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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 71 KB, 960x720, 1395901762721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6441361 No.6441361 [Reply] [Original]

In the upper left of the image below, we see the most common type of illustration used to represent gravity showing a flat surface being "dimpled", in the upper right we have what is a step closer to properly illustrating gravity in a more "3D" way, showing the force acting in all directions within a grid, but again it is still using flat faces, (this time 6 of them on a cube). The lower image is a much more accurate (yet still approximate) rendition of the dynamics of gravity: a hyperbolic toroidial field that incorporates the forces of torque, Coriolis forces and spin, as space-time doesn't just curve toward singularity, it actually curls as it curves, like water going down the drain, forming the dynamic and structure of a Torus.

It's time to stop flattening the description of the universe and depict it much more accurately. Now that we have a more coherent understanding of the forces of nature, so too should be our visual depictions of that understanding.

>> No.6441438

Well stated and I agree with the notion.

>> No.6441549

the first two are wrong.

SPACETIME IS CURVED, not space alone. Also the curvature of a spacial slice cannot be pictured in terms of a grid as above. It makes no sense. How is the grid defined? What the hell does that mean?

the third one is just the hopf fibration and has absolutely nothing to do with this.

Also most of that is word salad.

>> No.6441573


Both are useless. The entire reason gravity works the way it does is that time is distorted as well as space. The reason you fall towards the earth is that time itself is altered so that your very future points toward the centre of the earth. Escape from a black hole is literally the same as travel into the past. Until we have a method to illustrate this, rubber analogies cause more confusion than they solve.

>> No.6441657

I disagree.

All three of those are useful illustrations, since they illustrate different things. If you don't understand what you're looking at, that's your problem.

>> No.6441687
File: 215 KB, 1500x1500, 1395923387612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does gravity exist seperately than magnetism?

You can argue that magnetism works through positive and negative working on eachother, but this would be argument for gravity being magnetism also as we have actually found electromagnetism in both human and earth[1].

How does distortion of time or space have to do anything with magnetism?
What even distortion is? It is another illustation of ACCELERATION of time.. and space. Which actually is based on relativity theory. [2]

Have you ever thought that maybe religion towards e=mc^2 is just another religion and what actually Academia needs is person who will explain Energy in its purest form (truth) and not in its observable (thus experimentable) form which actually makes physics jammed, which is the point where we are.

We are looking for higgs boson, gravitron trying to prove relativity theory, which is just another theory of everything instead of arguing actual filosophy of Everything which happens to be Energy.

Thus making filosophy actually greatest science where people with capactity (who rule the world with great calculation capacity = IQ) don't do well since they are scared of being different (="crazy").

I might've said too much but I don't value my own information, you can rip all my money but you can never take my mind.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biomagnetism
[2] http://physwiki.ucdavis.edu/Relativity/Distortion_of_Time_and_Space

>> No.6441690


>> No.6441703

I didn't expect everyone to understand.

Looking forward for actually intelligent arguments.

Remember kids, you can be schoolsmart with 80 average from uni but still not be intelligent.

>> No.6441708

Too much LSD.

>> No.6441715
File: 44 KB, 1173x479, BoxEffectOfPressure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is response that I love most.

The more you claim im Crazy the more I am convinced that I am over your level.

>> No.6441717

I did not mean that you are crazy. I meant that your speech about energy and all is coherent with the experiences one can feel on acid.

>> No.6441754

do you realize you have a circled labeled "box" in your diagram

>> No.6441761


It is the box where you should get out of.
Even if ones name is box doesn't mean it is shaped as box.

Well these Eurekas that I have felt can be felt without anything.

I have heard that acid just reconstructs information you know already, thus clarifying algorhitms in maths/hard sciences.

>> No.6441767

acid is good for abstract thought, but maybe take some time to come back to earth and straighten your thoughts out before sharing them, since we have no idea what the fuck you're talking about,

>> No.6441773

>have you ever thought that e=mc^2 is a religion
>gravity is just the stuff that's not matter
>we need pure energy

I read this with bangin' LSD head tunes

>> No.6441795
File: 236 KB, 1280x1280, eso0925a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you understand that physics is going circles atm ?

E=mc^2 is just a theory like everything else (God=Christianity, Islam.. Chakras=Energy,Buddhism ETC.) but being very very respected it is being very very experimented and from it pretty much our whole physics have been derived making NO REAL PROGRESS at all. Like proving god in christian community over and over again.

