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6382878 No.6382878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

LA Times has a great piece on STEM!


No. We do not have a shortage. The US has been shedding STEM jobs, not gaining unfilled ones. For almost 3 decades at this point.

There is a vested interest in driving down wages for those few jobs that remain however.

So there you go.

>> No.6382911

Yeah this is just like the supposed labor shortage in Alberta, Canada that was used to justify the guest worker program. What they actually meant is there's a shortage of people willing to work for the shit wages companies were offering.

>> No.6382919

who cares. just do what u luve and chill out guys. have a spliff jeez. Money is a load of poo.

>> No.6382927


>> No.6382941


>> No.6382954
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This isn't anything new or groundbreaking. Most STEM jobs have a roughly similar unemployment rate to non-STEM jobs. The only saving grace is a higher average salary.

>> No.6382971

Thanks for the read, this will kill the 300k starting meme for till the next boom.

>> No.6382991

It is true, it is true.

Also, it's very weird at the top, because PhD degrees can change from hot to utterly worthless by the time you finish your PhD. Your ability to think critically and solve problems will be great afterward, but nobody gives a fuck because most companies can find someone with hands-on in exactly what they're looking for (and if not here, then from another country), and that's what matters most if they're trying to get something out quickly (more engineering type jobs).

>> No.6383006

Also, the reason why those evil billionaire assholes like ZUckerberg are pushing for immigration reform has nothing to do with illegals in the US and everything to do with a huge increase in H1B visas. All those H1B visas will reduce the salaries of scientists in the US.That's the sole purpose of these reforms. Don't be fooled.

So go stay what you like to do because you'll be fucked either way you look at it. At least you'll be doing what you like for a low salary.

based on facts.

>> No.6383014


Yeah, bunch of cocksuckers who just want cheap labor, even though the engineers/scientists are what make the companies successful.

"We can't find any people who are willing to work for peanuts." No shit.

>> No.6383057

It's not all about wages either... you get H-1b people who are hired on salary, then have to work 60+ hours per week. People say "see.. that's a good salary!" but not at those hours it isn't.

>> No.6383129

What about other developed nations? I hear Denmark needs compsci people, and the quality of life there is good. Yeah.. maybe I'll go to Denmark.

>> No.6383141


Yeah, this is why semiconductor companies don't look so hot after you figure you'll be doing > 60 hours if you're in hardware.

Also, very few companies have ~40 hour workweeks at that level (with reduced pay accordingly). I guess they assume everyone wants more hours and more pay...

>> No.6383147

Science --Completely worthless by itself

Technology -- Worth something depending on the degree, and pretty hot right now. You can get 50+k starting with an Engineering degree.

Education -- Completely worthless when underfunded and nobody wants to be a High school or less teacher

Mathematics -- Completely worthless by itself

>> No.6383150

E is engineering.

>> No.6383262


>> No.6383781

Even if any of them were worthless by themselves, why would that be criticism of specifically putting them in a group with other things?

>> No.6383790

wow you totally know what you're talking about

>> No.6385129

>giving opinions on something when you don't even know what STEM stands for

>> No.6385641

thing that matters is APPLIED sciences. if your science degree is not in applied sciences, it's worthless without a PhD. simple as that.

>> No.6385649

then why are most stem graduates/phd students foreigners

>> No.6385675


>if your science degree is not in applied sciences, it's worthless without a PhD. simple as that.

All those useless fucking electrical engineering majors need to get their collective shit together.


>> No.6385693

>then why are most stem graduates/phd students foreigners

because they get to study in America for FREE. their gov pays for them. and they visit from their native shithole and will be something when they go back.

that's why.

>> No.6385699


CS is the only master race. if you wanna live well and have a job, go to CS.

>> No.6386857

Time reports that American students and grads were carrying $1.08 trillion in student loan debt at the end of 2013. This compares to just $253 billion a decade earlier. Aggregate debt grew 10% in the past year alone. 'By comparison, overall debt grew just 43% in the last decade and 1.6% over the past year.' About 70% of students graduate with some amount of debt, and the average amount owed is $29,400. 'Delinquencies on student loans have risen dramatically over the past decade: 11.5 percent of graduates were at least 90 days late on paying back their loans at the end of 2013, compared with 6.2 percent delinquencies on student loans in 2003. Moreover, the Fed's figures on delinquencies hide more stark data: nearly half of all students with debt aren't currently in repayment thanks to deferments and forbearances and the fact that students are not expected to pay while they're in school.' An attached graph shows an alarming spike in delinquent loans that looks a bit like mortgage delinquencies did at the beginning of the sub-prime crisis."
