than one ship to a single location instead of sending the faster ship somewhere else?

>> No.6442893


Growth is a temporary phenomenon. The modern world is built solely on the free lunch of gasoline. Chemistry and physics have no more rungs on the ladder to climb. This is the top. Look around.

Inb4 someone posts a quote from a newspaper salesman saying flight is impossible, therefore science cannot understand any facet of the world.

>> No.6442897


>heat is the biggest issue in space

>so just make refrigerator ships

>because refrigerators are cold, rite guise?

>> No.6442905

figure out what causes space to expand and harness it to expand local space faster than it, then shrink the ship to normal size when the end reaches the destination.

>> No.6442948


>heat is the biggest issue in space

>then travel in space at night, that's when the sun turns off and it gets cold


>> No.6442962


>everything that can be understood can be made into something that does work for us

>in a universe designed for us.

One or the other, folks. You can't have FTL unless god made the universe.

>> No.6442979

you hollow out a large asteroid. spin it to generate pseudo gravity towards the outside. populate it with a late medieval society. Once it gets to the location desire. AI/robots will awaken and put the asteroid in orbit. Then they will educate the population to the true nature of their existence. Humans will then terraform/colonize the target planet.

>> No.6442988

You really expect the small group of fat&lazy aristocrats that survive will be able to colonize anything?

>> No.6442995

were talking about a trip of thousands of years.

>> No.6443003

Electrons actually have a tiny amount of mass, come up with some method of harnessing ultra-high voltage DC flow to make inertia capacitors.

>> No.6443007

>Spaceships that go at .99C > shit
>Dissing a method that lets you travel to far away places and time travel to the future
Admittedly, "muh energy requirements".

>> No.6443026

You know that an isolated society doesn't make advances quickly at all right?

>> No.6443056

that's the point. you give them just enough technology to sustain and grow the population to the number you need to do the job of colonization, thousands of years in the future.

if their technology got too advanced the population could get too high or they could wipe them selves out. They could also discover the nature of their existence too soon and do something stupid.

You maintain the desired technology/society through an all powerful church and a religion that tells them exactly how to live down to the last detail.

>> No.6443072

>xyz faster than c

>> No.6443079

There you go, fucktard.

>> No.6443081


>> No.6443276

what the fuck are you guys talking about

>> No.6443319
File: 30 KB, 401x318, average4chanppl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course! nothing seen before!

except for Star Trek.

>> No.6443363

>I really have no idea what I'm talking about but this is all I can remember from a video I once watched.
This is /sci/

>> No.6443439

Sadly, not sure about it working in a real context. But waves are not limited the speed of light. Think of a "wave" at a sporting event. Yes it is a wave and if we had an infinite line of people... perhaps string theory. We could set a wave in motion that travels faster than the speed of light. The molecules don't need to move faster than the speed of light, but the wave does! Quantum Mechanics in essence treats objects as waves because an electron is both particle and wave at the same time! But, I don't know, I'm not a physics PhD.

>> No.6443445

Particles are limited to the speed of c. However a wave has a phase velocity, and isn't a physically moving. (Particles do move to create the wave but need not move faster than the speed of light to create a wave that travels faster than the speed of light). So perhaps we could create waves upon the strings in string theory? Maybe it combines with quantum mechanics that says that objects are both waves and particles at the same time. Proven by electrons having a resonating frequency or something, I don't know I'm not a physicist.

>> No.6443449

lol didn't post on my screen so I thought an error occurred.

>> No.6443466
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>Chemistry and physics have no more rungs on the ladder to climb.

>> No.6443519
File: 13 KB, 649x398, realportal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space folding (wormholes)
imagine if flatlanders lived on a pliable and stretchable medium, which their finest instruments fail to detect. but imagine they learn how to move some matter - a string into the void, and cause it to take a trajectory so it lands and attaches somewhere else. then they pull on the string and cause a fold in their 2D space. then they have to put slits in the fabric and stitch them together so they can go through the portal.

>> No.6443525

The flatlanders analogy is stupid. Flatlanders don't exist.

>> No.6443529

> yfw your your ship's trajectory information was lost so you're stuck in the void of space for millennia, while humanity develops immortality, brain uploading and gamma > 1000 spaceships.

>> No.6443542
File: 8 KB, 225x225, as suspected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw your ship is on an erratic trajectory and you awake from suspended animation only to see that your generation ship has evolved sentient cats AND brain uploading AND immortality.

>> No.6443546
File: 51 KB, 444x287, 1395284000728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waves aren't limited to c
Any form of information is limited to c

>> No.6443548
File: 18 KB, 386x350, 1393963959417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Photons generates gravity

>> No.6444229

I can create a wave that has a speed faster than c, it require pre-determinism, but it is still possible. If we can travel into the past we could create this pre determinism when we want it and do it.

Think of a wave like a wave at a sporting event (yes it is an actual wave). If we had a line of people across the universe that were told to stand up at a certain time, we could then increase the speed of the wave to any speed, even past c.

Waves have a "from" or phase that moves, not an actual physical thing so there is no mass to limit it to c.

>> No.6444379


>Inb4 someone posts a quote from a newspaper salesman saying flight is impossible, therefore science cannot understand any facet of the world.

People in the ancient times who said that were uneducated fools or just trolling.

>> No.6444395

but photons do cause gravity

>> No.6444431

But the information is already in your chain of people. You first have to inform all of them and then wait until they position themselves at their predefined locations. You're not 'transferring' information, each of these people would move in an independent manner (although they were pre-programmed to know how to move of course).

Your theory is not "possible" when it requires something impossible (traveling into the past as you say it) to work.

>> No.6444451
File: 244 KB, 651x394, 1396032544809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alternative methods of travel

Blimps, of course.

>> No.6444483

Perhaps. But perhaps that sort of wave would happen to be generated on one of the infinite number of strings. I think the infinite monkey theorem would come into play here.

Don't only think of what's impossible, think of what might be and try to solve around it! We don't know it could happen. Just can't happen with current technology.

>> No.6445450

Is this even possible?

>> No.6445455
File: 290 KB, 582x336, Charon_Relay_and_Pluto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6445487


We steampunk now.

>> No.6445525

>- Wormholes > probably not
Gateways are the most likely form of interstellar travel. Such things absolutely do have the possibility of existing, and if we don't find the mythical and possibly impossible "FTL," it's more likely we'll use wormholes.

BTW, I'm thinking tens of thousands of years into the future. Earth is about to be fucked, so we send the survivors into different, possibly habitable, systems all connected by entangled gates.

>> No.6445534

How does one form this "bubble"? How does one manipulate space and time without ridiculous amounts of matter? A star, for instance, can bend space and time... but it weighs thousands of times more than the weight of everything on earth (more, likely, I just cbf researching it). It does what it does because it has so much fucking matter.

>> No.6445568

A black hole that is very tiny could be formed with electromagnetic radiation (or any other boson for that matter) packed into a very small space. It would have to be stable, but that shouldn't be too hard. Anyway, this black hole would emit a perceptable amount of hawking radiation, which could be used as thrust.
You can use magnetic forces to make sure that the black hole doesn't simply push itself into your ship, or float off into space, which you probably wouldn't want.
This would be a relatively energy cheap way to have constant, but small, amount of thrust without having to lose matter, such as with chemical rockets, or ion thrusters.