>gravity is just the stuff that's not matter
Dark matter/Energy isn't matter that has mass, how do you explain this?
Gravity doesn't have mass also.

Pretty much these two sentences alone prove e=mc^2 wrong.. How can anything (energy) exist without mass if energy is depending on mass?

>we need pure energy
We need formula of Energy not photon's energy (mc^2) to prove over and over again.

>> No.6441809

>how many pop-sci vocab words can I fit in one post?

>> No.6441853
File: 225 KB, 1280x1240, eso1105a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These arguments.. They tickle my testicals.. Feels awesome :3.

This is what michio kaku must feel.. Damn its good feeling, I recommend going bat crazy!!

>> No.6441989

it's not that we don't understand. We do. It's that the first two are simply wrong. The third is an unrelated picture with no apparent link.

When I said the grid needed explanation I wasn't actually requesting one because I failed to understand. I was implying that there is none and whoever made the picture had no idea what he was doing. I know this not because I have a four digit IQ or a nobel prize, I know this because there are university courses devoted to general relativity. That you can actually attend. Isn't that amazing?

Oh and to the other guy: can you get me some acid?

>> No.6441995


If you think they're "simply wrong," then you don't understand what you're looking at. Sorry, bro.

>> No.6441996
File: 842 B, 179x23, energymomentumrelation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the complete relation and oh look, there can be energy without mass

>> No.6442117

"brah" not even kidding, they are wrong as fuck. If stephen hawking draws a stick of butter and says it's a new model of spontaneous symmetry breaking in QM_infty and people go 'stephen what the fuck are you talking about what does this stick of butter even mean' and he goes 'hurrrr durr muh IQ you don't understand the stick of butter' he is not correct, he is acting like a retard. Even if he is stephen fucking hawing. If you don't explain in terms that are clear to a worker of the field (read: precisely AND technically AND quantitatively), you are wrong, period.

>> No.6442163


You're talking as if everyone has the same trouble you do, which is not the case.

For example, the upper left picture is very simple. It's a 2D model of the potential well. The upper right shows geodesics.

>> No.6442434

geodesics are timelike 1-submanifolds in a pseudo-4-manifold. Care to identify those in the picture?

>> No.6442437


the grid lines

>> No.6442445

Geodesics are not always timelike.

>> No.6442452

those lines are space-like, m8. No body could ever follow them

not-spacelike, sorry. Geodesics followed by massive bodies are always timelike though

>> No.6442457

to clarify: I'm not including in the definition "spacelike geodesics" that mathematically make sense but I find pedantic to call geodesics, as they don't have an immediate physical interpretation.

>> No.6442484

>I find pedantic

that's pretty rich

>> No.6442527
File: 310 KB, 1280x1300, faf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was talking about e=mc^2
Not momentum. (derivation of it.)

Pay attention.

Let me rephrase, can there be energy without momentum? Explain why, because im too tired to make your thinking work.

Also when you try to argument, try to disprove not show something obvious and say "because this detail was wrong your whole formula is wrong", well usually it goes like that but when there is words instead of formulas..., you can figure the rest.

>> No.6442553

you mean E= mc^2(1-v^2/c^2)^-1/2.

>> No.6442560
File: 646 KB, 480x480, diracthing2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find I enjoy troll threads on /sci/ the most.

>> No.6443353

come on now OP, we all know gravity is mediated by gravitons.

>> No.6443395

how can you be so fucking pants-on-head retarded? I honestly want to fucking kill you with a brick right now for being that goddamn dense.

>> No.6443547
File: 352 KB, 1280x1293, potw1044a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit went so over your level that you making it personal now huh? .. If you claim something make your proves not just claims you retarded american.

There is still m, which is mass if you didn't know.

I am talking about calculating Energy exactly without any kind of mass nor momentum ([kgm/s] = Ns).

I am sorry that you retards can't understand it xD I really hope that someday you will be reading my theories instead of jammed and more-confusing ( >>6441573 ) rubber analogies which bring more questions instead of answering just the one "pure" question.

Time goes slower on lower altitude.. Ahh.. I don't even want to try to explain this to you guys anymore. Im outta here, veni vidi vici /sci/.

>> No.6443550

Time goes faster on lower altitude compared to Gravitys' zero point. *fixed

I'm >>6443547

>> No.6443587
File: 28 KB, 149x194, 1389094669817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ecs Dee

I swear trolls here get weirder and weirder. I don't even get the jokes here.

>> No.6443588

>schizo bullshit